Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 17, 1925, Image 1

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Leslie’s Green Cappers To
Meet “Super-Varsity” In
Preliminary Game, 1:00
Offensive Promises Better
Than In Previous Tilts;
Intensive Training Helps
The rejuvenated Oregon varsity
meets the “Little Tartar” of the
northwest conference, the Pacific
University eleven, this afternoon at
2:30. A preliminary game between
the super-varsity and “Spike” Les
lie’s green cappers starts the af
ternoon gridiron festivities at 1:00
o ’clock.
If the intensive grind this week
has had any effect it will be seen
in the offense today, which prom
ises to outshine that of last Satur
day by a mean 200 per cent. If it
gets going with the new blood
which it has now, Pacific will have
to rely on her 09 and 44-100 per
cent of pure fight to prevent the
steam roller from rolling up too
large a score. The results of the
steady drive by Dick and his hard
working assistants, Billy and Baz,
for the entire week on offense,
will be shown, today. Some good
playing is expected of the new men
in particular.
Last Year’s Badgers Smooth
Pacific University had the
smoothest working football ma
chine that performed on Hayward
field last year. They promise to
do better than before, with
seven veterans back in the lineup.
The style of play used by Ooach
Leo Frank is a snappy, quick
double shift of backfield and line
at the same time. It puts a snap
into the play that is exciting and
pleasing to watch. There is a pre
cision -.of movement and a finished
timing of the shifts that makes it
the height of rhythm in football.
It takes a lot of work to drill
a team in the intricacies of the
system, and Coach Frank has done
a wonderful job of it, judging from
his team last year. Idaho used a
wonderfully timed single ^shift .last
Saturday. The Pacific style is
more difficult and is snappier
looking. The team has not been
called offside this year on account
of the shift which is proof of the
perfect timing the team has mas
Sawdust To Slow Pacific
Twenty-three Pacific players ar
rived yesterday and took a light
workout on Hayward field to get
used to the sawdust gridiron. “It
will slow the team up some,” said
Coach Frank, “but not as much as
the Multnomah field did last Sat
The Badger line is comparatively
heavy, but the system demands
some amount of speed in the line.
The two complete baekfields which
the mentor brought down with him
are extremely fast but light. What
strength the team will have is
doubtful, but they will not be lack
ing in team work of a high order.
A powerful Multnomah team,. with
Moe Sax at quarterback, defeated
them last Saturday 32 to 0 but that
is no disparagement of the playing
ability of the Badger crew.
Varsity Lineup Switched
The Oregon varsity starts the
game today with some startling
changes in the lineup. Arnie Kim
inki goes under fire for the first
time when he starts at .quarter in
place of Louie Anderson, who is
temporarily on the bench with a
minor injury. Kiminki has shown
real football “classic.” Otto Yitus,
the steam roller of the squad, is
back in his old position at one half
with the other between George
Mimnaugh and Red Langworthy.
Beryl Hodgen is slated for full
John Warren in the line is new
at the tackle' position. Jim Pow
ers and Frank Riggs are taking the
regulars places at the wing posi
tions. Both are getting their test
today. The rest of the line will
include the regulars with Socolof
skv and Bailey, guards, Kerns and
Warren tackle, Johnson center.
(Continued on page three)
Moon-Struck Pair
Of ‘Specs’ Found
Resting On Tomb
What would you expect to find
in the local cemetery?
Tombs and graves, say the
practical; love lorn couples and
despairing frosh, say the m)ore
But the most startly find in
this place of unusual, discoveries
was made recently. A pair of
“Harold Lloyd specs” was found
adorning a stately gravestone,
robbing it of its dignity.
Anyone who wishes to redeem
his or her property may apply
at the University deplot.
Rex Underwood Will Give
Two Violin Solos
Bex Underwood, of the school of
music, iS to give two violin solos
at the University Vesper services
Sunday afternoon. Mr. Under
wood was awarded the virtuoso by
the school of Fontainebleau in
Paris last summer. While tryouts
for this award are held annually,
the award has only been given but
twice in the history of the school.
The vesper service will begin at
4:30 o’clock, and will end at 5:00.
As the service is to last for just
the half hour, all confusion must
be eliminated, and a definite start
ing time should help the situation.
The program is:
OCTOBER 18, 1925
4:30 o’clock
Lamentation - Guilmant, Organ;
(Played in honor of Dr. Camp
bell). John Stark Evans.
Chanson Palestienne-Kirman - Dus
kin. Violin Solo; Rex Underwood.
The 46th Psalm and the 13th Chap
ter of first Corinthians—Reading
and Prayer; Mrs. Elizabeth Fox
Berceuse—Paul Juion, violin solo;
Rex Underwood.
Benediction—Mrs. DeCou.
Students are urged to attend
• these vesper services whenever pos
sible as they are a new institution
in school life, and must have pat
ronage in order to be a success.
Morris Warnock is chairman of the
committee in charge.
Unusual Oysters. Obtained
By University Biologists
Amtmg the most interesting
things which the University bio
logists collected last summer while
doing research work in the Coos
Bay region are some specimens of
immense rock oysters. The two j
largest mollusks measure about five i
inches in diameter, and -when con- '
tracted were a foot loi<g, being j
j dug out of three feet of hard mud j
twice that long when expanded. j
The two choicest specimens were |
j dug out of three foot of hard mud j
by Claude Proffitt, a graduate of :
last vear.
Other oysters almost as rare in
regard to size are two which Dr.
Harry B. Yocom, of the biology
department, and Ralph Highmiller,
a student, extracted from 18 inches
of solid rock. At least Dr. Yocom
feels that their work was for a
good cause. The onlv clue to the
i size and location of the oysters
: were small holes on the surface of
the rock. The size of the rock in
j dieated that the oysters must be
| quite lengthy in order to stretch
| their necks up through the hole
for food. Once an oyster gets
I started in a rock, he is there for
! ever, unless some kind-hearted bio
I logists rescues him, according to
j Dr. Yocom.
Accurate identification has ndt
yet been determined but research
work is being done.
0. Hipe's Team Holds Lead
In Close Race; Fraternal
Orders Show an Increase
Work of Committee Brings
Bigger Results Than Any
Previous Year, Reported
With one fraternity house and
numerous individual men on the
campus not yet solicited, more than
500 dollars had been raised by last
night, according to the reports
turned in at the luncheon of team
workers, captains, and directors of
the Y. M. C. A. drive.
O. Hipe, one of the 12 team cap
tains, and his team lead the field
with a total of 35 dollars and 50
cents secured in independent soli
citing. The nearest team, competi
tor raised $20.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, which in
creased its house total yesterday
from $20 to $28, led Kappa Sigma
which was second,with $25.50. The
fraternity men subscribed $2*70.30
while the none fraternity men con
tributed $230 dollars up to noton
Personal appreciation . of the
work done by the committee work
ers was expressed by Bob Hunt,
general chairman of the drive, who
is elated by the prospect of the
drive going over the top of its
$000 quota. Hunt said that inde
pendent solicitations will be kept
up until Wednesday of next week
by the various teams who have not
approached all the men assigned to
Team Workers Commended
Reverend D. W. Davis of the Uni
versity Y. M. C. A. commended the
team workers highly, saying in
part, at yesterday’s luncheon: “You
have all shown yourselves to be
among the best workers on the
Oregon campus. You have met a
worthy but nevertheless hard prop
osition during the soliciting of this
drive. Every man here on the com
mittee will have profited through
the salesmanship experience. You
will be able to apply your ability
in many other campus activities
with equal success.”
According, to Bart Kendall, Y.
M. C. A. president, and in charge
of fraternity speakers, the commit
tee men worked harder and ob
tained more results than in pre
vious years, for which he express
ed appreciation on behalf of the
University Y. organization.
Summary of drive results report
ed up to yesterday follow: Fratern
ity houses : Alpha Beta Chi, $10.50;
Alpha Tau Omega, $17.00;
Beta Theta Pi, $10.00; Chi Psi,
$15.50; Delta Tau Delta, $6.50;
Friendly Hall, $51.00: Kappa Delta
Phi, $6.00; Kappa Sigma, $25.50;
Lambda Psi, $6.Oft; Phi Delta The
ta, $13.00; Phi Gamma Delta,
$15.00; Phi Kappa Psi, $19.00; The
ta Chi. $13.00; Psi Kappa, $4.00;
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, $28.00; Sig
ma Chi, no report; Sigma Nu,
$21.00; Sigma Pi Tau, $12.50.
Wednesday Last Day
Remainder of the money and re
ports will be turned in at the meet
ing at the last luncheon at the hut
Wednesday noon of next week. Fol
lowing is the standing of the team
captains showing the amount raised
so far: Brand, $17.00; Brunk,
$19.00; Church, $10.00; O. Hipe,
$35.00; Crumb, $14.00; McKinnery,
$9.50; HerndoA, $15.00; Kidwell,
$26.00; Love, $32.00; Serf ling,
$20.50; Simon, $21.50; Stewart,
Wayne Leland and Frank Log
gan, seniors in the school of jour
nalism, were joint receivers of the
advertising scholarship awarded by
the Portland Advertising club the
last of the Bpring term. The prize
consisted of $150 or $75 each.
The scholarship, is awarded each
yeaj to the Oregon student doing
the most satisfactory work in the
advertising classes during the year.
The winner is chosen by Prtofessor
W. F. G. Tbacher, who has charge
of the classes in advertising.
“Rally Special”
To Take Thousand
Oregon Rooters
Dancing, Club Lunch
To Be Features
The “Rally Special” for the Ore
gon-California game will leave
back of Villard Hall at 3.00 o ’clock
Friday afteraon October 23, to
carry 1000 rooters up to the big
game at Portland via Southern Pa
cific lines. The train will reach
Portland at 6:15, and will leave
for Eugene on Sunday at 7:00 p.
m. Tickets for the train will be
sold on the campus next week.
A baggage car will be placed in
the center of the train for dancing
while plans are being arranged for
the addition of a “club lunch” car
to facilitate the handling of coffee
and sandwiches. Novel entertain
ing features are being planned to
make this one of the peppiest “spe
cials” that has ever left the Ore
gon campus, according to James
Forestel, rally chairman.
Students on the campus in liv
ing organizations are urged to write
immediately to their Portland alum
ni to have them organize an “en
try” into the Portland noise rally
parade on Friday night preceeding
the California game, according to
the rally committee.
Twenty-Five Cent Charge to
Prevail This Year
Noon today is the dead-line for
addresses in the student directory.
Changes of address and new ad
dresses Will be accepted for publi
cation in the directory up to that
time. After noon a proof will be
taken in the business Pffice which
will be given to the University
Press for printing.
The student directory contains
the names of all students register
ed in the University, their tele
phone number, University and
home address, majlor subject,
the names of faculty members and
their phone number, names of liv
ing organizations, all schools and
departments, student committees,
councils, and other student body
executive officers. The directory
will be printed as usual in booklet
form and will contain about fifty
About 12000 copies •will be
printed according to Jack Benefiel,
graduate manager, whose office
handles all arrangements in the
printing and distribution ofl the
student list book. The directory
will probably be finished about
Monday, October 26, a'nd when com
pleted will be placed on sale at the
University Co-op store. The reg
ular price of 25 cents will prevail
this year.
The Dime Crawl, famous on the
campus in the past for its informal
gaiety and the opportunities which
it offers for people to get acquaint- i
ed, will be continued this year. The
first of these affairs will be staged j
next Wednesday evening, October !
21, between 6:30 and 7:30, accord-i
ing to Dorothy Meyer, who is in
charge of it.
The plan of the Dime Crawl is j
that informal dances be held at i
each women’s living organization!
around and dance for a short time
at different houses. The admission
price is ten cents at each house.
Women’s League sponsors these
| informal dances and the proceeds
are used for the Foreign scholar
ship fund.
Elizabeth Latham and Nancy
Peterson have been appointed to
assist with the management.
All managerial assistants are to
report on Hayward Field Satur
day morning at 9:00 o’clock
without fall.
Sol Abramson, Managing
Editor; Members Picked
For Ability And Service
Night and Day Editors, With
Business and.Upper News
Staffs Also Appointed
Emerald staff appointments were
announced last night by Sol Abram
son, managing editor, after a con
ference with Ed Miller, editor. Try
outs for places on the staff have
been going on since the first of the
term and appointments were made
on the ability and service of the
aspirant, changes in the staff Will
be made frequently it was stated.
The following appointments have
been made on the news staff: daily
news editors, Wilbur Wester, Mil
dred Carr, Esther Davis. Alice
Kraeft, John O’Meara, Geneva
Drum, and Frances Bourliill; night
editors. Ray Nash, Ronald Sellars,
Paul Luv, Lynn Wylcoff, Carvel
Nelson, and John Black.
News Staff Appointments
Upper ifcws staff, the members
of which were appointed for spe
cial proficiency as reporters are:
Mary Benton, Margaret Vincent,
Edward Smith, and Ruth Gregg;
sports staff, Web Jones, .editor;
Dick Godfrey, and Dick Syring;
feature writers, Philippa Sherman,
editor; Bernard Shaw, James De
Pauli, and Walter Cushman; news
staff, Mary Baker, Arthur Priaulx,
Claudia Fletcher, Lylah McMurpliy,
William Schulz, Mary Conn, Bar
bara Blythe, Pauline Stewart, Jane
Dudley, Grace Fisher, Beatrice Har
den, Frances Cherry, Marigaret Hen
sley, James Leake, Ruby Lister,
Jack Hempstead, Genevieve Mor
gan, Minnie Fisher, Helen Wad
leigh and Miller Chapman.
Business Staff Named
The following business staff ap
pointments were made by Frank
Loggan, manager; Wayne Leland,
associate manager, senior in the
department of journalism, and last
year’s advertising manager; Si Slo
cum and Calvin Horn, advertising
managers; John Davis, foreign ad
vertising manager; James Manning,
circulation manager; Burton Nel
son, assistant circulation manager;
A. R. Scott, circulation assistant;
Mary Conn, and Mable Franson,
specialty advertising; Marion Phy,
Frances Cherry, Harbert Lewis, and
Ben Bethows, office administra
Miniature pagodas, rickshaws,
gnd sampans, an ornate Chinese
pipe, and an abacus, an instrument
the Chinese use for figuring, were
exhibited by Miss Wave Lesley
last evening in a talk before the
Mathematics Club. Miss Lesley de
scribed her experiences in China
and at the Canton Christian Col
lege, where she taught until forced
to flee to Hong Kong by the ad
vance of the Chinese Revolutionary
This year the club plans to hold
a short business meeting once a
month, followed by short talks by
members of the faculty or the club.
The meetings are open to all in
Fifteen women were successful
in passing the final tryouts Cor the
Women’s Olee Club, and have been
added to the membership of that
organization for the coming year.
The new members bring the total
membership of the club up to 26,
and the outlook is regarded as
especially bright for its success
during the c-oming season. The
following girls were added to the
club: Edna Bell, Josephine Ralston,
Janet Pearce, Mary Benson, Marion
Horsfall, Ruth Helmes, Mary Clark,
Margaret Fasching, Dorothy Black,
Esther Wright, Leota Biggs, Ade
laide Johnson, La Nita Gaskill,
Receipient of Women’s
League Award
Lydie Coqblin
Harold Lloyd’s New Film Is
Special Attraction
The University of Oregon foot
ball team and coaches have accept
ed the invitation of the Heilig
theater to bo guests at a special
showing of “The Freshman,” Har
old Lloyd’s comedy which will be
presented at the Heilig next week,
announces Coach Smith.
Wednesday evening has been des
ignated as Oregon Night, and spe
cial features, have been planned for
this occasion by manager W. B.
McDonald. The team will occupy
a special block of seats for the
first show.
Captain Bob Mautz, Gene Shields,
Lynn Jones, and soveral other
members of the squad will recall
several scenes in the comedy, sinco
they actually saw (Harold Lloyd
making the picture. Mautz, ex
captain Reed, and some others
tnlked with Lloyd, who is greatly
interested in football.
Most of the action of the “Fresh
man” was filmed about the Uni
versity of Southern California
campus, with about 800 students
taking part. The big football
scenes were shot between halves
of the Stanford-California game
last year, and parts of the gamo
are shown.
The picture, is the chronicle of
the joys and woes of a freshman
in college.
Miss Adelaide Lake, graduate of
the school of journalism in the class
of 1920, and now a reporter on the
Portland Oregonian, won praise
recently from the Associated Press
for her newswritinig work. The
opening paragraph written by the
Oregon woman on a story about
one session of the international
Christian Endeavor convention in
Portland is selected as one of
seven examples of first-class news
writing, in an article by Howard
Blakeslec, nows editor of the cen
tral division of the Associated
Press, which appeared in the Sep
tember number of the news agen
cy’s service bulletin.
Miss Lake’s work is grouped with
that of several A. P. bureau editors
and of two European correspond
In her senior year Miss Lake won
the Albert prise for character and
Homecoming is 27 days away! |
An appropriate slogan will be want- |
ed long before then, so the Home
coming directorate exports stu
dents, alumni, and others to begin
turning in suggestions. Something,
short and snappy, that will smack
of “Old Grad” week end, the Ore
gon-O. A. C. game or other Home
coming events, is wanted. Sug
gestions can be placed in the slo
gan box at the entrance of the lib
rary or mailed to Jeanette Calkins,
alumni secretary. University of
Oregon. The prize is two reserved
grand stand seats.
Winner of Women’s League
Foreign Student Award
Succeeds Andree Pellion
French Girl Who Lives In
Nevers, France, Has Seen
Many Foreign Countries
Lydie Coqblin, of Nevers, France,
is this year’s beneficiary of the
foreign scholarship offered by the
Women’s League. Miss Coqblin is
working for her master’s degree
here, and is also teaching several
French classes. She is the succes
sor of Andree Pellion, who held
the scholarship year before last
and who is now instructor in the
Romance language department.,
Aftqr garduating from. Nevers
College, Miss Coqblin studied in
England, and in America at Cor
nell and John Hopkins universi
ties. She has also taught at Bryn
Mawr high school in Baltimore.
“Indeed t am a wandering stu
dent, ” Miss Coqblin observed, “At
home to relatives and friends I am
Miss ‘ Run-over-the-world. ’ I Fate
seems to take "pleasure in having
me go here and there. In less than
five year’s time, destiny has taken
me first along the Rhine, where I
spent six months, to London, to
Edinburgh, to New York, and »t
last beyond the beautiful Mississip
pi to Eugene where I get ltost on
the University campus when- I am
quite sure I am on the right way!”
The funds for this scholarship
are raised by “dime crawls" and
the April Frolic which is an an
nual event. It is thought by this
method to create a more friendly
and understanding spirit between
France and America and to make
the University of Oregon better
known not only in the United
States but in foreign countries.
Many appreciations, in the form
of letters, have been received re
cently by Miss Lillian Tingle, head
of the household arts department
of the University, by former stu
dents, in regard to the value they
received in courses there.
Mrs. A. Bondall, formerly Beulah
Clark, a graduate of the class of
1924, and who now lives in Ray
mond, Wash., writes that it would
be impossible to dlo the many
things she does, if she had to spend
the greater part of her day cook
ing. Besides doing her house work,
Msr. Bendall is able to give 12
music lessons a week.
Mrs. A. H. Call in of McMinn
viille, Oregon, formerly Mkdalene
Logan, a graduate of the class of
1922, and a major in the journalism
department, also wrote Miss Tingle
asking for names- of books which
deal with the history of cooking.
Mrs. Callin is one of the many who
have discovered that these courses
in the household arts department,
have been time saved for them.
California students on the Ore
gon campus will be feted November
6th at a grille dance to be held
at the Osburn hotel, it was de
cided at a meeting held in the Col
lege Side Inn by members of the
Sunny State club.
The dance will be for members of
the organization and their friends,
it is stated.
Ono new officer was elected dur
ing the waning moments of the
meeting last night, it was learned.
Robert llyington was elected to fill
the vacancy of the former trea
Another meeting of the club is
called for next Thursday at the
same place Cor the purpose of fur
thering the plans for the coming
grille dance, stated the president.
A11 California students on the cam
pus, whether members of the club
at present or not, are included is
this announcement, it is said.