(0n>gmt Uailg fmeralii fiiitonal Page Edward M. Miller ...-.... Editor SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1925 Sol Abramson . Managing Editor Harold Kirk ... ^Bnortl Editor Jahnar Johnson .. Associate Managing Editor Webster Jor.es .-.•_ P. „... News and Editor Phones, 655 Philippa Sherman .. Feature Editor Frank H. ioggan .-. Manager Wayne Leland .-. Associate Manager Business Office Phone 1895 Wilbur Wester Mildred Carr Esther Davis Day Editors Alice Kraeft John O'Meara Geneva Drum Frances Bourbill Lynn Wykoff Ronald Sellars Paul Lny Night Editors Ray Nash Carvel Nelson John Black Sports Writers: Dick Godfrey and Dick Syrin*. Feature Writers: Bernard Shaw, James De Pauli, and Walter Cushman. Upper News Staff Mary Benton Edward Smith Margaret Vincent Ruth Gregg Mary Baker Jack Hempstead Claudia Fletcher Lylah McMurphy William Schulz Mary Conn Barbara Blythe Pauline Stewart Jane Dudley Grace Fisher Ruby Lister Genevieve Morgan Minnie Fisher Helen Wadleigh Miller Chapman News Staff Beatrice Harden Frances Cherry Arthur Pr'aulx Margaret Hensley J ames Leake Business atari Si Slocum ...-. Advertising Manager Calvin Horn . Advertising Manager Advertising Assistants: Mil^pn George, Paul Sletton, Emerson Haggerty, Sam Kinley, Vernon McGee, Bob Nelson, Ruth McDowell, Dick Hoyt. John Davis __ Foreign Advertising Manager James Manning .-.~ Circulation Manager Burton Nelson _ Assistant Circulation Manager A. R. Scott ... Circulation Assistant Mary Conn, Mable Franson .... Specialty Advertising Office Administration: Marion Phy, Herbert Lewis, Ben Bethews. . ne™em”8°M£n“ber WSdlfc*’'inMe^ate^rV.^A^tetlo^ Entered in *e poZm'cJ at^u^Or^cT'^^ond-clL, matter. Subscription rates, $2.25 per year^C Advertising rates upon application. Phones Editor, 1820; Manager, 721. __________ Day Editors—Alice Kraeft, Trances Bourhill Night Editor—John Black Assistant—Lawrence Ogle L An Open Letter to Colonel John Leader Dear Colonel: We were mighty glad to receive your letter- Of course, we were grieved to hear of your head-cracking trip, but as long as you are safe in the hands of the Bobbies and the Reds we know' all will be well. We hasten to assure you that you are still the Emerald’s foreign cor respondent and that you did very well in your first dispatch. We shall anticipate with pleasure further special news notes from you. • • • • By the bye, Colonel, have you seen Colin and Mrs. Pymeut any place over there? They are loose with only a couple of bicycles and we are wondering how they are getting along. If you see them, tell them, to come home, or at least drop us a card. • • • • You say England is frankly Red. Well you haven’t anything on us. We are Red and Blue and Green and Yellow and Pink and all the rest of the pigments per sonified. It’s the thing nowadays to be deck yourself in brilliant colors; and he who doesn’t put himself in a screaming slicker or flaming “sweate or prespira tion shyrte, ’ ’ as the Seers say, is sadly out of things. At the moment I have on a white “shyrte” but shall have it dyed red this week end. With my new Stetson flat-topped sombrero which the Seniors have recently adopted, I’m sure I shall be quite irresistible and quite broke. • • • • To tell the truth, Colonel, wo’ve been bo busy with Stetsons anti Frosh presidents and football and the rest of it that wo haven’t had time to w*orry about trifles like unemployment in Eng land or moral degradation of which you speak; in fact we haven’t even realized that the fall term is precisely one-half over. * • * • Speaking of moral degradation—next week-end is Homecoming. From all that we can gather, it’s going to be a grand celebration. .Tames Leake is chairman of the affair. Under his direction several new features are being introduced, amiong them a pajamrine parade with brilliant torches and green and yellow pajamas. He who doesn’t own a lemon-yellow noc turnal dress suit is going to feel as lone some as the person with the sweate shyrte. # * # • The slogan this year is “Back—to Back our Oregon,” but I’ve heard fraternity people say that it would bo more truthful if it had been, “Back to Back—Our Oregon.” # * * • Dope has it that 0. A. C. is going to take the Homecoming game. However, I’m not worrying about any dope on that game, and 1 'in of the opinion that Ore gon will carry off the honors. We’re dreadfully sorry you can’t be with us this year, Colonel. There’s going to be a huge crowd on hand- We have a fine new' grandstand, you know. # ‘ * I And mention of the “new” reminds me of the I Frosh. Certainly they are a very- presentable group of young people, although I believe the new men have the edge over the first year ladies in that respect. • • • » But l must cease. Thanks again for the letter, Colonel, and pardon the ex travagant rambling. I’ll try to be a bit more profound next time. Sincerely, THE EMERALD EDITOR. ^ ___-o From Colonel Leader _____o 3, Whitehall Place, London, S. W. 1. 23rd October, 1925. The Editor “The Emerald.” Dear Sir: „ Yesterday I received the first number of the “Emerald” which acted on me like a ray ot sunshine on a murky day. I give my perman ent address above, for the benefit of Oregonians who propose coming next year to this island ot mist. It is recalled to my mind that some years ago Art Rudd created me foreign correspondent of the “Emerald” so I will endeavor to resume my painfully neglected duties. We had rather a hectic journey back to Eng land. Near Ottawa the Trans-Canada Express, doing sixty miles an hour, hit another train face on, in the grey dawn, and as my head re bounded from my drawing room partition the first words I heard were those of my Oregonian son, now aged three, who betrayed his low origin by ejaculating, “I’ve cracked my G— D— Cocoanut” (I am trusting to the Editor to put this in more lady-like language). My three sons are now being trained in the three elemen tary duties of our caste, viz., fox-hunting, fish ing, and shooting. My eldest son started his shooting career well by getting his grandmother and one of the gardners with a right and left; however, neither were clean kills and apparently he badly frightened the pheasant he fired at, so all was well. * * * » I have not yet got over the reverence that everyone coming first to England acquires, for the London policeman, affectionately known as the “Bobby.” He is quite the most efficient thing in the world and I reckon that the Al mighty made him in his image. In my kaleido scopic career the most efficient classes of men I have ever served with were the cowpunchers of the West, the “Red Riders” of Canada, and the British subaltern, but all those are efficient in a tight place, the London Bobby is always efficient—even in his sleep, I guess. England is now most frankly Bed and bodies of British Fascisti are forming everywhere. I dined recently with two members of our Govern ment and told them that when I was in the Government I proposed adopting Napoleon’s idea that ‘‘the only cure for Radicalism was a whiff of grape-shot.” They asked mo what I would suggest at prosent, (or perhaps I volun teered the information) first, that we should ask tho U. 8. A. to administer us as a Territory until we were fit to govern ourselves or sec ondly, that wq should lot Italy off her war debt on •condition they let us have Mussolini as dic tator of England for a year. Neither of my suggestions were received with enthusiasm. No body wants to work, as out-of-work doles are paid up to 5f> shillings, equivalent to about 30 dollars in America, and as the ordinary wage is only a dollar a week more, England may now be called a Loafer’s Paradise. Education is now costing England over $400,00,0,0,00 dollars a year and it is a regrettable fact that this coun try, the mother of mass education, is beginning to more and more to realize that mass education instead of fructifying the desert has only over whelmed the oases. To a student of history, especially that of the decline of great empires, the most distressing sign of all is the growth of “Intelligentsia” clubs at the Universities. They are popularly and very suitably known as “Offal” clubs, and are composed of young men whoso mental level is one attained about 35 years ago, and whose physical standard one hopes not to sink to— about 35 years hence. Here callow “Cogno scenti” gather together and discuss the Red rub bish of Marx and Rousseau and Voltaire, tho heavy platitudes of old Plato, the sour atheism of Anatolc France and the frank sewerage of the discredited Freud and the equally uninform ed Dreissler and Dostoivsky, writers \^ho pour their inky souls on paper with tho exultant ges tures of an exuding cuttlefish. In an age which stands out as the most brilliant in the world's history for contemporary literature the main modern fiction read by our youth are writers of the Arlen school portraying the degradation of immoral and neurotic but otherwise uninter SEVEN SEERS ! ^ The results of this -week’s limerick contest First Prize We all know the man Eddie Miller Whom women all fear as a killer, When you say that he’s rough, You’re not saying enough, FOB HE’S THE OLD-FASHION GORILLER. Evidently the person who signed his mark to. this hit of lyric is ashamed of it, for he wrote C. Henri S. and let it go at that. Will the gentleman please step forward to the Emerald editor’s office Monday and receive three (3) passes free (FREE) to the McDonald theatre for Monday or Tuesday? Second Prize HE SURPASSES THE LATE MR. VILLA Robert Jackson, whp won the first prize last time is again a lucky 'man. (Note: Please em ploy Southern pronunciation to make rhyme.) Third Prize Third prize goes to Margaret Thompson, who likewise has a southern accent: He’s a rough as the tough Armadariller G Hosafat 'wishes know who the brooksy boys are who port the nifty waffle hats of model 1920, high school variety. It is whis-j pered they’re the boys of sigma Alpha Epsilon (Big Alph’). W. & 0., Pullman, Wash., Nov. 5, 1925.— Because of the cold weather many profes sors are permitting students to scratch dur ing class hours this week. Howlever, it must be understood that this little favor will cease as soon as the students becomes accus tomed to their red flannels. **************** THE DEBATE Ladies, Gentlemen, and Faculty Members: I red my unworthy opponent’s speach, which he rote in to the Seers, and I think he has a small mined or something, or he wud not so disgrace the nobull cow but compareing the same with the equine. He sed the hoarse Was the herow .of Oregon. Maybe so, but the cow is not only the national sherow of O. A. C., but if it had not bin for this most nobullest of ani inules, the grate institushun of O. A. C. wud never have bin found. There wud have bin nothing for the stewdents to do. Mr. rivall spoak abqut the use of tjie hoarse at Oregon. Over at O. A. C. the fel lers do with a cow what none of yew cain’t do with yure old hayburner. They milk their cow bofour brekfast, and then ride her to wurk. They wurk her all day, ride her home, and then milk her again. When she gits two old fer this, they kill her, and sell the meat to the hamburger joint fer more kale than they give fer her in the furst place. When yew git a hoarse that yew kin do all this with. I’ll buy a couple or so. My opposer cast reflcckshuns on the name Cowmen. What name cud be niser? I doant think he ever gazzed into the soft brown eyes of the bewtifull Holstine, or herd the mclodius voice of the Guernsey heffer. He cud not, and tak the side that he has. Hoping to win, I shall rest till next week. Yures expectantley, HIRAM CORNCRUELLER. POPULAR BALLADS So wo took tho fifty thousand bottles And sold them to the Sigma Nus. SEVEN SEERS. esting young women. Hughes, the Australian premier once said to me that “Maggots only hurt a moribund body, a healthy body can throw them off”—what England needs now is a bit more of the “Mill-Race” spirit of dealing with decadents. If Bob Mautz was not handicapped by a clean mind, he could buy cheap translations of these alleged classics and easily acquire the jargon of complexes and reactions, but I never met an “Intelligentsia” yet with brains enough to captain a football team. Arthur Rosebrough is spending next week-end with me. Yours optimistically, JOHN LEADER. - - . . --<£> | Campus Bulletin | o-=-o All freshman girls are invited to the Wwama tea which will be given this afternoon at Alumni hall in the Woman’s building from 4:00 to 6:00. Mazamas—All members in Eugene meet in Room 110 of Adminis tration Building, next Sunday af ternoon, Nov. 8th, at 5 p. m. Graduate Student meeting Tuesday November 9, at noon at College Side Inn. Important business to be discussed. Intra-Mural Athleties—Monday’s game. Sigma Nu vs. Kappa Del ta Phi, 4:15 o’clock. Men’s gym nasium. Alpha Phis must have their pic tures taken today, Saturday, at Kennel-Ellis studio. Mu Phi Epsilon meeting Sunday afternoon at 3:30 in the music building. CAMPUS Y. M. AND Y. IN. WILL BRINE SPEAKERS Noted Foreign Secretaries Will Be On Program A number of speakers will be brought to the University this year by the United Christian Work, with the active co-operation of the campus T. M. and Y. W. C. A., it has been announced, and a tent ative schedule has been arranged. This is in accordance with the poli cy that has been followed by these organizations for the past several years. Hubert C. Herring, of Boston is the first of the speakers that will appear on the campus this year, and he will speak on “The High Price of Hate,” Tuesday, November, No vember 24 at Alumni hall. It is hope dto bring a number of foreign secretaries to th'e eampus to visit the different groups of for eign students, and the first of these will be Mr. Paul Mung, a highly educated Chinese, who will come some time in January, the exact date being as yet undecided. Mr. Charles Hurry, one of the verv strongest of the international secretaries of the Y. M. C. A., will also be on the campus some time in January. He represents the Friendly Belations committee of the Association, which looks after the welfare of the foreign students who are studying in our Universi ties. It is also probable that the Hon orable J. Still Wilson, former may or of Berkeley, but now devoting his entire time to lecturing, will be here for one assembly and special meetings in the early part of April. announcement Tau Nu announces the pledging of Roberta Wright of Portland. lottery DANCE Tonite Laraway Music Hall ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW More Fun—Let’s Go Men a Dollar — Ladies Free Today Last Day! Norman Kerry in “LORRAINE OF THE LIONS” with PATSY RUTH MILLER REX COMEDY INTERNATIONAL NEWS Continuous 1 to 11:30 REX THEATRE RIALTO Junction City THEATRE Sunday THOMAS MflGHAN * Aootn* rv«M «. ttsti u um With VIRGINIA VALU Cl Qtmmoum Qictoat i Ill THE MAN WHORHMDj HIMSELF" Hooth Tarkington’s high-tension story of a man who went to jail for another man’s crime, and of how he came back and settled old scores. CARL JAQUET ON THE WURLITZER Two Shows, 7:15 and 9:15 p. m. Regular Prices. 10c and 30c Always in Taste Ice Cream is always in taste, because it is the ideal dessert for any occasion, the one heartily welcomed and by far the easiest prepared. BLUE BELL ICE CREAM —represents the ifce cream of perfec tion made from pure cream, put up and sent to you in absolutely sanitary condition. Start the habit of serving this healthful dessert by phoning your order now for your Sunday meal. Eugene Farmers Creamery EE VIEW OUT SOON The first issue of the Oregon Law Review, which is edited by Pro fessor Charles E. Carpenter, of the University of Oregon law school, will be out in December. The first issue of the season will be devoted to the proceedings of the state bar association at the an nual meeting held in September. Subscribe for the Emerald. VARSITY GARBER SHOP Eleventh and Alder OUR MOTTO Quality First j FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE The Lemon 0 Pharmacy NEXT TO YE CAMPA SHOPPE Bob Vic rr Millinery Sale A wonderful group of Pattern Felts—Velours and Sport Hats from which to choose. All at a great saving— $5.00 Hats Entire Line of Hats up to $15..00 at One Price, $5.00 Upstairs Opposite Rex Theatre ' NEW LARA WAY BUILDING Leone Jenkins SON of\ ZORRO Trigger Action And dirllinj surprise* {whnrt this |r««t Fairbanks picture. Tks finest adventure talc ever screened. Tke dashing, daring f>on Q bars all worn) and you live in tangos and thrills. Fast as Lightning Starting— MONDAY FOR AH ENTIRE WEEK ’S SHOWING At Popular Prices • cDONALD THEATRE