Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 03, 1925, Image 1

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    NUMBER 25
'“Thundering Thousand” To
Be Clad in Lemon-Yellow
And Green Night Garb
Each Organization to Put At
Least 20 Men In Line;
Competition Is Expected
Members of the Homecoming
directorate will meet in room
205, Journalism building, at 4
o’clock this afternoon to discuss
suggested changes in the custo
mary porgram of the annual
“Old Grad” week-end. The meet
ing is called by James Leake,
general Homecoming chairman.
Full attendance is requested as
the meeting is expected to prove
Pajamas, tinted with Oregion’a
colors — lemon-yellow and green —
will be the official marching garb
of the University’s “Thundering
Thousand” in the annual Home
coming pep parade, which this year
will be known as the “Pajamarino.”
The parade promises to be colorful.
This was the ■ decision yesterday
of representatives of the 20 or
more men's organizations on the
campus when they met with Ed
Therieau, member of the Home
coming directorate ,and ohairman
•of the parade committee.
Competition Expected
Each house or organization, it
was decided, will have at least 20
men in the line , of march who will
be pa jama-clad.- Strong -.competi
tion is expected to result among
the organizations for the greatest
number of correctly garbed en
As in past years with respect to
the noise making machine, each
organization will assume the costs
necessary for the parade. Accord
ingly, houses :are defraying ex
penses of the colored pajamas which
in most cases will be white ones
simply dyed either green or lemon?
Charge Is Small
Arrangements have been made
With a local dyeing and cleaning
works, according to Mr. .Therieau,
to have pajamas dyed and the
proper colors for approximately 30
cents. Pajamas will be collected
and taken to the dyers Thursday.
X. K. Gooding, who has charge
•of the general botany department
• of the Oregon Agricultural College
will give a lecture Wednesday
morning at 8 o’clock to Prof.
Sweetser’s general botany classes.
The lecture concerns the white pine
blister rost, and will be illustrated
by a motion picture telling the best
means of combating the disease
which is fast eating into pine tim
ber in the northwest.
The disease, which is a fungas,
spreads from the currant and
gooseberry plants attacking and
Tolling the pine timber. This ma
lady of the timber belts was first
brought to this country from Eu
rope about twenty years ago and
has spread rapidly, until it now
• covers almost every section of the
' United States.
In the west, it first made its ap
pearance in British Columbia and
for ten years was allowed to grow
without notiee, securing a foot
hold in the pine belt of westerr
The United States government ii
taking measures to. erfidicae th«
blister by destroying the enrrani
bushes where it breeds. Consider
ing the black currant a menace t<
timber throughout the nation, offi
eials are soliciting the aid of »1
people living in affsetbd belts t<
• assist them.
Frosh Commission
To Hold Election
Of Officers Today
The Freshman Girls’ Commission,
will elect its officers today at
the Bungalow. Ballots will be
received from 10:00 to 12:00 and
from 1:00 to 4:00.
Every, freshman girl who has
signed her Y. W. C. A., member
ship card is eligible to vote. A
list of the members has been pre
pared and if is important that
these people participate in the
election, according to Hiss Mag
owan, secretary.
Nominees for office are: Pres
ident, Helen Holt; Joanne Pat
terson, Dorothy Taylor; vice
president, Florence Elliot, Peggy
Wood; secretary, Jane Cochran,
Beth Sutherland, Dorothy Web
Webfooters Play Faster
Game Than Huskies
In what is declared to have been
one of the best footall contests
held on Hayward field this year
the Oregon freshman lost to the in
vading Washington huskie yearl
ings 12 to 7 last Saturday.
Holding a one point lead the Ore
gon frosh seemed content to wait
for the gun to terminate the game.
However, fighting valiantly, the
Huskie babes took advantage of
this laxity and Started with the
ball in midfield with but a few
minutes to go and with consecu
tive passes, line buck, and another
pass took the ball over the final
white mark for the winning score.
Thus “Spike” Leslie, frosh men
tor, takes a loss for his first ap
pearance, on an Oregon gridiron.
Hbyrever, the Webfooters showed
a better aggregation than did the
Huskies. The team played faster,
punted for more distance and com
pleted more pajss attempts. But
the victory goes to Washington due
to one minute’s laxity on the yearl
ings side.
Coach Leslie found one pros
pective punter in he game, how
1 ever. Chet Martin, tackle, stepped
back on each occasion and booted
the ball over the Huskie safeties
head. 'He outdistanced the oppos
ing- punter, seemingly without un
due effort.
Slaussen, end; Hagan, and Ed
die, half; Grear, Martin and Flegel
end; stood out as Oregon’s best.
Carrol, half; Schneiderman, center;
and Captain Butler, quarter, shone
for the visitors.
A .luncheon at the Anchorage
this noon will be the initial feature
of the Y. W. C. A. finance drive
which will continue for three days,
November 3, 4, 5. Girls working on
teams in living organizations are
invited. ,
Florence' Magowan, secretary,
will discuss the scope of the Y. W.
C,. A.; Beatrice Mason, pep mana
ge® of the campaign, will give a
short talk on “Salesmanship” and
Ellen McClellan, general chairman,
will outline the organization of the
drive. Entertainment of an 'orig
inal nature is to be furnished by a
stunt committee composed of Char
lotte. Carll, Helen Shank and Ruth
Bradley. Edith Bader amd Bar
bara Blyfhe are in charge of the
luncheon. j
Luncheons on Thursday and Fri
day are also scheduled. Pep talks
will be given at the various soror
ities and halls tqpight during the
dinner hour. Beatrice 'Mason is
in charge and her assistants are:
Louise Buchanan, Dorothy Man
sell. Pauline Stewart and Edith
At a meeting of girls not in
organizations last night, they de
cided to raise $500 of the entire
quota of $1000. The town has been
divided into sections whiqh, will
i be thoroughly canvassed by a grouj
■ appointed by the committee ’ in
► charge of the drive. This pari
- of the drive will continue for ten
l days because of the difficulty ii
i -overing the great amount of ter
VOTED $10,000
Board of Regents Accepts
Minority Report of Fisk
And Rejects Col. F. P. Day
Faculty, Campus Opinion
Will be Sought by Board
When Making Selection
The new president of the Uni
versity of Oregon, when he is ap
pointed, will receive a yearly sal
ary of $10,000 instead of $8,000,
the sum paid the late President
Prince L. Campbell.
This was decided at a meeting
of the Board of . Regents bf the
University at Portland, last Sat
urday. The meeting was one of
the most interesting and probably
the stormiest in years. By a vote
of six to five the board excluded
the press and the public from that
part of the meeting which dealt
with the selection of a president
for the University.
Col. Day Not Preferred
' Colonel Frank Parker Day, of
Carnegie Institute, was definitely
rejected from futher consideration
for the position of president after
Msr. George Gerlinger and C. O.
Colt of the special committee ap
pointed to investigate him had re
ported. Ifred Fisk, a third member
of the committee presented a min
ority report opposing consideration
of Colonel Day which was adopted
by the board. The special commit
tee was enlarged from three to
five members at the request of
Fred Fisk.
Faculty and campus opinion is be
ing considered by the board in
their selection of a man to fill this
important position. One point
brought up by the investigating
..committee was that Colonel Day did
not measure up to faculty expecta
tions. Another reason offered was
that the man did not please the
campus, which of course, means the
Activity Not Expected
Colonel Day did not impress the
faculty as a desirable man for the
position, according to a report sub
mitted by Dean Hale of the faculty
committee which had been appoint
ed to report to the board. This
action was taken by the faculty
only after a close observance of tha
man from every angle.
The action of the board reject
ing this man puts, at rest any im
mediate activity regarding the ap
/ Continued on page four)
The University Press started
moving into its new home just be
hind the Household Ants building
yesterday. The linotype and a
new Miehle printing press have al
ready been installed. Two miore
days will be needed before the
composing room and old press can
be completely moved, according to
Robert C. Hall, head of the print
shop. The old press will be used
for pirnting the Emerald while the
moving is going on, after which it
will be retained and used along
with the new Miehle.
In the last ten years the Uni
versity press has grown from a
“handfull” of type, a press, and
linotype machine to a modern, well
equipped press room, imclnding a
book bindery. Library books for
the University are bound in t}iis
department. o
All the University printing, in
cluding catalogues and publications
sueh as “Old Oregon,” are printed
on the campus, bound and made
ready for distribution. An average
of 15 people are on the press pay
roll. A day and a night shift are
kejJt working throngh-out (the
school year. * ,
“A good indication of this growth
of the University is told by the
Trowith of its printing,” Mr. Hall
said. "As the institution grows,
l it’s printing grows as well.”
Fine Arts Majors
NotTo Be Outdone
By Rest of School
Students Will Form
Club Tonight
Smocks—plans for a tentative
part—the making of a constitu
tion—and other things of like
interest will confront the [fine
arts majors when they meet en
masse for the first time Tuesday
night at 7 s30 in the lecture room
of the art building.
Since the normal art majors
tbe architecture majors have
formed clubs, the fine arts ma
jors believe that the way in
which they may best aid in the
school activities is alsto through
At this meeting tho students
will elect a president and other
officers, take steps toward se
lecting a name for the body, and
make preparations for a mix to
be given soon.
Th<j question of smocks (haa
some time. The idea is that each
department have a different
color of smock and that they
wear them on accasioiis such as
Jury Day. Nothing definite has
been decided as yet.
Old Oregon Enthuses Grads
For Game and Events
Article Features All - Star
Oregon Grid Team
The Homecoming issue of “Old
Oretgou.” was mailed yesterday,
making it ■ possible for alumni to
receive their copies before their
departure from their homes back
to the campus. The magazine is
informative of the big week-end,
and is expected to fire some of the
grads with enthusiasm to return
for the game, and the other events
of the 13th and 14th of November.
James Leake, Homecoming chair
man, has written a message to the
alumni, inviting them back to the
campus’, and telling them of the
events of the week-end. Another
message, but of a different nature,
is through the cartoons of “Bunk”
Short,. '24.
A feature of the new issue and
one of interest to alumni is the
article by Professor Howe and his
selection of an All-Star, All-Time
Oregon football team. Pictures of
the first team men are given and
some of them were taken in the
football days of the star team men.
Other articles are “Wli<)n Art
and Industry Meet” by Eaymond
Lawrence, telling of the exposition
given in Portland for the Fine
Arts building; “Oregon, a Great
University” and “Pre-Begistration
at the University” both by Carl
ton Speneer, registrar.
Ed Miller, ’26, editor of the
Oregon Daily Emerald is the au
thor of an article “Wanted—A
New Oregon Magazine,” in which
he states the needs of another pub
lication on the Oregon campits.
Other articles are “Education Af
ter Supper,” an extension division
story, “Three Coaches in Three
Years” by Len Jordan.
Dean Collins, Telegram column
ist, contributed a poem, “Hello.”
Each issue of the alumni publica
tion has presented one of hig
poems. Half Coach, ’23, is the new
Medical school secretary, and is
the contributor of gossip from his
part of the University. Oampus
news and sports haye a prominent
position in the magazine. Dick Sy
ring edits the sports section which
contains in this number, a double
page spread of football players and
coaches. News of the classes and
the “ibmily Mail Box” makes a
largo section of the magazine.
There *.r«ri also editorials and pic
tures of Campus people.
Webfooters Hold To Even
Score During First Half
Of Exceptional Contest
Team Returns And Starts
Strenuous Workouts For
Coming Beaver Contest
. After playing ita beat game of
the current seaaon during, the first
half, the Oregon team crumpled and
Stanford was able to pile up a
three touchdown lead at Palo Alto
last Saturday. The final score was
p5 to 13; the count at half time
was 14 to 13.
Stanford started with a rush and
scored soon after the game opened
on a long pass, a 60 yard run by
Hyland, and a series of bucks.
Patchett carried the ball over.
Oregon scored a few moments
later, when Vitus intercepted a
pass, and the Webfoot backfield
made yardage twice. Lynn Jones
plunged over from the one yard
mark. The resulting try for point
was lost by a wide pass from cen
ter. •
Another touchdown by Patchett
of Stanford ended the scoring per
iod, but Oregon came back in the
next quarter and scored another
touchdown after a series of bril
liant passes and running plays.
Jones again made the scoring
plunge and Wetzel converted, mak
ing the count 14 to 13.
Nevers Sent In
At this stage, "Pop” Warner
rushed in his scoring ace, Captain
Ernie Nevers, in an effort to turn
the tide, but the northerners were
hopped up, and more than held
their own during the remainder of
the quarter.
. The second half was all Stan
ford. Soon after the period open
ed Stanford scored after a series
of running plays, chiefly by the
highly-touted Nevers, who made the
six points. The Cardinals scored
a few minutes later on a long pass
to Shipkey, left end, who was en
tirely clear, and had but to step
over the goal line.
The final Stanford score came
late in the game when the south
erners took the ball deep in their
teritory and swept it over the Ore
gon goal line by four brilliant
runs, Bogue counting.
Oregon Threatens,
Oregon threatened several times,
but, after the first half, seemed to
lack a punch. Long Stanford
passes had them almost continually
on the defense.
Captain Bob Mautz played his
best game of the year, and dumped
everything within reach. Nick Car
ter, playing his first game at cen
ter, loomed up strong on the de
fense, Wetzel’s kicking was excel
lent and compared with his work
against California, while Lynn
Jones proved a bear on both of
fense and defense.
Contrary to expectations, the day
was chilly and sunless. Instead of
begun. The team returned yester
sweltering, the Oregon men were
shivering before the game was well
day morning in good shape. Dixon,
Smith, and Shields received slight
! injuries, barely sufficient to keep
them from yesterday’s scrimmage.
The concert which was to be
given Thursday evening by Ma
dame McGrew, Rex Underwood and
Aurora Underwood, under the au
spices of Mu Phi Epsilon, has beer
postponed until November 19. Due
to conflicting engagements, this
was made necessary.
This will be the first of a seriei
of concerts to be givep by that or
ganization, and will include pro
grams presented by various mem
bers of the school of music faculty
Anyone with talent, or stunts or
act* are wanted for Homecom
ing rally. Call Jamas Forests!,
th one 1320.
Campus Dog-Dyer
Latest Innovation
Fido Has new Coat
Talk about being dyed in the
wool! That is what happened to
Fido the other day.
If you ever saw an odd dog,
it was he. The silky whiteness
of his poodle -coat, it seomed, had
not been enough to endear him
to his owner. So, in an artistic
Exactly how it happened, we
do not presume to explain, but
when we saw Fido his coat was
a lovely shade of peach pink,
while his neck was adorned with
a baby blue ribbon.
No, this is not a reporter’s
nightmare. There actually is such
a dog.
Varsity And Freshman Men
Chosen At Tryouts
Debaters for the O. A. C. men’s
dual debate wore announced at a
meeting of the varsity and fresh
man squads which wore chosen at
last week’s tryouts. The men who
will work on the O. A. 0. dual
meet which is scheduled for Decem
ber 10 are: Jack McGuire, James
Johnson, Donald Beelar, Walter
Durgan, and B. V. Ludington.
These men will do intensive
wlork on the question “Kesolved:
that foreign nations should imme
diately relinquish their governmen
tal control in China, except, that
usually exercised over consulates
and legations.” This is practically
the same as that on which the try
outs were held. The present state
ment of the question was composed
by O. A. C. and agreement for the
debate has already been signed.
If it can be arranged, the O. A.
C., debate in Eugene will be held
before the student body assembly.
O. A. C. has definitely scheduled
the debate before itB student as
sembly on December 10.
A meeting of the varsity debate
men and the freshman squad will
be1 held in room 204 Sociology at 5
p.. m. Wednesday of this week.
Freshmen girls’ tryouts como
Thursday evening of this week and
varsity women will have prelimin
aries' the following night, Novem
ber 6. Much interest is being
shown by the women speakers to
ward the tryouts.
The fall relay carnival Staged
last Saturday on the oval on Hay
ward Field resulted in a triangu
lar tie with the three teams enter
ed, each winning one event. The
two additional events Scheduled
were not run off.
A fast quartet of frosh sprinters
won the 880 relay with no great
amount of effort. The sophomores
came in second on account of their
depleted ranks. The winning fresh
men combination was composed of
Orr, Ord, and Cheshire.
The upperclass team had no diff
iculty in winning the half mile re
lay with a crew of veterans in the
race. McCunc, Mauney, Gerke, and
Jeffries composed the iteam. The
freshmen team placed second and
the sophomores third in the event.
The final event of the program,
the two mile relay was won by
four lanky quarter milors running
against a weary upperclass team
and an inexperienced freshmen
quartet. Overstreet, Potlts, Bunn
and Priaulx composed the team.
The leaders from six men en
tered in the cross country run fin
ished in fairly good time but
wers scattered out over the long
hill over dale course. From this
group the men tb represent the
University will be picked.
Intramural Activities Opens
With Basketball Contest,
To Start At 4 O’clock
Players Spend Past Week
At Training Tables; Men
Show Old Winning Spirit
Intense interest which has grad
ually been bearing down until the
opening of tho 1925-26 intramural
athletic program will reach its cli
max today.
Two teams, one from Sigma Al
pha Epsilon and the other from
Beta Theta Pi, will christen this
season at 4 o’clock this afternoon
in the men’s gymnasium when the
players trot on the maple court
for the first exhibition of basket
Athletes for Sigma Pi Tau will
put forth a real effort in an en
deavor to down the Bowery boys
in the second canto starting at 5
o ’clock.
Players and coaches of these
teams have been working diligent
ly in preparation for this opening
encounter. It is rumored thait sev
eral training tables have been set
up in the various organization kit
chens and all aspiring basketeers
have been eating nothing bnt mus
cle and stamina building food for
the past two weeks.
Everybody is imbued with that
win or die spirit, as has been shown
from the practice sessions held the
past week. The name of intra
mural sports is ready to carry on.
The men are ready to fight for
victory and honor, they state.
And with this spirit one of the
closest and hottest basketball races
ever to appear on the court in the
men’s gymnasium will take place
this year. Thus state all members
of the physical education depart
The men are ready to go. Sev
eral teams mado up of campus stu
dents have entered. Everybody is
pointed toward the title and the
games today will send the schedule
on its way.
Only one game will be played
tomorrow as the varsity will use
the floor for a while, it is an
nounced. However, two games will
get under way Thursday.
Entrance into the league /Sias
been closed for basketball, it is an
The complete schedule for the
coming first round of the dough
nut games is as follows.
Nov.—3, 4 p. m.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Beta
Theta Pi.
5:00 p. m.
; Sigma Pi Tau vs. Bowery.
Nov. 4—4 p. m.
Sigma Chi vs. Alpha Beta Chi.
Theta Chi vs. Bye.
Nov. 6—4 p. m.
Delta Tau Delta vs. Chi Psi.
Oregon Club vs. Phi Kappa
Unassigned. Play next week.
Sigma Nu vs. Kappa Delta
Phi. ,
Rummies vs. Bye.
Kappa Sigma vs. Alpha Tau
Phi Delta Theta vs. Bye.
Psi Kappa vs. Friendly hall.
Lambda Psi vs. Bye.
Final plans for the Councilor
club informal, which is to be held
next Friday night at the Crafts
man Club, will be made at a spe
cial meeting this afternoon at 4:15
at the Craftsman Club. The com
mittee in charge announces that an
especially attractive feature has
been engaged for the dance, and
that the Co-ed Harmonlzers will
furnish the music.
Tickets will be $1.00 a couple,
and may he obtained from the
members of, the club. All campus
-DeMolays, . members of the local
chapter of the order, and of the
Craftsman club, and former DeMo
lays sre invited to attend.