Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 21, 1925, Image 1

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i Gunning
For The
Coaches Who Scouted
California-St. Mary’s
Game Tell Of Work
Of “Wonder Team”
By Web Jones
Bill Reinhart and “Spike” Leslie
scouted the California-St. Mary’s
game last Saturday. They saw the
“wonder team” and most of its
outstanding players in action. This
is what they had to say about it.
Andy Smith is smart. There is
"no question about the power of the
team this year. It is strong in re
serves for the California coach used
three teams in the game and the
unusual part of it was that the men
who were substituted looked better
than the men who started the game.
The team actually played a better
game in the second half than in the
first. Perhaps they were as good
as the starters and the weakened
condition of the St. Mary’s team
made them look better.
The power of the team is not
due to brute strength and beef but
to intelligent playing. They know
how to handle the offense. Lines
men repeatedly slipped back to the
quarterback to tell him what his
man was doing so that the quarter
back would know where to direct
the attack. It was brainy foot
The offense was organized. The
gains were made through the line
often for 25 to 30 yards. A back
shot through the first line 6f scrim
mage and picked up his interfer
ence on the other side where it was
meant to be. Often he hestitated
momentarily on the verge of being
tackled, to allow his interference
•to form.
The backfield is Composed of
average size men. about 160 pounds.
Young and Dixon, who weigh the
most, are not over 170 pounds. The
backfield will weigh much less than
that of Oregon. The ends are also
light but fast. The rest of the line
is heavy.
Dixon the California kicker, av
eraged about 36 yards on his punts.
The St. Mary’s kicker averaged
less. That is going to give Ore
gon a big edge in this department
of the game.
The offense is organized, there
are no stars. Each man is a part
of a perfect machine. As long as
a man does his task he is as
much a star as any other man on
the team.
The backs have wonderful inter
"feisnce. That helps to make the
t eft m as much as anything else.
The interference knows what to do.
The team works as a unit. The
style is conducive to wonderful
team play but not to the “Red”
Grange type.
Three teams went into the SatA
urdav game and there was very
little difference between them. The
backfield had Dixon, Griffith, Im
lay, Young, Blewett, Jabs. Carlson
and Brown.
One of the most apparent things
was that everyone is worried.
The coaches are worried, the
, team is worried, the students are
worried, and the followers are wor
ried. They are thinking that th<
team with its wonderful materia
will not come through this year
They show it. It’s in the air ant
one can sense it as soon as one geti
. there.
This is the first time for many
... many years that the coaches hav
been worried about the team. I
doesn’t happen down there ver;
often, but this year it has com
over the campus in full force. That
why Oregon has a good chance. 1
there is any gloom on this eampu
there is twice as much on th
Berkeley campus.
Official Special
Tickets On Sale;
$3.81 Round Trip
Railroad tickets for the offi
cial “rally special” train leaving
via Southern Pacific at 3:30 Fri
day, will be on sale all day
Thursday and if necessary also
on Friday morning. A ticket
booth will be placed in front of
the library for the convenience
of the students. The fare on
the special will be $3.81 round
trip. The train will return Sun
day evening, leaving Portland at
7:00 o’clock. So that student
luggage will not interfere with
the special features and enter
tainment on the train, officials
have added another baggage car
for the checking of baggage.
The train will consist of ten
coaches, two baggage cars (one
being used for dancing) and a
club-lunch car. ..Plans are being
made to make this train one of
the most coroful student spe
cials that has left the campus.
FIRST fl.S. U. 0. MEET
New Song To Be Introduced
By Yell King Martin
The first official student body
meeting of the year will take place
Thursday in the auditorium of the
Woman’s building at the regular
assembly hour. Reports by the
chairmen of the student commit
tees, Maurice Warnock, vespers;
Freddie Martin, rally; Wilbur Hay
den, lectures, and Kenneth Ste
phenson, finance, will be heard
after which the time will be de
voted to a pep rally for the Ore
gon-California game.
Introduction of a now song to
be featured at the game will be
made by Freddie Martin, yell king,
who also will explain final plans
for attending the game on Satur
day. Oregon harmony will be sup
plied bt the Barber Shop Quartet
composed of Fred West, Ted Lar
son', A1 Smith and Tom Robertson.
Walter Malcolm president of the
associated students will introduce
coaches of all sports, Dick Smith,
Billy Reinhart and Bill Hayward,
football coaches, and Bob Mautz,
captain of the varsity, will speak.
Two volumes containing samples
of the very finest printing from the
time of the Venetians up to the
present, have bdfcn received by
Dean Eric W. Allen, of the school
of journalism, from John Henry
Nash, noted printer of San Fran
cisco. Mr. Nash, who had his col
lection of rare old printing and
books on exhibit here last spring,
was honored with the degree of
doctor 'of letters at the last com
mencement at Oregon. Some of his
work is included in the second
The first volume is entitled “Four
Centuries of Fine Printing,” while
the second volume is “Fine Modern
Printing.” * The books are to be
used in Dean Allen’s classes in
publishing. The originals lof the
samples included in the books could
only be. seen by travelling great
distances to private and public col
lections scattered all over the
world. The best samples of the
work of the most noted printers
of the times are included in the
The University library has
bought two of the volumes for its
1 collection. The books are published
by the University Press,' Cam
bridge, England.
t Robert C. Hall, of the school ot
r journalism, who has been receiving
8 medical treatment in Portland foi
8 some time, returned to his home ir
f Eugene Saturday. Mr. .Hall ha*
s charge of the courses in printing
e and his classes have been discon
tinued until winter term.
Girl’s League Sponsoring
Dime Crawl To Be Held
At All Women’s Houses
Ten Cent Admission Helps
Build Fund For Foreign
Scholarship At University
A dime crawl, the first of several
which will be held during the year,
is to be featured this evening from
6:30 to 7:30 at all women’s organi
zations on the campus under the
auspices of Women’s League. Do
rothy Myers is in charge of the
affair. Ten. cents admission will
be charged at each house. Miss
Mfers is eager that the men of the
campus support it enthusiastically,
as it is upon them that the success
of the dime crawl depends.
These social features were start
ed two years ago, and have become
a definite part of the campus activ
ity program. They are given by
Women’s League for the purpose
of raising money for the Foreign
scholarship. The first dime crawl
was managed by Jeanne Gay, chair
man of the Women’s League Scho
larship Loan Fund, in the year
1923-24. The idea, according to
Georgia Benson, who was president
of Women’s League at that time,
was taken from the dime crawls
which are held at the University of
California for their Student Union
fund. About $100 is made at each
dance, and sometimes more. “We
found them very successful," re
marked Miss Benson, “and of
course their success was due to the
enthusiasm shown bv the men.”'
Dean Esterly Commends
“The dime crawl is an easy and
effective method of raising money,”'
Dean Esterly observed, “and is a
good thing as long as it is closed
on time. However, everyone must
remember that the closing time is
definitely set for 7:30, and that the
rule must be abided by.”
Oregon Club will hold its dime
crawl at 818 E. 13th at their club
room, and all other women’s organ
izations will entertain in their own
houses except Chi Omega, which
will occupy the Beta Theta Pi
house, Alpha Delta Pi which will
be at the Phi Kappa Psi house, and
Delta Zeta, which is to be at the
College Side Inn.
Biley II. Allen, editor of the
Honolulu Star Bulletin, and Mrs.
Allen, will be guests of the campus
and especially of the school of
journalism a week from today. Mr.
Allen was sports editor on the Se
attle Post-Intelligencer at the time
that Dean Eric W. Allen was North
west editor, George S. Turnbull,
news editor, and Ralph D. Casey,
reporter on the same paper.
Mr. Allen has contributed special
articles on Hawaiian life tto the
World's Work and other magazines
and has also written short stories
for Collier's, Everybody's and
other fiction publications. He is
a former student of the University
of Washington and a graduate of
Chicago University.
During the war he saw active
service as a Red Cross major at
Vladivostok Siberia. Mrs. Allen
was a well.known Seattle vocalist
at the time of her marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen will be
guests of Theta Sigma Phi and
Sigma Delta Chi,- professional jour
nalism fraternities, while here.
Coach Dick Smith, Baz Williams,
Billy Reinhart, Bill Hayward, Vir
gil Earl, and members of the foot
ball team will be honor guests thii
evening, “JJniversity night,” at the
Heilig theatre.
A special program has been pre
pared for the evening. A Grant
land Rice sport reel, depicting sev
eral football plays, will be shown
especially for this evening. Tb«
“The Freshman.”
picture feature is Harold Lloyd*!
Two Bear Hunters And One Bear
Fraternity Signs To Stress
New Features Planned
Welcome T® Graduates,
A spirit of welcome,' hospitality,
goodfellowship and reunion will
permeate the Oregon campus dur
ing the 1925^ Homecoming. There
will be many new features and the
old time pep ar,d enthusiasm will
be in evidence to make this the
most successful and the biggest
event of its kind in Otagom- history.
Such was the message given out at
the first meeting of the1 Homecom
ing directorate last night.
The biggest thing that, faces the
directorate at this time is the lack
of interest in a slogan; To date
only one slogan has been turned
in, and hundreds are 'needed to
chose one suitable for tlie occasion.
Every student is urged' tro submit
his ideas immediately on the blank
coupons printed in this issue. A
box is provided for this purpose
in the library. Only tlfree weeks
remain before the annual event and
slogans must be in, in time to use
for advertising purposes. *
Hospitality Idea Stressed
“The cards are stacked for one
of the most successful Homecomings
in the history of Oregon,” said
Walter Malcolm, student body pres
ident. The idea of hospitality wilT
be stressed this year more tlian ever
In addition to the- usual program
on Friday and Saturday there will
be. many features the nature of
which will be disclosed l'ater. A
reception committee will meet all
trains and care for visitors. Alumni
will be asked to get in the line
of march, this year in the annual
rally parade.
The old notion of antagonism
against the Aggies on the fratern
ity signs will' be abolished and the
idea of welcome to old grads will
me stressed. This matter along with
the efer present traffic x>r°blein
will be handled by a committee
composed of Tom Graham, chair
man, Bruce Fenton, Doug King,
Proc Fl'annigan, Milton Brown and
Harold! Llewelyn.
Class Members Featured
Another feature the committee is
working on is the class reunion.
After the Saturday noon luncheon
aH classes will assemble at desig
nated points near the library and
meet old grads. Five classes will
assemble at the same point.
Finances this year are being han
died by Ken Stephenson and Bot
, Love. All purchases must be mad<
, with the use of a requisition issued
by either of the men in charge.
A meeting of all members of th<
Homecoming directorate will b<
held sometime Thursday, an an
nouneement will appear ina latei
Emerald. Further plans and addi
tlonal features will be announced
i at that time.
Sfez/fz', <&/C/ftef-rr
Here are two of Oregon’s stal
wart, and a heady Bruin field gen
eral who will try to outwit them in
Saturday’s classic.
Ethel McClellan, Chairman*
Gives Aim of Campaign
Plans for the Y. W. C. A. fi
nance drive will be discussed at a
preliminary meeting of the 'commit
tee in charge at the Bungalow to
day at three o 'clock. Miss EMe
heller, national secretary, will
speak on the subject of “National'
“While the Y. W. C. A: on-the
campus has played an important
part in the lives (of University
women for years, as Oregon- be
comes larger and larger it's func
tion become more vital. The
Bungalow is the only 'meeting
place for all University women, and
it serves as a medium in bringing
them together. For this reason, if
for no other, the organization de
serves the financial support of ev
en- woman on the campus,”' is the
statement issued by Ellen McCiet
Ian, general chairman of the drive.
The quota to be raised this year
is $1(10(1. Average pledges in the
past have approximated $3 for the
entire year. Smaller amounts are
always acceptable, however.
Girl reserve work in liigh schoots
is one of the most i>roi«iiienfr phases
of the Y. W. C. A'. ’3 activities.
University women are trained to
j be leaders of clubs in high schools
I and communities. Tile World Fel
! lowship discussion groups which
' proved successful Vast year are to
j he continued this year. The World
I Court will probably be- the subject
! for study, according tto Miss Mc
Those in charge of the drive are:
Ellen McClellan, general chairman;
Beatrice Mason, pep manager; Al
pha Chi Onielga, Alice South wick;
Alpha Delta Pi, Dorothy Straughn;
Alpha Gamma Delta, Alice Olsen;
Alpha Phi, Barbara Blythe; Alpha
Omicron Pi, Anita Kellogg; Alpha
XioDelta, Frances Schroeder; Delta
Gamma, Katherine Struplere; Delta
Delta Delta, Ellen McClellan; Chi
Omega, Helen Coates; Delta Zeta,
i Mae Mordoff; Gamina Phi Beta,
Doris Kendall; Kapp Alpha Theta,
j Constance Roth; Kappa Kappa
i Gamma, Eleanor Beckwith; Pi Be
i ta Phi, Edith Bader; Kappa Omi
I cron, Edith Huntsman; Sigma Beta
; Phi, Marjorie Meyers; Tau Nu, Ger
aldine Troy; Oregon Club, Marie
: Gilkeson; Hendricks Hall, Sara
j Starr; Susan Campbell Hall, Butt
, | Corey; Thacher Cottage, Josephine
- Yocom.
Leaders among the -town girla
will be announced later, and an;
girl who is especially Interested
in - leading the campaign is aAec
to call Ellen McClellan.
WJf Srrrc/Ji.r'
California-St. Mary's* Game
Watched By Coaches
The freshman football' (team feels
quite honored! this week. They are
now the Univ-rrsity of ChKfornia’s
golden bears—-that is they act as
California in practice games against
the varsity. ISaekfield coavft, Billy
Reinhart and “'Spike” Leslie; fresh
man coach, returned MontBiy from
Berkeley, California where1 they
witnessed the Otlifornia-Sti. Mary’s
game. As a result of the tirip both
men know much about this golden
stater’s style off play. TH<r fresh
man team has been drilled1 with
this particular style.
Last night scrimmage against the
varsity was strenuous. The- fresh
men were kept' fighting ailT the
time. The yearling team gave a
very good exhibition of them selves
last Saturday in- the game- against
the super-varsity, third team. In
this game the green cappers keep
their more experienced oppomrts on
the go all the- time. Tlite third
quarter proved the down fail of
the supor-varsity when they fum
bled on their Id-yard line- and a
freshman player picked the- ball up
and raced for ttfir only score of the
game as the try-for-poirrt kick
failed. Again in this quarter a
first year man broke through the
i line for a 50=yard sprint. !This
| brought the ball to the five yard
| lino but the gnn soundhd, ending
the game before the baiT could be
bucked over. Gooden at fullback
and Ostrum air half made- consistent
gains through the super-varsity
According to Coach' Leslie, a
squad of 18 men wifi be sent to
Roseburg where they will meet the
fast American Legion eleven of
that city on Armistice day. This
squad wilT>be picked from the seven
j teams which are reporting for daily
| work. The coach, however, will not
i pick the men he ihtends to use
| against the O. A. C. Rooks at Cor
vallis on Friday, November- 13.
Freshman stoek took a 'consider
able jump the first part of the week
when three yearling players who
have been on the injured list re
ported for work. Cotter Gould, full
back, who was out with a wrenched
knee is hitting the line harder than
ever. Kandvall, center, is again
turning put for the pivot position.
Thompson, guard, who has been laid
up with a bruised shoulder and la
one of Leslie’s surest bets on the
,! line, is again spilling plays.
Mile. Lydie Coqblin was the prin
i cipal speaker at the meeting of the
■ French club held last evening at
1 the Y. W. Bungalow. Mile. Coqblin
1 gave a talk on her idea of the seen
1 ery of Oregon and contrasted it
! and are urged to attend, said Do
rothy Henderson, president,
i with her home in France. During
r - the evening Mavie Richards played
: the Polonaise by Chiopin. All stu
l dents who axe taking French
courses are welcome in this club
Squad Behind Closed Gates
Driven Hard By Coaches
Until Night Hides Field
Grid Warriors Develop New
( Vim As Scrimmage Goes
Forward For Calif. Tilt
■A deep far reaching mist of mys
tery snrronnds Hayward field this
I weak as the football aspirants,
| eoar.hes and few others work far
1 past darkness in preparation for the
oncoming California game.
Signals, called by three quarter
backs fts they send the members of
their trams through light practice
and then take them intlo a real
fighting .scrimmage; are heard each
A new life, a new spirit seems
to have entered the men on the
fiold as they go through the plays
outlined by the three-coaches. First
the'team walks through a play, re
peat* a few-times, and' then linesup
against the second string ar fresh
man and tests the perfected' play.
The coaches are endeavoring to
get the-team' working in cTcseK-KKe
precision and' are driving the- men
on to do their utmost. They are
taking-pains to elarify Hie plays in
the minds of the athletes amf then
tellirig-them tb> go, go as-they would
again the claws of the Hidden
New Spirit Shown
This method1- of explanation by
the eoaeh'es is Bringing alltout a new
feeling-,- a new showing- of spirit;
and a new attitude toward' the
game among tire players. They are
beginning to feel that “hopped
up” spirit and" are showing it in
scrimmage. That spirit displayed
when tho students repeat that
“fight'’em Oregon” yell; is tailing
preference over the inner feeling
of the men.
Although no outward' show is
made by the athletes, a spectator
is able to tell that the men are
ready-- to uphold tho honor «5f" one
The linemen are charging harder,
the backfield1 men are hitting hard
er, and the- coaches- are driving
harder this week Ifinn since the
days of Hugo- Berdeek and his 1916
championship team.
Condition is another obstacle
overcome By tho coaches and Bill'
Havward, veteran trainer, have tho
I men ready, with the exception of'
| Jones. Jones is slated to sit on
i the ben oft during the opening min
- utes of' the Beer contest but the
minute .his strength is needed to
bolster- up the backfield he will be
sent. His injured wrist is healing
in nice fashion, Bill states, but n«
chances will be taken in irritating
the injured member by scrimmage.
However, Jones has been follow
ing the first string fullback in all
the plays and is ready to step in
when the time comes.
Vitus To Play
Vitus will start his first inter
collegiate game this Saturday.
“St” Vitus has been going good
in practice this past week. He is
a sure tackier and one of the best
defensive backs on the squad, it is
stated. o •
B.yr) Ilodgen is being groomed io
take over Jones’ work as full baek
and is going good.
Vic Wetzel has charge of the
other half position and is ready to
put his punting wares against that
of the Boar.
The line may see a slight change
before the end of this week. Smith
and Mautz will probably be work
ing at the wing positions when the
game starts. Three guards and as
many tackles have been showing
ability this week.
Shields will take care of one
guard berth with either Harden or
Bailey at the other. Kerns is sit
uated at one tackle and from the
practice this week, Sinclair ha*
displaced Gooding at the other.
However, this scrap hasn’t been
settled as yet. Johnson is assured
as the center.