©tegatt Ilatlg limeralii Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. DONALD L. WOODWARD .-... .. EDITOR EDITORIAL ROARD Associate Editor ____— Margaret Skavlan Managing Editor ....... Harold A. Kirk Associate Managing Editor ... Anna Jerzyk Sports Editor_George H. Godfrey Daily News Editor 11*17 Clerin Emily Houston James Csss Jalmar Johnson Gertrude Houk Lillian Baker Night Editors Pete Lours Ray Nash Webster {ones Claude Rearis Tom Graham Walter A. Cushman Lylah McMurpby___Society Editor Sports Staff Wilbur Wester — Assistant Sports Editor Richard Syring, Richard Godfrey -- _Sports Writen Upper News Staff Edward Robbins Mildred Carr Elizabeth Cady Genera Foss Sol Abramson Eugenia Strickland Mary West Josephine Ulrich -— Exchange Editoi News Staff: Helen Reynolds, Margaret Vincent, Esther Davis, JacK Hempsleao, Georgia Stone, Glen TJurch, Lawrence Armand, Ruth De Lap, Dorothy Blyberg, Clayton Meredith, Margaret Kreesman, Philippa Sherman, Ruth Gregg, Mary Baker, Alioe Kraeft, Geneva Drum, Helen Schuppel, Ruby Lister, Barbara Blythe, Mary Conn, Ronald Sellers, Paul Krausse, Bill Klien. BUSINESS STAFF /AMES W. LEAKE ___ MANAGER Associate Manager ...- Frank Loggan Advertising Managers. Si Slocum, Wayne Leland, Wm. Jones Assistants.Milton George, Bill Prudhomme, Bert Randall, Calvin Horn Circulation Manager ____ James Manning Assistant Circulation Manager.Burton Nelson Foreign Advertising Manager . Claude Reavis Assistants . Walt O’Brien, Hilton Rose, Neil Ohinnock Specialty Advertising ... Mildred Dunlap, Geneva Foss Adminstration _ Margaret Hyatt, Marion Phy, Fred Wilcox, Bonner Whitson, Bob Warner. Day Editor This Issue Gertrude Houk Assistant .Geneva Drum Night Editor This Issue Claude Reavis Assistant .Lewis Reavis Entered aa second draw matter at the post office at Eugene, Oregon, under act «f Congress of March 8, 1879. A Balance in Red Figures "y^HENEVE'R an explosion occurs, a great cloud of dark, acrid smoke generally puffs up, obscuring the immediate vicinity, dirt and mud is flung far and wide, the ground trembles, there is a big noise, and persons upright and persons otherwise, suddenly duck for cover. The reason everyone ducks for cover is that the effects of an explosion,—the choking smoke, the splattering mud, the stinging dirt, the deafening thunder, the rocking ground—are not respecters of the good, nor impeachers of the bad, but injure one and all alike. Just so, in this recent “regential” explosion, the landscape has been hazy with smoke, for when the slow fuse finally reach ed the secret powder, great was the puff thereof, and many were they who sought cover until heads might be raised once more toward the azure sky without fear of obstructing the path of some tardy clod swiftly falling back to its original resting place. Now that the rain has fallen and the atmosphere has been cleared somewhat, just what may be seen? First, that the regents really have effected an economy of some $60,000 in the program which they carried into action. Second, they have probably worked some good in the re-ar rangement of departments and faculty members. But, first, they accomplished these two beneficial actions in a most clumsy way. Will they deny that a much more gracious and effective method would have been to consult the deans of the various schools affected, placing the facts before them, and requesting that the changes be made by authority through the heads of the departments? The executive morale of any executive branch is greatly undermined by such overt and unex peeted action as was taken by tlie Board of Regents. If the heads had been told that a cut of a certain amount had to be made in the budget of that department, it is very probable that the reduction could have been attained with security and dignity and a highly desirable spirit of friendly cooperation would have been fostered between the faculty and the Regents. Second, those members of the faculty who have been de moted or dismissed have real cause for grievance because they were unaware that their positions were in jeopardy, and did not know of it until they received notice of dismissal or demo tion after the meeting. Coming late in the season, these mem bers will have difficulty in procuring positions for next year. A faculty member of a University is, after all, not a laborer, and should receive consideration equal to any professional man, such as the privilege of a year’s notice before dismissal, and the opportunity of a hearing if there is any question of moral integrity involved. Third, this unjustified treatment lays the University open to investigation by the Amerienn Assoeiation of University Pro fessors, a national body, which if made, will subject the insti tution to unfavorable publicity throughout the United States, with a possible loss in standing in comparison with other uni versities, and loss of good-will among those in the teaching pro fession. This result will be of the gravest importance to the University of Oregon and it might require many years before the stigma finallv could be removed. Fourth, the policy of suppressing the facts and not immedi ately issuing a complete report of the minutes damaged the | Board of Regents, the administration of the University, and a number of innocent faculty. Suspicion and rumor became rampant, and many stories and tales were whispered and bandied about which have later proved utterly false. The pub lic mind reacts singularly to the knowledge that public busi ! ness has been suppressed. It immediately assumes that there 1 must be some “politic” reason for such action. It goes further. It assumes that the business must be of a dishonest or shady nature, for otherwise, what would be the object in not making the subject open to inspection? To summarize, a little good was accomplished. Considerably more harm was done. A very great amount of harm is still potentially possible, even probable. It appears, therefore, that in auditing these books on the recent action of the Board of Regents, the balance must be written in red figures, and the responsibility very definitely charged up to the Board of I Regents. Campus Bulletin Notices will be printed in this column for two issues only. Copy must be in this office by 6:80 on the day before it is to be published, or' must to limited to 20 words. I Crossroads—7:30 tonight. Daly Clum—Meeting, noon today at Anchorage. Important. Mortar Board—Meeting today at 5:00 o’clock in the Infirmary in Frances Simpson’s room. VeTy important. Mathematics Club—Picnic to be held Thursday evening. Meet at Springfield car line, in front of Villard hall at 4:30 sharp. Bring car fare, cup and spoon. REGENTS’ ECONOMIES FORGED BY NECESSITY University Has Outgrown Income, Says Report The stringent economies author ized by the University of Oregon board of regents at its meeting a week ago were not the result of an unexpected emergency, but were forced upon the regents by a con dition which has been foreseen for several years, and against which various precautions have been tak en. This underlying condition, forcing the University to begin cur tailment of the scope of its work is the fact that for many years it has been growing much more rap idly than its income. The student enrollment in all branches of the institution has ■out grown available funds from state sources. It has to care for in the next academic year a student body which will from present prospects i be in the neighborhood of ten per cent larger than the present en rollment, and more than seventy per cent larger than that of 1920. The regents, with an income for the University only seven per cent greater than that of 1920, were forced to make adjustments. The following statements are supported by authoratative figures: At the Theatres 1 ^--O HETLIG—Tonight, Friday and Saturday, Lon Chaney, mas ter aetor, in the thrilling melo drama, “The Monster.” Coming: Marion Davies in the American Epic, “Janice Meredith,” one of the really outstanding plays of the year. “So This is Lend on.” road show. THE McDONALD—First day: Stronglieart's latest picture. “White Fangs,” from Jack London’s novel of the frozen North. Added special attrac tion, Larry Semon in “The Dome Doctor.” Ronaldo Baggott on the Wurlitzer. Regular prices. Coming: The comedy sen sation, “Charlie’s Aunt.” Zaue Grey’s “Rider of the Purple Sage.” Norm» Tal mage “The Lady,” Raymond i Griffith, “The Night Club.” THE REX—Last day: Aaron Hoffman’s great stage suc cess, “Welcome Stranger,” with Florence Vidor, Lloyd Hughes, Virginia Brown Faire, Noah Beery, Dore Davidson, V iltiam W. Mong, Robert Edeson and other stars, in the most enjoyable laugh of the year, hailed by critics far and near as having the mirth of “Potash and Perlmutter” and the heart interest of “Humor esque;” Century comedy, “Speak Freely.” Kinogram news events; Rex musical set tings on the big organ. Coming: Buck Jones in “The Trail Rider;” “The Hunchback of Notre Dame;” Rudolph Valentino in “Mon sieur Beaucaire.” with Bebe Daniels: “The Swan,” Adolph Menjou, Ricardo Cortez and Frances Edward; Bebe Dan iels in “Miss Bluebeard” with Raymond Griffith; Pola Negri in “East of Suez;” George O’Brien in “The Roughneck;” “The Narrow Street.” “Oh Henry;” ! ---$> (coming EVENTSj Thursday, May 14 11:00 a. ,m.—Assembly, Dr. Thomas E. Green, “Building for Peace,” Woman’s building. 8:30 p. m.—“Hassan,” Guild hall. Friday, May 15 8:30 p. m.—“Hassan,” Guild hall. Saturday, May 16 8:30 p. m.—“Hassan,” Guild hall. <2>-——O 1. The cost to the state per stu dent is low. Oregon ranks thirty fourth among forty-one state uni versities as to receipts per student and thirty-seventh as to property inx’estment per student. 2. The University is spending about as much per student this year as in 1917, and the income from the millage per student is the same as before the war. 3. Salaries are low. The pay of every rank of officer and instruc tor is not only below that of the stronger universities, but it is ac tually below the average of all state universities. FRANK L. CHAMBERS GIVES BLEACHER SITE Engene Banker Donates Strip for Canoe Fete Assurance of a permanent place from which to see the annual canoe fete is received with the announce ment of a gift of a stretch of land along the mill race. Frank L. Chambers, Eugene banker, has giv en to the University a 1000-foot strip of land on the south bank of the mill race. This strip extends from the pres ent bleachers east along the race to the launching point of the ca noes of the fete. This strip was retained by Mr. Chambers when he sold the mill race to the present Rex Shine Parlor The Only Place to Get Your Shoes Shined owners and the recent gift to the University assures the students of a permanent tenure of the land. There is no possibility of the land along the race being refused as a location for the canoe fete. Mr. Chambers has been a warm friend of the University. He is one of the outstanding business men of the city and an active citi zen. At present he is president of the chamber of commerce. I , R. 0. T. C. WILL HAVE WEEKLY DRILL TODAY The drill grounds immediately south of the E. O. T. C. barracks will be the scene of an imperative military ceremony at 5:15 this af ternoon, when the local unit of the R. O. T. C. will stage the fourth of the series of weekly battalion drill parades, being held in con nection with the regular work in the military department. An increasingly large number of people have been attending these parades, and much favorable com ment has been given the work of the officers and cadets of the unit on the marked improvement which has been made since the drills were instituted four weeks ago. Although no additional phases of the ceremony will be taken up at HAIRCUT? SUREll The Club Barber { Shop ! Geo.W.Blair 814 Willamette { to Europe ~ Steam packet m_ 1 QQQ 4-1-10 i Royal Mail has been the “comfort I route” in ocean ' travel. The famous “O” cabin steamers offer every lux ury, every pleas ure — Ballroom, gym, etc., a t surprisingly low rates. Cabin and Tourist class. Weekly sailings from New York. Write or call. The Royal Mail ■Steam Packet Co. Rainier Bldg., Seattle, Wash, or Local Agent © O. E. CO. Tbt Garment Center Buildings "Towering Masses” Walter m. mason. Architect O Drawn by Hugh Ferriss J-JERE the new architecture expresses itself in great vig orous masses which climb upward into the sky with a pyramidal profile—gigantic, irregular, arresting. An earlier, conventional building on the near corner is overshadowed, engulfed in towering masses of the newer building which are prophetic of an architecture of the future which is vividly stimulating to the imagination. Certainly modern invention—modern engineering skill and organization, will prove more than equal to the de mands of the architecture of the future. i 1 OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY Odiiccs in all Principal Cities of the \Corld oday’s drill, an attempt will be nade to secure perfection in the novements which have already jeen taken up, since arrange nents are being made to hold an >fficial military parade in connec ;ion with Junior Week-end, 'on May 21, according to Captain Frank L. 3ulin, executive officer of the E. 3. T. C. department. lOINT CONCERT SCHEDULED FOR SUNDAY AFTERNOON Alberta Potter, violinist, and Mrs. Eex Underwood, pianist, will give a joint concert Sunday, May 17, in the auditorium of the school pt music, starting at 4 p. m. This con cert is the firBt one of the year in which these musicians have been heard. Students and townspeopie are extended an invitation, to attend. COAL IS YOUR BEST FUEL Rainier Coal Co. Phone 412 15 E. 7th Sweet things! Cross-section oi a tooth, showing Acid Decay at the Danger Line. WHEN you eat something sweet, and you feel the pang of pain in your teeth, you are being warned! Acid Decay has begun. And if neglected, Acid Decay may lead to dangerous abscesses and even serious infections of the gums. Squibb’s Dental Cream, made with Squibb’s Milk of Magnesia, does much more than keep the teeth clean and attractive. It safely and promptly neutralizes the acids in the mouth which attack the teeth and gums—especially at that vital place where gums meet teeth — The Danger Line. It is the only dentifrice that affords real protection from Acid Decay — protection that lasts for hours after use. At drug stores. Sqjjibb's Dental Cream Made with Squibb's Milk of Magnesia E. R. SQUIBB & SONS, New York—Manufacturing Chemists to the Medical Profession since 1858 © 1925 TODAY Friday, Saturday HERE’S THE GREATEST OF ALL COMEDY MYSTERY THRILLERS \7rvm the stage success by L CRANE, WILBUR. i XT7HAT does it ' * mean? Who can solve it? You’ll keep guessing until the very end. Ro* mance, comedy, thrills — they’re all in this great mystery picture. with LON CHANEY j And Here He Is—The Screen’s Marvelous New Cbmedian— HARRY LANGDON -in “All Night Long” and what a Comedy it is PATHE NEWS REGULAR PRICES