Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 06, 1925, Image 1

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First secret practice of the
Year Staged to Prepare
Grid Squad for Vandals
Team Classed as Powerful
.But Lacking in Machine
Work; Punch is Wanted
The hard grind for the coining
game with Idaho next Saturday
started last night with the first,
secret practice of the year. The
team resembles a mass of clay
which has to be molded into shape.
The squad is powerful but it has to,
be made into a well-timed biachine.
That takes weeks. The time has
arrived when the varsity must be
whipped into soing sort of shape to
meet the most spectacular, rushing
team in the conference. Thisi Is the
fourth week of drill and the squad
should be getting Some precision
into the plays.
Warner Scouts Game
Coach IJob Mathews of Idaho got
an eyeful last. Saturday in the Mult
nomah game when the teams show
ing disappointed everyone. The
whole team.was ragged. There was
a lack of timing. The backfield
failed to snap. There was no punch.
The dash aiid the .power that should
be developed later in the season
was not there." "Whether or not
Mathews, acting as his own scout,
got anything that made him prick
up his ears is doubtful.
However uninteresting the game
was last Saturday, it served its
purpose well, ffor over 14 substitu
tions were made throug/houV the
game. This gives the coaching staff
an accurate lineup on every man
sent in. Now the bi work of this
week is the reorganization of the
entire squad and a perfection of a
defensfe, to combat the Idahlo pass
ing game. ;
Team Drilled for Vandaty
No alibis are passed but by - the
-mentors. The team was disappoint
ing all around tb them. They are
working now for the coming gdme.
A second team is being drilled in
the Idaho style of play, in prep
aration to meet the varsity' in
workouts in the middle of the week.
Sports Editor Comments
George Davis, sports editor of the
San Francisco Bulletin and promi
nent authority on football in Cali
fornia, watched the varsity last
night as they labored with the for
ward pass. He is making a tour
of the northwestern colleges for his:
paper and has O. A. C. yet to visit.
“Oregon appears to be just about'
the strongest in the northwest.
None of the teams look any better
as far as material goes. Washing
ton has wonderful material and the
qpost powerful backfield on the
coast, but it is doubtful if they will
. do anything on the coast this year.
California is going to be the real
team—a veteran for every place
on the line, a kickgr, and a fine
backfield, the team this lyear pom
ises to be better than the ‘wonder
-team’ of 1921. Andy Smith is sit
ting on top of the world. Down
- south it is the general opinion that
'Oregon's team will be the strong
opponent for all of them. But
> watch Slip Madigan’s St. Mary
team when they play Multnomah
Club—that’s the cleverest, smooth
est working team in the south.”
| Whirl of Social
Season Started
by Open House
Much shaking of hands, countless
“hellos” and “how do you do’s,”
and miles of marching down the
line to the tune of “My name’s
Smith,” marked open house Satur
day night on the campus.
Route schedules followed by the
men’s Organizations were distri
buted Saturday morning. Promptly
at 6:45 p. m. the men set out to
make the circle. As there are
21 women’s houses and 19 men’s
houses there was little' time during 1
the evening when any wtomen’s
house had to wait but no mishaps
or unexpected delays occurred.
Ten minutes were allowed at each
house for introductions and a dance
and five minutes for travelling time
on to the next house.
Open house is the first all-school
social event of the year and is held
every fall term a week after pledg
Bill James and Hulda Guild were
in charge of the arrangements.
Building to be Started Early
Next Fall'
The building committee of the
executive council of the Associated
Students have- authorized an archi
tect to make plans for the new
basketball pavilion to be built by
the students from their additional
five dollar fee fund. Actual work
will not start until next fall, the
authorities announced.
The pavilion will be part of the
large gymnasium which will cost,
it has been estimated, in the neigh
borhood of a million dollars when
completed. First games in it will
be played during the winter of
1926-27, according to plans.
Decision to withhold construction
work, first scheduled to begin this
fall, was made when it was discov
ered that the new grandstand at
Hayward field took $25,000 of the
$37,000 collected by the additional
fees this year. The board of re
gents has already given its consent
to the plans so that any action
taken now by the student commit
tee will be final.
The proposed pavilion will be one
arm of the large university gym
nasium and its probable site will be
on the ground now occupied by the
military department, according to
university officials.
Joseph Hedges, one of the best
known students in the University
in 1920, died Saturday in Tacoma
as the result of a gunshot wound.
Details of his death, which was
caused by a gunshot wound from
an enraged man who was struck
by the Hedges car, are meagre.
Mr. Hedges attended school here
from 1914-17 and returned again
after the war and received his A. B.
in economies in 1920. After that
he went a year to the law school
and then finished his law educa
tion with a year at Yale where he
graduated in 1923. Mr. Hedges was
very prominent in campus activi
ties while in school and was well
known by both students and fac
ulty. He was a member of Phi
Gamm Delta fraternity.
The sophomores won!
Columns, in past years, have been
written and printed about the un
• derclass “square mix,” with special
emphasis always placed on the word
square. Nevertheless, in spite of
its purported fairness, the sopho
■ mores always -win.
Such is just one of the University
of Oregon traditions that first year
students learn on the annual under
mores five to one, the freshman
class mix. Outnumbering sopho
alwavs lose. And -the class of 1929
has already imbibed this tradition.
All of which recalls that on Sat
■ urdav morning- last,' the freshmen
- of the University were- formally in
ducted into the life of the school
through the mediums of the frosh
■parade and the before mentibned
mix. For the first time n history
the two events were combined and
it was a big day—the freshman,
sophomores and student body in
general will admit.
Life for the men of the elass of
’29 was a bit strenuous, at least,
it might be pointed out, from the
moment they started in' lockstep
formation down Skinner’s butte
from the “O” until, almost four
hours later, they gathered on their
knees about Walter Malcolm, stu
dent body president, and : were
(Continued on page four)
Abercrombie, Coach, Looks
for Bright Net Prospects
When New Season Opens
Autumn Tournament is New
Idea on Campus; Many
Men are out for Practice
Yesterday afternoon saw the first
of the tennis matches of the fall
tennis tournament played on the
local courts. In the yesterday aft
ernoon’s play two varsity netmen
took part and successfully van
quished their opponents. The match
between Bill Adams, letternjan and
Copeland resulted in two love sets
for the former, 6-0, 6-0; in the
second match George Mead, letter
man defeated Tollafson, 6-0, 6-1.
According to Edward Abercrom
bie, new varsity coach, phospects
for a winning net team next spring
Hayden and Harry Meyers are lost
through graduations, three letter
omen will be on hand to answer the
coach’s, call. Bill Adams and George
Mead are how in school and Boy
Okerberg is expected to return at
the beginning of the winter term.
This leaves the new cbach with
three lettermqn, a wealth of ma
terial from last year’s freshmen
racquet wielders and a number of
star tennis players who did not re
port last year.
New Men Out
Cohen, a member of last year’s
freshman team is expected to help
strengthen the varsity ranks. Irv
ing Westerman, star from Portland
high school and park teams and a
member of last year’s varsity track
team is expect out for tennis this
year. He is now participating in
the fg.ll tournament.
The fall tennis tournament is
being conducted by the new coach
in order that he may get a more
definite line on the men expected
out next spring. In addition, the
men are getting actual experience.
Although the fall tennis fbjirna
ment seems to be a new idea at
Oregon, it s certan to uncover ma
terial for the .coach to' work upon.
This autumn tournament -is being
conducted for any student of the
University and a large number of
first year men have Bigned up.
Work-outs to be Daily
At the conclusion of the tourna
ment the varsity men and pros
pective material will continue to
work out daily upon the University
courts. When weather is bad daily
practice of certain nature will be
held in the gym. It is Mr. Aber
crombie’s idea to have his racquet
wielders keep used to the racquet
all during the winter months. The
indoor training will be an import
ant part of this year’s tennis pro
The results of the matches yes
terday were as follows: Wagner to
Coffin, 6-3, 6-3; Copeland to Adams,
6-0, 6-0; Lee to Neer, 6-0, 6-1; Bead
to Johnson, 8-6, 6-1; defaults, Noor
to Harding; Potts to Graham; idc
Intosh to Henton; Wardram to
Hartman; Breneiser to Currie, with
Today’s schedule will see the fol
lowing men in action, Adams and
Westerman on court five at 4:00
o’clock and Mitchell and Harding
at four on court eight; Cross and
Johnson on court five, Gordon and
Keizar on court six and Vidgkoff
and Cowell on court seven, all at
4:30 o’clock.
Umpires for today’s matches will
be H. C. Ramey, H. C. Auld, Gilbert
Typon and Edward Martin.
Chickens, cows, turkeys and all
other farmyard inhabitants gath
ered at the W. T. C. A. bungalow
last night for a frolic. Of course,
the animals were of the “Lost
World” variety, being university
high school girls in costume. The
party was sponsored by the Girl
Reserves of the school, and was
their first social affair this year.
Music, games, and food were en
When Can Sun See
Venus’ Other Side,
Is Query Raised)
Campus Astronomer
Decides Matter
If a monkey walks ’round you
keeping his face toward you, when
can you see his back?
If the planet Venus always turns
her face to the sun, when can the
latter see her back?
Prof. E. H. McAlister of the me
chanics and astronomy department
has answered both conundrums. He
says, “never”
Venus, he mantains, has been the
subject of certain new discoveries
by C. E. St. John of the Mount Wil
son observatory, who recently
brought forward proofs to discredit
the thirty-year old theory that the
planet rotates on its axis every 24
hours like the earth. Dr. St. John
has discovered that Veinus takes
225 days, to revolve, and that she
always turns the same side toward
the sun. The earth, however, is
luckier in that it sees all around
the planet during the space of sev
eral years.
If you would like to see what the
! sun is missing, you may follow this
j tip: Venus is now the evening star,
I the brightest in the heavens. She
is in the southwest, and can b&
seen' as soon as twilight begins.
Turnout Will Be; Largest
Ever, Says Widmer
Wrestling mats, discarded during
the past few seasons, are being re
juvenated this week to accommo
date one of the lagest and most1 pro
mising turnouts for varsty and frosh
teams for a number of years, ac
cording to Earl “Dutch,” Widmer,
head wrestling mentor.
During last week, 18 men signed
their names on the wrestling pros
pect list, Mr. Widmer said. The
men will start at once to tune up
their idle muscles three times a
week in preparation for the coming
“This seems a trifle early to be
gin thinking of wrestling as a com
petitive sport because the season
does not start until January,” the
coach said, “but wrestling as a sport
takes months of prelimnary train
ing before varsity matches.
“All available mats have been
placed in various parts of the men’s
gymnasium and any man in the uni
versity who thinks he would likp to
go out for the squad should see me
as soon as possible,” Mr. Widmer
Oregon is slated for one good road
trip when the season gets under
way. The squad will entrain for
a week’s trip during which time it
will meet Idaho at Moscow Febru
ary 6th and Pullman February
8th. Another jaunt to Corvallis
January 30, opens the schedule. The
Aggie squad comes here February
28 and the Washington Huskies,
March 28.
Three and possibly mbre contests
will be slated for the freshman
squad, according to announcement.
Prospects are that meets with.O. A.
C. rooks, Corvallis high school and
Franklin high school of Portland
will be scheduled, it was believed.
Officials at the University post
office wish to warn students against
putting notes and other written ma
terial in bags and boxes of laundry
which they send home. It was cited
that this is an offense punishable
by both imprisonment and fine. The
officials believe that the law is sot
intentionally violated, but that stu
dents do it through carelessness.
Much mail for students living in
fraternities on the campus comes
addressed to the University of Ore
gon and is sent to the Univer
sity postoffice. It must then be
sent back to the downtown post
office to be delivered, causing a de
Tay of one day. To avoid this the
correct addresses should be sent,
$1000 in Prizes Offered By
the Historical Society to
All American Colleges
“Irish in American History*’
To Be Subject of Paper
December 20th Last Day
All students in all Ameriean uni
versities and colleges have been in
vited to enter a prize historical
essay contest by the Ameriean Irish
Historical Society, according tfc>
word received here from John J.
Splain, president general of the
Society. The prizes for the best
essays amount to $1,000.
The subject of the essay is “The
Irish Chapter In American His
tory.” The treatment of this sub
ject is expected to contain the con
tributions of the Irish race from
all the varied angles, military, po
litical, economic, etc., that have
made for the institution and devel
opment of the American Republic.
Committee of Five to Judge
All essays must be- submitted to
the Secretary-General of the Soci
ety at its headquarters, 132 East
16tli street, New York City, not
later than December 20, 1925, and
no essay should exfeed approx^i
mately 4,000 words in length.
From all essays submitted up to
and including December 20, 1925,
100 of the most meritorious will be
selected by the historiographer of
the society and a special staff of
assistants for subnjission to and
final adjudication by a committee
of five eminent American scholars.
Three Prizes to be Awarded
Prizes amounting ikb !$1,000 in
gold, will be awarded to three es
says in the order of merit; $500 to
the first, $300 to the second, and
$200 to the third. Points on which
merit will be determined are: first,
historical accuracy and range of
subject; second, literary excellence;
third, terseness and directness of
Prize Essay to be Published
The prizes will be distributed to
the winners at the annual banquet
of the society on the last Saturday
of January, 1926, and the fjfrst
prize essay will be read during the
post-prandial exercibes. All the
prize essays will have an extensive
circulation, since they will be pub
lished in the Annual Journal of the
society for 1926.
More than a dozen members of
the school of journalism! have re
turned to the University after
spending the summer in newspaper
positions ranging from society edi
tor to linotype operator.
Parker Branin, at present Uni
versity correspondent, for the Port
land Telegram, worked for the As
sociated Press in Portland during
the vacation period. Edward Smith,
now University correspondent for
the Oregonian, was a reporter for
that paper during the past year.
Those who worked on the two
Eugene papers were George Howard
Godfrey, reporter for the Guard
and Christian Science Monitor and
campus correspondent for the Ore
gonian; Riehard Godfrey, reporter
for the Registers Jalmar Johnson,
reporter for tho Register; Marian
Lowry, society editor for the Guard,
and Robert Lane, linotype operator
at the Guard and the Cottage Grove
Juliette Gibson was employed by
the Corvallis Gazette-Times as a re
porter. Mildred Carr held a posi
tion as a reporter on the Tillamook
Herald, Barbara Blythe and Sol
Abramson were reporters on the
Vancouver, Washington, Columbian.
Arthur W. Priaulx spent his sum
mer tending to his three papers
located at Creswell, Oakridge and
Chiloquin. J. Bernard Shaw was a
linotype operator on the Morning
Fred Hendricks,
“Bob” Warner to
Assist Yell King
Fred Hendricks, junior, of Port-1
land and Robert Warner, sopho
more, also of Portland, wero ap
pointed assistant yell-leaders Sat
urday fallowing try-outs which
were held during tho progress of
trie Oregon-Multnomah gam?. Seven
students participated in tho trials.
Appointments wye made fry the
student council, with Fred Martin,
present yell-leader and Delbert
C'berteuffer, ex-yell king, as judges.
The trio, Me.i tin, Hendricks and
Warner, officially will be on the
job for the fiist time at next Sat
urday’s game with Idalio.
Tests Will be Held Later for
Other Aspirants
First tryouts for places on the
Men’s Glee Club was held last night
with thirty-eight candidates being
ehoscn from the large list of aspir
ants to enter the second tryout
which will be held Wednesday aft
ernoon ut 4:30. Another tryout
will be held Thursday at the same
hour, it is announced.
For the coming tryouts every man
is expected to bring his lawn solo
and come prepared to take the test.
Any man in the University who
desires to tryout for the club is
asked to see John Stark Evans, and
make preparation, for taking the
specified tests.
The men who were successful in
the tryout last night are:
H. E. Bailey; Orin Dawson;
Franlin Hall; Eugene Howe; Lin
ston Lake; Lowell Evans; A1 Wood
worth; Lawrence Shaw; Elmer Hol
stead: Donald Ostrander; Forrest
Evans; Valdemar Hill; Earnest Mc
Kinney; Denzel Pierdy; Harold
Socolofsky; Orin Rickard; H. V.
Adix; Dale Leslie; Richard Averill;
W. K. Morgan; William Horbis;
Adrian Burris; Alan Flower; Burns
McGowan; Martin Collins; Cecil
Metson; Broo Colt; Walter Durgin;
Paul Maxwell; Walter H. Jones;
J. W. McClellan; M. C. Lewis; Carl
Rieslan; Thomas Montgomery; Don
Rennewanz; Lynn Miller; Robert
Hall; Robert McKnight.
Abolition of doughnut Rebates
and substitution of inter-class
meets, was proposed at a meeting
of the forensic committee of the
executive council last night.
The committee composed of Mil
dred Bateman, Maurine Buchanan,
Bob Love, Dr. James Gilbert, Hugh
Bosson and Jack Benefiel, resolved
also, that because no freshmen will
be allowed to participate in varsity
debating this year, the first year
men will be expected to schedule a
meet with O. A. C. As O. A. C. has
no girls’ team the freshman women
will have to arrange a contest with
Willamette or some other Bchool
whom they can challenge.
In addition to this the committee
decided that in order to uphold the
scholarship in the forensic depart
ment, they adopt the standards set
by the Pacific Coast Athletic Con
The resolutions adopted by the
forensic ‘committee must be referred
to the executive couucil for final
Annual Election of Yearlings
to Take Place in Villard
At 4:00 o’clock Today
Nominees have been Active
in High Schools; plans all
Made for Big Attendance
The president of the class of 1929
will be chosen from among five
candidates at the annual freshman
election to be held at 4 o’clock this
afternoon in willard hall. Those
nominated are: Ben Souther, Lin
coln high school, Portland; Art An
derson, Washington high school,
Portland; Ronald McWright, On
tario, Oregon and Floyd McGee,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Candidates for vice-president are
Betty Higgins, Astoria; Marion
Leach, Ashland, and Audrey Jen
sen, Portland. Sally Hugston of
Portland and Jo-Ann Patterson of
Baker have been nominated for the
position of secretary.
Two Committees Chosen
Other nominatons are: Treasurer,
Fred Hoagland, Marshfeld, Bernon
McGee, Ashland, sergeant-at-arms,
Jeff Beam, La Grande; Ray Rankin,
Portland and Larry Shaw, Portland.
Two nominating committees were
chosen, the first consisting of Joe
Haliday, chairman; Peggy Wood,
Lorraine Pierce, Joseph MeKeown
and Richard Robinson. The seoond
committee was composed of Gladys
Steiger, chairman; Edward Sladter,
Geraldine Spence, Allen Hoyden and
John Galey.
Spirit Is Keen
The freshman class is by far the
largest ever assembled on the Uni
versity of Oregon campus. A large
number of freshmen have been prom
inent in high school activities and
are entering whole-heartedly into
the college spirit.
Interest in the coming election
has been keen. The committee will
hand out the printed ballots at four
o’clock sharp this afternoon. Every
freshman student is expected to
vote and arrangements have been
made to handle the large group.
University orchestra try-outs are
to be held this afternoon at 5 o’clock
at the school of music auditorium,
according to Box Underwood, who
is director of the orchestra. All
students who are interested in try
ing out are asked to come at that
Every type of musical instrument
will be desired but the saxophone,
Mr. Underwood declared. Drum and
timpano players are especially urged
to come as these instruments will
be less contested.
Mrs. Walter Barnes, instructor in
j the English department, who was
| taken ill last Thursday with influ
enza, is reported to be improving.
According to her husband, Walter
Barnes, who has been instructing
Mrs. Barnes’ classes during her ab
sence, she will not be able to re
sume her work for several days,
although her condition is not con
sidered serious.
By F. M. Chapman
The Moroni players presented u
commendable performance of George
George Bernard Shaw’s play, “Pyg
malion” to a full house at the Hei
lig theatre last night. The play
is more or less of a reconstruction
of the old Greek myth of the same
name. Eliza Doolittle, an English
cockney flower girl, splendidly
played by Janet Young, was ele
vated from the gutter by Henry
Higgins, played by Moroni Olsen,
to the full bloom of social refine
ment. .
Janet Young grasped the charac
ter of Eliza Doolittle with preci
sion and comprehension. She was
at no time oppressive in her infer
iority and at all times a woman.
Especially excellent were her first
and last acts.
Moroni Olsen, who played the
part of Henry Higgins, was at once
male, lorceful, and modern—a
splendid spokesman for Shaw. Hig
ins, skilled in phonetics, elevates
Eliza to her refinement by recon
structing her diction, grammar and
poise. He is a character, typical
of Shaw—honest, healthy, andi out
spoken. Mr. Olsen’s interpretation
(Continued on page four)