VOLUME XXVII UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1925 NUMBER 42 SCRIBES TO SUE TOR SCO LOSSES ON YELLOW FKRfG Sigma Delta Chi Alleges Homecoming (Committee Cancels Selling Permit Moot Court To Hear >Case Early In Winter Term; Real Judge May Preside Following an unsatisfactory at tempt to reach a basis of settle ment with the Homecoming com mittee, Sigma Delta Chi, men’s journalism fraternity, last night announced its intention of suing the Homecoming committee for $60.00 damages which the scribes allege is due them because of the commit tee’s refusal to permit the sale of the Yellow Fang during the Home coming rally. This move on the part of Sigma Delta Chi was made known follow ing a meeting of members of Sigma Delta Chi, Homecoming and Student Body officials, who it appears, were unable to agree on the responsibil ity for the affair. Censors Delay Publication The Yellow Fang, mud slinging publication, was published Satur day afternoon and evening of Homecoming, and because of unrea sonable censorship, according to the seribes, printing of the Fang was delayed to the extent of making sale at the rally impossible. The Homecoming committee, in defense, contend that the censor ship of the Fang was warranted; and that late printing was due to Sigma Delta Chi’s lack of organiza tion and preparation. Present at the meeting last night when the attempted reconciliation fell down were James Leake, chair man of Homecoming, and James Forestel, chairman of the rally com mittee, both representing the Home coming committee; Walter Mal colm, student body president, rep resenting the associted students; Harold Kirk, president of Sigma Delta Chi and Edward Miller, Em erald editor, both representing Sig ma Delta Chi. Judge May Preside Trial will probably take place the first of the winter term when the moot court season for campus lawyers finds its inception. An at tempt will be made to secure Judge Skipworth to preside, it was said. Because of the claim made by certain persons that faculty mem bers aided and abetted the censor ship and because of the large num ber of student officials involved in the case, it may be expected that campus-wide interest will be at tracted by the affair. NEW OFFICE OF DEAN OF MEN IS ALTERED A few nails, several jeans lof paint, and a trip to Portland after furniture, are the details that re main to be done before H. Walker, dean of men, moves into his new office, which is really Dean Ester ly’s old one. Several weeks ago Mrs. Esterly moved her headquarters to the old psychology room in the Adminis tration building. Dean Walker intends to move during the Thanksgiving vacation if the necessary carpentry is com pleted by that time. Mrs. Clara Pitch, secretary of the Administrative office, will occupy Dean Walker’s present location on the second floor of the Ad build These changes have been contem plated since the begining of the school year, but owing to the fact that extensive remodelling was ne cessary they have not been made. FACULTY RECEIVE RATES The finance committee of the As sociated Students of the University of Oregon have decided to sell sea son tickets for the concert series to faculty members for $4.00. The ! price otherwise would be $8.00. This does not apply to the mem- i bers of the faculty having A. S. U. O. membership tickets. Gray Dusk Descends on Hayward as Team Cheers in Farewell Members of Oregon Varsity, who Never Again Will Play Before Home Crowd, Give ‘Three’ As Local Football Careers Come to An End By Harold Mangum Dusk descended on the football field like a grey maatle gently' floating down, last night, and a little knot of Oregon men in tat tered blue jerseys formed in a clus ter and gave three cheers for Hay ward field. A trifling incident, probably done in a spirit of horseplay, but it sig nifies that those Oregon men have dug their cleats into the shifting sawdust of Hayward for the last time. Never again will they face Oregon’s athletic foes before a home crowd. That incident, trifling enough, meant a lot to those men. Four years ago they entered col lege as freshmen. Then they all had dreams of championship teams, and hopes of representing Oregon and Pacific coast football in the annual classic at Pasadena. Now those hopes are memories. Due to mistakes, both of commission and omission, and the stern nod of Fate, that glory has been denied them. Winning or jlosing, tt^ey have practiced faithfully night af ter night, season after season, and now its all over. Much has been said about Oregon [spirit both this.season and in past seasons. Perhaps too much. But Oregon spirit and Oregon fight are factors that have to be reckoned with. Last year, Washington had a bet ter team than they, have this year, and were everywhere picked as championship certainties. You re member how they invaded the Ore gon campus that rainy day in No vember, 1924, and the result—their hopes were nipped in the bud when an Oregon team, filled with Oregon fight, rose triumphant. Those twenty-nine players didn’t leave for Seattle last night to be beaten. Man for man, the Oregon team compares lalmost favorably with the Huskies. The teams UBe practically the same plays. In case this game resolves, as other Oregon Washington games have in the past, into a knockdown and drag out, man for man battle, With neith er side giving or accepting quar ter, (anything can happen—any thing is very likely to happen. Bemember David and Goliath— and Oregon doesn’t need a bean shooter! E STUDENTS GIVE S350 IN RED CROSS DRIV Roll Call Is Held Success By Chairman Winterer Although the final count had not yet been made, more than $350 were contributed to the Bed Cross Roll Call yesterday, according to a statement made last night by Steele Winterer, chairman of the drive. The amount subscribed through booths located at the new and old libraries and the administration building, was slightly more than $200. The remaining amount was collected by representatives in the living organizations and halls. The result of the Roll Call was considered by Mr. ' Winterer >and Walter Malcolm, student body pres ident, to be succesful, considering the facts that the drive was for a very limited time and immediately preceeded the Thanksgiving vaca tion. F. L. Amitage, Eugene Red Cross representative, expressed pleasure over the results of th drive to the committee. The commmittee in charge wished to express their appreciation of the work done by the representatives on the campus and to the students who contributed, Mr. Winterer an nounced. FRESHMAN CAPTURES LEGION ESSAY CONTEST ■William Cruiksliank, a 17-year old freshman in business administra tion, has won first place in Oregon in a state essay contest con ducted by the American Legion. The silver medal to be given the winner in each state will be for mally presented to Cruikshank through the loeal American Legion Post at the regular assembly, Thursday December 3, according to announcement made yesterday. Cruikshank wrote the essay, he said, more for credit in his high school English course than with the idea of winning the state contest. The subject of the 500-word paper is “Why Has the American Legion, an organization of veterans of the World War, dedicated itself first of all to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States of America!” Cruikshank, by winning the state contest, is eligible to receive a na-1 tional prize. CLOSE COMPETITION IN SWIMMING MEET Frosh Fourth Team Wins Hard Fought Contest The scores for last night’s swim ming meets: freshman fourth team 42, fifth team 4, and freshman sec ond 32; junior second 19, do not al low for a fair interpretation of the contests. Every 'event was hard fought; difference between first and second place winners were silght. Competition was so close as to bring real rooting from the rest of the team members and spectators. Although the meets were not con spicuous for their form and speed, they showed the first real spirit of rivalry and fight of the contests .held so far this season. Maude Moore, of the freshinan first team was high point winner of the meets with 15 points in all. Win ifred Weter of the same team came in second with 13 points. Louise Storla of the freshman second team was third with 10 points. The senior and sophomore first teams proved their superiority over the second class teams in meets last Friday night. The senior first team won from the senior second by a score of 38 to 21, and the sophomore first from the sophomore second by a score of 37 to 25. According to the tiime made in these meets and in the meet held Wednesday between the freshmen and juniors, the seniors have the best chance of winning the finals. Only points won /in competing with other first class teamB will be considered, however, in determining the champion team of th(^ contests, says Miss E. Troemel, swimming coach. This means that the points which a first class team amasses in contest with a second team, will not be considered in counting the points of the first team for the swimming championship. THEATRE ACTIVITY REVIVED This year the drama and speech arts division of the English de partment is endeavoring to forward the idea of the Guild Theatre group as a student activity to be includ ed among the other campus activi ties, such as the Emerald, W. A. A. and debate. One program is to be given by the department this term, .plans are to be made to have two entire castes for each play produced, en abling a larger number to take ac tive part in the department work. All the costumes and sets are being designed by the play production class, which has only ten members. University Debate Work To Continue During Vacation While most of the students nro leaving this afternoon for their homes and an enjoyable vacation time with Thanksgiving dinner, parties, and renewal of acquaint anceships in their respective com munities, some of the students are remaining in Eugene because their homes are too far away. Little studying will be done among the student body at large but five men on the University debate squad will be training in tensively for the first intercolle giate debate which comes with O. A. C. on Thursday, December 10. Under J. Stanley Gray, they will meet daily for rebuttal practice and delivery for the grueling mental contest with the O. A. C. orators. The men are a part of the var sity squad to be used this year. They are: Benoit McCroskey, B. V. Ludinglon, Jack P. McGuire, and Hershcel Brown, with Donald Beelar, alternate to be used in case of necessity. UN CONDEMNS ITALY FOR CENSORINC NEWS Suppression B y Mussolini Results in Unbelief What is the ethics or political expediency of the wholesale sup pression of newspapers by Musso lini, premier of Italy, and the Fa cist party? When Erie W. Allen, dean of the University school of journalism, was confronted with this question, he said: “One of the penalties that Mus solini must pay for his policy to ward the press is that no one any where in the world can read Ital ian news with any confidence that it is fair and unbiased. It can be taken as certain the Italian news is uniformly more favorable to the Fascists than the facts justify. Just what happened recently in Italy no one outside of that country can say with any confidence, and possibly we shall never know. There may have been an attempt to overthrow the Savoy dynasty. On the other hand, it is extremely likely that whatever happened is being greatly distorted to create an impression at home and abroad favorable to the Mussolini regime. “If Mussolini wants the world to believe the news that comes out of Italy at its face value, he should change his attitude towartl the press. We can trust our press serv ices to do their best under the cir cumstances, but getting news in Italy unfavorable to the present arbitrary and violent government is no easy task. “I saw a little something of how the suppression of news was work ing in Italy when I was there two years ago. And since then I have believed that the idolaters of Mus solini, and these appear to be many in all countries, are people who are easily fooled by propaganda. “Italy has had many Mussolinis in its long history, but this is the first time one has succeeded in con vincing the world that he is an angel of progress, of justice, and of modern civilized ideas.” BOOKS ADDED TO SHELF “One Increasing Purpose,” the most recent book of A. S. M. Hut chinson, has been added to the rent collection of the library. Other new books placed on the rent shelf are: “The Confession of a Fool,” by Au gust Strindberg; “Five Oriental Tales,” by Comte DeGobineau; “The Hoad,” by Hilaire Belloc; “The New Age of Faith,” by John Langdon Davies; “The Hounded Man,” by Francis Cargo; “Two Lives,” by William Ellery Leonard; “Prairie,” by Walter J. Muilen burg; “God Head,” by Leonard Cline; “Christinia Alberta's Fath er,” by H. G. Wells; “Across the Moon,” by Hamish Macleod; “Is land of the Great,” by G. Haupt man; “The Enormous Room,” by E. E. Cummings; “Daughters of Fire,” by G. DeNerval; and “Elder Sis ter,” by Swinnerton. CHURCH ANCLE ON HIGH PRICE OF HATE GIVEN Hubert Herring Deplores Religious Strife Among Various Denominations Lecturer Will Give Talks Before Sociology Majors On Subject Of Balkans “Duties of education and reli gion aro to have an energized con science and a determination not to accept things as they are, but to shake them up so they will come out aright. You see what you are trained to see and you hear what you are trained to hear. Let us hear the hate in the world today,” said Hubert C. Herring, secretary of the commission on social service of the National Congregational council, in his address, “The High Price of Hate,” in Guild hall last night. Strikes Described The speaker told of the former deplorable strife along the water front in Seattle, which resulted in a series of strikes and lockouts. “Then,” he said, “came the new desire of employers working with employees to attempt to find the common ground of their interests, continuity and security. That is a most hopeful situation. I feel we are coming to a new era in the re lationships between capital and labor. “The protestants have made fools of themselves by dividing up into different groups,” Mr. Herring de clared. He told of a Montana town in which he had visited that had a population of but 160 people and an equal amount in the surround ing country, which had four diff erent churches fighting for supre macy. He also deplored the bad relations existing between Catholic and Protestant churches since the war. i Two Meetings Today This morning Mr. Herring will adress two sociology classes, one, Kimball Young’s 9 o’clock section which meets in room 101 of Mc Clure hall, and the other, Doan Young’s 10 o’clock class which meets in room 101 of the sociology building. The Balkan situation will be discussed before Dr. Young’s class. All those interested are in vited to attend. MANY UNUSUAL NAMES IN STUDENT DIRECTORY Campus statisticians found some thing new on which to epnter their interest when the student directory came off the press. Not only was their interest attracted to cold fig ures, but every unusual feature of names did not escapo them. The Smiths who led the list in the directory with 28 names last j ear have fallen down to 22, for feiting the lead to the Johnsons who numbe.- 24 strong. Jones is thud with 10. Those whose names bear an neo logy with professions of life are not lacking, either in number of variety. Bakers, Porters, Barbers, Millers, H inters, Taylors, and Car penters are in promince, while King, Potter, Monk, Alderman, Duke, Pope, Harper, Weaver and Mason are also there, but in lesser num bers. The directory is by no means limited in versatility, but carries on to representatives of foods and drinks. These are Beans, Bacon, Bunn, Bear, Honey, Lemon, Gra ham, Berry, Fish, Bass, Rice, Oates, and Cherry. The volume is also colorful, this being accentuated, by the Blacks, Whites, Grays, Browns and Greens. Browns head the lists with 13 names. The book does not end here by any means, but extends its-elf to include the animal king dom and its near relations, these being, Fox, Hare, Hart, Swan, Crow, Fly and Peacock. “Oskies” At Train Speed Team After Strong Husky Gang More than 500 students gavo the members of the football team a rousing send-off when they boarded a north bound train for Seattle, and the 'game with the Huskies Thursday, at 6:30 o’clock last night. Yell King Martin and Yell Duke Warner led the cheers. No speeches were given •'by members of the team, or the coaching staff; nor were any pep talks given by the yell staff. The 29 gridiron men making the trip, however, appeared in a deter mined mood to win. As the spe cial pulled out of the station, an “Oskio” was given. 6ETAS-QREG0N CLUB DOUGHNUT VICTORS Basketeers Last Tilt Set For Coming Week Displaying a fighting form in the final sodbnds [before the timer’s whistle stopped the game the Beta Theta Pi aggregation erf basketeers yesterday handed Sigma Chi its first defeat of the season taking tho long end of a 17 to 12 count. In the second gamo Oregon club ran rampant and drew a win over Sigma Nu 23 to 9. Both games showed some clever manipulation of ball carrying and running. Players 'on all teams carried tho ball for considerable yardage, but this yardage availed nothing and referee Spike Leslie was watching with a wary eye and calling a foul for each attempt to rush. Several points were made by this method in the Beta-Sigma Chi game. This game was the closest and hardest fought of the two and dur ing the first half both teams play ed par ball. However, when the whistle sounded for the second, Beauty Poole, tore through the de fense and broke the tie. Prom hero on the battling Beta’s fought to victory. They seemed to possess a spirit which guided them on to victory. This spirit came, how ever, from the^ words hurled at them' by their dynamic midget coach, “Swede” Westergren. This star coach kept his team fighting throughout. “Plunks” Reinhart, coach for the Sigma Chi tried his best to koep him men going but could not outwij the Beta flash. Epps and Toole shone for the Beta Theta Pi team while Westphal and Slasson did likewise for the Sigma Chi’s. In tho second game the Oregon club led by Boyer and Sharp scor ed enough in tho first half to put the gamo on ice. The Sigma Nu team tried vainly to overcome this first half lead, but was not cap able of the task set before them. However, the Dahl brothers made a creditable account of themselves during tho game. This concludes the doughnut games for this week, but starting next Tuesday the final round will bo run off. DATES FOR ANNA CASE MAY BE OBTAINED NOW Any living organizaffyn which might desire to have Anna Case, noted soprano, who will be here for a concert on December 1, as a dia ner or luncheon guest, can make arrangements with Jimmy Xienke. It will be a case of first come, first served, as she will be here only a short time, and any one interested must see about it immediately. Anna Case likes college people. Two years ago, when she gave a concert here, she attended a dance at the College Side Inn where she was laterally the “life of the party.” She gave the feature by singing a few songs, and enjoyed herself im mensely. She will be here Tues day, December 1, and will very likely stay oyer until Wednesday. HOMECOMING SETS RECORD Figures compiled in the office of the alumni secretary, Jeannette Calkins, show tha'. 183 more alumni registered at Homecoming this year than last. There are always a num ber of returned graduates who do not register, but it is a small min ority. In 1924, there were 385 reg istered ana this year approximately 548. FINAL WHISTLE SOUNDS; OHIO PRACTICE ENDS Hard Training Evident In Team Play; Two Full Squads Are Making Trip Attendance Is Expected To Exceed 25,000; New Plays Are To Be Used An hours* work on signal run ning and a half hour of . dummy scrimmage wound up the final prac tice for the season and put the fin ishing touches on throe months of hard drill. Hayward field is rele gated to the darkness that has closed every practice this fall. “The men are in the beat of con dition. They are pbppjy. ' T^ieTe is no staleness. Every man who is entering the game has been work ing on the team. This week is the first time in tho whole season that the men who entered the game have been able to practice together be fore the game,” were the final .words of Baz Williams. Game Means Much to Team The gamo Thanksgiving day in the big University of Washington Stadium means a lot to the varsity. If the team can hold and get the better of that powerful Husky ma chine it will be enough to wipe out the defeats of the season with one clean sweep. The morale of the team is high. It is difficult for a team to go through the season with the morale of the team still up. The team is full of snap. There is no drooping of spirit. So the eleven which will be led out on the field by Captain Bob Mnutz will be in the best men tal and physical shape that it has been in this fall.* It ought to give the coast champions a mightly hard battle. New Plays Perfected The team has been taking light workouts for the last week and a half. The hard rough scrimmage work is useless at this time of the year so signal work and dummy scrimmage was run through to per fect the new plays to , be used against the Huskies. New plays have been added to the repetoire of the team after every game so that quarterback Louie Anderson will have a list of puzzlers to pull on the northerners iri the coming game. Two full teams worked out last night on Hayward field. The ma terial in those two teams was ex ceptional in the history of Oregon football. One team was as ver satile and as fast as the other. There was power, and brawn in both. The curtain rings down on the homo gridieon. There were punters, line plungers, centers, linesmen, passers, ends, and every thing that makes a team. The team measures up with anything that Washington will send into the game. Thirty Making Trip Thirty men were taken along on the trip and it is probable that all of them will play in the Thanks giving classic. The game is attracting attention in Seattle and advance sales of tickets show that the attendance will be ovor 25,000. It is the only big game of the northwest in which the enthusiasts behind the Huskies will have to see them in action. Super Work Expected Coach Dick Smith has drilled the team in some new stuff that will be opened up against Bagshaw’s men. The Washington coach is tak ing no chances. He has ^worked his team hard for this game and is sending in his first team to start the game. His supervarsity under thecoaching of Bart Spellman has been tearing up the regular varsity in scrimmage. Players on the team state that the attack of Oregon as represented in the supervarsity is the most versatile and deceptive that they have met this year. ANNOtTNOEMElfl Kappa Alpha Theta announces the pledging of Mildred Stevens of Detroit, Michigan.