Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 04, 1925, Image 1

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Appointment Necessitated
t By Death C. E. Woodson
After Twelve Year Term
Newly Appointed Member
District Circuit Judge For
The Past Eleven Years
Judge George F. Skipworth, cir
cuit judge fdr this district, and res
ident of Eugene, was appointed
yesterday by Governor Walter M.
Pierce to fill the place of C. E.
Woodson, on the board of regents
of the University of Oregon. Mr.
Woodson died Monday night at
Portland, after an extended illness.
Judge Skipworth has presided on
the • circuit bench of this district
for the past eleven years. At the
time he was appointed, he replaced
Judge L. T. Harris, who took the
supreme bench in 1915. He served
as city attorney of Eugene for
three years, and as deputy district
attorney of Lane county for four
Policies Not Decided Upon
Judge Skipworth was born in
Louisiana but moved to Oregon
with his parents at the age of 'one
year. He was educated in the pub
lic schools of Oregon and attended
the Santiam aeademy, at Lebanon,
and the Portland University. Much
of his study pf law was done in
his brother’s office in Eugene.
As yet Judge Skipworth does not
know what his policies in regard to
his work with the board of regents
will be. He has been gTeatly in
terested in the University for a
great many years, especially in the
law school. He is a member of
Phi Delta Phi, men’s honorary law
Twelve Tear Term Ended
Mr. Woodson graduated from the
University of Oregon in 1897. He
was a prominent attorney in Hepp
ner for many years. He served in
the state legislature as a represen
tative from Umatilla and Morrow
counties. Mr. Woodsbn’s death
ends a twelve year term on the
board of regents. He was appoint
ed by Governor Olcott in 1917.
He is survived by his wife and
two daughters, Margaret and Ber
nice, both of whom are students in
the University.
Funeral services will be at the
J. P. Finley chapel in Portland to
day at 1:00 p. m.
Sigma Delta Pi to meet Thursday
day, 11:45, at the. Anchorage.
In preparation for Homecoming
the Freshman Girls Commission
will start making the small lem
on-vellow pennants today.
This work is voluntary, and from
the reports of girls who have made
them in the past, is actually more
fun than work.' All freshman wom
en who have any vacant hours are
asked to report at the Bungalow,
and if possible bring a pair of
The pennants must be finished
by the end of next week. At least
3000 will be made.
Wet Days Bring
Gay Billboards Of
Campus Witicisms
It may no longer be good form
to wear youT heart on your
sleeve, but it is quite a fti mode
these days to blazon yoUr brain
on your sweat shirt or slicker.'
The man who has been confined
to the small amount of space on
his pair of eords now has a big
field in which to display his wit
and artistic efforts.,
With the inauguration of the
cooler and wetter days of the
fall season has come the walking
billboards. Not to flaunt a car
toon, emblem or a spicy bon mot
on your back is to be sartorially
decadent and depressed.
Every man who had a bathing
beauty on the windshield of his
car last summer now must have
a duck, a mule, a rooster, a lion
or a comic cartoon character
flaunting gaudily from' his back.
The ultra-smart thing to do,
however, is to parade a sign. “If
you can read this you are too
darn close,” is the clever bit of
repartee on the back of one girl’s
slicker. “It looks like rain” and
“How dry .1 am” are also pop
Physical Education Majors
Rated for Last Year
The physical education majors
rating for 1924-25 has been com
piled. Lloyd E. Webster heads the
list with 671 points. Each year
tho physical education major stu
dent* arc rated in motor ability
as determined by the physical abil
ity pentathlon, scholarship, per
sonal equipment, accumulative vol
unteer or paid teaching experience,
and teaching ability in various
Ratings in personal equipment,
and teaching ability, represent a
composite estimate of all physical
education instructors, and are not
the estimate of any one individual.
Oilier ratings are determined on
actual point scoring basis.
Those ranking first in each event
i'n: Glen W. Howard, 1.6 in scho
larship, yearly average; Eugene
Richmond, 121 points in motor
ability, based on the physical abil
ity test; Lloyd Webster, 89 points
in personal equipment, attitude, in
terest, promptness, appearance ar.d
dependability; Lloyd Webster, •1">0
points in exerience, paid or volun
teered—not practice teaching for
credit; Perry Davis, 73 points in
teaching ability; and Louise An
derson, first in athletic experience,
based on number of teams partic
ipated on during the year.
The rank and total points scored
in all divisions are: Lloyd E. Web
ster, 671; Eugene F. Richmond, 408;
Clarence Toole, 370; Louie Ander
son, 363; Perry Davis, 336; Clif
ford Kuhn, 311; William Stone
breaker, 309; Fred Harrison, 294;
Joseph Peak, 291; Glen Howard,
269; Arleigh Read, 230; Leonard
Mayfield, 226; Walter Fenwick,
207; Roland Belshaw, 205; Gilbert
Hermance, 182; Clare Heider, 141;
Dale J. Ickes, 127 and Carl L. Rice
99 points.
-Many who see the name of the
Cosmopolitan club do not know for
what the name stands,” Edna
Spenker, president, recently de
“The Cosmopolitan Club,” con
tinued the president, “is an organ
ization established to promote bet
ter international relations; to fur
nish a point of social contact for
the foreign students on the mam
pus; and to discuss problems that
will help to create a better mutual
The first meeting was called No
vember 7, 1921, according to Miss
Spenker, in the Y. W. Bungalow
by a group of both foreign and
American students entertaining a
genuine interest in foreign and in
teraational affairs. Officers were
elected, a constitution adopted, and
it was decided that this new or
ganization on the campus be called
the Cosmopolitan club, a club whose
members thought in terms of world
“The Cosmopolitan club is often
considered as exclusively for for
eign students. Miss Spenker con
tinued, “but it is for all those who
are willing to bring an impartial
mind to bear upon world prob
lems. American students interest
ed in international work or who
plan to do foreign work later will
find this activity helpful. • Any
student who feels he would be in
terested in this club is invited to
attend its opes meetings.”
Quota Set Is $1600; Women
In Living Organizations
Will Be First to Subscribe
Program For Drive Outlined
By Chairman; Main Work
To Be Completed Friday
The drive for dollars is in full
swing. Women are to be prepared
to pledge their last pennies to a
worthy cause. This was the senti
ment expressed at the Y. W. fi
nance worker’s luncheon at the
Anchorage yesterday.
In discussing the scope of the
Y. W. C. A., pn the campus, and
some of the reasons why every
University woman should support
the finance, campaign, Miss Flor
ence Magowan, secretary said, “Our
two Christian organizations for stu
dents have ‘been called the balance
wheels of the campus! We try to
promote friendships, widen the in
terests of students, and broaden
their knowledge of students of
other countries. The Y. W. C. ^A.
makes the world a friendly one by
helping to smooth out the racial
prejudices through an impartial
and broad understanding of all na
Plans Outlined
Beatrice Mason, pep manager of
the drive, gave a short talk on
salesmanship, outlining a method
to be followed by the solicitors in
‘selling their wares.’ Ellen Mc
Clellan outlined the program for
the entire campaign. Daily reports
of the teams are to be made at
the Bungalow. Anita Kellogg de
scribed Y. W. C. A., activities in
Esthonia, a new republic, telling
of the part which the local organ
ization plays in making the Y. W.
C. A., branch there possible, a por
tion of the finances foeing con
tributed to them each year.'
A minature newspaper, “The
Tiny Y,” was distributed among
the girls. Activities of the organ
izations are outlined, and other in
teresting and entertaining features
are included in the publication.
The quota to be raised this year
is $1600. Average pledges are us
ually about $3, but lesser amounts
will be appreciated. The drive
will be concluded Friday, insofar
as the living organizations are con
cerned. The campaign among wom
en who are not in living organiza
tions will be .continue^ |for |ten
days. Their portion of the qu»ta
is $500.
Drive Captains Named
The town has been divided into
sections for the purpose of com
plete canvassing, and those in
charge of this work are: Frankie
Adams; Betty Alexander, Helen
Barnett, Etha Clark, Diana Dein
inger, Helen Evler, Marjorie Fra
zier, Grace and Minnie Fisher, Vir
ginia Gray, Austa Graves, Dorothy
Haskens, Frances Houzik, Ruth
Jacobsbn, Ruth Joynes, Elizabeth
Karpenstein, Bernita Lamson, Irma
Lathqgp, Helen Lane, Gladys Mc
Cormack, Grace McDermott, Yetta
Olsen* Marian Paddock, Claudia
Parker, Erma Parker, Bernice Ra
zor, Susie Shephard, Nettie Smith,
Alice Spurgin, Graye Taylor, Mar
garet Thompson, Cleta Walden.
Plans are being made for the
open house and formal dedication
of Condon hall, to be held in the
near future, with the three depart
ments in the building taking part
in the program. A bronze plate in
honor of Dr. Condon, first head of
the geology department, in whose
memory the building was named,
is being made and will be unveiled
at the time.
Each of the three floors of Con
don hall is occupied by a single de
partment. The geology depart
ment is located on the main floor,
the reserve • department of the li
brary occupies the second floor, and
the psychology department the
Short Speeches,
Stunts And Yells
On Rally Program
Forestel Urges All To
Turn Out
Active work hits already be
gan on the program to be given
at the Homecoming rally.
In order to make the gather
ing successful, the committee has
asked the co-operation of all stu
dents who can present stunts or
acts on that evening. Anyblody
with talent is asked to get in
touch at once with James Fore
stel, phone 1320.
The rally program will consist
of six or seven short snappy acts
besides yells and speeche.
Ex-24- Student Now Works
* For King Features
,Ted Osborne, ex-’24, is in New
York following the line of work
first practiced on the deceased
Lemon Punch. Ted, whose home
is in Santa Barbara, California
went east three months ago and
is conducting a column for the
King Feature Syndicate. He writes
of Lemon Punch and his present
“Lemon Punch—poor, dear, dead
departed Lemmy—has long since
been interred in the graveyard of
deceased periodicals, 'but since it
is customary to say nice things
about the dead, I will raise my
feeble voice in grateful eulogy.
Lemmy may have accomplished
very little for the campus but for
me the deceased furnished the first
foothold on the Tree of Journalism.
While in college Lemmy was really
my chief interest—if not obsession
—as can be verified by the prepon
derance of fours and fives oppo
site my name in the registrar’s
office. And when Lemmy passed
away I kept on writing and became
a daily cbriaistent contributor to
both ‘Life’ and ‘Judge.’ Three
months ago I got an offer to come
to New York and conduct a column
for the King Features Syndicate,
and here I am. The good die
young, and you can see that Lem
my ’s life while short, was not en
tirely in vain. Of course, I have
not. been in the said Tree of Jour
nalism long enough to become a
branch; in fact I have not decided
whether I am part of the foliage
or just some of the sap. . . Best
wishes to ‘Old Oregon,’ may its
Circulation increase until it has
blood pressure.”
This letter was received by Jean
nette Calkins, alumni (secretary.
Mr. Osborne mentions that another
alumnus Of Oregon, Hugh McColl
is in New York, working in an
accountant’s office and taking
graduate work in accounting at Co
lumbia. McColl hopes to get his
degree of certified public account
ing in a year or so.
Osborne’s address is 241 West
58 Street, New York City.
No more cancelled stamps on
laundry boxes. This is the warn
ing received at the University post
office from the main office down
Students have been sending pack
ages without removing the old
stamps from them and the officials
say that they will accept no more.
The cards attached to the boxes
must be cleaned of the used stamps
so that there will be no mistaking
them for new ones.
Many letters and packages for
students continue to come to the
University of Oregon instead of to
the street addresses. This causes
an unnecessary delay of a day as
the mail must be returned to the
main office down town before it
can be delivered.
Laura Breske, a sophomore in the
fine arts department, who Friday
suffered a very severe attack of
pleurisy, has almost completely re
covered and will return to her
classes the first part of this week.
Construction of Building
Expected To Be Started
Without Further Delay
Sum Of $500,000 was First
Voted For Auditorium At
July Special Election
By a four to three vote of the
state supreme court, the $500,000
Eugene auditorium bond issue was
held constitutional, in a decision
handed down Tuesday.
The proposed auditorium is a
part of the gift campaign begun
by the late President P. L. Camp
bell. While the students would
contribute a student union, the fa
culty and alumni in a way yet to
be decided, the Eugene residents
were to build the auditorium by
voting a bond issue to meet the
Suit Is Filed
A charter amendment for the
bond issue was drawn up by the
Eugene council on May 1, 1924. A
special election was called on July
2, 1924, and the issued passed by a
plurality of 30 votes. However
on August 10, 1924 a suit was
filed by W. T. Campbell, a tax
payer of Eugene, to enjoin the
bond sale.
The action of Mr. Campbell was
based on the contention that the
election was illegal and .conse
quently null and void, because an
insufficient length of time had
elapsed between the passing of the
ordinance for the election, and the
“I believe the fundamentals of
the controversy, are settled, and
that there will be no further de
lay,” commented W. G. Hale, dean
of the law school.
Building Community Project
The auditorium, as provided in
the amendment, would be construct
ed as a community project, either
on, or adjacent to the University
campus, for public use.
If found feasible, however, the
building will be leased to the board
of regents of the University. If
this plan would not prove satisfac
tory, the auditorium would remain
under control of the common coun
cil of Eugene.
When the actual work of con
struction will begin is yet undeter
mined, stated Karl Onthartk, secre
tary of the University.
Last spring the faculty voted in
favor of mid-term grade reports,
not to be made a matter of perma
nent record, but to be made avail
able to students and to officials
interested in student welfare. In
the interest of scholarship and in
order to secure uniformity, the
scholarship committee will submit
the following' supplementary fno
tion at the faculty meeting today
at 4:15:
Sometime during the sixth
week of each term during the
seventh -week of the present term,
only, on account of the lateness
■of the present date) each in
structor will send copies of his
class rolls with approximate
grades to the dean of his school.
The dean will have carbon copies
made of these reports, will have
one copy posted on the depart
mental bulletin board for the use
of students and will have throe
copies sent to the registrar for
the use of the dean of men, the
dean of women and other faculty
or administrative members inter
There will also come up for vote
the two items submitted by the
scholarship and academic require
ments committees three weeks ago.
1. Authorizing instructors tto re
port as dropped students who dis
continue courses without permis
sion, and who do not comply with
the procedure for withdrawing; 2.
restoring the grade of condition.
Tea, Music, Dancing,
For Campus Women
Offered By League
Campus women!
Have you forgotten so soon
this term that this day of each
week is the definite time se-t for
Women’s Leafgue teas! Last Wed
nesday not as many girls attend
ed as usually come and mueh tea,
many wafers, and lots of music
was loft over. That is not econ
omy! *
So the hope of the Women’s
League Council is that more wom
en come hereafter. The program
will be as usual, made up of
dancing, talking, and getting ac
quainted. —
The woman’s building is the
scene of the affair, 4-6 o’clock
the time, and all University wom
en are invited.
Variety In Sports Interest
Majority of Teachers
The listless vtoice of a member
of the faculty which spread's" a
dreamy atmosphere over tho class
room will soon be dispelled, so de
clare the heads of the department
of physical education of the Uni
The male members of the Uni
versity faculty met last night for
the purpose of organizing a club
for the furthering of athletic acti
vity among the members. W. E.
Milne is chairman of the newly
formed club and on his shoulders
rests the responsibility of bring
ing other members of the faculty
into contact with the various meth
ods of exercise.
Last year 73 men members of the
faculty participated in some form
of athletics, which includes hand
ball, volleyball, tennis, swimming,
golf, and others. This was declared
to have been one of the largest
faculty turnouts recorded in the
Faculty men may obtain baskets
and uniforms in the men’s gym
nasium upon application at the of
fice of the department, it is an
nounced. Individual instruction in
the various types of indoor sports
will be given to members who par
ticipate in the activities.
Everything is being put in read
iness for the biggest faculty sport
ing year ever held at Oregon,
stated Harry Scott. Volleyball is
to be taken up first and so far 35
have signified their intention of
joining in the play.
Methods of obtaining more pu
blicity for the University of Ore
gon, with especial reference to
Homecoming, will the subject of
discussion at the luncheon of the
Sports Writers’ association today
noon at the College Side Inn. Bam
1H. Wilderman, president, will be
Guests, some of whom will make
short talks, will be faculty mem
bers of the school of journalism,
Paul Kelty, editor of the Eugene
Guard; Frank Jenkins and Horace
Burnett, the Eugene Register;
James Leake, general Homecoming
chairman; Edward Smith, publicity
chairman for Homecoming; Walter
Malcolm, student body president
and Dean D. H. Walker.
Suggestion Declared Best
But Has No Signature;
Tickets Are Unclaimed
Award Is Made; Rules Are
Rigid Against Spirit Of
Rivalry Towards 0. A. C.
Of the several hundred Hlome
eomimg slogans submitted to the
committee, “Back—To Back Our
Oregon” was the one declared of
ficial today. In the opinion of
those making the selection, it most
nearly conformed to the more rigid
requirements imposed this year.
The Homecoming slogan commit
tee, of which Tom Graham is chair
man, at the beginning of the cam
paign sent letters to all heads of •
living organizations warning
against any use of the word “Ag
gies,” or its equivalent. Beference
to Oregon’s opponents in the Home
coming game would only promote
rivalry beyond sportsmanly ethics
if so used, the committee held. It
was suggested that suggestions re
late to the return of old grads, and
it was by this standard the final
selection was made.
In additibn to the oommitj^ee,
judges were Dr. James Gilbert,
Karl Onthank, Jeannette Calkins
and Prof. W. F. G. Thaeher,
No name was signed to the win
ning suggestion, Elam Amstuz, as- ■
sistant Homecoming director an
nounced. He asks that the person
who submitted the slogan see James
Leake to receive the two reserved
grandstand seats to the Homecom
ing game, the prize for the winner
of the contest.
| _____
Life saving under competant in
structors and at regular hlours may
now be taken by all men inter
ested in Red /Cross life-savintg
work. Those taking this course will
be eligible to participate in the
regular Red Cross test, which will
be given during the second week
of December.
Last spring, when visited by
field representatives Llewellyn
Palmer and E. C. Carrol, of the
American Red Cross corps, the Ore
gon group was declared the best on
the coast. Palmer was formerly a
student on this campus, where he
took an active part in the promo
tion of life-saving work and swim
The classes, which will be held in
the men’s 'gymnasium tank, will
come four days a week, as fol
Monday—11 a. m; 3 p. m.; 4
p. m.
Tuesday—4 p. in.
Wednesday—3 p. m; 4 p. m.
Thursday—11 a. m; 4 p. m.
Prof. Leon W. Moiore, of the
! mathematics department of Albany
j College, writes that ho is on leave
! of nbsence this year at the Califor
! nia Institute of Technology at Pas
adena, California, studyinjg grad
uate mathematics. Professor Moore
has been doing graduate work un
der Prof.. E. E. DeCou at the Uni
versity for the past two years.
The importance of intelligent1
study' and understanding of inter
national affairs as a vital part of
journalism work was stressed by
Tiiley H. Allen, editor of the Hon
olulu Star-Bulletin, in a talk given
last night at a dinner at the Os
burn hotel for which the men and
women’s professional journalism
fraternities and the journalism fa
culty were hosts. Mrs. Allen also
wasa guest of honor.
“This study of international af
fairs is just the sort of training
vital for outstanding newspaper
leadeqi,” he said. “The Pacific
coast countries are going to occupy
a constantly more prominent and«
influential place in international
] affairs,” °he continued. •
Mr. Allen, whose paper is pub
lished at the crossroads of Occident
and orient, gives particular atten
tion to problems of the cementing
of good relations between the peo
ples of the world.
It was the opinion expressed by
the speaker that the influence of
jingoists in the various countries
is definitely on the wane and that,
while the days of danger are not
yet past, the international situation
(Continued on page four)