Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 01, 1925, Image 1

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    NUMBER 99
TO HE 111
During This One Week All
Sombrero Wearers Must
Wait at Home for Dates
Men’s Open House to Begin
Festivities of Week When
; Girls Do Choosing
Oregon’s annual leap week, when
senior women go gunning for the
wearers of the sombrero, with no
bag limit nor restrictions as to
weapons, will begin tonight with
open house. The women of ’25 will
make the rounds of all men’s or
ganizations, presumably with an
eye to prospective prey for the
later events of the week. However,
the committee in charge has it that
many reservations tor nrst dances
have already been made, which in
dicates that the early birds have
been busy, and that the most popu
lar worms have been taken.
Men to Join Forces
Many men’s houses have joined
together, the better to protect
themselves. The Phi Gamma Deltas
will, hold out at the Theta Chi
house, the Alpha Tau Omega’s at
the Sigma Nu house, the Sigma
Chi’s at the Kappa Sigma house
and the Beta Theta Pi’s at Bache
Thursday afternoon is the time
set for the Bow-Wow Brawl, spon
sored by Alpha Chi Omega and
Delta Delta Delta. The affair will
Tie held at the Tri Delt house. We
take it that doggies will be used
an pursuing the game.
The Alpha Phi-Chi Omega Grille
■dance, the feature of Thursday
evening, is to have a Bohemian at
mosphere, all details having been
planned according to real Bohemian
style. The dance is to take place
at the Alpha Phi house.
Senior Men to Poor
Senior men will pour at the Kap
pa Koffee, the affair of Friday af
ternoon. The annual Bar-room
Bust, held at Hendricks hall, is the
event scheduled for Friday even
A no date picnic, at Coburg
bridge has been planned for Sat
urday, but the decision is not fin
al. Gordon Wilson, who is in [
charge of the picnic, is ready to
stage a skating and dancing party
at the Winter Garden, if the weath
er should make a picnic impossible.
The Saturday afternoon affair will
start just after lunch.
Cosmopolitan Club
Will Feature Many
Nations in Pageant
'■ ■ . -a4??'
An atmosphere distinctly for
eign will be created at the Fes
tival of the Nations, to be pre
sented by the Cosmopolitan club,
Saturday afternoon and evening,
at Guild hall. Dances, balcony
serenades, folk songs, and his
torical skits will be features of
the program, representing all the
nations from which University
students have come.
The Festival of Nations has
been planned as an annual af
fair. Most of the eastern and
some of the western colleges
have an annual pageaSt of coun
tries represented by their stu
Tickets are to be placed in
charge of house representatives,
the Co-op, and Laraway’s music
shop. Admission to the matinee
will*be 25 cents, and to the even
ing performance, 30 cents.
Dean Sheldon to Discuss
Writer’s Career
Joseph Conrad, Polish seaman,
educated in Prance and master of
English prose, has been chosen by
Prof. H. D. Sheldon, Dean of the
School of Education, as the topic
for his address for this week's as
sembly program.
Dean Sheldon will deal with the
formative factors in Conrad’s ca
reer, including his nationality, edu
cation and experience as seaman
md sea captain as a basis for the
material presented in his ^novels.
“I shall attempt to give a sort
)f analysis of his genius as an ar
;iit,” Dean Sheldon said when
asked concerning his address, “and
to indicate what his work has done
for modern English literature.”
“The Typhoon” and “The Nig
;er of the Narcissus” are the two
lovels that are best suited as a
jeginning for those who have never
read anything by Conrad.
A mass meeting of the Women’s
League will be held Thursday af
ternoon at 5 o’clock in Yillard hall.
A.11 the women on the campus are
jonsidered members of this organi
The nominating committee, ap
pointed by Winifred Graham, presi
ient of the League, will present
lominations for next year’s offi
Dr. Hanna C. Hollar of Vienna, i
who came to the atate recently with
the Cizek exhibition of the work
of Austrian children in creative
art forma, will lecture on the the
ory and practice of the Cizek type
of inatruction tonight at 8. p. m.
in the fine arta auditorium on the
campua. An exhibition of the
children’s work in painting, draw
ing, modeling, embroidery, and
carving, will be on display in the
auditorium from 4 to 8 p. m. The
exhibition and lecture are free to
faculty, students, and townspeople.
Dr. Hollar came to the atate to
explain the instructional method of
Professor Cizek in the State School
of Arts and Crafts, Vienna. Profes
sor Cizek's method has produced
results, according to Professor
Maude I. Kerns of the University
School of Architecture and Allied
Arts, which have aroused great in
terest and enthusiasm ever since
the work of his students was shown
in the Metropolitan Museum of
Art in New York more than a year
ago. Dr. Hollar, who is an art
critic and archeologist, explained
the method in the Portland art mu
seum. Thousands of children and
adults visited the museum.
The visiting art critic, who has
toured England and America with
the exhbition, comes to the campus
at the invitation of the University
School of Architecture and Allied
Arts, His lecture is expected to be
of particular interest to students of
There is little formal instruction
in the Cizek school. Children have
made all the charming water-colors
and pencil drawings in the exhibi
tion, the quaint figures of baked
clay, the curious carvings, as part
of their play life. The art works
are simply bits of a child’s life
that have appealed to his or her
imagination. The children come to
the school of their own free will
because of the joy of creating the
art forms.
There is no commercial or voca
tional end in view in the school.
The children paint, draw, model,
and carve because they desire to
express themselves, and they are
helped as they work by a few sug
gestions from Professor Cizek.
Professor Cizek is a famous art
teacher whose pupils are for the
most part not children, but young
men and women. By special ar
rangement the doors of the State
School of Arts and Crafts are open
to children on Saturdays and Sun
days, materials are furnished, and
! the children may work as they
1 will, helped by a word dropped here
and there from Professor Cizek as
> he walks among them.
■*._ ... - ...M.
Oregon Will Compete With
Stanford Tracksters At
Palo Alto on April 11
Men Work During Spring
Vacation; ‘Tiny’ Johnson,
Rosenberg Show Up Well
Oregon’s track team weathered
the scandal sheet without a man
rendered ineligible. That was the
biggest triumph of the past week
and now the team is settling down
for intensive work before the Stan
ford university meet on April 11
at Palo Alto, which is the first test
of the season. Next Saturday af
ternoon the elimination tryouts for
the meet will be held. The entire
varsity squad will be put through
the final mill to choose the six
teen-man team to make the trip.
There is competition—intense
competition out on Hayward field
this year and some of that will be
shown in the events to be run off
Saturday. A fighting crew of men
must be picked from the mob, and
the only way it can be done is by
putting the aspirants through their
paces hard.
Bill Hayward was pleased with
the work this last spring vacation.
Thirty varsity men stayed over and
trained consistently two times a
day for the entire vacation with
the exception of the one day off
and two days where only afternoon
workouts were held. Every day the
aspirants reported at 10 o’clock in
the morning and 3 o ’clock in the
afternoon for the grind. The work
outs were hard and they are going
to be harder from now on, accord
ing to the coach.
Warm Weather Awaited
The team is rapidly getting into
condition. Sore legs are prevalent,
but the handicap of bad weather is
the cause of that. The team is
waiting for warm weather to get
rid of those sore -legs. As soon as
it comes the conditioning of the
men will be rounded out. Every
man out for the team is showing
up better and gives promise of sur
passing anything he has previously
The team promises to be the best
all-around group Oregon has had
for some time. Bill will probably
take men in each event for the
southern meet.
Several things this term have
bolstered up the hopes for the sea
son. Lowell (“Tiny”) Johnson,
husky frosh discus man of last
year, came out at the end of the
winter term and reported “for work.
“Tiny” will be about the best man
Oregon has in the platter throw. He
has improved this season and is
waiting for conditioning until he
does his best.
Bosenburg Hurls Javelin
Last week in regular workouts
“Chick” Eosenburg, captain of Ore
gon's track squad, heaved the jave
lin 182 feet. A throw like that is
going to count for many points on
the coast this year. In the big
Stanford-U. S. C. track meet last
Saturday the best done was 177
feet 6 inches. Eosenburg has shown
steady improvement over his last
year’s work.
Proctor Flanagan in the broad
jump leaped 22 feet, 8 inches. That
is approaching the coast record
very close. Flanagan, besides be
ing a broad jumper is a sprinter. A
jump as much #over 22 feet as he
can do is good for points on the
coast any time.
Those are some of the things
which happened during spring va
cation. The rest of the men out
have been working hard and what
kind of improvement they have
made will show in the meet Satur
i day.
Grim Death Stalks
Prey in Library;
Student is Victim
.*.****" -
Suspect Held; Mool
Court to Try Case
William Dills, prominent and
well-known figure on the, campus
was tragically killed, either by
his own hands or by someone
else at the entrance to the library
last night at about 7:45.
Witnesses declare that immedi
ately preceeding the fatal act the
lights went out, two shots were
fired, someone cried out hoarsely,
“He shot him, catch him!” An
other voice, far weaker and un
I doubtedly the voice of the unfor
tunate victim whispered in a
choed, gurgling tone, “My God!
I’m shot!”—the lights went on,
and Dills was found on the li
brary steps breathing his last
with two bullet holes in him and
blood running from his mouth.
By his side was found a 48 cali
ber Colt automatic.
It is not known yet whether
the act was suicide or murder.
Several theories have been ad
vanced by his associates however.
Those who think it might be a
; case of suicide declare that he
was afraid of the Phi Beta Kap
pas, that they were on his trail
continually and f almost had him
a few days ago and that “rather
than fall into their hands he
would kill himself first.” It is
I also said that he w£s pursued a
great deal by the fairer sex and
that one woman in particular
.iust about had succeeded in get
ting him. Still another explana
tion offered is that he was given
to spells of melancholia because
he had been taken for a journal
ism major.
One suspect has been arrested
and is a,t present awaiting moot
court trial at the county court
house. Jean DuPaul and Marion
Dickey are following the case
closely and hope to get a clue
soon—they both support the idea
that there is a woman in the
The cast for “Miss Lulu Bett,”
the first play by the Guild Hall
Players this term was announced
yesterday. Helen. Park will have
the title role of Miss Lulu Bett and
Gordon Wilson will play the prin
ciple male part as Dwight Deacon.
The play, an Amercan eomedy by
Zona Gale, is the Pulitzer prize
play of 1921 and has appeared in
three forms; it is published in novel
form and in play form and has also
been presented in the moving pic
tures. It will appear on the cam
pus April 22, 23 and 24. •
The other players are as follows:
Ina Deacon.Helga McGrew
Mama Deacon.Beatrice Beeby
Di. ......Elizabeth Kerr
Ninian Deacon....Bernard MePhillips
Monona.Florence Couch
Mr. Cornish.Boyd Homewood
Bobby.Walter Malcolm
Lieutenant Oakley G. Kelly, first
army airman to complete a nonstop
cross continental flight, now sta
tioned at Vancouver barracks,
Washington, will lecture at the
University in the near future, ac
cording to Captain Frank L. Culin
Jr., of the R. O. T. C. department.
A tentative date for Lieutenant
Kelly’s lecture is Thursday of
next week in Villard hall.
Reserve officers association of
Lane county are sponsoring the trip
of Lieutenant Kelly to Eugene.
The lecture will be illustrated. Cap
tain Culin announced yesterday
that the progress in aeroplane con
struction would .be illustrated in
the slides accompanying the lec
ture by the noted aviator. The pic
tures will show the development of
different types of heavier than air
crafts beginning with Langley’s
ill-fated endeavor and up to the
modern types of the present day.
Formal Opening of School
Of Music Structure Set
For Saturday, 8:30 P.M.
Friends of University and
Out-of-town Musicians
To Have Reserved Seats
Formal dedication of the newly
completed school of music auditor
ium at the University of Oregon
will take place Saturday and Sun
day with a large number of out-of
town musicians and 'music lovers
sharing in the ceremony. The new
auditorium, capable of seating 6S0
persons, is one of the most beauti
ful in the West. The interior was
recently completed at a cost of
$70,000, including a $22,500 gift for
the new Reuter pipe organ.
The official opening is set for
Saturday at 8:30 p. m. An organ
recital by John Stark Evans, pro
ressor or organ and piano and
choragus at the University, Trill
be the program feature. Following
the recital, an informal reception
will bo held. Preference at thi*
concert will be given to out-of
town musicians and friends of the
University, and seats will be re
served for them.
Music Program Arranged
Tickets for the organ recital will
be distributed Saturday morning.
The new Reuter organ which
Professor Evans will dedicate is
one of the finest in the Northwest,
although it is not as large as some
pipe organs in Portland and Se
An informal musical program and
“open house” is scheduled for Sun
day at. 2 p. m. The University or
chestra and choir will participate
in the program. Solo numbers will
be announced later this week.
With the completion of the new
auditorium, it is possible for the
University School of Music to hold
many of its important concerts on
the campus. The stage is arranged
to seat glee clubs, chorus, or or
ichestra. The director of the chor
uses may lead the singers from his
seat at the organ console.
Two Deans Collaborate
Acoustics in the new structure
are perfect. The interior arrange
ment- of the auditorium was planned
by Dean Ellis F. Lawrence of the
University School of Architecture
and Allied Arts, and Dean John J.
Landsbury of the School of Music.
Any one who has an act, parti
cularly a curtain act, which has not
been tried out for Junior Vodvil is
asked to see Paul Krausse, Vodvil
chairman, at the College Side Inn
this afternoon at 4 o’clock.
“Only one month is left in which
to make final arrangements foT
Vodvil, so acts must be completed
very soon,” Krausse stated yester
day. “No last minute acts will be
accepted, so it is imperative that
all plans be submitted immedi
ately.” Final choice of plays for
Junior Vodvil will be made at the
end of the next two weeks.
Five acts, three full stage and
two curtain acts, have been tenta
tively selected, and will probably
be presented unless better ideas are
submitted. A request for fast,
clever front stage acts has been
made. If any individual has work
ed out an idea, but has not selected
a cast, he is aRked to see Krausse
this afternoon in order to make a
report of the act.
The date of tryouts for the mu
sical comedy, which will be held
soon, will be announced the last of
this week.
Spring Term is
Will Be Payable
April 15 to 25
Fees for the Spring term wilJ
be payable during the ten day
period from April 15 to 25, ac
cording to an announcement from
the University business office.
The usual three dollar fee for
payment on the first day after
the period ends, and the cumula
tive fee of 25 cents for each day
thereafter, remains in effect.
Students are asked to guard
against issuing checks for
amounts not sufficiently covered
by their bank accounts. An un
usually small number of such
checks were issued last term, and
the business staff is hoping tltet
the record will be maintained.
Head Work and Team Work
Stressed By Smith
About thirty men answered Dick
Smith’s call for the resumption of
Spring football practice yesterday
afternoon. This marks the second
round of the preliminary training
as the squad worked out some in
the fundamentals last winter quar
ter. From now on the practice will
be more concentrated and funda
mentals and teamwork will be
stressed in daily workouts, cover
ing the next three weeks of sched
uled work.
The workout last night consisted
in some limbering up, kicking and
passing. Then the squad was tak
en in and treated to a little skull
practice where plays were ex
plained and worked out on the
chalkboard. It is intended that
the Oregon team next year should
not only play football but should
know and think football as well.
As in nearly every form of ath
letics the players must thoroughly
master the fundamentals before
much team pl^y can result. The
squad is to be divided up into
teams so as to make them as even
and balanced as possible. This
will thoroughly test the individual,
ability of each man and keep all
of the candidates working. Scrim
mage will start either the last of
this week or the first of next. Beal
intensive training will be the order
of the day from then on. Coach
Smith has s6 much ground that he
desires to cover in his preliminary
training, and he will try and get
the practice over before the base
ball season Opens as a number of
the football squad are also out for
The material that is out now
looks to be about the most promis
ing that has turned out for Spring
practice at Oregon for several
years. It begins to look as if foot
ball were on the upgrade for sure.
Seven Lettermen on Field;
Ten Players From Frosh;
Team Showing Up Well
V • ......
New Ball Diamond Adjoining
Hayward Field Will Be
Ready for Practice Soon
With over a week spent in intern*
sive baseball practice, the Oregon
diamond squad is rapidly shaping
into a very formidable outfit that
shows promise of making a credit*
able record for the coming eesaon.
Over 43 candidates have donned
the diamond garb, and from all in
dications, Coach Beinhart should be
able to build up a real champion
contending team for the pennant
this spring.
Lettermen are Listed'
Seven lettermen are now working
out every day, while over ten play
ers from the 1924 freshman ball
squad are trying for places on the
varsity. The lettermen include:
Howard Hobson, third; Sam Cook,
catcher and field; Jack Bliss, catch
er; Doug Wright, fielder;Carl Knud
son, pitcher and field; Ray Wil
liams, pitcher and field; and Skip
Brooks, pitcher and field.
The progress of the team is handi
capped to a little extent by spring
football practice coming at this
time. However, candidates for the
grid and baseball squads are spend
ing an hour each day practicing at
each sport. Diamond men that are
turning out for the varsity eleven
are spending from 3:30 until 4:30 on
the gridiron and then turning out
for baseball from 4:30 until 5:30.
All other baseball candidates are
working the full time on the ball
Dally Practice Held
Daily practice is being held on
Kincaid field, but in several weeke
the new baseball diamond adjoining
Hayward field will be ready to use
and the baseball contests this spring
will no doubt be played on thie
The opening game of the season
will be on April 24, against Pacific
University here.
The men out for baseball include:
Hobson, Williams, Wright, Knudaon,
Bliss, Cook, Brooks, Jones,
West, P. Brooks, Mamnaugh,
Wrightman, Reinhart, Rex Adolph,
Dave Adolph, Peterson, Scripture,
Burton, Woods, Flynn, Gunther,
Husband, Troupman, Carlson, Chiles,
Dutton, Eggstaff, Stovall, Siming
ton, Toole, S. Williams, Smith, Wil
loughby, Feuwick, Harrison, Junker,
Murray, Miller, Morton, Orr, Priest
ly, Rose and Read.
By Fairy Davis
“Dr. Huestis, it is reported that
there is a snake in Deady that gets
out and roams about the building!”
“Yes; want to see it!”
“Can it get outf”
“Not now.”
We went down the corridor on
the second floor of Deady—the girl
reporter and the zoologist—and
opened a door. Dr. R. R. Huestis,
the instructor, walked over to a
large glass jar with a screen top
held down by a big rock.
“How many are there!”, was
fearfully asked, while looking
around at the walls and furniture
to see whether it was draped about
“Only one,” Dr. Huestis answer
ed. “There were two, but they were
cruelly separated by death.”-With
in the glass jar was about three
feet of coiled, dark henna and
white striped snake. Dr. Huestis
removed the rock.
“Don’t let him out!” the repor
ter shouted. He removed the
screen, while she was all set to
sprint. He reached down into the
jar and took the snake gently by
the neck and held it up.
“It*8 a King snake; they kill
rattlers, you know, but are one of
the gentlest and kindest of snakes,”
he said. “I had it shipped up from
California last winter in a box with
several mice. It didn’t eat the
mice, either,” he declared proudly.
From pure altruism, the reporter
supposed, but he added, “there wai
a wall between them.”
“He escapes at times because he
is pining for the warm hill sides
of California, He escaped last
winter and was gone six weeks. We
knew he was hiding in D^ady be
cause there were no mice about.
One day a girl saw him and re
turned him. She has been recom
mended for a Carnegie medal, I
believe. The snake was so glad to
get back that you could almost hear
him purr—almost.
“Last week a laboratory assist
ant met him coming down the hall.
She had just received her grades
and thought she was seeing things,
but the janitor assured her that it
was a real snake. They captured
him and brought him back.
“He hasn’t eaten anything this
winter, but is looking forward to a
good breakfast pretty soon.”