SENIOR SWIMMERS WIN CHAMPIONSHIP Freshmen Lose Class Title By Two Point Margjn The senior women swam the final meet of their University career Thursday night, and won the class championship from the freshmen by a margin of two points. Although the freshmen defeated the seniors last night by a 38-34 score, their four point victory was not enough to compensate for losses in other meets. The seniors stand at the top of the list with 130.5 points for the season, freshmen 128.5, sophomores 104.5, and juniors 70.5. Of the senior team, two swimmers Stand out prominently in the his tory of campus swimming meets. Elizabeth Lounsbury during her four years at Oregon has been con sidered on of the most powerful swimmers, and best divers of the University. She easily won the five-length event last night in 1.23.5 minutes, and in her dives scored 11.2 points. Janet Wood, senior, won first place in the side stroke, making the two lengths in 31.8 sec onds. Her diving score of 10.1 placed her second in the senior freshman meet. Of the freshman team, Kathryn Kershaw, took first placo in the crawl, 28.8 seconds; Louise Storla, first in back, 16.9, Dorothy Brown, first in the plunge, 63 feet. The EXAM SCHEDULE Tuesday, December 15 4:15—Personal Hygiene for wom en. Wednesday, December 16 8:00—3, 4, and 5 hour ten o’clock classes. 10:00—First and second year Spanish, all sections. 1:15—3 and 4 hour 11:00 o’clock classes. 3:15—Accounting, all sections, and English History, all sections. Thursday, December 17 8:00—3, 4, and 5 hour nine o’clock classes. 10:00—First and second year French, all sections. 1:15—Survey courso in English literature, all sections. 3:15—3, 4, and 5 hour two fif teen classes. Friday, December 18 8:00—3, 4, and 5 hour eight o 'clock classes. 10:00—3, 4, and 5 hour one-fif teen elasses. 200 Sheets — 100* Envelopes Printed $1.25—Postage Prepaid White bond paper—591x7 inches, envelopes to match. Name and address printed in plain typo, with bronze blue ink. Send your name and address with $1.25 and this box of stationery will come to you postage prepaid. An idoal gift. Order a box today. Get your order in before Saturday noon. Valley Printing Co. Stanley Building 76 West Ninth Avenue freshman relay team, composed of Dorothy Brown, Olive Banks, Kath ryn Kershaw, and Louise Storla, won this event in 55.6 seconds. In the sophomore-junior meet run off last night the sophomores won 49 points, juniors 27. Virginia Lounshury, sophomore, won first place in the crawl, free style events, and in the dives. Margaret Pepoon, junior, won first in the back. Florence Hurley of the soph omore team, won the plunge, and Ruth Miller sophomore the five lengths. Myra Palmer, Virginia Lounsbury, Florence Hurley, and Ruth Bloper won the relay for the sophomores. Opinion of Faculty Is Said To Favor A New Campus Publication (Continued from page one) should be a student body publica tion because of the benefit it would be to the University and to the students, by affording a medium for the expression of their talents I be lieve the executive council should sanction it and adopt it as an offi cial publication.” Dean Ellis Lawrence, dean of .the school of Architecture, is highly in favor of the publication. In a re cent research and survey of the schools of the country it was found that Oregon ranks among the lead ing schools in the United States in its scope of creative arts. “But,” declared Dean Lawrence, “we have no proper outlet for our creations. In our music, drama, sculpture, fine arts or architecture, some very out REX SHOE SHINE The Best Place to Have Your Shoes Shined and Cleaned Next tto Rex Theatre L.& R.Beauty Parlor PHONE 1734 Expert Barbers in Attendance Marcelling, Facial and Scalp Treatments Next Door to Rex Theatre A tempestuous drama of storm tossed hearts HOUSE PETERS HEAD WINDS with PATSY RUTH MILLER KRAZY KAT COMIC Today: continuous 1 to 11:30 You’ll Find— GIFTS THAT PLEASE at “The Little Shop Artound the Corner” Eugene Art and Gift Shop McDonald Theatre Bldg. We Are Always Ready TO SUPPLY YOU WITH Lumber, Lathe. Shingles, and Slabwood PHONE 452 Booth-Kelly Lumber Company standing work has been created— but forgotten and known of by very few because of no outlet.” “Naturally, we are in favor of some means of placing our work in some means of publication,” wag the statement of N. B. Zane, in structor in normal arts, “and will say that the department will help in every way possible. A good, ar tistic, publication is a great asset to any University.” Any suggestions, discussion, or ad vice—both pro and con will be ap preciated by the commitee— it’s what they want—the campus feel ing. Communications should be ad dressed to Rolf Klep and tacked on the bulletin board in the .jour nalism 'building or handed to any member of the committee. OREGON MEN The best place to have your hair cut CLUB BARBER SHOP You Can’t Go Wrong on CHRISTMAS WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS 782 AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Will. J JAT) we the power—this world could not hold all the gifts we would shower upon you. But anyhow, remember—we’re wishing you the Greatest and Happiest Christmas you've ever had! University Tailor Go Home for the Holidays via Oregon Electric TICKETS ON SALE Dec. 16, 17, 18—Final Return Limit, Jan. 5, 1926 Dec. 19 to 25 inc., 30, 31, and Jan. 1,1926 Final Return Limit Jan. 4, 1926 ROUND TRIP FARE FROM EUGENE TO Albany .$ 2.10 Corvallis . 1.80 Salem . 3.10 Seattle . 15.00 Tacoma . 12.95 La Grande. 20.80 Portland .$ 5.10 The Dalles.. 9.70 Spokane. 25.35 Baker .23.60 Walla Walla. 17.90 Pendleton . 16.80 Proportionately to All Other Statibns Baggage Checked to All Destinations REGULAR TRAINS LEAVE EUGENE 7:50 a. m. Ltd.; 11:15 a. m.; 2:00 p. m. Ltd.; 6:06 p. m. Making Connections at Portland for All Points FOR ANY INFORMATION PHONE 140 LOU F. KNOWLTON Trav. Passgr. Agt. F. S. APPELMAN Genl. Agt. SEE WINDOW CARDS FOR SPECIAL TRAINS Give Records For Christmas and Get the Yuletide Spirit by Hearing Hearing These New Records 45519 HOLY NIGHT.~.Trinity SILENT NIGHT .Choir 19833 STAR OF THE EAST.-.Trinity THE BIRTHDAY OF A KING.-... Choir 19787— I'M KNEE DEEP IN DAISIES Jack Smith CECELIA ..(whispering baritone) 19834— o ,) 1ST A LITTLE THING CALLED RHYTHM ..George Olsen and His Music PADDLIN’ MADEL1N’ HOME .Whitey Kaufman and His Orchestra Wetherbee-Powers Furniture Co. Headquarters for Victor Goods OPTOMETRIST-OPTICIAN Next Door to First Nat’I Bank 878 Willamette St., Eugene Dr. Royal Gick “THE SHIP A Drama By St. John Ervine Presented by Moroni Olsen Players Tonight, Dec. 11, 8:15 “J wonder if we old peo ple are ever quite fair to the young 1 ’ ’—Old Lady Thurlow in “The Ship.” PRICES: $1.50, $1 and 75c HEILIG THEATRE Shop at a Man’s Store MEN’S gifts selected at DENEFF’S assures that de gree of quality and style that well dressed men in sist upon when doing their own shopping. Starting with Suits, Topcoats, or Tuxedos, one can range down in price as low as 50c for a suitable gift. By Way of Suggestion A FEW ITEMS LISTED BELOW Silk Robes Dress Gloves Mufflers Silk Hose Fancy Wool Hose Shirts Neckwear Handbags Hickok Belts and Buckles Silk Handkerchiefs Linen Handkerchiefs Slippers Guff Links Pajamas ETC. DO YOUR SHOPPING NOW AT DeNeffe’s COMPLETE MEN’S WEAR McDonald theatre bldg. Did They Like OH BOYS THEY DID —AND WE DON’T MEAN PERHAPS HER LATEST PLAYING HERE BEFORE PORTLAND "A STORY AS NEW AS TOMORROW’S PAPER!! And Extra Added Attraction A Vaudeville Treat! Also Pacemaker Comedy “MADAM SANS GIN” —A Eiot Today and Saturday McDonald Theatre Burton’s Modern Maid Jazz Band SIX MAIDS OF MELODY with GERTRUDE DONNERY CHARLESTON DANCER SUPREME Appearing Nightly AT 7:10 AND 9:20 NO RAISE IN ADMISSION Matinee — 20c Evening — 35c —At the Home of the Best AND AT REGULAR PRICES