Lyric Rainbow .Edited by Walter Evans Kidd Songs From The City By Philippa Sherman SCHERZO Country lanes are tulip-gav, and meadows daisy-dripping, But along city streets bright bunches of spring dresses bloom, and plots of Easter bonnets lift vivid heads on slender stalks. SONATA Big houses sit enthroned on their estates . . . lonely kings, Little liases join hands and sing “Precious things come in small parcels. . . We are Homes.” NOCTURNE The great city lies prone in the darkness, swathed in his jewels of night-lights stretching his limbs to the hills and flinging bracelets of lighted bridges across the dusky arms of his paramore the river * * # * “Beauty and The Beast” I sing my song—wildly, freely— With head thrown back I stand alone, singing. My song is of love, and my voice is beauty. Softly, With warmth, with passion made fine through the Fierceness of its burning— I sing— I sing, and my soul, naked and fragile— beauty ethereal— streams forth in a golden paen. I sing to The Gods—and a Fool Squatting on his hauches before me cackles with laughter— Brown nosed, open mouthed, a Fool sways And cackles—mirthfully cackles in glee. LEON B. # # # # Tinted Petals Wisteria. soft draped billows of purple blossoms slowly swaying on our verandah. Mysterious and gorgeous. like poetry the showers of tinted petals. As your fragrance.elusive. Making lavendar lace against the sifted sunlight. Wisteria. a symphony of cloud-like mist spilling its delicate flowers in tapering mass. —ELEANOR BURCHTAELL. # * # # Epitaph Don’t pity me; For, having birth, I surely must Return to earth. —RUTH NEWTON ’28 . * * # * I walk up and down before your door, Pacing the dark hallway. Do you hear my footsteps, tap tap tap? I hope and hope That you will open the door And find me going tap —MARY FITCH. * * Surcease tap Along t,he hall Outside. -**;*» «- S6v I was distraught with the vast weariness of youth, Unreasoning pain— The swelling of great tears within The press of frantic needs without. Blindly I battered at the crush of life— And was asudden quieted _____ . By fingers of the rain. „ _;' —F. J. SHELLEY. Swift, fleeting, long grey rain clouds Warriors of the oncoming storm, Deep thunder in their battle drum And lightening their swords. —ellen g. McClellan. * * * * The wind with Dark, long, slender pine needles Stitching with the thread of golden light Sewed the vermillion cloth of sunset cloud A mandarin coat for the Sun God To °reet the Orient in the morning. —ellen g. McClellan. •i TENNIS TEAM MEETS HUSKIES Two Lettermen and Three New Men Will Play In what promises to he one of the hardest meets of the year, the Uni I versity of Oregon tennis team will ( face the University of Washing ton’s Huskies on the local courts next Saturday afternoon. The varsity, fresh from a week end trip to Portland, where they 1 met defeat at the hands of the i Multnomah clubmen, 6 to 10, but i defeated the Reed college netmen, 4 to 2, are practicing strenuously for their coming meet. 1 A dual meet will be held with i Willamette university on the local ! courts next Wednesday. If the varsity defeats the Salemites, they 1 will be in line for the State-inter 1 collegiate championship. The only i other meet they would have to win ! would be a return meet with O. A. C. here, on May 23. 1 The coming meet with Washing 1 ton will be the fourth intercolleg i iate meet and from all indications '■ will be no love game. One member of the University of Washington ■ team holds the Pacific Coast cham i pionship in the singles. After the i Aggie meet, the 23, a tournament ' will be held under the direction of Rudolf Ernst, coach, to determine | the three men who will be sent £o | Seattle to represent the University , in the coast intercollegiate cham pionship to be held there, May 29 1 and 30. The Oregon team which faces i the Huskies will be made up of , two lettermen, Harry Meyer, cap tain; and George Hayden, and three new men on the squad this year, 1 Roy Okerberg, Bill Adams and i George Mead. Five singles and , two double matches will be played. Oregon’s schedule follows: May 10—Washington (five-man team) at Eugene. May 20—Willamette (three-man team) at Eugene. May 23—Oregon Aggies (five man team) at Eugene. May 29-30—Coast Conference championship at Seattle( three-man team). ADVANCED MUSIC MAJORS TO GIVE RECITAL MONDAY The second advanced student re <“ital of the term will be given! Monday evening, May 18, in the I auditorium of the school of music ] starting at 8:30 p. m. Many well-1 known musicians of the University | will be heard at this time. DR. H. B. TORREY TO GIVE COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS The Rood Samaritan hospital of Portland has chosen Dr. Harry Beal Torrey to address this year’s graduating class. Dr. Torrey will; leave for Portland today and give j the commencement address tonight, j CLASS TEAMS CHOSEN IN WOMEN’S CANOEING Delay Caused in Selection Of Frosh Paddlers Women’s class tryouts in canoe- : ing were held Saturday, on the ' mill race, when the following teams were chosen: senior I, Stella Hag- , lund-Viona Pyritz; senior II, Flor- j ence Huntress-Beatriee Tidd; jun ior I, Alta Knips-Lucille Perozzi; j junior II, Marie Strube-Helen: Ernst; sophomore I, Myrtle Mast- ' Arlene Butler; sophomore," Lela Horton-Marjorie Horton. Due to unforseen eircumstanceSj i all the freshmen candidates were not able to appear for the tryouts. This necessitates some delay in the selection of the freshman team. It is expected that the choice will be ALWAYS GOOD ALWAYS THE SAME INK STUDY at HOME for EXTRA CREDITS More than 4S0 courses in History, English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Zoology, Modem Languages, Economics, Philosophy, Sociology, etc., are given by correspondence. Learn how the credit they yield may be applied on your college program. Catalog describing courses fully will be furnished on request. Write today. S3 ELLIS HALL Cfje {HnfoerSitp of Chicago CHICAGO, ILLINOIS NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF RETAILING Experience in New York’s, Newark’s and Brooklyn’s largest department stores. Earn while you train to be an executive. Store service linked with classroom instruction. CERTIFICATE—M.S. IN RETAILING FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 17, 1925 SUMMER SCHOOL JULY 7 TO AUGUST 14, 1925 Illustrated booklet on application. For further informa tion write Dr. Norris A. Brisco, Director, 100 Washing ton Square, New York City. Plant and Office Phone 122 Main Office Phone 75 245 E. Ninth 829 Willamette ..llllll!!llllllllllnl!!lllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllinilllUWIII!llllllllil!l!llllil!]|lllllll!MIIII!lli!l!IWI!li;i:il!nillaillllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUII>linnilllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII''' MARX’S jiiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiRinniiiittiiiiniiniiiiHiiwmiitiUHjiUHiiiiittiiiiiiiiiHiiiiHiiniimHinHiiiiirtiiiiiiiiHUiwiiuiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiHiHiuiiiiuiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiH-1' EUGENE DYEING & CLEANING WORKS Master Cleaners, Dyers, Pressers and Pleaters Accordian, Knife, Box and Combination Pleats Eugene Oregon made some time this week. The record time made at the try juts Saturday was 8:59. This is the best time that has been made by women canoeists on the race, md is the record time hold last c8r on Field Day by he champion Tam, consisting of ^lta Knips and Lucille Perozzi for the sophomores, rhese girls made the trip from the tVnchorage to the old storm sewer md back, a distance of about half i mile, with 9:0 as their record, Saturday. This was the second best time record made at the tryouts. Class meets in canoeing will be scheduled for some part of this month, it was announced. o o I CLASSIFIED ADS I S>--<£> LOST — Sheaf f or’s Life-Time fountain pen. Name and address of Ed. Hicks on pen. Finder please return to Emerald office or call above named at 1306. 13-14-15 LOST—Silver mesh bag at base ball game. Will finder please call 225. 13-14 FOB SALE—1915 Ford touring. Call 1896-J. H. J. Behn, 412 E. 13th. St. 13-14 WANTED—Two college students for work during summer vacation. | Rood salary guaranteed. Write J. i Faulkner, care Osburn hotel, for particulars. Give address and phone. 12-13-14. Meet Oh Henry Saturday Night at The Most Laughable Comedy Drama in a !Blue Moon— “WELCOME STRANGER” with FLORENCE VIDOR LLOYD HUGHES NOAH BEERY ' CENTURY COMEDY KINOGRAM News Events LAST SHOWINGS TODAY Matinee Any Night Children 20c 10c Tomorrow— Buck Jones PLEDGING ANNOUNCEMENT Alpha Omicron Pi announces the hedging of Mildred Vaughn of Portland. Read the Classified Ad Column PATRONIZE EMERALD ADVERTISERS A GOOD SIGN TO GO BUY UNEEDA PRESSING CLUB PATRONIZE EMERALD ADVERTISERS New! COOLIDGE Grey Trousers CHOOSE THESE FOR CORRECTNESS, AND DISTINCTION. 10 Dollars STORE>-MEN 713 WILLAMETTE “KNOWN FOR GOOD CLOTHES’* Your Money Will Go Futher If You Buy Your Graduation Presents at HOFFMAN’S 790 WILLAMETTE Special Sale! Ruud Double Coil Tank Water Heater $1.00 Down—Balance $2.00 Monthly with your gas bill installs a Ruud Double Coil Gas Tank Water Heater in your home This is your chance to get rid of the old make shift way of heating water and have a modem hot water supply. Call at our office and let us demonstrate this heater or a phone call will bring our salesman to your home. Mountain States Power Co. Telephone 28 881 Oak Street