Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 13, 1925, Image 1

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James Johnson, Law School
Student, to Represent
Oregon in Old Line Meet
‘The Spirit of Justice’ Is
Topic of Oration Given
By University Student
Speaking on the topic of “The
Spirit of Justice,” James Johnson
will represent the University in
the Old Line oratory contest tonight
at Monmouth. Johnson is a sopho
more in the law school and was
chosen for this event in elimination
try-outs held last month. The con
test tonight will mark his first par
ticipation in varsity forensics.
Nine educational institutions in
the stafe will compete for the prize,
which will be a bronze statuette of
Abraham Lincoln. E. D. Conway,
who represented the University in
the contest last year, won second
Lawlessness Dealt With
Lawlessness in its various forms
is dealt with in Johnson's oration,
and suggestions are offered for
more effective law enforcement.
“The ultimate enforcement of
laws,” stated Oscar A. Brown, de
bate coach, referring to the sub
ject, “lies not with the officers but
with the communities themselves.
It refers to the spirit of law and
order first manifested by pioneers,
as contrasted with general attitude
of the country today.”
The schools entered in the con
test are: Pacific university, Oregon
Agricultural college, Linfield col
lege, Eugene Bible university, Wil
lamette university, Albany college,
Oregon State Normal school, Paci
fic college, and the University of
Banquet Will Be Held
Following the contest a banquet
will be held for the speakers, judges
and others connected with it. Mr.
Brown will make an address on
“Oratory and American Ideals.”
Elam Amstutz, forensic manager
will accompany James Johnson and
Mr. Brown, to Monmouth today.
Bartlett Kendall was elected pre
at the annual Y. M. C. A. student
officers election held Wednesday.
The other successful, candidates
sident of the student Y. M. C. A.
were Bonald Beattie, vice-president,
Kirk Bolliger, secretary, and Wil
ford Long, treasurer.
The new officers will take office
next term and will represent the Uni
verstiy of Oregon at the annual in
ter-college Y. M. C. A. conference
to be held here May 1 and 2.
The new student cabinet will be
appointed by the in-going officers ‘
at the first meeting next term.
Drama Students
Develop Walk Like
Ducks or Sailors
The man who is afflicted with
a peculiar rolling gait acquired
during his war days with the
marines, or the fellow who has a
slight bow effect due to toddling
too soon, used to be noticed,
chuckled at, and scorned by the
mincing co-ed. But suddenly he
finds himself followed by this
same pretty co-ed.
Each morning when he strikes
out toward the campus he is not
disappointed to find that a lit
tle lamb is sure to follow. For
blocks he is pursued. With each
step this damsel makes an earnest
attempt to reproduce this ex
traordinary form of locomotion.
Withering glances and scornful
looks will not beat off this in
This fair damsel’s purpose is
not the idea of shanghaiing him
or even of being companionable
but her foremost thought is to
portray character through a walk
thus get a good grade in one of
her drama classes.
Constitution Changes Pass
By Large Majority
Janet Wood was elected^ presi
dent of W. A. A. at their annual
election yesterday. Other officers
were elected as follows: Ruth Mac
Gregor, vice-president; Irva Dale,
treasurer; Katherine Reade, secre
tary. The constitution as revised
by a committee consisting of Maude
Schroeder, Janet Wood and Mil
dred Crain, passed by a large ma
jority. Practically a new consti
tution has been adopted. The more
important changes are as follows:
Sec. 1. Membership. Member
ship in this organization shall be
open to all women of the University
of Oregon interested in athletics,
and who shall have earned 100
points under the present point sys
Sec. 2. Privileges. A member
shall pay dues, have the right to
vote and hold office, providing she
has been in the University of Ore
gon one term and has fulfilled the
point and scholastic requirements.
Sec. 3. Loss of Membership. Any
member absent from two successive
regular meetings without reason
able excuse will be dropped from
the association. She may rejoin.
Nominations for President, Vice
president, Secretary, and Treasurer
shall be posted not later than three
weeks before W. A. A. conference.
Nominations for Reporter, Cus
todean, and Heads of Sports shall
be posted not later than three
weeks before the end of the Spring
Nominations may be made from
the floor at the meeting at which
the report of the Nominating Com
mittee is given.
Sec. 2. Eligibility. The Presi
dent, Vice-president and Secretary
shall be elected from the incoming
Junior and Senior class. The Treas
( Continued on page three)
• A cynical bitterness oh the part
of men in general is sometimes
noticeable because they must per
force, on account of established cus
tom, always take the first step
when dates are made.
Behold, however, Oregon spirit
has superimposed tradition on tra
dition and Senior Leap week, now
a vital part of the year, is the re
sult. Then, at last, may the boy
sit at home and array himself for
the festivities while the girl raps
at the door and asks. “Is John
Plans are being arranged and
the senior girls already, it is ru
mored, are casting glances around
at male members of their class, al
though dates may not be made un
til Open House, the evening of
April 1, which starts the first
Hilda Chase. chairman, and
Claudia Broders, Penelope Gehr,
and Gertrude Butler compose the
program committee which is in
charge of arrangements for the
Open house, the Kappa Koffee,
and the Hendricks Hall “Barroom
Bust” are traditional events which
are scheduled every year. In ad
dition to these, events and special
features are being put on by some
of the other houses.
The existing program is as fol
Wednesday night, open house;
Thursday afternoon, event under
direction of the Delta Delta Delta
and Alpha Chi Omega houses;
Thursday night, event to be put on
by the Alpha Phi and Chi Omega
houses: Friday afternoon, Kappa
Koffee; Friday night, the Hen
dricks Hall Bust, a costume affair;
(Continued on page four) '
University Brings Spiritual
And Intellectual Creations
In Existence of Student
Twentieth Century is Time
Of Maturity of Oil Other
Epochs in Human History
If the student in the University
has been properly stimulated by his
educational experience he will never
revert to the intellectual and spir
itual plane up6n which he existed
before he entered the University,
even though he goes back to live in
the environment which surrounded
him through high school, was the
opinion expressed by Rabbi Jonah
B. Wise in his assembly address
yesterday on “Some Creative Forces
and their Evidences.”
“The creative forces which have
to do with the University experi
ence are spiritual,” the Rabbi said.
He lauded the work of university
instructors and the tremendous
spiritual power involved in their
work. “A teacher in a university
has a larger spiritual field than any
minister I know,” he said.
Present Century Broadening
“The twentieth century is one
of amenities, it is a time when men
listen to messages through the air
and have contact with remote
masses of unthinkable size. At no
time in the history of the human
race has man been more privileged
to share with his fellow man so
many amenities; never has there
been so many things to take life
away from the narrow way and re
stricting prejudices,” the speaker
He expressed the opinion that
man has gone beyond the primitive
need of physical sign posts to point
the way to a spiritual plane—that
he had no further need of totems,
crouching Buddhas and other sym
bols. “For those who have learned
the language,” he declared, “or
even feebly discerned the way,
icons are not necessary.”
There are periods of new birth
in the history of mankind, the Rab
bi said, which, like the phoenix
bird, rises again from its own ashes.
The sixteenth century was especial
ly typical, in his opinion, with
such men as Rabelais, Sir Thomas
Moore, Luther and Erasmus bring
ing a rejuvenation of human life.
The French Revolution was another
such period, he eaid, when men
worked on a higher plane than even
(Continued on page four)
The aim of the extension divi
sion Monitor is to promote a group
feeling and spirit among the stu
dents of the Extension dj^v|lsion,
particularly the correspondence
students, and to help them realize
that they are a part of the Univer
sity's larger student body, accord
ing to the annual report of the
Monitor which is now opening its
thirteenth year of publication with
the issuance of the thirteenth vol
ume. Last year twelve numbers of
the publication were issued six be
ing special student numbers.
In helping the students, the Moni
tor gives examples of the work of
other students, and carries on round
,table discussions in its columns.
The monthly is the organ of the
extension division bringing one
student in contact with his fellow
students. It is through the columns
of the publication that the several
students learn to know their fellow
students. In a great many cases
extracts from the lesson papers of
different ones have been published.
Special numbers of the Monitor
take into consideration other ac
tivities of the Portland center, and
classroom instruction. Some ex
amples of this type of Monitor are
“Douglas County Local History
Contest.” “High School Dramatics,”
and other bits of welfare work.
Fur Coat Disappears
From Hendricks Hall 1
Late Monday Night
A three-quarter muskrat fur
coat was taken from a suite in
Hendricks hall last Monday. The
coat was the property of Miss
Geraldine Lutz, an occupant of
the hall. Miss Lutz believes the
coat was taken sometime Monday
night as she thinks it was in the
room when she retired Monday
night and someone was in the
room all of Monday afternoon.
A reward is offered for any in
formation leading to the present
whereabouts of the wrap. It is
lined with a light tan-colored
That such thefts are being com
mitted on the campus is to be de
deplored, said Miss Gertrude Tal
bot, head resident of the hall,
in relating the circumstances of
the disappearance of the eoat.
Miss Talbot further stated that
she believed the fact that things
have been and are being stolen
from the students from time to
time should be made known so
that a feeling might be aroused
against such acts. This is the
fourth theft reported among cam
pus houses this year. The other
three being from fraternity
Final Meet of Doughnut
Series Held Last Night
Doughnut championship in wo
men’s swimming went to Susan
Campbell I last night in the final
meet of the doughnut series. S. C.
team defeated Alpha Chi Omega,
37-31. Elizabeth Lounsberry, Alpha
Chi Omega, was high point swim
mer of the evening, scoring 15
points. Katherine Osborne for Sus
an Campbell came in second with
11 points.
Summary for events: 20-yard free
style—Nellie Jshns, first; Helen
Coplan, second; Monica Michels,
Plunge for distance—Katherine
Osborne, first; Helen Coplan, sec
ond; Maurine Buchanan, third.
40-yard free style—Elizabeth
Lounsberry, first; Prances Morgan,
second: Nellie Johns, third.
Strokes for form—Charlotte La
Tourette, first; Katherine Osborne,
second; Maurine Buchanan, third.
20-yard back crawl — Monica
Michels, first; Prances Morgan, sec
ond; Helen Coplan, third.
20-yard breast stroke—Elizabeth
Lounsberry, first; Prances Cherry,
second; Maurine Buchanan, third.
Diving — Elizabeth Lounsberry,
first; Katherine Osborne, second;
Nellie Johns, third.
Susan Campbell won the relay.
An article on yeast, written by
Oscar Bichards, teaching fellow in
zoology, has been accepted for pub
lication by the Journal of American
Chemical Society. The article deals
with the effect of calcium sulphate
on the growth and fermentation of
yeast. The effects of salts upon yeast
have been studied by scientists and
the effect of calcium sulphate
salt adds one more to the list of
known salts. Mr. Bichards has
found the maximum amount of cal
cium sulphate in which yeast will
grow best. Yeast will not grow
well with no sulphate or with small
quantities. Nor does yeast grow
well after the maximum amount of
sulphate is reached. The same con
clusions are reached in regard to
Night watchman, J. W. Bradway,
is ill at his home following an at
tack of la grippe and a series of
; dental extractions. Mr. Bradway
has been in the service of night
watchman at the University for the
past thirteen years. His beat is on
the north side of Thirteenth ave
nue. Boy Anderson, substitute
watchman who relieves shifts for
the two watchmen once each week,
is taking the place of Mr. Bradway.
Nine Houses Will Give Acts
At April Frolic; Date of
Affair Set for April 11
Two Prizes Offered Women
Wearing Most Original
Costumes At Function
A cup to be presented to the
house putting on the best stunt at
April Frolic, has been donated to
the directorate in charge of the
plans by Seth Laraway, Eugene
jeweler. Mr. Laraway was also the
donor of the cup given last year,
which was won by Kappa Kappa
The annual affair is to be held
in the Woman’s building, Satur
day evening, April 11; the one
night in the year when the enter
tainment is for women exclusively.
The various committees are carry
ing out the plans now, as well ns
possible, and expect to have this
years entertainment the best yet,
according to Loris Brophv, general
HouBeis Give Stunts
Houses which will give the stunts
this year are: Delta Delta Delta,
Pi Beta Phi, Susan Campbell hall,
Delta Gamma, Gamma Phi Beta,
Tau Nu, Kappa Omicron, Alpha
Omicron Pi, and Alpha Delta Pi.
These organizations must turn in
the name of their stunt, and the
poem which is to accompany it on
the program, to Kathryn Short, pro
gram chairman, before the end of
the term.
A time limit has been set of 15
minutes for each act, and $15 has
been ruled the maximum amount
that any organization may spend
for their presentation. The stunts
will be judged on three points—
originality, artistry and presenta
tion. Prizes of $5 and $2.50 will
be given to the two persons wearing
the most original costumes.
Committees are Named
Committees for the affair are,
Seating: Katherine Lauderdale,
chairman; Noreen Burke, Elizabeth
Latham and Louise Buchanan; Pro
grams: Kathryn Short; Music: Gus
sie Gottlieb, chairman; Edith Shell,
and Mary Clark; Judges: Augusta
DeWitt; Admission: Irva Dale,
chairman; Barbara Edmunds, Alta
Knips, Florence Janelle, Billie
Shields, Helen Coplan, Myra Belle
Palmer, and Alice McKinnon;
Cleanup: Kathryn Ulrich, chair
man; Elizabeth Waara, Virginia
Lee Richardson, and Eleanore
Glass; Cup: Edith Sorenson; Pub
licity: Elizabeth Cady; Stage man
ager: Lillian Luders, chairman;
Katherine Graef, and Doris Ken
dall; Food: Mary Donaldson, chair
man. Patronesses, Marian Hors
fall, chairman.
Houses presenting acts for the
April Frolic last year were: Alpha
Phi, Hendricks hall, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Kappa Alpha Theta, Alpha
Chi Omega, Delta Zeta, Chi Omega,
Thacher Cottage, Alpha Xi Delta,
Alpha Gamma Delta and Sigma
Beta Phi.
'A class in camp cookery, designed
primarily for men who are inter
ested in forestry, geology, science
or some similar subject, will be
given during the spring term by
Miss Lilian Tingle, head of the
household arts department.
The course, which will be a two
hour course, will meet at 11 o’clock
on Tuesdays, and at one o’clock
on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Oc
casionally, Miss Tingle announced,
another class will be held on Thurs
days. Those who are interested in
taking this class are asked to sign
up for it at the beginning of next
Although the class is mainly for
boys, some girls will be permitted
to enroll in it. Education majors,
or others who are interested in camp
cookery as a recreational problem
are asked to enroll.
Aggie Quintet Wir£
First Champion^ p |
Contest, 32 ° * 25
Corvallis, Ore., Ms 12.—
(Special to the Emerald)—The
Oregon Agricultural college took
the first game of the intersec
tional championship series from
California here tonight 32 to 25.
This gives the Aggies a distinct
advantage over the southerners,
and it is predicted here that O.
A. C. will take the game tonight.
This would make the third game
scheduled for tomorrow night un
The Aggies won the right to
represent the north in a hard
fought contest at Salem, Monday
night, when they defeated the
University of Oregon by but one
Youth, Hope of World, Says
Mrs. V. B. Demarest
“The spirit of youth, not educa
tion, is the hope of the world,” de
clared Mrs. Victoria Booth-Clib
born Demarest, noted evangelist
and granddaughter of General Wil
liam Booth, founder of the Salva
tion Army, in an address before a
group of students in Villard hall,
yesterday afternoon.
“The character and glory of
youth is purity, strength, simplic
ity, and joy,” said the speaker;
“the purity of knowledge of the
soul, not of ignorance; the strength
to say no to the world and yes to
God; the rugged simplicity which
loves truth and sincerity; the joy
of the bubbling spring, of skipping
lambs, and of the laughter of lit
tle children, not the pleasure of
“Sin is a fact; it must be faced,
and education is not the solution,”
she continued, “but that is not to
disparage the va’ue of education.
For education is a tool dependent in
its application and worth on the
man back of it. ‘An educated
devil is more to be feared than an
ignorant one,’ said my grandmother,
the great Katherine Booth, who was
a very wise woman. Do not di
vorce education from Godl
“Youth is a matter of spirit, not
years; there are children who are
old—old with the knowledge of sin,
and there are old men who shine
with the glory of youth—with the
spirit which typifies it. You can
keep that priceless treasure if you
will,” she concluded, but you can
not keep or recover it apart from
the Lord, Jesus Christ. He was
Himself the Truth; He is the foun
tain of eternal youth.
Whether or not fencing, newly
introduced to the University, will
take the place of swimming and
tennis as the most popular of spring
sports among University women
will be determined at the end of
next week, when all girls will have
designated their preference in the
line of spring sports, according to
information from Miss Florence Al
den, director of physical education
for women. During this week and
next week girls are signing up for
spring sports, stating first and sec
ond choices.
Last spring swimming and tennis
proved most popular among the wo
men, but fencing gives promise of
being in favor this coming
term. Equipment for this di
version is expected to arrive in
time for the beginning of the quar
ter’s work.
Sports to be offered, which will
replace regular gymnasium classes
this spring, are horseback riding,
swimming, tonnis, baseball, volley
ball, fencing, golf, folk dancing,
interpretive dancing, archery and
Jackson, Tenn.—At Union uni
versity it is a violation of regula
tions for a woman to be seen walk
ing on the campus with a man.
Hikes are prohibited except with a
married instructor acting as chap
eron. Two week-end dates are al
lowed each month.
Seventh Annual Convention
Of Newspapermen Opens
On Campus This Morning
Nash Will Be Guest of Honor
Interesting Collection of
Unique Books Shown
Editors, publishers, journalists,
printers, advertising men and circu
lation managers have arrived for
the seventh annual Oregon news
paper conference. The two day
session of this meeting begins today
at 9:30 a. in. when Hal E. Hoss,
president ' o£ (the State Editorial
association calls the meeting to
John Henry Nash, guest of honor
of the conference, arrived yester
day from San Francisco and brought
with him books insured for $250,
000. The books as examples of an
cient printing will be shown to the
delegates of the conference. In
his unique collection, Mr. Nash has
volumes dating back to Jenson, one
of the greatest of the Venetian
printers. Jenson lived in the fif
teenth century.
Among the books Mr. Nash has
brought with him is “Eusebius,”
the first book printed in Homan
type. Jenson, the originator of this
type face which has given form and
character to all Homan type, made
this book in 1470.
Bare Books Owned
Mr. Nash owns one of the two ex
tant copies in the original binding
of “Hypnertomachia Poliphili.”
The book was printed in 1499 in
Venice by Manutius and is a most
superb example of harmonizing type
and illustration in the world, say
discriminating critics. The British
Museum possesses the second copy.
In Mr. Nash’s possession is a
volume containing 2000 wood-cuts
by Wohlgemuth, Inventor of etch
ing. The book, the Nuremberg
Chronicle, is an original binding,
vellum over oak boards. It was
printed in 1493.
Most of the collector’s volumes
have been secured from Europe and
England. However one valuable
volume, “Two Odes by Mr. Gray,”
printed by Horace Walpole’s Straw
berry-Hill Press in 1757, was dis
covered in a Los Angeles book store.
Mr. Nash will present to the Uni
versity of Oregon school of journal
ism the first copy of one of his re
cent works. The Twenty-third Psalm
printed in Chaucer Gothic will be
the gift. Mr. Nash will set
up Ambrose Bierce’s “Invocation”
when he returns to San Francisco.
Nash to Speak Saturday
.These book treasures will be
permanently on display in a library
adjoining his press in his new office
in San Francisco. Mr. Nash is the
principal speaker Saturday morning
at Guild theatre when he discusses
“Printing as a Fine Art and the
Making of Fine Books.”
The Oregon Newspaper Confer
ence continues two days, Friday and
Saturday. The sessions will be di
vided into the general session and
the specialized groups of editors,
trade and class journalists, circula
tion managers, members of the As
sociated Press, advertising manag
ers and printers. Friday morning
the State Editorial association, the
Pacific Northwest Circulation Man
agers’ association and the general
session will be held and will con
tinue all day. Saturday morning
the general session will be re-open
ed. The Trade and Class Journal
association begins its meeting that
morning. The Ben Franklin club of
the Willamette Valley holds its bus
iness meeting Saturday afternoon,
as well as the circulation managers.
Saturday night will see the banquet
of the Ben Franklin club at the Os
burn hotel.
Social affairs are being planned
for the representatives to the con
ference. A banquet Friday night
at the Osburn hotel, a luncheon Sat
urday at Hendricks hall, a tea and
organ recital at the auditorium of
the school of music Saturday after
noon are included. The program
t in detail will be found on page
three of this issue.