Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 22, 1925, Image 1

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University Men Entered in
Contests Against Nine
Institutions on Coast
Benoit McCroskey and Jack
McGuire in Most Import
ant Meets of the Year
Nine universities and colleges
will be met by Oregon tonight in
the last two intercollegiate oratori
cal contests of the year.
One is the semi-final of the Paci
fic region in the National Consti
tution contest to be held at Stan
ford university, Palo Alto, Califor
nia, at which Oregon will be rep
resented by Jack McGuire. The
other is the Tri-State contest to be
held at the University of Washing;
ton, Seattle, at which Oregon will
be represented by Benoit McCros
key. (
The University orators are now
in the cities in which the contests
are to be held. McGuire left Wed
nesday noon for California, and Mc
Crockey accompanied? by Oscar A.
Brown, forensic coach, left velter
day morning for Seattle.
Seven to Be Represented
Universities of Idaho, Washing
ton, and Oregon compete in the
Tri-State contest at Seattle while
seven schools will be represented at
the Constitution speaking event at
Stanford university. These are:
University of Washington, Univer
sity <)f Idaho, University of Cali
fornia, University of Southern
California, Loyola college, Redlands
college and University of Oregon.
“The Last Milestone,” with which
he won the state peace contest on!
April 12, at Pacific university, and
which he broadcast over the radio
of the Oregonian at Portland last
Friday night.
Manuscripts of McCroskey’s ora
tion have been sent to three .judges
in Seattle who will judge the ora
tions of the entrants on thought
and composition. Tonight, three
other men will judge the respective
deliveries of the three speakers.
The Tri-State contest is the biggest
oratorical contest of the year in
the Northwest.
Prizes are »Listed
One hundred dollars is the first
prize in the Tri-State contest and
the winner is declared champion
orator in the Northwest. Prizes at
stake in the finals of the Constitu
tion contest, in which McGuire wdll
compete for entrance total $5,000.
McGuire meets three other men
and three girls who represent as
many colleges of the coast. All
will speak on the subject of the
Constitution or the relation there
to of Washington, Hamilton, Jef
ferson, Madison, Marshall, Web
ster or Lincoln. The contestants
are the seven best from the colleges
and universities of the Paicific
coast states.
Tonight’s large oratorical event’s
completes the University’s schedule
of forensic activity with other in
stitutions. Only the Failing-Beek
man senior oratical contest and the
Jewett contests remain to be com
New Officers Take Up
Work Of Student Body
Bill Hayward’s Men Due
For Real Competition in
Tilt With 0. A. C. Stars
By Web Jones
Four score athletes will gather at
Hayward field this Saturday for
the major event on the season’s
track schedule. It’s going to be a
battle; there’s no denying that,
with the varsity crippled and far
below its early-season promise.
There’s a rumor that “Dad” Butler,
veteran Aggie trainer, has been
pointing his team for this meet. A
strong team of 40 men will repre
sent O. A; C. in the meet.
Bill Hayward, seasoned, experi
enced, trainer and coach, has been
nursing the team along to its high
est possible efficiency. A little
tapering off, and they are all ready
for the meet, with the exception
of the cripples, and the sick.
Bill Smiles Wistfully
Bill wears a wistful smile, as he
scans the cinder oval, gives some
last instructions to the varsity men,
or tells them not to work too hard
before the meet. He has met with
hard luck this year, perhaps as
every- year has its hard luck. He
hardly dares think of what his team
would have been if he had some of
the men which he had out at the
beginning of the season, So all he
does is smile and shrug his shoul
A hashing over the dope reveals
the fact that 'Oregon will probably
be strong in several events—parti
cularly the sprints, hurdles, jumps
and javelin. On the other hand,
the Aggies are entering gome strong
men in the distances and the weight
events. However, the old dope !
bucket may fee knocked cock-eyed!
by the absence of a couple of Ore-1
gon stars in the lineup.
Aggie Milers Fast
In the mile three of that near
record breaking four-mile relay
team will be entered in Mason,
Clayton and Bell. That’s a crew of
fast milers; but Henry Tetz, per
haps the fastest Oregon man in the
race, has been cutting his time
down in every race he has run. Tetz
is running his last year for Oregon,
and he will probably place.
The sprints look good for Oregon,
with a trio of fast steppers in Jer
ry Extra, Izzy Westerman, and
Proc Flannagan. Flannagan is the
newest recruit in the event, and
from his work out on the track the
past week he will erowd the other
two mighty close. Finch, the best
Aggie sprinter, was beaten by
Shroeder of Washington in the dual
meet, and Extra beat Shroeder eas
ily' at Seattle, so that eliminates
him as a first-rate contender. Ver
millye, Cram and Bell are all slower
than Finch.
Jim Kinpey, fleetest of foot in
the 440, has the edge on Earhart of
O. A. C. but there is no doubting
the strength of the visitor. This
race promises to be the thriller of
the afternoon, with two evenly
matched, first-class quarter men
hitting it up every inch of the way.
I Joe Price and Paul Ager will be run
ning as—the second and third men
for Oregon. Higgins and Eberiiart
(Continued on page four)
The setting for the Junior Prom,
the final event of Junior Week-end,
will be a picturesque representation
of the feudal hall of the fifteenth
century, according to Arthur Gale,
chairman of the decorations com
mittee. For the presentation of the
feature, which will be during the
eleventh dance, the lights will be
dimmed and two pages will appear
before the Gothic arches and
poudre blue drapes that transform
the stage. Seated upon the throne
in the center of the stage will be
the Duchess of Burgundy, Geneva
Smith, with her attendants. Dances
■will be given before the court by
Delbert Faust and Edna Dipple, at
tired in costumes of the period.
A group of gypsy minstrels will
present a ballet, interrupting the
dances of the courtiers. The four
girls of the ballet are Dorothea
Drake, Adeline Zurcher, Rowen
Gale and Kate Lambert. The dances
have been directed by Delbert
Faust, assisted by Edna Dipple. Ar
thur Gale has designed the settings,
costumes and drapes and the throne
was designed by Dorothy Myers. A
special lighting system is being
used, under the direction of Evan
Seventeen Selected At
Recent Election
Are Sworn In
Another milestone was passed in
A. S. U. O. history at yesterday’s
assembly, when a new administra
tion was sworn into office, and the
old retired. Seventeen students
pledged their service to the stu
dent body, and a similar number
returned to the ranks of the body
of University membership, many of
them for only a few weeks, until
commencement ends their Univer
sity careers.
The new officers are Walter Mal
colm, Paul Ager, DeLoris Pearson,
Edward Miller, Maurine Buchanan,
Bob Love, Carl Dahl, Dick Lyman,
Flqyd McKalson, Ellen McClellen,
Jo-Ann Warwick, Lowell Bakfer,
James Forestel, Betty Beans, Bob
Overstreet, Freddie Martin, and
Elizabeth Cady.
Randall Jones Speaks
The retiring officers were: Ran
dall Janes, Don Woodward, Vic
Risley, Ruth Akers, Mary Skinner,
Joe Ellis, Ed Miller, Gordon Wil
son, Marie Myers, Margaret Powers,
Paul Ager, Mary Brandt, Loren
Conley, Fred Martin and Augusta
Randall Jones, retiring presi
dent, bespoke the confidence of the
old administration in the new.
Whatever successes have been made
during the year that is closing,
Jones declared, are due to the en
thusiastic support of the students
themselves. He called special at
tention to several of the agencies
and bodies connected with student
government whose assistance mater
ially aided the work of the admin
The Emerald, both editor and
staff, were thanked for its coopera
tion with the administration, and
for its high and honest policy. The
Oregana staff was complimented on
its production of this year’s an
nual. The Oregon Knights were
praised for their work in- entertain
ing visiting teams, and doing the
routine work on the campus. The
Thespians were thanked for their
labors in performing the clerical
work necessary to the smooth work
ing of the administration. All this
work was done without outside no
dents, the retiring president said,
tic.e, and with no idea of reward
other than that of serving the stu
Old Officers Leave
After the oath of office as ad
ministered, the old officers left the
platform, and the administration
of 1925-192(5 took over the responsi
bilities of office.
In his installation address, Wal
ter Malcolm, the new president,
thanked the students for their con
(Continued on page three)
The first clash between the base
ball teams of University of Ore
gon freshmen and the Oregon Aggie
rooks will take place this afternoon
at 3:00 o’cloek on the varsity dia
mond. Neither team has had a real
test, so little is known of their
ability. In a game played at Salem
several weeks ago the rooks were
defeated by Salem high school by a
close score. Several days ago Ore
gon ’s yearling team was defeated
by Eugene high by a small margin.
Coach Sorsby’s hopes received a
severe blow yesterday, when Bel
don Babb, second baseman and
lead-off man, was declared ineligi
ble. Thi3 will leave quite a hole
in the green capper line up. How
ever, Doty has been showing up
well at this position.
The tentative lineup for today’s
i game will be: Eberhart, first; Doty,
■second; Hanley, short; McAllister,
I third; Henningsen and Caughell,
catchers; Kuhn, left field; Ed
| wards, Zeebuyth, Mayfield, Hemp
! stead, or Newby, center and right
\ field. Baker will receive the call
for mound duty, with Fries, Bam
ber and Mojovski held in reserve.
Oregon ' Knights meet at,
Anchorage promptly at 7:00 p. i
m. to usher for canoe fete. |
I <$>~ "" " 1 ..<$>
Important Changes Made
By Pan-Hellenic Body at
Meeting Held Yesterday
Mass Meeting Planned for
Explanation of Code to
New Women Students
Important revisions of rushing
rules for next year were made at
the meeting of the Pan-Hellehic
council held yesterday afternoon in
the Woman’s building.
It was decided by the council
that there should be no afternoon
dates during rush week nor any
rushing of parents at that time. An
increase was made in the amount
of money allowed for the week. It
was also arranged that there should
be a mass meeting held for all
freshmen girls on the first Monday
of rush week to explain rushing
There will be a restriction of
functions during the year at which
sororities may entertain guests.
This restriction is made in order to
control the amount of rushing that
a sorority has to do and to curb the
tendency to have guests every week
Revised Copies to Be Out
Revised copies of rushing rules
will be printed soon for distribu
tion among the houses.
Rules 17 and 18 of the code have
been revised to read as follows:
“No girls should be asked for dates
or promises 01 dates for the follow
ing fall until tne firts Monday af
ter the last scneduled examination.
Each house may be allowed two
week-ends during which rushees
may be entertained. One of these,
the occasion to be optional with the
sorority, is to be closed for the pur
houses on the campus for the pur
pose of rushing and the other td
be April Frolic week-end at which
time other houses may entertain
the guests. Guests at all other
times are to be discouraged.”
Rule 19 is Added
Rule 19 has been added to the
code to read as follows:
“No sorority nor sorority mem
ber shall have any entertainments
of any sort for any guests which
are prospective University students
or which are eligible for rushing
and shall discourage the presence
of such prospective students or
rushees during Junior Week-end.”
The question of guests during
Junior Week-end was also brought
up for discussion. It was empha
sized that the ruling concerning
guests for Junior Week-end is a
University ruling, voted and passed
on by the student body. Pan-Hel
lenic council took a stand in its
favor at the time the ruling was
made, thereby preventing any pos
siblity of rushing at Junior Week
“The Council hopes,” said Al
berta McMonies, president of Pan
Hellenic,” that the spirit of the
code will be observed and that no
attempts will be made to avoid the
rules in any way.”
WHEREAS, Mr. Frank L.
Chambers saw fit to make the
University a gift of land lying
along the south bank of the mill
race in order that the privilege
of othe race might be assured to»
the students, and
WHEREAS, the Students
greatly appreciate this gift: be
RESOLVED^ by the Associ
ated Students of the University |
of Oregon that to Mr. Chambers
we express our heartiest thanks^
and be it further
RESOLVED, that a copy of
this resolution be sent to Mr.
Chambers, and that a copy be j
transcribed on the records of'
the A. S. U. O., and that a copy |
be published in the student pub- i
I lication.
Reserve Seats Almost All
Sold; General Admission
Booths to Open at Five
Bain or shine, the canoe fete will
begin promptly at 8 o’clock tonight,
according to Clarence Toole gene
ral chairman of the canoe fete.
All of the tickets for reserved
seats which were placed on sale at
the Co-op had been sold by yester
day afternoon, Geneva Smith, who
had charge of the ticket sale, re
ported. Only a few of those at
Kuykendall’s drug store were left
yesterday and they were ynmedi
ately placed on sale at the Co-op
where students may purchase them.
Boot® to Be Open Today
The sale of general admission
tickets, about 1000 in all, will be
gin today. They may be bought
at the Co-op or at either of the
booths which will be stationed near
the bleachers. In order to accom
modate the large number of persons
who are expected to want these
tickets, and were unable to get re
served seats because of the limited
number of them^ the booths will be
open from 5 o’clock on this after
noon. The tickets, which will sell
at 25 cents, will be for seats in the
temporary bleachers which will be
erected today in back of the regu
lar bleachers and on the street.
The houses are asked to call
Toole some time today to get the
numbers for their floats, so that
each organization will know defin
itely before hand thg time at which
its float is to appear. A final
warning is issued for the houses to
have their floats in the water not
later than 6 o’clock this evening.
There will be a committee at the
starting place all afternoon and
evening to direct the floats.
Fifteen Men Needed
All junior men who can possibly
assist with the work, principally
with the lighting, are urged to re
port at the bleachers this morning.
About 15 men will be needed.
The bleachers have all been re
paired and a committee sectioned
and numbered the seats yesterday.
The bleachers will be opened in
sufficient time for every one to
find his seat before the fete be
The Pi-id Pipers orchestra will
furnish music during the fete, and
before the first float comes down
the race. The Barber Shop quar
tette^ which scored a big hit at
Junior Yodvil, will give several
selections during the fete.
Bob Mautz has been appointed
as announcer for the evening. The
members of the committee who will
act as judges are as follows: Miss
Maude T. Kerns, of.the art depart
ment; Bean H. Walker, student ad
viser; and Frederick S. Bunn, of
the Latin department.
Golda Boone, a senior in physi
cal education, has been appointed
director of playground work in
Bend, for the summer months.
Classes in swimming and various
sports will make up the major part
of her work. There will probably
be some recreational work for
adults, also. Paul Ager will bo a co
worker with Miss Boone.
This work will probably continue
until the first of September, when
Miss Boone will assume the duties
of supervision of physical educa
tion in the Bend elementary schohls,
and for girls in the high schools.
She lias been prominent in athlet
ics during her four years on the
Oregon campus.
Students who have not yet
i secured their copies of the Ore
gana may get them at the Grad
uate Manager’s office, near the
| journalism building, today, un
i til 5 p. m.
8:30 a. m.—Painting of the
9:15 a. m.—Tug o’ War.
10:00 a. m.—Burning of the
11:30 a. m. 1 p. m.—Campus
3:00 p. m.—Frosh-Book base
ball game.
8:00 p. m.—Canoe Fete.
9:30 a. m.—Tennis, Oregon vs.
O. A. C.
2:30 p. m.—Oregon-O. A. C.
track meet.
8:30 p. m.—Junior prom.
^.. . — . I- - ■■■■■
“Dark Horse” is Third Man
To Enter Lists
A “dark horse” in the form of
Jimmy Johnson, has entered the
race for the presidency of the jun
ior class. The petition entitling
the new candidate to entrance in
the contest was filed yesterday
morning. k
Johnson has been active in Uni
versity affairs during the past year.
He is a member of the Oregon
Knights, president of Gra-Kos,
sophomore society and is assistant
baseball manager. Last year he
served as a committee worker for
Homecoming and the Student Union
drive. This year he served as a
captain in the drive.
Johnson is a varsity orator, hav
ing represented Oregon in the Old
Line Oratorical contest. His schol
astic average since entering the
University, is 1.!).
“Swede” Westergren and Vern
Folts are the other candidates for
the junior presidency.
Rachael Husband, a graduate of
the University of Oregon, has been
working at the Los Angeles mu
seum, preparing and making inves
tigation of bird bones from the
famous Rancho Labrea deposits, ac
cording to a letter received by Hr.
Earl, L. Packard, professor of his
torical geology. Miss Husband, a
geology major, received her bach
elor’s degree here and is now work
ing for her master’s degree at the
University of Kansas.
Miss Husband was appointed re
search assistant to Dr. Matthew of
the American Museum of Natural
History. “This is one of the lead
ing centers of paleontological in
vestigation of vertebrates in this
country, if not in the world,” said
Dr. Packard. “Miss Husband if
having an jinusual opportunity.”
Girls Helping to Report At
Friendly Hall Kitohen
For Work This Morning
— ■' * 'Vj >
Floaty of foot! an« excellent ser
vice is promised those who attend
the campus luncheon today, by Mar
garet Vincent, chairman of the
campus luncheon committee.
Provided it does not rain, the
luncheon will be served in the us
ual plac0( of Deady hall, otherwise
the men’s gymnasium will be used.
The food will be served from 11:30
until 1:30, and the students have
been requested to come promptly in
order that those working on lunch
eon committees will be able to at
tend some of the events scheduled
for the afternoon.
Menu is Given
Instead of having two long serv
ing lines, there will be four or six
this year so that it will be possible
for every one to receive the food
while it is still hot, and make it
possible for every one to be served
within a shorter time than usual.
This plan was suggested by Mrs.
Edna Prescott Davis, director of
the halls of residence, who aided
in planning the meal and ordering
the food.
The menu will be as follows:
cold sliced veal, baked beam, fruit
saladj hot rolls, ice cream sand
wiches and lemonade.
Tho girls who are to assist in the
preparation of tho buns are asked
to report at the Friendly hall kitch
en at 10:15 this morning, while
those who are to serve food are
asked to report at 11 o’clock. Ellen
McClellan, Helen Webber, Kather
ine Eeade and Janet Wood will
have charge of the four serving
tables, and Sigrid Martinson will
supervise those who are to report
at 10:15.
Girls will Serve
Parker Branin has been appoint
ed chairman of the committee to
serve ice cream and lemonade, and
Richard Lyman has been made
chairman of the transportation com,4
mittee. Robert Gardner is general
chairman of the clean-up committee,
and he will be assisted by Ted Van
Guilder. A group of freshmen will
work on this committee.
The following will work on cam
pus luncheon committees: Tables,
Ellen McClellan, Katherine Reade,
Helen Webber, and Janet Wood.
Servers: Esther Davis, Helen
Cantine, Gertrude Harris, Philippa
Sherman, Irva Dale, Marian Wag
ini, Betty Lewis, Mildred Kennedy,
Edna Murphy, Edith Pierce, Vivian
(Continued on page four)
Hard hitting, airtight fielding,
big league hurling, brainy base
coaching and everything else to
make a clean fought exciting base
ball game is expected when the boys
from the Beta house lineup against
the willing mixers of Fiji. This
game is scheduled for the premier
baseball event of Saturday after,
noon at 4:30. The teams will be
ready to start in time to attract
the fans as they leave Hayward
s field after the meet with O. A. C.
So far this year these two teams
; have crashed and batted opposing
i pitchers- until they now remain the
I onlyf undefeated aggregations in the
I doughnut race.
It is rumored that several small
j city scouts will be on the campus
; during the week-end' and if the
I players show enough ability there is
a possibility the teams will be
j hired to put on a comedy of errors
! for some Fourth of July celebera
j tion in somebody’s home town.
However, this is a rumor which
! started among the players them.
, selves and is possibly underground
] ed. There is no doubt that the boys
j of the various organizations will
I do their bit to make it an inter
eating afternoon for the fans and
fanettes. This is not a varsity
contest and the “no juning” rul
ing will be void.
In the playoff games yesterday f
the Beta Theta Pi nine tore through
a hectic seven inning contest and
out-hit, out ran and out scored the
Sigma Nu stars. The final count
was 15 to 5. This game was fea
tured by the hurling of little Eldon
Lambert, Beta, who held the bat
ters to a few scratch hits. The bat
teries for this contest were: Beta—■
Lambert and Reynolds; Sigma Nu—
Scotty and Benke.
Phi Gamma Delta showed the
necessary amount of punch and
! took a close game for the Bachelor
don nine in the second of the semi
final encounters. The final count
for this tilt was 0 to 1. Flynn,
pitching for Fiji, was robbed of a
| no run game when little “Brute”
Osborne smashed out a terrific
triple which brought in the only
run for Bachelordon. Osborne was
out trying to stretch his triple in
to a homer. The batteries for this
game were: Fiji—Flynn and Tal
bot; Bachelordon—Skinner, Meyer
and Priestly.