Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 01, 1925, Image 1

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Now That
the Battle
Is Over
Stories 0 f The Oregon
Gridmen Who Turned
The Purple Tornado
Into A Gentle Zephyr
Now that the tumult and the
shouting has died, and the captains
and the coaches have departed, Ore
gon is glad that the game ended as
it did. If Oregon won, Washington
would have been pulled from its
perch at the top of the ladder into
a tie with Stanford for the cham
pionship. The Oregon players were
unanimous in pronouncing the
Huskies the cleanest, hardest-play
ing . aggregation they have faced
this fall. They are real champions.
The Oregon players spent the
morning preceding the game very
quietly. The men passed the hours
lolling about the hotel lobby, in
specting Seattle museums and points
of interest, and touring the shops.
There was an atmosphere of quiet
confidence and determination. John
McMullen and “Bouquet” Vitus re
turned from a shopping expedition
with brilliant rings containing re
splendent settings. If the stone in
“Mac’s” ring isn’t a real diamond,
he is out $1.12.
•• • *
When Washington went south to
play California, a Portland scribe
chronicled the fact that the major
ity of the Huskies were adorned in
the latest model, balloon tire, golf
knickers. When Oregon went
north, these garments were conspic
uous by their absence. Even Sher
man Smith was clad in campus
cords when the train pulled out.
• * *
Countless thousands narrowly
missed hearing the strains of
“Mighty Oregon” Thanksgiving eve
ning, as the Oregon squad was
scheduled to sing over the radio in
the Marine Orill at Seattle. Owing
to complications in the broadcasting
apparatus, this feature was omit
f. • •
Coach Dick Simith received the
greatest ovation an Oregon coach
ever received when he entered the*
room where the Oregon team was
banqueting after the game. The
players leaped up and m£de the
well-known welkin resound with
mighty cheers for the Oregon men
tor. They all assured and reassured
him that they wanted him back next
year, but Smith declared that Ore
gon needs a full time coach, and he
would have to step aside. Every
one was sorry to see “Dick” pass
out as he is exceedingly popular
among players and fans.
Toastmaster Shields called on
Dick Smith, Bill Hayward, Virgil
Earl, Baz Williams, Bob Mautz,
Ken Bailey, Louie Anderson, Jim
Powers, Ed Kelly, John McMullen,
Larry Smyth, Hojmer Dixon, and
Sam Wilderman for after-dinner
orations, and some sparkling offer
ings followed.
^Tlie funny thing called a “jinx”
has followed the Washington team,
and it has been Oregon that has had
the “jinx” on the Huskies for the
last two years. They felt it. It
was evident before the game. The
Washington players felt it and sup
erstitiously, like football teams are,
they were affected by it. That
“jinx” is going to mean a lot in the
future for it will draw crowds to
see it. The Washington players
tried to laugh it off but could not.
Well, anyway, Oregon only lack
ed one point of winning the “Cham
pionship of the World.”
The election of Bill Kidwell as
chairman of the social committee
of the Y. M. <!. A. cabinet at a
luncheon of the cabinet members
yesterday noon in the “Y” hqt
completed the personnel of the or
All tennis squad members
please report at men’s gym, 4:16
today, in new squash courjt.
Coach Abercrombie will outline
plans for winter indoor practice
i squash and tennis.
All Acts Are Selected For
Stunt Show To Be Held
Friday Evening, Dec. 4
Skits Promise To Be Novel
And Entertaining; Eight
Hundred Tickets On Sale
“College Nite,” the entertain
ment feature of the annual high
school conference, is ready. Vivian
Harper, chairman, last night an
nounced a complete program )for
the stunt show which will be held
on Friday night of this week.
All other conference plans are
pointing to the climax which comes
with the opening of the sessions at
9 o’clock Friday morning, and con
tinues until 2:30 Saturday after
noon. \,
A snappy two-hour program, com
mencing at 8:30, will follow the
banquet, according to Miss Har
per. Both the banquet and “Col
lege Nite” will be held in the gym
nasium of the Woman’s building.
Program Detailed
Special numbors by Dean Mc
Cluskey’s Oregon Aggravators, pop
ular campus orchestra, will open
the program. A fifteen minute pro
gram of jazz music is promised.
Leota Briggs, well known on the
campus from past appearances in
musical programs, will sing a so
prano solo. A male quartet, com
posed of John Seifert, Allen Chris
tensen, Gene Carr, and Robert
Hunt, will sing a number of se
lections. This is a recently-formed
quartet and has been well received
in past programs.
Jane Bodine, who has appeared
many times in University entertain
ments, will read a number of selec
tions. Violin numbers -by Nina
Warnock, who likewise has appear
ed before University audiences,
will follow.
A humorous skit by Edgar, Kate
and Lova Buchanan, promises to
be one of the highlights of the en
tertainment. This talented trio
have a fifteen-minute skit which
is declared by Miss Harper to be
of exceptional merit.
Professional Whistler On List
A baritone solo by Gene Carr fol
lows the skit. Mr. Carr has found
appreciative audiences in past ap
pearances. Janice Larsen, who has
recently appeared with the Wood
land Whistlers on the Orpheum cir
cuit, will give selections of whist
ling. Miss Larsen, professional
in this phase of music, has enter
tained large audiences throughout
the country.
“Backstage Snycopation” is the
title of a skit of musie and comedy
extravaganza, which concludes the
program. Jack Seabrook, comedian,
Ted Slauson, banjo, Boone Hendrix,
(Continued on page three)
Dr. Warren D. Smith, head of the
geology department, hM completed
a paper entitled “Physical and Eco
nomic Geography of Oregon,”
which is to be published soon in
the Commonwealth Review.
The paper is written in 10 chap
ters, each covering a particular lo
cality or section of the state. Among
the most important topics taken
up are geographical position, cli
mate, topography, hydrography, ge
ology, resources, population, and
economic development.
Seventeen illustrations are to be
used in the paper. The frontis
piece will be a photograph of the
relTef map of the Willamette val
ley. The other illustrations are
photographs of scenes taken
throughout the state and maps of
the different areas.
“This is the first time a complete
survey of this kind has been writ
ten,” says Dr. Smith, who has spent
much time collecting the data and
material used in it.
Women Scribes
Will Sell Tasty
Sinkers Thursday
Everybody eats on Thursday—
even the eo-ed. Eor on that day
members of Theta Sigma Phi,
women’s national honorary jour
nalistic fraternity, aro to sponsor
their annual doughnut sale.
Theta Sigma Phi originated
the doughnut sale on the campus
several years ago, and holds the
event the fall term of each school
Doughnuts are to be peddled
on the campus Thursday from
8:00 a. mi. to 4:00 p. m., for five
cents each. The six active mem
bers and seven pledges of the or
ganization have mapped out the
campus in order to supply the
needs in every building.
Seniors And Freshmen Win
Initial Meets
Contention for the class champ
ionship in swimming began in ear
nest last night when the first
teams met each other for the first
time. The seniors defeated 'the
sophomores by a 45.5 to 21.5 score;
the freshman, the juniors by a 47.5
to 19.5 score.
From these scores it would seem
that the freshman-senior contest
scheduled for December 10 would
b<v a hard fou*ght battle from start
to finish. But the time made by
the winners of the meets indicates
that the seniors have the advan
tage over the freshmen. Janet
Wood of the senior first team won
the side stroke, two lengths in 31.9
seconds, Olive Banks of the fresh
man team won first place against
the juniors in this event, making
the two lengths in 38.8 seconds.
Elizabeth Lounsbury of the sen
ior team won the breast stroke in
ten seconds less than tho freshman
winner, Olive Banks, who took
43.8 seconds for the event. In the
diyes Elizabeth Lounsbury, senior
team, won from the sophomores by
a 9.8 score, while the score for the
freshman winner, Lois McCook, was
7.8. '
In the back stroke, however, Do
rothy Brown of the freshman team
won the event in 16.9 seconds, but
the time for the senior winner, Vi
ona Pyrtz, was 17.2 Again, in the
five length swim the freshman com
pares favorably with the seniors.
The freshman winner, Kathryn Ker
shaw swam the five lengths in ono
minute 32.9 seconds, while the sen
ior winner Elizabeth Lounsbury
swam it in one minute, 32 seconds.
The sophomores took first place
in the crawl, Virginia Lounsbury
coming in first, and Beatrice Eish
second. Kathryn Kershaw tjook
first place from the juniors, and
Lois McCook, of the freshman team
took second place. Florence Hur
ley sophomore took first place in
the plunge in the senior sophomore
contest making 50.1 feet. Kathryn
Sclincll, junior, won this evont from
the freshman by a 47.5 record.
The senior relay team composed
of E. Lounsbury, J7 Wood, C. Mar
tain and B. Fish won in this event
from the sophomores. O. Banks,
K. Kershaw, D. Brown and L. Mc
Cook composing the freshman team
won the relay from the juniors.
At the last meeting of the Allied
Arts League, the tentative scheme
of purchasing smocks for the en
tire school of architecture and al
lied arts was approved and accept
ed. It was decided that two kinds
of smocks should be ordered;
smocks for special occasions, rep
resenting the different departments
by colors, and other Bmocks for ev
eryday work.
Other business brought up at the
meeting considered the purpose of
th^. new bulletin board to be built
in the lower hall of the architec
ture building.
‘‘We want the students to use
this board for things that they
think will be of interest to the
school. If you have a design which
you think deserves a little atten
tion, or if you have -anything else
of interest, post it on the board,”
said Prank CH Roehr, president of
the league.
McCroskey And Ludington
On Affirmative; Brown
And McQuire On Negative
Question Will Deal With
Policy Of Intervention In
The Affairs Of China
Oregon Agricultural Collego will
furnish the opposition to Oregon ih
tho first intercollegiate forensic
event of tho year when debate
teams of the two schools hold a
dual meet, one week from today on
tho Chinese question.
Two men upholding the affirma
tive for Oregon will meet tho O.
A. C. negative in Guild hall next
Tuesday night and the Oregon neg
ative debaters will meet O. A. C.’s
affirmative the following day be
fore the student body assembly at
“Ifres'olved, That the powers
should discontinue immediately all
intervention in China’s political af
fairs other than that usually exer
cised in diplomatic and consular
service,” is the question to be de
Intensive Training Done
Under J. Stanley Gray and Kob
ert D. Horn, forensic coaches, tho
Oregon men, Benoit McCroskey and
B. V. Ludington, affirmative; and
Herschel Brown and Jack Mc
Guire, negative; with Donald Bee
lar alternate, have been training in
tensively since the varsity tryouts
October 30.
McCroskey and Brown are both
veteran varsity debaters, and Mc
Guire and Ludington have had for
ensic experience. McCroskey was
a member of tho team which de
bated against O. A. C. and the
University of Idaho last year, and
was also winner of tho Tri-State
and State Peace oratorical con
tests for the University. He is a
sophomore from Salem, majoring in
Brown was a member of the var
sity team which debated against
O. A. C. last year. He is a senior
from San Pedro, California, major
ing in economics. MJcGuiro itast;
spring represented the University
in the semi-final and final national
Constitutional oratorical contests
at San Francisco and Los Angeles.
He is a sophomore from Long
Beach, California, majoring in pre
Ludington is a sophomore from
Eugene in economics. Boelar is a
sophomore in pro-law, from War
Three Judges Selected
Judges for the debate on next
Tuesday night in Eugene have been
decided upon by Elam Amstutz,
forensic manager, and Jack Hemp
stead, men’s debate and oratory
manager. They are as follows:
Judge C. M. Idleman, Portland at
torney, and a graduate of Ohio
State University; Gilbert L.
Hedges, attorney of Oregon City,
and graduate of Yale University;
and Fred Locldey, of the Oregon
Journal, Portland.
Speeches will consist of 15- min
ute constructive arguments for each
speaker and seven minutes of re
Two additional plots of ground
on the campus arc being made into
lawns by the gardeners, according
to A. P. McKinzey, superintend
ent of buildings and grounds. One
piece is north of the Commerce
building and east of the board
walk leading0 to Dcady hall. JTie
other is a 30-foot strip of Kincaid
field bordering on 13ffh avenue be
tween Condon hall and the Admin
istration building.
The ground is being prepared
now and the seed for the lawn will
be planted soon.
Alias Mary Dallera, instructor in
the Romance Language depart
ment, met her Spanish classes again
Monday after a week’s illness
| caused by blood poisoning.
Southern California Has
Final Conference Game
With 0. A. C. This Week
Golden Bears Unexpectedly
Collapse; Single Point
Wins For Washington
Coast Conference Standings
Won Lost Pet.
Washington .5
Stanford .4
Oregon Aggios .3
California .2
S. California .2
Idaho .2
Wash. State .2
Montana .1
Oreglon .0
Tho football season of 1925 has
almost completed tho most hectie
one that it has seen fbr twenty
years. With one more game in the
conference between the University
of Southern California and the
Oregon Aggies to be played this
week end, the season will draw to
a close.
Aggies Have Success
The Oregon Aggies go south
“hopped up” for a victory follow
ing the defeat of Howard Jones’
powerful squad by Washington
State 12 to 17. The Aggies have
gone through tho season with un
usual . success, their most fruitful
year since 1909, whon thoy we®
tho Northwest championship. They
are tied this year for the north
west title with Washington. If O.
A. C. wins, the two teams will be
tied for second place in the confer
Outside tho conference, Montana
won from Montana State 28 to 7
in a game where the feature was
the playing of tho mighty moun
taineer quarterback “Bill” iKelly
was tlio feature. Idaho lost to
Creighton of Omaha by a score of
19 to 34. Idaho’s passing attack
was formidable, but tho weakness
of the defense put them far behind.
“Midget” Beget heaved pass after
pass but to no avail.
W. S. C. does to Islands
Washington State takes a two
week’s lay off, and then travels to
Honolulu to play two gamos there
during Christmas with the All
Stars and the University of Ha
waii. University of Southern Cali
fornia, after the Aggie game will
play tho powerful St. Mary’s ag
Upsets featured tho last week of
play in the coast conference. Wash
ington emerged a victor in the Ore
gon fray by tho slim margin of a
lucky placekick, 15 to 14, after 60
minutes of astonishing football,
featured by some of tho best for
ward passing uncovered this season.
Washington was doped to win by
three touchdowns.
U. S. C. Suffers Spill
The lowly Washington Staters
invaded Los Angelos and returned
a winner over tho Southern Cali
fornia team that buried Idaho un
der an avalanche. The Cougars, in
winning, scored their first touch
down of the season. Another star
entered the football firmament in
“Butch” Meeker, their diminutive
A feature of the year has been
the collapse of the California Gold
en Bears. After smothering Oregon
and Washington State, they were
toppled by Washington and Stan
ford, and dropped to fourth place
in the conference standing. Wash
ton, with a brilliant backfield but
a green line, made an unexpectedly
good showing and annexed tho title.
R.o0. Andrews,.former student of
the University of Oregon, who is
now teaching chemistry in Joffer
son high school at Portland, will
speak to the Oregon section of the
American Chemical Society at its
meeting in Portland, Saturday, De
cember 5. His subject will be
“Equilibria in the Hydrolysis of
Certain Esters.” Andrews receiv
ed his master’s degree from the Uni
versity last summer. He performed
research work under Dr. R. J. Wil
liams, of the chemistry department,
while working for his degree.
University Plant
Uses 8 to 9 Cars
Sawdust A Week
One carload of sawdust is burn
ed every 18 hours to make the
steam which heats the buildings
on tho campus, according to R.
E. McDaniel, engineer in charge
of the University heating plant.
The eight or nine carloads used
every week aro brought from the
lumber mills of Springfield and
Two large boilers, located in
the heating plant, supply the
steam which is piped to all the
buildings. On mornings as cold
ns the ones of last week it keeps
the firemen on the jump to koep
up enough steam.
Only Four Teams Remain
For Title Contest
This week will, in all probability,
see the fadeout of basketball, the
opening sport of the intramural
athletic program.
Four teams remain in the running
for tho coveted championship. This
afternoon one of these will be elim
inated and the three remaining will
play a round-robin tournament,
i Coach Hobson will reloase his
Phi Delta Theta tornado at 4
o ’clock today against “Bat” Nel
son 's Psi Kappa quintet. The
game promises to bo a tough one
' as the loser will be eliminated,
while the winner, with the Betas
and tho Oregon club, will make up
the throe teanJs in tho round-robin
At 5 o’clock the Betas will play
the Oregon club in tho first tourna
ment game. These two teams ap
pear evenly matched. The Betas
have in “Swede” Westergren a
master strategist, and the outstand
ing coach, of the year. Moreover,
they have in “Beauty” Toole, a
port side basket tosser of mean
ability. Oregon club will try to off
set these advantages by merely
dropping tho ball through the net
in hopes of obtaining enough mark
ers to win.
Final examinations for fall term
begin at 4:15 Tuesday, December
15, and continue until noon Friday
of the same week, according to the
examination schedule, issued yes
terday. Examinations will be held
in tho regular classrooms unless
otherwise arranged by tho instruc
Courses not affected by tho
schedule are to bo arranged by in
structor after the last regular meet
ing. These examinations will be
scheduled with tho committee in a
short timo to avoid possibility of
conflict. Permission for early exam
inations is given only by the facul
ty, but variations from the regu
lar schedule in the examination per
iod may be made by the scliedulo
The two week ends preceding ex
aminations are closed to houso or
class dances or to any affairs re
quiring students time in decorat
ing and other preparation. There
are no University regulations re
garding dates during tho week
Tho schedule is as follows:
Tuesday, December 15
4:15—Personal Hygiene for wom
Wednesday, December 16
8:00—3, 4, and 5 hour ten o'clock
10:00—First and second year
Spanish, all sections.
1:15—3 and 4 hour eleven o’clock
3:15—Accounting, all sections,
and English History, all sections.
Thursday, December 17
8:00—3, 4, and 5 hour nine
o’clock classes.
10:00—First and second year
French, all sections.
1:15—Survey course in English
literature, all sections.
3:15—3, 4, and 5 hour two-fii’toen
Friday, December 18
8:00—3, 4, and 5 hour eight
o’clock classes.
10:00—3, 4, and 5 hour bne-fiftoen
Houses Entertain Soprano
Who Likes College Folks;
Lunch And Dinner Given
American Artist Is The First
Of Six To Appear Here;
Max Jaffe, Accompanist
Anna Case, soprano, who will
give a concert tonight at 8 o’clock
in the First Methodist church, ar
rived yesterday morning from San
Francisco where she has been rest
ing for the past few weeks prior
to her northern tour. Her accom
panist, Max Jaffe, arrived with
She was entertained at luncheon
by Kappa Alpha Theta, yesterday,
and at dinner by Kappa Sigma.
Miss Case enjoys the company of
college people, and when here two
years ago, she attended a dance
given on the camus, where she was
in great demand as a partner.
Artist Is American
Her presont tour will cover the
United States and Hawaii; follow
ing that, she is contemplating a
trip to Europe. She is truly an
American artist, having been bom
and educated in this country and
receiving all of her training here.
She has been in great demand all
over the country to sing at such
big public affairs as the Democra
tic National Convention, and the
opening of the great open stadiums
in New York City. She has ap
peared as soloist with the United
States Marine Band, when the
“President’s Own” played at Car
negie Hall, and with the New York
Philharmonic orchestra in its New
York concerts.
• A. S. U. O. Tickets Will
Miss Case’s concert will open the
Associated Students concert sories
which will include five other num
bers during the coming school year.
Students will bo admitted by stu
dent body ticket, and faculty mem
bers either by special rate season
tickets or by faculty student body
tickets. Seats are on sale at the
Co-op and Laraway's Music Store.
A list of poems which have re
ceived prizes during tho last five
years has been prepared by Ber
nice Riso of tho circulation depart
ment of the library. Tho list
is to bo posted at tho circulation
desk and the books containing tho
poems will be placed on a special
The poems receiving tho follow
ing prizes are listed. Helon Haire
Levinson prize of $200, for tho best
poem or group of poems by a citi
zen of the United States; prize of
*100, for a poem or group of poems
without distinction of nationality;
prize o' $100, intended as a leken
of appreciation and encouragement
for good work by a young poet,
offered by a poet; national poetry
prize of $100.
Miss Rise has also mado a list
of tho books receiving tho Pulit
zer prize of $1000, which is award
ed each year for tho best novel,
essay, history, and biography pub
lished. The books which have re
ceived this prize during tho last
five years will be placed on the
bottom shelf of the seven day rack.
The Y. W. C. A. advisory hoard
and cabinet members will give a
tea at the Biyigalow Wednesday
from three to five in honor of town
and faculty women who have con
tributed to the support of the or
ganization. An attractive musical
program has been arranged, and
short talks will be given by Mar
garet Boyer, president of the cam
pus Y. W. C. A., Beatrice Peters,
vice president, and Florence Buck,
president of the organization last
Students will be admitted to
the concert tonight upon presen
tation of student body tickets.
There is absolutely no charge
for students.