Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 03, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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Judge Skipworth Declares
War Inevitable Unless
Tribunal Plan Is Adopted
Hughes - Harding Project
Would Leave Americans
Free To Reject Verdicts
“The question that is presented
to the people of the world today
is shall we wash our hands of the
European situation and set idly by
and see other countries join in the
tribunal or shall we take our stand
for a tribunal and for everlasting
peace,” declared Judge G. F. Skip
worth of Eugene, in speaking on
the World Court before students of
the University of Oregon at the T.
W. C. A. Bungalow last night.
“Our attitude toward the World
Court resolves itself to the ques
tion, ‘shall we live in peace or
shall we fight,’ ” said Judge Skip
worth. “Unless the nations of the
world agree to some plan similar to
the World Court, just as sure as I
am standing here wo will be embroil
ed in another world war. We don’t
want to repeat what we have gone
through during the last few years.
Shall we live in peace, or shall we
History Sketched
Judge Skipworth traced the his
tory of the World Court from the
time when the Hague Tribunal was
called in session in June, 1899,
when it was simply a board of ar
bitration, until the present time
when the World Court is actually
functioning and has made throe de
cisions on world questions, although
it has not had the co-operation of
the United States. Elihu Root, one
of our modern American statesmen,
worked out the present plan of
the World Court, ho said.
“The World Court is really a tri
bunal. It is a place where the na
tions of the world may come and
have their differences settled by
judicial decision,” said the speaker
in describing the Court. “I cannot
help but think that the majority of
the people of the United Statos
are in favor of entering the World
Court under tho Hughes-IIarding
plan,” ho said.
Plan Explained
This plan, he explained, doos not
legally oliligo tho United States to
abide by tho decisions of tho Court,
but allows her to participate in all
tho functions of that organization,
including tho selection of tho judges
and the sharing of a fair part of
its expenso.
Following Judgo Skipworth’s ad
dress there was a discussion of va
rious phases of the Court by tlioso
present, and in tho course of tho
discussion tho Judgo answered the
questions of those who were puz
zled about nny part of tho plan.
Bart Kendall, president of tho Y.
M. 0. A. cabinet acted as chair
Oregon landscapes and scenic at
tractions on tlio University campus
nro the subjects of the Christmas
card drawings and sketchos which
members of the sophomore design
class in tlio fine arts department of
the school of architecture and al
lied arts have made for the com
ing holiday season.
Theso cards embody an idea uni
que in the exchange of Christmas
cheer. The sceno is the only thing
on the card, with the exception of
the word “Greetings,” or the words
“Season’s Greetings,” at tho bot
tom of tho sketch.
Tho work of making these greet
ing cards is a problem in wood
block, as a single design requires
a month’s time. After tho stu
dent conceives the idea of the
drawing ho makes it first with pen
and ink, and from this carves the
wood block for printing.
Students have prepared designs
of the Mill Race, the Pioneer, build
ings on the campus, and mountain,
beach and river scenes. Shades are
produced through the use of two
or more blocks for each card, and j
nre spoken of ns “values,” as
white, gray, and black.
The design must be made to fit
the technique of the wood block.
Some have been made on lineole
um, but the problem is essentially
the same whether wood or linoleum
is used.
John \V. Anderson, ’23, now edi
tor of moving pictures and drama
tics of the Portland Telegram, will
address Frof. Ralph D. Casey’s ex
tension class in newswriting in
Portland Friday night. He will talk
on the subject of “Dramatic, Mo
tion Picture, and Musical Criticism
on tho Newspaper.”
Siefert Recalls Custom
Of German Caroling;
Thrilled By ‘Holy Night’
(Continued from page one)
definite form, and set down by
some composer. That is to say, the
carols are often folk tunes modi
fied by art. Carols came into be
ing among white people much as
the spirituals did among negroes.”
“What is the cause of the in
crease of interest in carols!”
“I think it is due partly at least
to the increased interest in reli
gious matters today. On the other
hand, I think the singing of carols
has helped to awaken interest in
religion, too. Many people >get
more spiritual inspiration from mu
sic than from sermons. I can hear
a good sermon and go away in
spired, but I can receive much
greater spiritual inspiration from
hearing good religious singing, if
the singer’s heart is even partly in
the song.”
“You say that carols are pri
marily folk music. I have heard
it said that jazz is the folk music
of America.”
Mr. Siefert took issue at once.
“Don’t you think so for a min
ute,” he said earnestly. “There is
little about jazz to warrant such
an assumption. I believe rather
that the real American folk music
is.found in the works of such com
posers as Stephen G. Foster, who
wrote ‘Old Folks at Home,’ and
many other old favorites. By the
way, a Mr. Howard Milligan has
recently discovered a large body
of musical works by a hitherto un
known American composer of con
siderable merit, along the line of
folk music. This may show that
we Americans have not been so de
ficient in music as has always been
supposed. There is something fas
cinating about jazz, all right, but
it is not yet of permanent value
in the musical world.”
“What about the great success
of such men as Paul Whiteman and
Vincent Lopez, with their jazz or
chestra concerts!”
“They are as yet only novelties.
Mr. Whiteman may some day suc
ceed in making something of value
to the musical world out of his
works, but as yet it is purely in
tho experimental stage. It is pos
sible he may some day do some
such thing for jazz as Strauss did
for tho waltz.
“A musician has to cater to pop
ular taste to a certain extent, how
ever much ho would rather hold to
the higher forms. Pioneering in
music is slow, hard and very often
discouraging work. It takes a long
time to build up a high plane of
popular taste in music. Tho in
creased uso of carols is an encour
aging sign in this respect.”
An important part • in tho pro
gram for entertaining tho high
school visitors this week end is be
ing taken by tho physical educa
tion department. A program will
bo presented Saturday at 10:00
o’clock and in regard to this, Miss
Florence D. Alden, profesor of phy
sical education, says that tho aim
this year is to show high school
students tho typo of program thjit
can bo put over in any high school.
This is in direct contrast to tho
programs presented formerly, which
have consisted of elaborate danc
ing and gymnasium stunts.
Tho program will consist of folk
dancing by the frosliman majors,
stunts dono without apparatus by
tho sophomore majors, and clogging
by tho sophomore gymnasium class.
A discussion mooting will be hold
under tho auspices of the Women’s
athletic association at 10:30 Friday
morning. Janet. Wood, president,
will preside; and tho different,
phases of tho athletic programs in
high schools will bo discussed by
Miss Florence D. Alden, Miss Mary
J. Shelly, Miss Dorothy Evans, and
Miss Janet Wood. High school stu
dents will also discuss their indi
vidual problems in this conference.
Enrollment Includes Many
Of Varied Occupations
From the bus boy to the mission
ary, with several farmers, some for
est rangers, numerous stenograph
ers and a physician besides, the
extension division of the Univer
sity can rightfully claim that its
students are of “almost as many
occupations as are listed in the di
rectory” of Portland.
The teachers have the heaviest
enrollment of any one profession,,
with a total of 322. Students come
next, with 209; 64 housewives and
mothers are enrolled; 17 stenog
raphers; 13 farmers; 17 clerks; 13
bookkepers; two loggers, and two
U. S. Coast guards. Those who do
not state professions or occupa
tions number 283.
Statistics show that the majority
of correspondence and extension
students are from 20 to 30 years
of age, although there are over a
hundred between the ages of 15 and
20, and nine between the ages of
50 to 64. College graduates, work
ing for a masters degree, or just
for the love of study itself, are
numerous. Again, there are stu
dents who take their entire col
lege course, with the exception of
a 3 car or so on the campus, through
correspondence or at the extension
division in Portland.
Nearly 300 young bankers are
fcllowing the courses prescribed l.y
the American Institute of Banking
as regular college work. A variety
of general and specialized courses
in writing are available for those
who have literary aspirations. Of
the class in feature writing, hO
members sold articles in one single
term. There are classes in adver
tising, accounting and art. Pub
lic speaking courses have a par
ticularly wide appeal.
A close inspection of the indi
vidual student reveals that he
ccmes to class for the sole purpose
of learning something in which he
is particularly interested. This is
the basis for the statement that the
extension school is the ideal school
—for there one finds eager stu
dents, and earnest students.
Final Choice Of
Coach Up To Regenes;
Is No Easy Task
(Continued from page one)
doesn’t get the /coach, but doing it
is another thing. The big coaches
must be watched until their con
tracts expire before they can be
made any offers. Even at that,
there are twenty others there with
offers of the same kind. It has the
same certainty as fishing in the
Willamette river. It’s not like
picking apples.
* * »'
University officials have ex
pressed theftnselves in favor of a
high-priced, top-notch coach, and
everything is being done to get the
right man.
• »
Virgil Earl, director of athletics,
on his trip to the east acted merely
as a representative of the Univer
sity. He can only recommend a list
of possibilities to the University of
ficials and to the athletic committee
and the executive council of the
A. S. U. O. The passing on his
recommendations rests with them
and the Board of Regents. Earl can
do no actual hiring or selecting. He
has made every effort to recommend
the best man available and has pre
sented his name along with the other
possibilities to the athletic commit
tee of the A. S. U. O.
* » «
There’s where the coaching situa
tion stands. The new [mentor may
be anyone—Jupe Pluvius, Slip Madi
gan, Paul Schissler, Enoch Bag
shaw, Ma Ferguson, Alonzo A.
Stagg, Fielding H. Yost, John
Scopes, Andy Smith, Clipper Smith,
(or any of the Smith family),
Johnny Beckett or Bed Grange.
You, gentle reader, know as much
as any one.
For no one knows who it will be.
The senior second swimming team
defeated the senior third team last
night by a 31 to 6 score. Anna
DeWitt of the second team was
high point swimmer, wining 15
points in all. She took first place
in the crawl and free style strokes
and in diving. Adrienne Hazard,
also of the second team, had the
next highest number of points, 11.
She took first place in the side
stroke, and second in the free style
and crawl. The freshman third
team sacrificed their meet to the
freshman second team through de
Paints and Building Supplies
44 East 7th Phone 924
Amongst Many Other
Electrical Conveniences
H. W. White
Carroll, the Co-Ed, Says:
“When you take me out for lunch or for din
ner, 1 want to go to the Peter Pan. That’s
where they serve the best, steaming hot food,
and say—the service is excellent. I’ll really
be proud of you if you ask me to eat there.”
The Peter Pan
The first Girl Reserve vespers of
the year will be given at the Cen
tral Presbyterian Church Sunday
afternoon from 3:30 to 4:30. Mem
bers of the Eugene and junior high
sehool clubs will take part in the
program which includes the follow
ing numbers:
Processional, “Hymn To The
Opening ceremony, which will in
clude Christian, American, and
Girl Reserve flag salutes.
Scripture readings, followed by the
Girl Reserve prayer.
Address by Mrs. E. E. DeCou, for- 1
raer dean of women at the Uni- j
Recessional, “Follow the Gleam.” (
Elizabeth Phelps, senior in the
University, who is special advisor 1
for the Girl Reserve organizations [
of h^ugcne, is in charge of the af
fair. The public is invited to at
Vital Policies To Be
Discussed In Assembly;
Building Plans Ready
fContinued: from, page one)
committees. Carl Dahl, in charge
of the plans for the high school
confererym being held on the cam
pus this week-end will outline the
work of the conference. The first
report of the building committee
giving plans for the Student Union
building, basketball pavilion and
new bleachers will also be made at
this time.
Awards To Be jvta^e
Dick Smith, football coach, will
announce the members of the var
sity football team to receive sweat
ers although the awards will not be
made at this time as they have not
been received from the manufac
A special feature of the assembly
The best place to have
your hair tut
Only 3
Thur., Fri., Sat.
m“ The
“This is the picture
that I want to be
remembered by’’
Says Charlie Chaplin
of “The Gold Rush’’
the greatest comedy
ever presented.
Me Donald
“Home of the Best’’
svill be the awarding of an Ameri
;an Legion award to William L.
Cruikshank, ’29 by George Love,
district committeeman of the Am
erican Legion of Oregon. Cruik
shank won first prize in an essay
eontest recently conducted by the
American Legion.
Kappa Omicron announces the
pledging of Vernita Winzenried of
Eugene, Oregon. ~
If Your Shoes
Don’t Shine
There’s no use wearing a neat
suit or a clean shirt—your
shoes count just that much.
Better eon® around and have
them shined up.
“Next to Jim, the Shoe
I Whose Birthday
This Month?
Say It With Flowers
No Other Gift Will
a Convey Your
3; Sentiments Better
| We Are Equipped to Give
I You the Best
a Flower Service
E The University
I 598 13th Ave., East
Phone 654 *
Shoe Sale
Every Shoe in Our Stock Reduced in Price
Specials for
Chippewa 16-in. Pac and
Plain Toe Boots
$9.85 and $8.85
Values to $12.50
Dress Ox Black and Tan
Values to $6.00
Specials (or
All Women’s Patent, Satin
and Kid Pumps, Straps
and Oxfords
$3.85 $4.85 $5.85
A Good Assortment of
Women’s Felt Slippers
Values to $1.50
Sale Begins Saturday
December 6
J. Matt J ohnson Co.
30 East 9th Street
E sjgjgigjgjsjBigjaMaiS)
A Weekly Bulletin Published for
House Managers by the
Three Bills
Or Just One
Every house man
ager knows how
much time it takes
to check over all of
your daily charge
Accounts with all
of your monthly
statements. Those
who trade with us
find this trouble
eliminated as our
store includes a
grocery, bakery
and meat market,
and the orders
from the three de
partments are all
included on one
bill. You can do all
of your ordering
with one telephone
and pay for your
groceries and meat
with one check if
you trade with the
Table Supply Com
It s the little sav
ings that count.”
Table Supply Co.
Phone 246 104 9th St. E.