Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 15, 1925, Image 1

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on the
Persona! Items Gathered
From Former Students
Now On Campus
Among the visitors at Susan
Campbell hall is Marie Briggs of
Salem. Miss Briggs is an ex-’24,
and a former journalism major. Be
fore coming to the University Miss
Briggs served one term as page in
the state senate, and she has since
been a legislative clerk, and pri
vate secretary to a former state
treasurer, acquiring more than the
usual familiarity with the way
state business is done and with the
personalities of those who attend
to it.
* * *
Three medical Theta Chis are
here for Homecoming. Balph Pos
ton (’23), Dwight Gregg (’22), and
Wilbur Bolton (’24). Poston, whose
home is in La Grande, was a glee
club member while in college. Gregg
is an Ashland man. Bolton, from
Antelope, is the red-haired member
of the trio. Besides which, he’s
a Phi Beta Kappa.
Melvin Kaegi (ex-’24), of Ash
land, is at the Theta Chi house.
He’s in* business in the Lithia
Water city. - < ■
Velma Farnham, former student
and journalism major, is on the
campus for Homecoming. Miss
Farnham is advertising manager for
the Tillamook Herald. While on
. the campus, she was Oregana edi
tor, 1922-’23, and a member of Mor
tar Board and Theta Sigma Phi.
p * *
Elsie Bolt, who left school last'
spring on account of ill health is
being welcomed back by her many
fjiends on the campus. She looks
“hale and hearty’’ and says she
is as well as she ever was. Elsie
left in May, and would have grad
uated in June. “I have spent most
of my time at home in Lebanon
this summer, getting well,” she
“Teaching is fine and eaatefn
Oregon isn ’t half as wild and wool
ly as I thought,” reports Charlotte
Newhouse, ex ’25, who came down
from Heppner, Oregon yesterday
for Homecoming. . Charlotte han
dles the commerce department of
the Heppner high school.
Frances Simpson, ’25 graduate in
journalism, arrived on the campus
early yesterday from Heppner, -Ore
gon, where she has been occupied
this fall instilling the principles of
journalism in the minds of small
high school literary aspi,ra,nis.
Frances is busy renewing old ac
quaintances around the shack, and
on the campus.
Myron Shannon, class of ’25, is
back for Homecoming. Myron was
Manager of the Oregana in ’23 and
i ’24. He is a member of Phi Kappa
• » »
Sam Cook>. class of ’25, tarsity
letterman, is on the campus for
Homecoming. Sam reports that he
is running bis father’s big ranch"
near Pendleton. He is a member of
Phi Kappa Psi.
Across the McKenzie Pass from
Bend, Margaret Inabnit, graduate
in Sociology last spring has journ
eyed for homecoming. Margartet
is one of the charter members of
the new Sociology fraternity, Alpha
Kappa Delta. She says she doesn’t
know what she is going to do this
year. She thinks she may continue
her studying in Portland.
Jane Gavin, assistant to Dr. Ber
tha Stuart last year, is on the cam
pus for Homecoming.
* * *
August DeWitt, (’24), editor of
the Oregana, star tennis champion,
member of the Woman’s Order of
the “O” and former secretary to
Dean Virginia Judy Esterly is on
the Oregon campus for Homecom
ing. Miss DeWitt is now private
secretary for President Landers of
the Oregon Normal School.
Miss Bosalia Keber ’24, day edi
tor of the Emerald, Theta Sigma
Phi and Mortar Board, who is
now working on the Salem Capital
Journal, is here for Homecoming.
Miss Keber is staying at the Al
pha Delta Pi house.
Jens Tergeson, member of Ore
gon’s backfield .for the past two
years also arrived early. He regis
tered as a rancher from Pendleton.
Raymond Williams, ’14, who des
fContinued on page fov>
James Leake
Bob IXcCabe
Carl Dahl
Next Convention of P. 1. P. A.
Will Be Held In Reno
At University Of Nevada
Ih' a formal resolution, the Pa
cific Intercollegiate Press Associa
tion, composed of editors and busi
ness managers of 12 coast univer
sity" and college newspapers, .yes
terday decided to embark on a gen
eral editorial campaign in opposi
tion to football commercialism.
Officers Are Chosen
This was one of the final &cts
of the annual conference here which
came to a close with a banquet
at the Osburn hotel last night.
The next convention to be held
in 1926 will take place at the Uni
versity of Nevada, situated in Bfeno.
The Nevada Sagebrush will be the
Other resolutions were:
1. Freedom from faculty supervi
sion and censorship.
2. College papers should be main
tained as college newspapers and
not as publicity organs for off-cam
pus organizations and enterprises.
3. World news service in papers
which are equipped to handle it.
and which are not handicapped by
competition with metropolitan
t News Service Planned
Beipauguration of the intercolle
giate news service was also made
by the conference when it was de
cided to have the California Pub
lications’ office act as the clear
ing house for such news. This of
fice was also appointed secretary
of the association.
University credit |pr major
workers on college and university
newspapers was advocated by the
Dean George Rebec, chairman of
the University foreign scholarship
committee has announced that the
Rhodes scholarship to Oxford Uni
versity will not be awarded this
year in the state of Oregon. Since
the scholarship is tenable for three
years, there will be one year out of
every three in which there will be
no election.
Mrs. Clara Fitch, secretary of
the foreign scholarship committee,
Dean Rebec will giye advice
for those who are to qualify next
A candidate to be eligible must
be a male citizen of the United
States, unmarried, between the age
of nineteen and twenty-five; and
he must have completed his sopho
more year in college.
Candidates are selected by their
own college or university accord
ing to qualities of literary and
scholastic ability, physical vigor,
force of character, leadership and
qualities of manhood. These de
faile are also considered by the
state committee in the final se
The stipend has been raised from
350 pounds a year to 400 pounds,
1 which is equivalent in American
1 money to about $2,000. It has
! been found that even this sum is
not sufficient to meet the increase
in the cost of living in England.
FRONT ROW—Left to right, James Forestel, Dudley Clark, Lee Luders, Dorothy Myers, Edith Sorenson, Elam Amstutz and Ward Cook. Rear
row—left to right, Edward Smith, Hugh Biggs, Ed Therieau, James Leake, general chairman; Earl Smith, and Ken Stephenson.
Alumni of the University decided
by a unanimous vote yesterday
morning at their semi-annual, meet
ing to go -(jn record as opposing the
transfer' of the O'. A. C.-Oreg(on
game to Portland in the future,
game to Portland in the future. At
the same session, president and sec
retary were reelected.
“You don’t see Stanford or Cali
fornia moving up to San Francisco
for their games;' Homecoming
wouldn’t be Homecoming without
a game with our old rival;” “It is
commercializing the game;” “We
must remember that we 'owe some
thing to the campus and Eugene;”
were typical sentiments expressed
in the discussion of the proposed
uommutee suggested
A recommendation was made and
•'approved that the Alumni council
appoint a visiting committee com
posed of six alumni, one being a
faculty member, another a regent,
and three others not connected offi
cially with the University but cho
sen from the three congressional’
districts of the state, and the presi
dent of the Association, ex-officio
The chief function of the visit
ing committee would be to make
an official visit to the University
once a year and submit a written
report to the Alumni Association
and Council. It was particularly
stressed that the attftude of the
committee should be a constructive
rather than destructive one.
Before* the committee will act
ually function, the sanction of the
faculty and the regents will be
sought, Harold Young, president of
the association pointed out.
New Publication Considered
Mr. Young reported that in Alum
ni Council meetihg the proposition
that “Old Oregon,” official pub
lication of Oregon Alumni, be con
solidated with a new publication
which is being forwarded on the
campus, and be put under student
control. As no definite plan had
been formulated by the students
here, the association was able to
take no action, but referred it
back for student development with
favorable comment.
A motion was made and passed
that a satisfactory field secretarial
service for the Alumni association
be established throughout the state.
Mr. Harold Young, ’14 and Miss
Jeanette Calkins, 118 were unani
(Continued on page three)
By r>iOk Syrlng
First Quarter
Oregon varsity led by Captain
Mautz took the figld at 1:32 and!
was followed by the Oregon Aggies
at 1:33. At 1:37 O. A. C. kicked
off. Snider kicked to the Oregon
15-yard line, where Anderson caught
it and returned it 10 yards. Jones
hit center for 3 yards. Jones hit
left tackle for 3 more. Wetzel
punts to O. A. C. 40-yard line and
Edwards returns 5 yards. Snider
punts to Oregon 42-yard line. No
return. Wetzel hit left guard for
2 yards. Wetzel, 1 yard through
right tackle. Wetzel punts to - 0.
A. C. 25-yard line.
Edwards returns ball 5 yards.
Denman, 3 yards through right
tackle. Snider punts to Oregon 18
yard line. No return. Jones through
left guard for 2 yards. Anderson
lose 2 on a left-end run. (Oregon
time out). Wetzel punts to Ore
gon 32-yard line. No return. O.
A. C. ball on Oregon 32-yard line.
Edwards around left end for 5.
Denman hit center for 5. Edwards
through center for 1. O. A. C.
first down on Oregon 21-yard line.
Snider through center for 1. Both
sides off-side, no advance of ball.
Denman, left guard, for 4. Snider,
left guard, for 3. Edwards, center,
for 3. O. A. C. first down. (Ore
gon time out). Schulmerich, right
guard, for 4. Denman, left tackle,
for 3. Denman, right end, for
touchdown. (Time, 1:51). Schul
merich converts goal. O. A. C., 7;
Oregon, 0.
Snider kicks to Oregon 25-yard
line. No return. (Ball kicked
again). Snider kicks to Oregon
25-yard line. Sinclair rfturns for
15. (Logan for Ward at left end,
O. A. C.) Anderson through left
tackle for 6. Jones, center, for 3.
Jones, center, for 4. Oregon first
down on own 49-yard line. Wetzel,
no gain on criss-cross. Jones
through center for 5. Anderson, 1
through left guard. Rickert in
jured. (O. A. C. time ‘out). (Liebe
for Rickert at left guard).
Wetzel punts to O. A. C. 18 yard
line. Snider punts to Oregon 43.
yaj-d line. Vitus 6, through right
j guard. Jones 1, through center,
j Vitus right tackle for 8. Oregon
; first down on O. A. C. 42 yard line.
; Vitus center for 1.
Second Quarter
Oregon ball on O. A. 0. 40 yard
'line (time 2:05) second down 9
yards to go. Anderson passes to
Wetzel for 1 yard around left end.
Vitus no gain on cris cross. Ore
gon offside*, penalized 5 yards.
Third down 13 yards to go. Pass
Anderson to Mautz grounded by
Balcolm. Wetzel punts to Edwards
on 15 yard line. Edwards returns
6 yards. Edwards through center
for 5. Edwards hurt. (O. A. C.
time out) Snider punts to Oregon
35 yard line. Anderson signals for
fair catch. Vitus ga'ins 13 through
the line. Jones 4, through center.
Anderson 2, right tackle. Jtones
through center for 10. Qregon first
down on O. A. C. 38 yard line.
Wetzel left tackle for 4. Jones
center for 2. Anderson right tac- ^
kle for 7. Oregon first down on
O. A. C. 24 yard line. Badley for
Olmstead at right guard.
Vitus through right tackle for 8. j
Jones hit, center for 4. Oregon |
first down on O. A. C. 12 yard line.
Jones right tackle for 1. (Time out
Jones hurt). Wetzel left tackle
for 4. Wetzel loses 2 on left end
run. Pass Anderson to M'autz
gams b. uregon nrst flown on u.
A. C. 4 yard line. Jones center
for 2. Jones {.enter for 2 feet and
Jpnes through center for touch
down. Time 2:22). Wetzel fails to
convert. Luby for Denman. O. A.
C. 7, Oregon 6.
Jones kicks off to Aggie 30 (
yard line. Edward returns for 6.
Luby no gain on right end run.
Edward through left tackle for 7.
Snider kicks to Oregon 20 yard
line. Anderson loses 3 6n return.
Oregon ball on their own 17 yard
line. Wetzel fumbles on 9 yard
line but recovers. Fumble caused
by bad pass. Wetzel punts from
behind own goal line to Oregon 45
yard line. Schulmerich pass inter
cepted by Wetzel. Anderson through
right tackle for 9. Vitus through
center for 8, but Oregon offside
and penalized 5. Anderson right
tackle for 9. Jones center for 3.
Oregon first down on 50 yard liAs.
Jones right tacftle for 2. Pass An
derson to Mautz for 12. Oregon ball
on 0. A. C. 37 yard line as half
Third Quarter
O. A. 0. on field at 2:49, follow
ed shortly by Oregon varsity. Ore
gon kicks at 2:53. .Tdnes kicks to
Aggies 10 yard line. Schulmerich
returns 33 yards. Edwards through
center for 1. Schulmerich left tac
kle for 8. Edwards center for 1.
0. A. C. first down on own 40 yard
line. Denman passes to Edwards
for 16. Schulmerich attempts to
pass but fails. Aggies penalized
5 yards for offside.. Denman
through right tackle for 5. Pass
Sebulermich to Edwards gained 16
yards. O. A. C. first down on Ore
gon 23 yard line. Denman no gain
on right end. Denman left tackle
for 3. (Jones hurt). Denman at
tempts pass but fails. Oregon ball
on their own 20 yard line. Wetzel
made no gain from punt formation
play. On revolving play Vitus fail
(Continued on page three)
More Oregon alumni and ex-stu
dents were “back to back our Ore
gon” this year than at any pre
vious homecoming, according to
Miss Jeannette Calkins, alumni sec
Although complete registration
figures had not been compiled last
night, it was believed the total of
visiting “alums” would |be more
than 3000.
The grads have come from far
and near and tlxey represent nearly
all professions. Each graduating
class, ,it was thought, had at least
one representative. Ellen McCor
nack, class of 1878, the first grad
uating class of the University has
regiterod. Mrs. McCornack was
the only women in that class, which
had an enrollment of five students.
Sho is the daughter bf Dr. Con
don, early Oregon geologist, for
whom Condon hall is named. Mrs.
McCornack has done considerable
work along that line.
“An unusual feature of this
Homecoming is that every one of
the eleven members 'of the Alumni
Council, sxcept Dr. Harold Bean,
of Portland, was here,” said Miss
Calkins. That is a record attend
ance, she said.
At the mteeting of the council,
the members voted to thank the
student committees for the splen
did work done on the Homecoming
plans, and especially James Leake,
for his excellent work as chairman
'of the committee.
The process of registration was
facilitated this year by the use of
registration car^s, according to
Miss Calkins. In former years the
registering was. done in a book and
took a much longer time. The cards
will be filed and used to check
alumni files and for news items
for Old Oregon.
The last night of bonfire build
j ing was rather a painful one for
i Mervin Chastain, freshman and Phi
| Delta Theta pledge, who suffered a
I dislocated shoulder as a result of
| a fall from the top of the pile
of materials. Chastain lost his bal
ance and fell about four feet when
he* was caught by some protruding
object. According to spectators it
was necessary to get a block and
tackle to remove him from the pile,
The physician who was called tc
replace the joint reports that the
bov is none the worst for the ex
Webfoot Penalties Destroy
Team’s Scoring Chances;
Aerial Plays Little Used
By Web Jones
Moving with speed, decep
tion and power, the line-plung
ing attack' 6f the big Oregon
Aggie eleven crashed through
the Oregon varsity yesterday
afternoon on rainswept Hay
ward field by the score of 24 to
By official account, 22,200
spectators, the largest crowd
to attend a game in the history «
of the state, witnessed the bat
Coach Schissler’s team failed to
open up its aerial attack and re*
lied on heavy plunging and conser
vative football for its points. The
super-accurate toe of Wes Schul
merich and his line plungipg were
the outstanding features of their
Oregon Offense Good
Oregon’s offense was far better
than it had been this year but the
defense failed in the pinches. Beal
power was shown near the start of
the second quarter when the team
marched down the field from its
own 35 yard line, on 16 plays, to a
touchdown. “Locomotive” Jones,
the human steam roller, carried the
ball for 40 yards in this drive.
The first score of the game came
ten minutes after the Beavers re
ceived the ball on a kick on Ore
gon’s 35 yard line.
Snier, Denman, Edwards, and Sch
ulermich started a steady drvie for
the goal line, reeling off five and
ten yards to a play over the line.
The line plunging was wound up by
a clever end run for the touchdown,
the shifty Denman taking it over.
Punting Is Persistent
Vic Wetzel’s punting was not
consistent. He got off some kicks
above average but his short ones
took down his average. Snider of
O. A. C. out-did himself .in the
kicking department. Oregon had a
distinct advantage, however.
The second Oregon touchdown
cfime as the result of a blocked
punt on O. A. C. ’s 6 yard line.
Bob Mautz, playing his best game
this year, was responsible for the
score. He rushed Snider of his
feet and fell on the ball. Three
line pounding plays by Jones and
Vitus carried it over.
Aggies Place Kick
Twice Oregon was within scor
ing distance, but through penalties
was unable to carry the pigskin
over. O. A. C. did not rely on the
much touted place kicking of Wes
I Schulmerich until near the end of
' the game when quarterback Ed
wards maneuvered his team into
position and the halfback booted
the ball over the goal posts. Three
times the Aggies were within kick
ing distance but did not attempt
The heart was taken out of the
I Oregon team by costly fumbles and
1 heavy penalties at critical times.
Two penalties of 15 yards each in
1 one quarter set the varsity so far
back they were unable to retrieve
I the distance in the period.
Teams Open Np
It began to look like a track
| meet in the last half when the pol
j ished passing attacks were let
I loose. The backfields of both
teams played “toss the ball” and a
fast one from Denman to Edwards
netted 38 yards. Schulmerich heav
ed another one to Edwards for a
good gain. Then Louie Anderson
opened up. Anderson to Mautz, to
Jones, and to Vitus netted over 30
(Continued on page four)