VARSITY DEBATE CANDIDATES TO TOT OOT TOUT Only 22 Men Turn Out; Number To Be Chosen May be Cut from 16 to 12 ^ - Subject Of Intervention Of World In Political Affairs Of China, Will Be Argued * - I ! I ft > Varsity men debate aspirants compete today for the 1925-26 Uni versity squad which will debate throughout the year. Unless there are more men trying out at the preliminary than have signed up at the public speaking office, only twelve men instead of sixteen will be chosen from those appearing on the platform at Villard hall, an nounced J. Stanley Gray Thurs day. So far, only twenty-two men have definitely signed. Decisions of the fr.eshmen men’s tryouts held last night will be posted this afternoon on the bulle tin board in the Sociology build ing.* Six of the approximately twenty men who competed last night, will be selected by the for ensic coaches, who «,ct as judges during all debate Itryouts. Strict Time Iiimit Set Varsity tryouts start at four o’clock this afternoon and continue until six. Starting again at, seven ojclock, they will continue until every man has finished. Construc tive arguments are limited ./to five minutes and three minutes will be •used for rebuttal. Debates between tw)o individual men will be the method of tryouts. Each will re fute the arguments made by' the other. Delivery, composition, and rebuttal will be taken into account by the judges who are the same as those in the freshmSn preliminaries last night, J. Stanley Gray, Robert D. Horn, and Walter Snyder. The question is: “Resolved, that nation’s of the world should discon tinue policy of intervention in China’s political affairs.” ThiSs question is one of the most vital of world problems today, and one in which people on the western coast are interested due to their proximit; to the unsettled state of China. Agitation on the question of political interference is very no ticeable among. Chinese students. Strikes, boycotts and shooting frays, have added to the generally unsettled conditions in China dur ing the past few months. Former Stars Not to Try Ralph Bailey, and Herschel Brown, seniors and former varsity debaters have not signified their intention of going out for debate this year due to too much other work! Sol Abramson, junior, who was also a member of the debate team last year is not going to de bate this year for Oregon since he is managing editor of the Emerald and finds it impossible to find time. Benoit McCroskey will debate again this year. As a freshman in 1924-25, he participated in varsity debates against O. A. C. and Uni versity of Washington, besides win ning the state peace oratorical con test at Newberg for the Univer sity. He is now president of the Sophomore class. James Johnson, president of the (Continued on page four) R. 0. T. C. HONORS SIX; DONALD COOK NAMED Donald E. Cook, of the Univer sity, is one of the six honor grad uates of the Eeserve Officers Training Corps, in the 9th Corps area—this area is comprised of Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Ida ho, Montana, California, Wyoming, and Utah, and also of the territory of Hawaii, aeeording to an an nouncement today. Class C is colleges and univer sities, including land grant institu tions, not ' essentially ^ military, where the c.urriedhim ‘Sr-untficiently advaneed'to carry. with lfc.a^ degree, and wh«re the average age of n stndeqt npqsi graduation Is iibtJesa than 23 yean. Frosh Fire-Bugs Searching Town For Fire Kindling Wood, paper, tires, everything that will burn, is now in great de mand for the freshmen are col lecting material for their annual bonfire, which will be set off the night before the Homecom ing game. “It means a lot of work for the boys,” said Dean Walker, dean of men, “to collect enough material for a good fire. Many people in Eugene have a lot of old papers or boxes that thdy would be glad to get rid of. It would be no trouble for the boys to collect it and bring it to the campus.” He recalled times when the freshmen had torn down old barns or taken up board walks that were no longer in use, and remarked that there were many similar sources around Eugene now. All (that is needed is per mission to take them. Ronald McCreight, chairman of the bonfire committee, reports that the workers are well (organ ized and will begin their house to house campaign next week. Although an attempt will be made tb canvass the whole town, it is urged that people having material will call either Dean Walker’s office or Ronald Mc Creight at 7:30. MU PHI WILL PRESENT CONCERT THURSDAY Madam McGrew Will Sing; Rex Underwood to Play Bex Underwood, violinist, Aurora Underwood, pianist, and Madame Bose McGrew, soprano, will be pre sented in concert, next Thursday evening, November 7, in the school of music auditorium, by Mu Phi Epsilon, national women’s music fraternity. This will be the first of a series of programs to be pre sented by this organization, during the coming year. Bex Underwood and Mrs. Under-, wood w-ere presented by Pro Mu sica, a national music club, in Port land last Sunday afternoor, and, aeeording to all reports, were very enthusiastically received. Several ef the most popular ntfmbers ren dered at that concert will be given next Thursday evening, Madam Mc Grew is well known to campus mu sic lovers who will be delighted at this opportunity of hearing her firt concert of the year. All three artists spent the sum mer at Fontainble&u, Prance, study ing music, where they received in struction from some of the world’s greatest musicians. Bex Underwbod was successful in passing the vir tuosos test, an honor awarded only in cases of rare ability, and one of the most rigid and thorough exam inations open to the world’s mu sicians. The concert will start at 8:15 p. m., admission being thirty-five cents to students. The tickets will be available at the various living organizations, or from any of the members of Mu Phi Epsilon after today. Season tickets for the six coneents will sell for $1.50. HOMECOMING SIGNS TO BAN ANTAGONISM Letters containing information regarding the construction of Home coming signs were mailed out to day to all fraternity and sorority houses on the campus by Tom Gra ham whe has charge of that phase of Homecoming preparations. The Homecoming directorate this year decided,that a spirit of wel come to the returning grads should be the impelling idea embodied in the signs, made by the fraternity and sorority houses, instead of the old idea of antagonism towards the Aggies. Every house planning to build a sign this year is requested to sub mit complete plans of their projedt to Tom Graham at the student body offices. This, should be done im -tned lately . In ’ order -W assist the' committee in their work. Grandstand To Be Finished For Homecoming Game; Capacity Will Be 6000 Campus Opinion Solicited On Inside Arrangement of Student Union Building Work on the basketball paVilion will start next spring and will be ready for the basketball men next fall, it was definitely decided by the building committee in a report made yesterday. The pavilion will be 160 by 190 feet, with a seating capacity of 6,000 and three prac tice floors. The new grandstand on Hayward field, built at a. cost of $24,424, and with a seating capacity of 4200, will be completed for the O. A. C. Oregon game, the report continues. Blaus for the Student XTnioij, mill race bleachers, and football stadi um also were contained in the re port. Pavilion to be Erected The pavilion, which is to be erected on Hayward field, will cost between $150,000 and $160,000. The question has arisen as to whe ther the pavilion should be, so built hs to accommodate assemblies and rallies. In such an event the orig inal cost would be increased by $40,000. Present, plans provide -that the new bleachers on ; Hayward field will be used primarily for track after the other grandstands have been torn down and that a football stadium will be built as one of the group of physical education build ings. The new press box, built on the old grandstand, has been voted the best on the coast by reporters who used it for the Idaho-Oregon game. Union Plans Indefinite The Student Union building will contain class meeting rooms, loung ing rooms for both men and wom en, dance hall, student body offices, accommodations for visiting teams, •and possibly the co-operative store. The building committee suggests that the supervision of the mill race bleachers be. handled by the .committee. Under this condition, all upkeep expenses will fall on the committee and all money from the canoe fete will go into 0 the building fund. Any student having an opinion on the supervision of mill race bleachers, design of . the - Student Union building, or contents of the pavilion, are requested to get in touch with Ted Larsen immediately. The Committee and regents will ’meet Wednesday of next week to decide . these; matters. LIBRARY DEPARTMENT HEAD TAKES NEW JOB Miss Emma Stephenson, ’19 who has been head of the order depart ment in the University library, left yesterday for Spokane where she will head the same department in the Spokane public library. After her graduation, Miss Stephenson studied in the New York library school and served in the University of Minnesota library. Miss Stephenson drove to Port land with Miss Jeannette Calkins, alumni secretary and editor of “Old Oregon.” Miss Calkins will attend a special meeting of the alumni council, called by the presi dent, P. H. Young. She expects to return o Eugene some time Sat urday. Y. W. MEETING POSTPONED The meeting for girls not in liv ing organizations which was to have been held at the bungalow today >bas been postponed until Monday, November 2, in the Bung alow at 4:30. This meeting will be the opening feature’ • qf the 4b^bined^ Attehnce and* itembhrship ‘ drive insofar as these girls are concerned. Gridgraph to Show Details' Of Game With California Dance Will Be Held Between Halves The Stanford-Oregon football game will be presented in detail Saturday afternoon in the Wom an’s building when the new $1300 gridgraph will be used for the first time this year, after the close of the Oregon-Washington frosh game. In between the halves and the intermissions one of the popular dance orchestras will furnish music for the riot ers to dance by. The gridgraph is the finest [thing of its kind on the coast, and the complete story of the game is given as vidvidly as could be seen from the choice seats in the Stanford stadium, by means of a simple system of lights. A private wire has been leased for the game so that play by play details will come in as soon as they take place. The game starts at 3:00 o’clock. The rally dance in connection starts at 3:00 o’clock and will last until 5:30. Committees from the Order of the “O,” which will sponsor the showing, have been appointed to sell tickets at each house and at the Co-op. Chuck Jost has charge of the selling, >of these. An ad mission of 50t» each will be charged to help defray the cost of leasing th$ wire, and other costs connecte(d with the grid graph. i ■! ‘OLD-OREGON1 ISSUE OFF PksS MONDAY The Homecoming issue of “Old Oregon” -will be off the press Mon day. One of the special features, relating to alumni, is the All-Time, All-Star football team, picked from former Oregon grid stars by Prof. Herbert Howe. Members of the first team were notified and pic tures were sent in to the editor of the magazine, Jean'll ditte Cal kins. A few of the pictures were obtained from Bill Hayward, and aj-e those taken at the time the men were in school. The members of the first team are: center, George Hujg, ’07; guards, Bill Snyder, ex ’18, and Frederick Moullen, ex ’09, de ceased; tackles, Dick Smith, Ore gon coach, ’01, and John W. Beck ett, ex ’17; ends, William (Weary) Chandler, ’07, and Gordon Moores, ’08; quarterback, Shy Huntington, ’24; halfbacks, Bill Steers, ’21, and John F. Parsons, ’17; fullback Dudley Clarke, ’10. Ed Miller, editor of the Oregon (Continued on page four) DIRECTORIES READY SOON The student directories will not be ready for distribution until the last of next week, according’ to Prof. Bobert C. Hall, of the school of journalism faculty and head of the University print shop. Eleven hundred of the directories are be ing printed, containing the name, major subject, telephone number, and home and University address of all members of the student body and faculty. Extra copies will be on sale at the University Co-lop. RESOLUTION Whereas Almighty Ood in his infinite wisdom has seen fit to remove from our midst, our late friend and fellow student, Al fred Goss, and Whereas, by his death the Uni versity of Oregon has lost one of the most earnest and respect ed students; therefore, be it Resolved by the Associated Students of the University of Oregon that to his sorrowing family we extend our deepest sympathy, and be it further Resolved that a copy of these resolutions in behalf of our be loved friend be sent to his fam ily, and that a copy be transcrib ed on the records of the Asso ciated Students of the Univer sity of Oregon, and tha| a copy be pnblished in the student pub , ttration. , Adopted Oct. *8, 1886, Asaocta . si^ ated StndenU, A*y> DeLerle Pearson, Secretary. VARSITY HOOP PRAGTICE WILL BEGIN TODAY Aspirants Meet In Men’s Gym at 4 p. m; Oregon Prospects Are Dimmed Okerberg May Not Return; Gowans, Only Veteran Of Team, Lost by Graduation By Dick Godfrey All aspirants for the varsity basketball team turnout for prac tice tonight. This call was issued by Coach “Billy” Reinhart yesterday as he boarded the train with the foot ball team for Stanford. The first basketball practice will be held in the men’s gymnasium this afternoow commencing prompt ly at 4 o’cmo_c, the coach stated, with the varsity lettermen in charge. Reinhart Not to be Hero Coach Reinhart will not be pres ent for this practice, buit will be on hand next week to start the squad on its annual conditioning work. Oregon’s prospects this year were slightly dimmed by the an nouncement that “Okie” Okerberg, all-coast center last year, may not return in time to play this sea son. “Okie” was counted on to take his old place at center. How ever, several other men of ability, but lacking in experience will be on hand to take over the work if the veteran is not on hand. If “Okie” returns, the varsity will start the basketball season with virtually a veteran team. { This team, built last year by Coach Reinhart, tied the Oregon Aggies for coast honors and lost by one point in the final play-«ff flame. Now with the prospects in view | the Oregon team should come even ."{loser to the coveted colnferjence title. “Swede” Westergren, all coast guard; “Hobby” Hobson, two year veteran; “Chuck” Jost, the man who found himself in the Ag | gie games last year; Jerry Gun ther, with one year’s experience; and pohsibly Okerberg, combined. with 25 or 30 other prospects, I Coach Reinhart is setting on the world. Hard Training Starts However, this versatile coach seems to think that the teams will have to be worked hard, long and consistently in order to reach the peak it displayed last season. So, starting this afternoon the aspirants will take the maple floor three times a week. During this i time -fundamentals, the coach’s long suit, will be given the play ers to learn. Reinhart is a believer in start ing the men early and giving them a background from which to work, ho states. i Work from today, until the j Christmas holiday season will deal I mostly with pivoting, running, pass ing, shooting, and other phases of inside knowledge of basketball. All aspirants will have a chance to show their ability on the court as the team will not be formulated until the return from Christmas festivities. j Good Turnout Expected Several likely looking candi dates to take the place of Russ ! Gowans, only veteran lost by grad j uation, will turnout, it is learned. I Gowan’s clever floorwork and abil ity to sink the ball for counters will be missed during the early sea son, however. Prom present indications every .man has a chance to usurp the place of some veteran and a hard al|d glorious fight will aitart today which is expected to:last all sea son. Everybody claims this is Ore gon’s year on the maple court and the men and coach are commencing ; j|g. ,?eet''\SSi: and will . . forth everything they have to make it BO. Sophomore Men Take Sport Jacket As Official Garb All hail to the class of ’28! After a lengthy and spirited dis cussion last night the sophomore men finally decided that since they considered themselves as representing one of the foremost classes on the campus the most practical and undoubtedly the most distinguishing form of ap parel they could possibly choose would be a sweat shirt jacket. Since the sophomores are above all things, conservative, it is thought best that this particular species of masculine garb is to be of a modest, medium shade of blue. Further developments of the matter indicate that there will be two pockets which have probably been added for effect, the left of which will bear a yel low felt ’28. The jackets will button down the front. Orders will be taken the first of next week in order that the men may be able to wear them during Homecoming. FROSH GET WISE PARTY WILL BE HELD TONIGHT All Upper-Class Women Are Invited to Attend # Tonight is the time set for the famous “Get Wise Party” which the freshman girls have been hear ing about for so long. It will be from 7:00 to 8:30 in the Women's building, and all University wtom en are invited. To insure the all-around success of the affair, Women’s League and W. A. A., the two largest women’s organizations on the campus are combining, their talent for the pro gram. W. A. A., girls are giving jatunts ito depict the variety of sports which are offered to Uni versity gils. Eloise Buck, pesident of Mortar Board, senior women’s society, will give a talk on honor aries and scholarship. Beatrice Peters, secretary of Y. W. C. A., will tell of activities connected with that organization. Dancing will intersperse the stunts, and refreshments (will be served. Lillian Luders will be floor manager. Big sisters are expected to bring their small sisters and all upper class girls are urged to come, as well as the freshmen, is the final proclamation lot Anna DeWitt, president of Women’s League. SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK RANKS HIGH IN NATION The Portland school of social work, a department bf the Univer sity of Oregon, ranks as one of the seven best in the United States, although it is one of the newest of the. 24, according to Margaret D. | Creech, director of social case work in the school. The student body is small. The girls preparing themselves for pro fessional social work by devoting their mornings to field work. The first two terms they study family welfare in this way, and the third term they branch out into the spe cialized lines. Opportunities for many different kinds of work are offered. Among them are: individual family work, publicity, educational, criminal, subnormal mentality, in fact every thing for the bettering of individ uals. The students learn hdw to in vestigate problems, and gain the peoples’ confidence. They -study family rehabilitation, solving each individual problem. These prob lems differ with the case, Miss Creech said. The trouble may lie in lack of recreation, or because of health, financial, or for moral rea sons. The course of study in the school (Continued on page four) - All assistant athletic managers .will report at Hayward field at A:30 Friday afternoon and 9:00 ‘ o'clock Saturday morning with* 8ut*1fW3C v Attendance ' will ^>e checked as usual. FRDSH ELEVEN READE TO MEET HUSKIES' BUSES “Spike” Leslie Head Coach Of Freshman Gridsters; First Game Of Season Twenty-two Men Assigned To Fall Training Table In Absence Of Varsity The freshman football squad worked out last night with but one thought in mind, that of defeating the University of Washington babes Saturday. Coach Earl “Spike” Leslie had the men run ning signals, charging the line, and the punters booting the ball, last night. Due to the absence of the var sity, the freshman, squad had Hay ward field yesterday for practice. Men were*lined up in the formation for the opening kick off, and were • sent down on punts, everything was practiced in preparation fc(r the coming game. Woody and Wilson Punters One big worry of the coach in yesterday’s workout was punting. This is one of the weakest parts of the team, with the best booter not making more than thirty-five yards. In Woody and Wilson, quar terbacks, Leslie, has two fairly good punters. In last night’s prac tice both were getting off some good punte. Martin, tackle, has also been given much punting prac tice. This tall rangy linesman gets off some nice boots. The game against the Universtiy of Washington yearlings, Saturday will be Coach “Spike” Leslie’s first game in his present position as head freshman coach. “Spike” is a former Oregon football man, hav ing played on the team that met Havard in 1919. Leslie played frosh football in 1916 and returned to his alma mater in 1919 for three years at tackle position. Leslie Experienced Coach Since graduation from college he coached at the McLoughlin high school at Milton-Freewdter. For the past two years Leslie was head coach of all athlotics, at Eugene high school where he turned out n l championship team. Assisting Les lie arc Dick Reed, George Bliss apd George Allison. Last nighit twenty-two men ate at the training table in, Friendly hall. This will continue for the I rest of the week in absence of the ’ varsity. The men on the training 3 table are: Klippel and Qadwell, i centers; Flegel, Thompson, Caugh ‘ ell and Ackers, guards-; Martin, De • inott, Nosier and Cramer, tackles; c Gear, Jamison, Burnell and Slau sen, ends; Woodie and Wilson, s quarterbacks; Ostrum, Hagan, Ed - die and Coles, halfbaeks and Gould ; and Gooden, fullbacks. ; PATTERSON WILL HEAD - LAW SCHOOL STUDENTS i Paul Patterson, senior in the law ; school, was elected president of tho , law school student body at the e.n , nual election and dinner at the An - ehorago last night. Patterson is - one of the outstanding debaters in the school and winner of several ■ law prizes. He was on the dobat 0 iug team which defeated Oxford r last year. 1 Judge William Cake of Pbrtland was principal speaker. While dis s cussing the various phases of the 3 legal profession, the Judge de ^ dared that the loss of a hard and ' important case for a client would not ■ dampen his spirits any more 1 than to see Oregon go down into the mire in a football game. Throe sons of Judge Qajfa U»4 attended Hale, Judge Cake, Paul Patteredn, and Professor-Arthu», J£e»t of the la* -fawtty,- of Oregon. Dean 'William G. Hale, Stanford. •presided. Speakers were