©rcgon Haily l-metalii ijrMtnrial ^age Edward M. Miller .-... Editor Harold Kirk .-.-...-. Associate Editor Sol Abramson .—...-. Managing Editor Jalrnar Johnson .... Associate Managing Editor Frank H. Loggan ............ Manager Wayne Leland....Associate Manager Philippa Sherman.....Feature Editor Webster Jones--—_... Sports Editor The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday during the college year. Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association. Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription rates, $2.25 per year. Advertising rates upon application. Phones—Editor, 1320; Manager, 721. Day Editor—Mary Carr THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1925 Night Editor—Lynn Wykoff Assistant—Bob Nelson II ■, -~ Hearty Response From the Younger Folk By way of psychological experiment some bright morning, say ‘Hello’ to a first-year co-ed, a freshman, and wa-tch for the response. Be all attention, for the show is worth seeing. You can’t mistake her. All eyes and a turtle-neck sweater. She comes romp ing down ‘Hello’ Bane, late for the ten o’clock, a brilliant streak of color in the finest finery mamma and papa can pro vide. Probably Hie powder puff is busy, but worry not about that. She will see you if you are collegiate enough. “Hello,” you say—but don’t expect an answer. All-eyes will look at, you from above turtle neck. One of several things will happen. The powder puff may continue pow dering; or all-eyes may frown; or may not see you at all. Perhaps turtle neck will never falter, passing serenely on to the ten o’clock. As for saying “Hello” —yon have a chance. A chance. If you have the right tie and the correct under graduate lilt to your bearing you may get a condescending word of encourage ment. They are not without their more generous moments, delectable things. Who can blame the green-lidded species for not responding to the time honored ‘Hello’ tradition When they re ceive. such a frigid reception from the fairer members of their class? Rather discouraging, we should say. Punishment has been provided for male offenders in such situations. Sure punishment and effective. Woe unto us, though, in driving or leading or pleading these brand new co-eds that have descended upon us. Mere man, w'e must admit, knows not how to cope with them. Broken Glass and Class Parties Two or three times a year we have with us the class parties. We had them last year, without a doubt. While no lives were lost—in fact—not even a limb was lost, various principals managed to splinter a good bit of glass and to give a few doors the worst of the proposition. Of late years the popular pastime among the participants of the parties has been to make the rounds to find which gathering was the worst. Last year it so happened that in one or two places stray male members of other classes w*ere corralled and almost beaten to death be fore, they could escape. Frightfully indecent. The logical solution of this deplor able situation is to keep within the bounds of one's own celebration. No olio is invited to any dance but his own. Class parties are a fine thing, if not too rough. Therefore, stay and play in your own backyard tomorrow night. A committee of students in Harvard University has outlined a “Confidential (Juide of College Courses,” and printed the manuscript in the ‘Harvard Crimson.’ The Guide includes descriptions and “in side dope” of most of the freshman courses along with most of the courses open to new upperelassmcn. The report is a serious attempt to give new students an idea of the courses they are entering. llow interesting if such an event were to take plaee at Oregon. When the pages were turned, several courses would most certainly be among those listed. There would be—Principles of Economies; Art Appreciation; Modern Governments; Ele mentary Accounting; Narration; English History; Freshman Basic; Logic; Adoles cence; and others. The Book Nook o New that the brain children of Aldous Itux ley, Carl Van Vechten, Max Beerbohm, Laurence Meynell, and Ben llecht have ousted Iris March and her mad, mad roadster from Hell whither she came “pour le sport” FOB PURITY and she has had to make her breathless passage into the nether-world between Heaven and the place of roaring fires and hot coals, we find the col lege student of today confronted with the task of living down Percy Marks and living up to Cyril Hume. Wo have just heard that there are a number of students who have not yet investigated The Difficulty of Getting Married, otherwise call ed Serena Blandish. Set to work on this impor tant question at once, all •fou followers of the great God of print, or may the curse of Shel merdene remain with you always. Whether or not this book was written by Max Beerbohm or by Michael Arden shall not concern you, neo phytes—but read! It is well. We have found straying loose one of the one thousand copies printed of “Paulus Fy,” a charming little work by Helene Mullins and Marie Gallegher. Although the ideas of the book may be to a great extent asinine, still the book should be read. In decoration, it is a delight to the eye and in contents it is a delight to the mind. When Paulus Fy comes to the old man sitting wearily on a huge store and says that this must bo God—God takes no notice of his presence and he cries, “It is I, Paulus Fy.” And God says, “Eh.” “Fancy God saying ‘eh’.” Asinine? Perhaps—but it certainly is wonderful reading. In conclusion, oh you mighty who have sur vived this far, let me most humbly beseech that you have not overlooked Hudson’s “Green Mansions,” Hamsun’s “Children of the Age,” or Selma Lagerloff. KOOB BEDAEE. From Other Schools When tho University of "Washington team goes up against the University of British Co lumbia in a game on October 31, it will play American football one half the game, and rugby the other half. This arrangement is in keeping with the Washington policy of foster ing close" relations with the British Columbia college. “Washington hopes to compete with the University of British Columbia in all branches of sport within a few years,” says the Washington daily. “Resolved, That This House Favors Prohibi tion” was the question debated at the Univer sity of Indiana, when the team from that school met the Cambridge, England, debate team on October 13. The Indiana squad took the affir mative side of the question. VALOR INDEED! “A deed, in comparison with which the love and,willingness"of the ancient Spartan to suf fer for his native country is as insignificant ns an nfternoon date to the freshman queen, has been discovered in our own university,” says the Onklnhomn Daily, commenting upon a student in full uniform seen going to drill on a pair of crutches. A REMEDY FOR LIBRARY DATES “ Freshmen women are not to be permitted at the library after 7:30 p. in.”—News item in In diana Daily Student. SPEAKING OF DATE HOURS— At the University of Idaho the hour when women must be in from dates has been extended from II o’clock on Friday nights and 11:30 on Saturday nights to 13 o’clock on both nights. “Walking dates” will be on Sunday afternoons from 4 to (> o ’clock. 'R. G. EVENTS LEADING UP TO THE TRAGEDY Here's a choice bit taken from the Ex changes. It. might well be from Oregon: Monday, makes resolution to study tomorrow. Tuesday, goes to sleep over textbook. De cides to wait until next day. Wednesday, gets into all-night poker session. Postpones studying again. Thursday, is set up to a movie. Determines to carry out his intention before week is over. Friday, goes riding with the gang in a rented flivver. Tells the world that week-end is best time to “grind” anyhow. Saturday, decides to celebrate end of week. Process repeated with variations until final exams. Guess the rest. Ex. o---o SEVEN SEERS More Nominations i Seven Seers, i Statistical Bureau: I think that. is the handsomest male student on the campus. Because of the rush of ballots for the Beauty Contest that have flooded the offices of the Seven Seers, we have been neglectful of that important issue, elections to associate membership. We trust that those elected today will not think it is because of lack of fore sight on our part or ignorance of their merits that elections are a day late, but because we have sat up most of the night emptying the ballot boxes. . Therefore, with solemn declaration, the Seven Seers elect to m/cmbership the following for the following reasons: . Bull Montana, because he can’t be bothered with a publicity agent, be cause he lends a willing ear to every thing, and because he doesn’t wear side-burns. Freddie Martin, because he has a hearty grip for everyone, because of the business-like frown when he leads yells, and because he’s so doggone Ritzy. Andy Gump, because of his con vincing line, and “Oh Man!” Betty Cady, because she had the nerve t*o let her hair grow out, and be cause she works on the Oregana. Annette KelleTman, because of good form and divers reasons. Hal Lunberg, because of his sweet smile, his capacity for choc malts and because he doesn’t approve of “these ' athletic women.” Adrienne Hazard, because her poli tical career hasn’t spoiled her dainty femininity and because she doesn't ap prove of secret sorrows. Amy Lowell, because in spite of the fact that she wrote poetry and smoked cigars, she lived to a ripe old age. Dud Clarke, because he throws good parties (at the Multnomah hotel), and because he doesn’t pig a house.steady. Marilynn Miller, because she mar ried into the Pickford family and yet has plenty of kicks coming. Counting over the nominations for the hand somest man on the campus, the Seven Seers find the following names have been dropped in the ballot boxes, placed in the Journalism shack, the main Libe, and the Co-op: Dick Godfrey Bill Martell Jack O’Meara Gene Shields Glenn Burch Milt Rice Jerry Plue Bud Pearson l’roe Flannigan Bob Knight, Bill Dills Duke Carter Ait Gray Cylbert McClellan Jim Johnson Sol Abramson Wilber Wester Pug Taole Although we can’t deny the fact that these are examples .of oar campus pulchritude, we ary sure that here are many young Apollos that are yet to be nominated. Spark, girls, and write his name down on a slip of paper. Just a few more days before the final struggle. Be sure your candidate is on the list tomorrow. POOR NELL A little girl to college came, And home, alone, she went, For she took all the blame, And told the dean there was no gent. G. IIOSAFAT. Theatres O-<5» THE REX—-Last day: James Cruze’s “The Goose Hangs High,” the great American com edy, with a great cast including Constance Ben nett, Esther Ralston, Myrtle Stedman, George Irving and Edward l’oil, Jr.; comedy, “Spooky Spooks;” Kinogram News Events; Dorothy Wy man, maid o’ melody, in musical accompani ment to the picture on the organ. THE Me DONALD—Second day: “The Ten Commandments,” with Rod La Rocque, Leatrice j Joy, Richard Dix, Nita Naldi, Estelle Taylor, Charles De Roche and Theodore Roberts. Frank 1'. C. Alexander with sveeial “Ten Command ment” music. i Eugene Hotel Grill Dances for College Student* Every Erid&y and Saturday Night, 8:30 Geto. Weber’s Collegians Cover Charge $1.25 per Couple Make Boservatious Early Phone 2000 Try Our Special Sunday Dinner < Concert. 6 to 8 i Your Daily Vacation There’s just one place to take your clay’s vacation —The Peter Pan. Dishes fit for a king come from our kitchen. There’s another factor—our prices fit every student’s pocket book. “ALL FOR OREGON” The Peter Pan O Campus Bulletin o- o California Club—Important meet ing” Today, 7:15 p. m., College Side Inn. All Californians urged to be present to plan dance. Mathematics Club—Meeting Thurs day, 7:30, in room 1, Johnson hall. Miss Wave Lesley will speak. Everybody come. Dr. Parsons will meet hissocial ; Semina rtonight Thursday, Octo ber 15, at 7:15 in the Sociology building, room 101. This is open | to all of those that are interest ! ed in sociology. Crossroads meeting tonight at the j Anchorage at 7:30. Dean Hale’s class in law of the press will not meet Friday. Alpha Delta Sigma Meeting at the Campa Shoppe Friday noon. Im portant. Oregana Humor staff requests any one desiring to do cartooning or humorous work on the 1926 book, to see Bob Keeney. Phone 940. Alpha Kappa Psi—Luncheon, Col | lege Side Inn, Friday noon. Very i important! Be there. Mu Phi Epsilon—Meeting of active members Sunday, October 18, 2:15 o’clock, lounge room, music building. All those interested in passing tests for swimming honors see Miss E. froemel, Woman’s building, this I week. Craftsmen Club will meet at the club house tonight at 7:30. Elec ! tion of officers. Men’s and Women’s Glee Clubs be at assembly today. Men’s Glee Club practice at 5:00 j p. m. today at music building. Y. W. C. A. meeting for all mem bers and new 'girls today at 4:30 in the bungalow. Program. Delta Delta Delta announces the pledging of Charlotte Carll of Eu gene. Crossroads—Meets at 7:30 tonight at the usual place. Coming Events o---o Thursday, October 15—11:00 As sembly, Woman’s building; 4:30 Y. W. C. A. Meeting, bungalow. Friday, October 16-—4:00-6:00 Dean of Women’s tea, Alumni hall; 8:30, Senior class party, Campa Shoppe; 8:30, Junior class party, College Side Inn; 8:30, Sophomore class paj-ty, men’s gymnasium; 9:00 Freshman class party, Wom an ’s building, gymnasium. Saturday, October 17—2:15, Foot ball game, Oregon vs. Pacific Uni versity, Hayward field; 8:30 Facul ty reception, Woman’s building; 8:00, Journalism Jamboree, Men’s gymnasium. CHANGES ANNOUNCED BY HEAD OF LIBRARY Some changes have been an nounced by Mr. M. H. Douglass for use in the circulation department. From' now on, no bound periodicals are to be taken out of the library, and all collection slips for over-due books are to be mailed to the bor rowers in bill form. The fact that students appreci ate the library more each year is shown by the increasing number of books taken out. According to the circulation de partment of the library, the stu dents are calling for interesting books of either the fiction or non fiction type, and the number of books on the rental shelf dwindles to a very few volumes. Some of the great fiction demands are filled by “The Emigrants” by John Bo jer, “Ethan Quest,” “His Saga,” by Harry Henry, Hugh Walpole’s “Young Enchanted,” and “Cara van” by Galsworthy. INK ALWAYS GOOD ALWAYS THE SAME To Our Patrons We are now located at our temporary., home in the Eugene Hotel awaiting the completion of our new concrete, two-story headquarters just across from the hotel on Ninth Street. MARX’S Eugene Dyeing and Cleaning Works 245 E. 9th St. Phone 75 and 122 (Oldest Established Cleaning and Dyeing Works in Lane County) Give me a pipe • • • and P. A.! WHEN Comp. Lit. and Physics 3-B are crowd ing for attention; when I’ve just received an over-cut notice from the Dean; when my allow ance is a month off and the stub of my check book confesses a balance of $9.32, give me a pipe and Prince Albert. I want to be happy! Trouble’s a bubble, they say. And I can prove it . . . with my jimmy-pipe and P. A. Just never was a friend like Prince Albert. Cool and sweet and soothing, P. A.’s true-blue smoke zooms up the stem, knocking troubles for a row of test-tubes. k Never a tongue-bite or throat-parch. Just cool contentment, no matter how hard you hit it up. Give me a grate fire to chase the chill of winter nights, an easy chair and my jimmy-pipe packed with P. A. Nearby, a tidy red tin for frequent refills. I know, Brother, I know! Fringe albert —no other tobacco is like it! © 1935. It. J. Reynolds Tobnees Company, Winston-Salem. N. C. ” fold everywhere in tidy tea tint, pound and half pound tin humidors. and pound crystal-glass humidort with sponge-moistener top. And always with every bit of bite and parch removed by the Prince Albert protest. too* at the V. S. revenue tamp — there are TWO full ounces in every tin.