Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 16, 1925, Image 1

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Machines, Steam Whistles
To Be Replaced By Show
Of Torches and Pajamas
Committee Personnel For
“Old Grad” Celebration
Given; Meeting Is Called
Decision to ban noise making ma
chines and apparatus in the annual
Homecoming pep parade and ap
pointment of the various Home
coming committees’ personnel were
made late yesterday by the direc
torate which met for the second
As a substitution for the [general
tumult and din, the directorate de
cided tentatively, there will be a
spectacular “pajamarino” torch
light procession with the torches,
according to plans, belching lemon
yellow and green flames.
Sentiment Against Din
This decision came as the result
of general undergraduate and alum
ni sentiment against the continu
ance of the so-called noise parades
such as they have been in the past,
according to .Tames Leake, general
chairman of the directorate.
’’•Noise—just a din leaves no af
ter impression and the real purpose
of the parade, that of boosting Ore
gon spirit, is lost in the effort to
make the vociferous outbreaks,—
such is the general opinion,” Mr.
Leake stated.
Pajamas To Be Colored
While the details of the proposed
procession are still to be worked
out, it was intimated by the direc
torate that lemon-yellow and green
pajamas would be the prevailing
costume for marchers; that store
and town lights would be turned
out to produce greater effects from
the lighted torches and that, while
the parade moved down Willamette
street, a gigantic exhibition of fire
works on Skinner’s butte would be
started. ,
Details of other Homecoming fea
tures were not announced, but it
was decided to call a meeting of
the entire group of Homecoming
committees sometime next week
when complete plans would be
draw“n up.
Committees Are Given
Dean H; Walker, dean of men;
Carl Onthank; executive secretary
and Jeanette Calkins, alumni sec
retary were chosen as Homecoming
directorate advisors. They will
meet with the directorate hereafter.
The committees announced were:
Rally—James Forestel, chairman;
William James, Wilbur Wester,
Yerl Flynn, Don , Jeffries, Hugh
Wallace, Fred Martin, Fred Hen
dricks, Robert Warner, Marion
Waginni, Dora Flemming and Do
rothy Dougall.
Publicity—Edward Smith, chair
man; Esther Davis, Mary Benton,
Wayne Leland, Arthur Priaulx and
Ralph Casey, advisor.
Luncheon—Edith Sorenson chair
man; Mrs. W. H. Davis, advisor;
Kirk BolUger, Adelaide Johnson,
Katherine Read, Dorothy Cash,
Leola Craig, and Edith Shell.
Parade—Edward Therieau, chair
man; Robert Knight, Johnny Walk
er, Joyce Albert, Don McCook and
Maxine Edmonds.
Welcoming—Ward Cook, chair
man; Lowell Baker Earl Slocum,
Wilford Lang, Anne Wentworth
and Frances Plimpton.
Feature—Lee Luders, chairman;
Barney McPhillips, Harold Wagner,
Parker Bronin, Edward Crowley
and Bee Peters.
Dance—Dud Clark, chairman;
Emerson Hoggartv, Emberson
Wright, Lois Irene Shields and Al
fonse Korn.
Rooms and Accommodations
Earl Smith, chairman; Virginia Lee
Richardson, Pete Ermbler, Dorothy
(Continued on page three)
There is an increase of 137 stu
dents majoring in the law depart
ment this year over the year 1920
21 and an increase of 16 over last
year. At the present time 207 are
majoring in the department, and
67 are registered in the law schoo?
Frost Not Painter
Of Autumn Foliage,
Says Prof. Sweetser
“Contrary to a somewhat pre
valent belief, frost has no con
nection whatever with the bril
liant colors assnmed annually by
autumn foliage,” stated Prof. A.
R. Sweetser this afternoon.
“Rather,” he said, “the striking
reds and yellows of the hillsides
are achieved by a complicated
process within the plant itself.
Upon the approach of winter,
nature stops the flow of sap and
green coloring matter into the
leaf, and by a process not yet
understood, even by botanists,
the leaf takes on the red and
yellow hues.”
Poison-oak, which is entirely
red, dogwood with its red whorl
like leaves, and the vine-maple,
which shows both reds and yel
lows, are the principal flora of
Western Oregon to lend color to
the countryside at this time of
year. “It is amusing to note the
number of people unacquainted
with poison-oak,” said Professor
Sweetser. “Many people like to
bring in an armful of poison-oak
because it is so brilliant just
now. Autumn leaves here are not
so numerous or brilliant as in
the East.”
Dates Of Contest Award Are
Changed This Year
The committee on awards at the
University announced yesterday
that the Murray Warner prize has
been raised to the sum of $300, by
Gertrude Bass Warner, donor of the
prize. The prize started at $50
four years ago, two years later was
raised to $100, and last year to
As has always been the case since
the prize was first awarded, the
sum will be divided into three
prizes. First prize, $150, second
prize $100, and third prize $50.
These prizes are given for the best
essays of 5000 words, which may
be illustrated, dealing with some
phase of the relations between
the United States and the coun
tries of the Orient. The purpose
of the prize is to stimulate interest
and closer relations. The commit
tee says that, last year the 'contest
aroused more interest than it had
ever before. The first prize was
won by Harold A. Kirk, a special
student in the school of journalism,
the second by Mildred Hayden,
senior in the history department,
and the third by Augustin Carmisis,
freshman in pre-medics. Hereto
fore the essays have been received
up to May first, and the judges’
decision announced June first. But
this year all essays must be in by
February first, and the judges de
cision will be announced March
first. These changes have been
made at the ‘request of Mrs. War
The committee on awards which
consists of Dr. A. E.' Caswell of
the physics department, Dr. M. K.
Cameron and Glenn E. Hoover, of
the economics department, and W.
F. G. Thacher and George S. Turn
bull of the school of journalism,
wishes to express its appreciation
of Mrs. Warner’s liberality and is
looking forward to a wider partici
pation in the contest this year than
has ever been witnessed before.
This committee is promoting the
Bennett prize of $20 which is
awarded for the best essay of 5000
words on the principle of free gov
ernment. This prize was not award
ed last year. The award is made
by Philo Sherman Bennett of New
Haven, Conn. As a matter of
policy, the committee asserts that
it is desirous of promoting as many
prizes and awards as possible in
the University. “In many insti
tutions,” says Professor Turnbull,
member of the committee, “stu
dents work their way through col
lege by winning awards.” The
Koyle Cup, awarded to the best all
around junior man and the Albert
Prize for the senior, who during
his college career has made the
most progress in character, serv
ice and wholesome influence, are
also in the charge of this commit
Freak Costumes, Features
And Decorations Are To
Appear At Annual Dances
Seniors At Campa Shoppe,
Juniors At College Side,
And Sophomores at Gym
Crazy costumes, freakish decora
tions, a no date ultimatum, cider
and doughnuts will contribute to
make tonight memorable in the an
nals of class parties, is the invari
able report of dance committee
chairmen. Senior, junior, and soph
omore parties begin at 8:30, and
the freshmen at 9:00.
The seniors will dance to the
music of the Pi-id Pipers at the
Camp (shoppe, says Tom graham,
chairman. Tommy McGinnis in
charge of the features, promises
diversion enough by an Apache
dance and features presented by
the senior men.
• Juniors At College Side Inn
The juniors plan to decorate the
College Side Inn with igigantic
jack o’ lanterns of many (colored
ribbons. With the aid of the six
piece Wintergarden orchestra, and
their own grotesque costumes, they
will stage a wild revelry popularly
known as the Junior Jinx.
Loud socks and ties for the men,
and noisy bow ties for the women
will be the order at the sophomore
dance, to be held in the Men’s gym,
according to Virgina Lee Richard
son and Fred Joy -vfrho are in
Ben Souther, chairman of the
freshman dance, promises an hilar
ious time for the yearlings, at the
Woman’s building.
Patrons, Patronesses Listed
Patrons and patronesses for the
dances are as follows: Seniors, Pro
fessor and Mrs. F. S. Dunn, Dr.
and Mrs. James Gilbert, Mrs. Vir
ginia Judy Esterly; Juniors, Mr.
George T. Turnbull, Dean and Mrs.
Eric W. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Snyder; Sophomores,' Mr. and Mrs.
H. R. Crosland, Mr. and Mrs. N. B.
Zane, Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Onthank,
and Dean Esterly; Freshman, Dean
John Straub, Mrs. Lettie Mowrey,
Mrs. Henry Augustine, and Mrs.
Mabel E. Folks.
Girls of British Columbia
Wear Long Tresses
The people of British Columbia
are both interesting and charming
in the opinion. of Mrs. Virginia
Judy Esterlv, Dean of Women, who
with her two small daughters, spent
the summer in Victoria.
“They seem to have a great deal
of family life,” she remarked. “I
noticed it especially in the number
of family picnics that were held
on the beach every day. The chil
dren are in the surf most of the
time, but the parents and older
people sit on the sand and watch
them play. I was especially at
tracted to the quaint little chil
dren. Most of them have long
curls, and it seems very odd after
seeing <the children here. The
British people must like seclusion
more than we do, for their homes
are surrounded by great stone walls
or high thick hedges.”
“Their method of transportation
was quite amusing to me,” she
laughed. “Everyone, old and young,
is adept at peddling the bicycle,
and they seem to enjoy it too.”
Dean Esterlv described the Jun
ior College, near Victoria, in which
she wag greatly interested. This
college is a branch of the Univer
sity of British Columbia, but it in
cludes only two years of college
work, mostly the classics. It is
a small school, but is interesting
because the building itself is an
old castle.
Dean Esterly also spent part of
the summer at Lake Louise and
Emerald Lake.
Modem Shieks Still
Fear Simple Astral
Phenomenon In Sky
Star Winked, so Arabs
Called It Demon
For all his flowing turban and
billowy robes, the Shiek was afraid.
He called his favorite wife to- him
and bade her gaze upon the hor
rible sight. If he were to be be
witehed, he was determined to have
company) How often had he heard
his father speak of Algol, the ter
rible. But never until this un
fortunate time had he Chanced to
look into the sky at the particular
moment when the demoniac influ
ence caused the star to wink. Would
he be hoodooed forever? He turn
ed startled, awed eyes on his Am
erican wife.
To his amazement, she was laugh
ing at his terror.
“Co-ed fair,” he said—she had
told him that she had been a co-ed
in America, and in the tribe of A1
Hafur one called one’s intimates
by their stations in life. “Co-ed
fair,” he appealed, “see you not
yonder yon terrible sight? It is
Algol, the demon star, who winks
at us, spurred on by some devilish
Her peal of laughter hurt him.
He looked as if he were going to
force her into an explanation, so
she answered, “My lord,” (she evi
dently still thought him a prince
of a fellow.) “don’tcha’ know that
Algol, the Demon star, has a dark
body encircling it? When that
body is between us and it, a par
tial eclipse takes place, and that’s
what- makes you think the Btar is
winking at you. It takes place at
regular intervals, too.”
“Ah,” exclaimed her husband,
“what a wonderful institution is
the American educational system! ”
Special Assistants Named
For Entertainment
The rally to be held in Portland
on Friday night, proceeding the
Oregon-California grid game, will
be a noise parade, accordir/g to
James Forestel, chairman of the
rally committee.
This rally will be along the same
line of the noise parade held two
years ago in Portland before the
Ore.gon-Sta.nford contest. A special
train leaving on the Friday before
the California game, will carry 1000
students to Portland arriving in
time for the students to participate
in the noise parade. The definite
starting time and route of the rally
has not been decided upon as yet,
but will be announced this week
To care for the entertainment on
the special train going to Portland
and to aid in the parade details, a
special committee of assistants to
the regular rally committee was ap
pointed last night. They are as
follows: Walt Cushman, Jim De
Pauli, Jane BoDine, Kay Struplere
Helen Manary, Alice Kraeft, Kate
Lambert, A1 Goss and Fred West.
Five student poets from Oregon
had poems printed in this year’s
anthology, “Poets of the Future.”
This is the largest number of Ore
gon people that has ever beep rep
resented in the anthology at any
one time. Those whose work was
used were: Margaret Skavlan, ’25,
Walter Evans' Kidd, ’26, Eleanor
Burfchaell, ’27, Philippa Sherman,
’27, and Leon Byrne, ’25.
Last year, Margaret Skavlan
and Julia Raymond, ex-’25, re
ceived honorable mention for their
work. The anthology is compiled
by Henry Sehnittking.
Students are responding to the
urging of the officials of the Uni
versity business office, and are
paying their fees rather promptly
this term. The cashier’s window
will be open as usual on week days
at 8:00 o’clock in the morning and
will remain open until 4:00 o’clock
in the afternoon closing for lunch
and on Saturday it will be open
only from 8:00 o’clock until noon.
Musical Program, Games
And Refreshments Mark
Social Meeting Of Club
Hipe Responds For Foreign
Students To Messages
Of Straub And Malcolm
“I wish all were cosmbpolitans
in the highest sense of the word,
that is that all should bo citizens
of the world,” said Dean Straub in
addressing International Night, a
raoeting of the Cosmopolitan Club,
in honor of the new foreign stu
dents. He said farther that be
cause some have a dislike of, or
a feeling of repulsion toward some
country they do not understand, the
world court is necessary. This
meeting on a common basis is a
fine thing, a great hope for the
Club Aids Equality
The cosmopolitan club, the Dean
continued, can do great good on
the campus. It gives an opportun
ity for those who are far from
home to mingle. It is a part of the
famous Oregon spirit that has made
Oregon famous, the feeling of
equality, comradeship, of respect
for those who make their way.
Walter Malcolm, extended a wel
come to the foreign students on be
half of the student body and ex
pressed the willingness of the stu
dent administration to eo-operate
with the foreign' students in all the
beneficial activities in which the
latter should engage.
Oregon Spirit Commended
Onofre Ilipe responded for the
foreign students, expressing their
appreciation of the friendliness
they had received in Oregon, of the
welcome received here and of the
famous Oregon spirit. This Oregon
spirit, said Mr. Ilipe, is a thing
which grows upon one; the longer
he is here, the more he gets of it.
The program for music included se
lections by the Philippinensis or
chestra, a Hindu song by Singh
Sadharia, Japanese folk songs and
songs by a group of Australian stu
dents. Benjamin Chan played Chi
nese music on a Chinese guitar and
E. Chung sang “ITa Like,” first
in the native and then in the Eng
lish words.
A flag contest was held for the
identification of the numerous col
orful flags that hung from the walls
of the Y. hut. To see who could
collect the greatest number of
names and nationalities was the
object of another game which
served to acquaint everyone in the
club with their fellow members.
Cider and pretzels were served at
the conclusion of the program.
Eight Ex - Service Men Get
$25 Monthly Account
Though the armistice which end
ed the world war was signed nearly
seven years ago, eight students in
the university who served in the
American Expeditionary forces
still are recipients of state educa
tional ex-service men’s aid, accord
ing to records of the registrar.
These are the last of the Univer
sity ’s ex-service men whose num
bers have gradually dwindled since
1920 when more than 400 were re
ceiving state aid. Under provisions
of the state aid act, ex-service men
get $25 per month for attending
school, though the total is not to
exceed $800.
The ex-service men in the univer
sity now are: Walter W. Butler,
Harold F. Hunnicut, Paul S. Max
well, Carl L. Joseplison, Clair Hold
rege, John A. Smith, Frederick L.
Bice and Edwasd D. Smith.
Ancient Horrors
Of Upright Ladders
Remain Prevalent
“Watch your step. It isn’t
Hallowe’en yet but something
worse than witches and goblins
may get you and it will be none
other than the demon, Bad
Luck,” ealled the lusty voice of
a taunting sophomore and it
wasn’t to a ]frosh, either. A
great many students were stand
ing near the entrance of the lib
rary, carefully watching the
workmen fix the light in front
of the building Wednesday after
That wasn’t all, either, frosh
seniors, sophomores and juniors
alike, crowded to either side of
the doorway to prevent having
to pass under the workman’s lad
der. No one ever admits that
they’re superstitious, land cer
tainly, above all others, it
wouldn’t be a senior. They said
the reason was to prevent a seri
ous disaster if the ladder should
Team Try-Outs Being Held
Throughout State
Competion for the DeCou high
school debating cup will be unus
ally keen this year among members
of the Oregon High School Debat
ing League, according to Dr. Dan
E. Clark, head of the extension di
vision and secrotary for the league.
Tryouts for teams are already under
way, although the debating season
does not bogin until January. Dr.
Clark asftribes this to the fact that
Pendleton high school has won the
state championship twice, and
needs bpt one more victory to pos
sess the cup permanently. Salem
high school, which won the Uni
versity of Oregon cup in 1921, has
reached the state chmpionship once
in the competition for the trophy
offered by Prof. Edgar E. DeCou
of the mathematics department.
Ashland high school winner of the
decision last year, will bo a strong
contender this year, D. Clark, said,
and Grants Pass, which won the
Regents cup in 1911, is renewing
efforts to attain new laurelfe in
the contest this year.
Dr. Clark arranges for the inter
districi debates, after the winning
team of each of the eleven districts
has boon chosen. The final debate
between the two best teams will be
held in Eugene in May, as usual,
he declares. The executive commit
tee decides the questions to be used
in the debates.
The ' League was established in
1907 by tho late President PTince
L. Campbell and Professor DeCou
to stimulate debating activities in
the high schools. The executive
committee is composed of the pres
ident of the University, the state
superintendent of schools, the state
librarian, and the president and
secretary of the League. Mr. Ar
thur M. Cannon, superintendent of
schools in Hood Biver is president.
Several people now at the Uni
versity gained experience in debat
ing on these winning high school
teams, according to Dr. Clark.
Among them are Peter Crockatt,
professor of economics, Ralph
Bailey, a senior, and Benoit Me
Croskey, a sophomore.
The increasing popularity of the
subject of geology is shown by the
large number of students enrolled
for the course this term. There are
220, an increase of approximately
50 per cent, taking the course in
general geology, and the new quar
ters in Condon hall are being taxed
in order to accommodate all of the
students during the lectures and
laboratories. The subject is an
elective and is open to all classes.
“The increased enrollment is due
largely to the evolution controversy
which has been causing so much
comment during the past few
months.” believes Warren D. Smith,
head of the department. “So much
has been said about the harm that
comes from the study of evolution
that students are beginning to
wonder what it is all about and as
a result are rushing to the courses
dealing with the subject.”
Slump Said To Be Checked
With Daily Scrimmages
Revealing Improvement
New Backfield Is Groomed
To Start Pacific Game;
Injuries Keep Out Many
The long awaited snap in the
varsity came last night after a
tierce scrimmage with the fresh
men and a week’s work on offense.
The slump was checked and the
team is coming out of it in fine
style. A change of attitude among
the players revealing a new spirit
was shown last night by the drive
that has boon lacking before. The
conlcentrated work on offqnse is.
beginning to take offect.
The varsity offense has * been
polished by its drilling for long
hours with the frosh and the sec
ond stringers until it looks more
like a. machine. Scrimmage has
been the order of the day and it
has been no li^t work out as Spike
Leslie’s crew are hard workers and
full of fight.
Injuries Take Toll
The backfield which entered the
Idaho game has been out of the
work this week on account of minor
injuries. Anderson, Wetzel, and
Jones have been unable to get in
any scrimmage and probably will
not be in the Pacific game. The
line is intact with the exception of
A1 Sinclair with an injured hand.
Billy Reinhart has been working
a new baickfield in the scrimmage
this week and, he has received good
results. Outstanding is the work
of Otto Vitus, 185 pounder, who
has been doing most of the ball
carrying as fullback. Vitus has
speed and drive in plenty which
makes him an exceptionally pow
hard hitting back who ' has not
hard hitting bac k who 'has not
shown much before this week.
Neuf Quarter Discovered
The dearth of quarterbacks from
injury has necessitated the groom
ing of another man for the posi
tion. Arnie Kiminki has been pilot
ing the varsity for the last three
nights and- for a new man* at the
job is doing surpirsjngly well. He
will probably play the entire Pa
cific game.
One of the halfbacks will prob
ably be Red Langworthy, lanky
frosh player of last year who has
shown great promise. There is a
big “if” attached to him for it
takes him sometime to |get into
action. What he shows in the Pa
cific game will determine his fu
ture position in the backfield.
Varsity Is Named
A varsity made up of Smith and
Mautz, ends; Kerns, and Warren,
tackles; Shields and Bliss, guards;
Johnson, center; Mimnnugh, and
Hodgen halves, Kiminki, quarter
back and Vitus, fullback bore the
brunt of the stiff workout with two
frosh teams.
A party, to which all those who
are studying piano in the school
of music are invited, will be held
at the Music building from 7:30
to 9:00 o’clock Wednesday even
ing, October 21.
“The purpose of this meeting,"
said Mrs. Jane Thaclier, ‘‘Is to fur
nish an opportunity for those who
are taking work in the piano de
partment to know each other so
cially. We meet occasionally, it is
true, perhaps once or twice a week.
But this party, at which we may
get together, will break the ice so
that we may become personally ac
A half hour program of musical
numbers will be followed by a
dance, in the lounge room, it is
planned. Befreshments will also be
served. Those in charge are very
anxious that all piano students
should be present, Mrs. Thacher
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