Lenimy’s Ghost The Hammer and Coffin Society Edited by Eolf Klep Dere Squeebs: The scene is assembly on nomina tion (lay, and the mob is out on masse to have the “I have in minds—” thrown at them onee more. Sometime one of these guys is going to accidentally substitute “no” in there and say, “I have no mind,” and the crowd will rise and pro claim him a hero for being so straightforward. Bandoline Jones bangs viciously upon the authoritative table. Bang! Bang! Three faculty mem bers walfe up, t^e rest keep on sleeping. A fire siren wails mourn fully in the distance A gong rings. Someone shouts, “Patrol wagon!” Four freshmen leap to their feet and tear madly out of the room. “To darn much confusion,” says Bandoline in a stage whisper. “I’ve done so much wrapping that I feel like a mummy.” So he hits on the idea of making funny. I faces at the audience. This didn’t I work because upon looking out over the inte’.ligencia he spies Mautz and i had to burst out laughing himself— you know Bob. Well Bandoline gives up, cocks his feet on the back of Dean Straub’s neck, and goes to sleep. Half an hour later a Eugene fire man bursts into the room and j shouts, “Werinells de fire?” “Ah-h-h-h,” murmurs glower I ing multitude. Whereupon the Or der of the O gather themselves upon, about and into him and drape a board nine times upon a spot where he never wears his helmet. I A man rises in his seat, the big moment has come. Quiet reigns su preme (it was raining supremely out side too)—he speaks: “I have in mind—. ’ ’ Yes, the doctor says he will live. ANNA NYAS. Pin Money “What’s Hal doin’?” “Writin’ plays.” “What! That fellow writin’ plays?” “Yup! He’s chalking down scores in a bowling alley.” * * * * * The Deuce You Say Phony—Have you ever read the write-up in the Bible of the Egyp tian tennis game? Graph—Your crazy. They didn’t play tennis. Phony—'They did so! It says ‘Jo seph served in Pharoah’s court. Wet Gold ’Twas a wonderful spring evening. The sun was casting a burnish gold band across the placid lake, as I slowly paddled my way across the water. The deepening shadows threw a bluish purple haze on the thickly wooded hills that were broken here and there by a cliff of grayish rock. Slowly the sun sank behind the distant hills. With a tender look I glanced at my fair companion who was dabb ling her fingers in the cool waters of the lake. “Ain’t it grand?” she remarked. - Silently I drowned her in the middle of the lake, and rowed back to the shore. »■ * * First Souse—HicM Second Ditto—Hie!! First—Don’ talk back to me! # * * Awlice—Did I ever show you where I was tatooed Jimsy—Nope. Awlice—Well, we can drive around that way. • • Kissing a girl is like opening a bottle of olives—if you can get one, the rest come easy. * # * THE DUB He always has his lessons. He never tries to bluff. He always studies on week-ends. He never cuts or is late to class. , He knows all his professors names, and has a list of their office hours. He never goes out “pigging” dur ing the week. He goes to church every Sunday. He hates dances. Shows are a bore. Popular with the Girls? Yes—He has a Packard Straight Eight Roadster— But, he talks with a lisp— You know who I mean. Dapper—Did you ever kiss a girl when she wasn’t expecting it? Dan—I doubt it. * • # Value of Economics Bend—Lend me four bits, will ya? Zene—Only got forty cents in change. Ben—Well, gimme that, and you can owe me the other dime. * * * 1 Sauce for the goose is gravy for tomorrow’s hash. Come—I wisht I had a milliun! Seven—If va don’t quit scratch ing I’ll believe you have. * * • The only thing that could be ■worse than a giraffe with a sore throat, we figure, is a centipede with chilblains. Madge—I'm sorry I forgot to in cite you to our dance. Bubs—Why, did you have a lance? * * * Now you take the women of to iay. They are able to meet any sit uation. I asked one the other day, ‘If I were to kiss you, how would vou meet it?” Without doing any thinking at all that I could see she mswered, “Face to face.” N—Heard you had trouble with the dean! Y—Did he say much! If he’d said it with flowers he’d need a conservatory. A Tale of Whoa Silence—more silence—a stream moonlight through the open win low. “Hie.” The silhouette of a gentleman in a top hat looms in the | opening. The head is thrust through i the aperture and two arms arrange j themselves unsteadily but comfort- i ably on the sill. A pair of curious eyes scrutinize the sleeping figure on the bed. “Hie.” Silence. A wild scream arid a sickening thud. A flood of light discloses the curious observer guillotined beneath the fallen window. Two eyes afright from beneath the soft cover let of the bed. A quavering femin ine voice from the same quarter gains courage. “Sir! You are no gentleman!” The eyes of the victim gleam with a roguish light. “Hie! N—Neither are you!” “Say Bub, a frat house would sure seem unnatural without a skull in it.” “Yup! So would a boat house.” • • • GULLIBLE TRAVELERS The rain was pouring down—the side curtains leaked, as did the top. But, they were happy—he and she. Only four flat tires—a broken spark plug, and burned out lights but the motor was running fine—now. A glorious week-end spent at home— now they were headed for Eugene. Motoring in one of these fifty dollar relic's is not what it should be even at its best. Tonight it had been at its worst. A thin ray of light penetrated the darkness as they pushed on with the asthmatic cough of the motor to keep them company. The heavens continued to precipitate moisture as they en tered a small village. The lights of the town’s all night restaurant threw a cheery glow on the passing mechanical mistake—still nothing happened. Finally, the happy two drew up in front of the right sorority house, and he untangled himself from the navigating apparatus—still nothing happened. She quietly said good night, hoping that they would be able to go home again together— sometime. Moral—Apple-sauce. LEMMY’S GHOST— HOUSE HEADS URGED TO STORE WOOD NOW It seems to be a prevailing custom of the various organiza tions on the campus on the campus to begin buying up quantities of wood and stacking it on the park ing spaces either in front or to one side of their houses. This obnox ious practice of leaving the wood parked on these spaces until they dry or until the aspiring members of next year are asked to put it under the roof must stop,, stated the city Chief of Police. It seems there is a city ordinance against leaving these wood piles in place longer than 36 hdurs for each cord in the stack. Quite a number of large stacks of fire fuel have at different times created a dangerous condition at street corners and accidents have happened on account of “blind” corners that they caused, said the chief. He urges the heads of the organizations to put the wood in early, at least be within the law, and make for a cleaner and safer city. UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS APPOINTED DEBATE JUDGES Dr. Peter C. Crockatt, professor ] of economies; Dr. Roger Williams, | professor of chemistry; and Profes-, sor E. W. Merril, instructor in En glish, are leaving for Ashland to day where they will act as judges in the Ashland-Tillamook high school debate to be held Saturday evening. The debate tvhicli is to be on the question, “Resolved that the refer endum is a desirable feature of a representative government,” will decide the championship of western Oregon. HALLY BERRY, ’23. TAKES POST AT NORTHWESTERN A letter has been received by Professor Warren D. Smith, head | of the geology department, from Hally Berry, a graduate from that, department in 1923. Mr. Barry T CLASSIFIED ADS ' --"'5> | FOR SALE—Full dress suit, j practically new, size 36. Price $20. Prone 177-R. 3 j Stock Reducing Sale ONE-HALF THE ORIGINAL PRICE PAY $5.00 TO $27.50 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Leon Jenkins New Laraway Building AS WELL AS NEW SPRING HOSE NOW ON DSPLAY FOR YOUR APPROVAL FOOTWEAR PLEASING TO THE EYE AND COMFORTABLE MODERATELY PRICED TKWCL SHOES HOSIERY r?s^r?8Yir?^ir?^r^i;,^ir;«Yiy«Y,Y.Y Oh Boy! Look Who’s Here Genuine Mexican Dishes Enchilades Del Heavo. Enchiledes Del Maize Tortico Del Maize Chicken Tamales Texas Tamales (Hot) Chile Con Came Chile Mack Spanish Chicken Pies Frijoles “AND YES” Chinese Chicken Noodles Chinese Pork Noodles All Above Dishes Made in Our Kitchen IMPERIAL LUNCH 727 WILLAMETTE STREET will ho graduate assistant at North- Jl western university next year. In j addition he has the Laverne Noyes scholarship for ex-service men. Rivals the beauty of the I 1 Over-sizeDuofold Duette, Jll; Duofold Jr. Duette, 8.50; Lady Duofold Du ette. $8. Pens and Pencils sold separately if desired, but Satin-lined Gift Box de luxe included in sets. This Wr Graduation Gift Will Inspire Your Friends j to Write You For Graduation, Weddings, Leave takings, Parties, Birthdays Duofold Pen and Duofold Pencil—The New Duette: Satin-lined Gift Case de luxe included THIS Parker Duofold Duette has won the heart of the world— balanced, symmetrical, in hand some lacquer-red, or in flashing plain black, both* styles gold trimmed. Our Lady Duofold Pen and Pen cil are still of small girth to fit slim fingers. But the Duofold Jr. and “Big Brother” Duofold Pencils are now both built Over-size. For men learned from the Duo fold Pen how an Over-size Barrel affords a man-size grip that abol ishes finger cramp, and relaxes hand and brain. Every Parker DuofoldPen hasthesuper-smooth Duofold Point that’s guaranteed, if not misused, for 25 years’wear. Now is the time to pick out these new Duofold Gifts. T^E PARKER PEN COMPANY Lady Duofold Pen, $6; Pencil,$8; Duofold Jr. Pen, $5: . Pencil, $3.50; Oversize Duofold Pen, $7; Pencil, $4 Factory and General Offices JANESVILLE, W1S. Tnrkemzm> DuqfiM^Duette Ice Cold Anything you want. A coke, a root beer, gin ger mint, sodas, o r sortie special drink of your own. Think up a new one and ask George for it. The Oregana See Our Window Wonderful Display JUST RECEIVED A Presentation Of Picturesque And Colorful SUMMER SILKS Popularly Priced $1.19 to $4.50 "Ai'W’A.va thb bust por the rex.. NEW SHOW TODAY Continuous 1 to 11:30 WHERE PRICES ARE ff£V£/f RMStt> HE’S BACK FOLKS! Lovable— Fun Loving— JACKIE COOGAN IN Little Robinson Crusoe ■ As a ragged kid from ’Frisco suddenly cast ■ upon a desert isle with a black cat his only ■ companion—until — cannibals — attacks — the ■ Marines—thrills—adventures and LAUOHS! It’s Jackie’s Latest and Cleverest Role! o ® DON’T FORGET REX REDUCES PRICES “The BEST for LESS” [ Cartoon Comedy WEBFOOT WEEKLY DEVANEY at the ORGAN