Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 17, 1925, Image 1

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Annual Convention of Retail
Merchants Association
Being Held on Campus
Trade Groups Meet Today;
Professor A. B. Stillman
Will Address Gathering
The formal opening of the Ore
gon Betail Merchants association
annual convention took place at the
Osburn hotel Sunday evening. Irv
ing E. Vining, president of the
state chamber of commerce, ad
dressed the delegates on “The
American Business Man.” Because
a number of the directors had not
* arrived at that time, the meeting
of the board of directors was post
The business meetings of the con
vention began with the registration
of the delegates in Yillard hall yes
terday morning. . First year " at
tendants were supplied with green
freshman caps, second year with
red hats and juniors with yellow.
Welcome is Given
Mayor Parks and Eric W. Mer
rell, vice-president of the Lane
County Credit association, wel
comed the delegates. L. L. Thom
as, president of the association, in
his annual constructive develop
ment of a better relationship be
tween individual merchants and
other institutions.
“The greatest need,” Mr. Tliom
^ as said, “is wholehearted co-opera
tion, constructive criticism and !
deep interest in all social legisla- !
tion and betterment.”
An increase of from 360 to 1,014
in membership during the past year
was announced by O. F. Tate, see
- retary, in his report. A greater
interest and appreciation in the
services of the association signifies
this increase in membership, stated
Mr. Tate.
Mass Meeting Held
The delegates were entertained
by the Boosters club last night,
following the conclusion of the
business of the day.
Mass meetings of all the dele
gates were held in Villard hall yes
terday, terminating the current
business details. Today the vari
ous trade groups will be separated
into divisions to discuss matters
of interest of specialty 'business.
Prof. A. B. Stillman, of the
school, of business administration,
% will make an address on “Turn
over—the T. N. T. of Business,” in
Villard hall, today. Harold E.
Wendel, of Portland, and E. E.
Sisson, of Salem, will speak on
“Clerks’ Bonus and Commissions.”
El Circulo Castellano will hold a
business meeting Wednesday night,
at the V. W. bungalow, beginning
at 7:15. The program for the next
social meeting, to be held March 4,
will be discussed and arranged.
Oregana Printing
Work to be Done
By Portland Firn
The printing contract of the
1925 Oregana was ,signed Satur
day by J. C. Dimm, represent
ing Dimm and Sons, of Portland,
which firm submitted the most
satisfactory bid for the work
They, in conjunction with the
Hicks-Ohatten company, which
has the engraving contract, will
commence immediately on the
pictures and subject matter
which have already been sent in.
Section editors are advised to
obtain copy paper for all printed
matter which is yet to be turned
in. - The special paper, sent by
the printers, can >»e obtained
from Augusta DeWitt, editor, or
at the Oregana office. Copy
should be submitted in duplicate.
Varsity and Frosh Stage
Weekly Competition
The second competitive meet fo
Bill Hayward’s varsity and freshmai
traeksters, held Saturday, -was tin
best seen this season on Haywarc
field. Eleven events were run ofl
with practically the entire tracl
turn-out competing in the events.
Some close races were staged. Tin
men are getting into shape, anc
soon the events will be run the ful
distance. Marked improvement was
shown over the meet run off on the
previous Saturday.
“Training is coming along fiue,’:
said Bill Hayward yesterday. The
work is becoming harder and more
will be expected of the men. Due
to conflicting dates, there will be
no competition meet this week-end
but one on the following Saturday
February 28.
The results Saturday were as fol
1 1-2 mile—Keating, Tetz, Hold
er and Madlung.
3-4- mole, frosh—Overstreet, Kelly
and Broderson.
660 yards, varsity—Kinney, Cash,
Jeffries »nd Wilbur.
60 yard high hurdles—Kelsey,
Guttridge, Hall and Young.
150 yards, varsity—Holt, Flanni
gan, Stonebreaker and Snyder.
150 yards, frosh—Karshner, Win
slow and Becker.
Javelin — Rosenburg, 172 feet;
Wetzel, 166 feet; Beatty, 155 feet;
and Dills, 143 feet.
High jump—Kelsey, 5 feet 7
inches; Eby, 5 feet 6 inches; and
Tuck, 5 feet 5 inches.
Shot put—Beatty, 43 feet 9 1-2
inches; Wetzel, 40 feet 9 inches;
and Moore, 40 feet 7 inches.
John Anderson, ’23, who $ince
his graduation has been a reporter
and city editor on the Coos Bay
Times at Marshfield, Oregon, visit
ed friends on the campus last night
on his way to Portland, where he
will take a position on the copy
desk of the Portland Telegram.
Mrs. Anderson, who was Kathryn
Watson, ex-’25, will join her hus
band later.
On the evening of February 24,
in the Methodist Episcopal church,
will be heard another world-re
nowned artist, Albert Spalding,
violinist, who is being brought to
Eugene under the auspices of the
Associated Students of the Uni
As a violinist, Mr. Spalding
exemplifies the wonderful musical
development of America in the per
fection of his art. He is known
to interpret the masters by giving
forth their messages with all the
gifts of tradition, beautifully em
bossed with his own genius and
Mr. Spalding’s career is one of
color and unusually interesting ex
periences. He was selected as so
loist with the New York Symphony
orchestra on the first Europeon
tour of any American orchestra. In
recognition of his distinguished war
services, he was decorated with the
Cross of the Crown of Italy by the
Italian government. Last summer
he had the distinction of being the
first American ever to sit as a
judge at the examinations of the
Paris Conservatoire.
“Mr. Spalding has Taised him
self to a place in the front rank
of violinists. He is a credit to
himself, to his country and to his
art. In beauty of tone and cor
rectness of style he commands con
stant admiration.” This comment
was made recently by the New York
Students will gain admittance to
this concert as well as all other con
certs of the series by their stu
dent body tickets. Townspeople
are given the opportunity of pur
chasing tickets at Laraway’s Mu
sic store or the University Co-op
for $1.50. Season tickets, which
entitle the holder to reserve seats
and can be used by any member of
the family, can be purchased at
the above stores for $5. Univer
sity faculty and administration
season tickets can be obtained for
Mask and Buskin Chapter
To Present Modern
Comedy February 26
Production Receives Praise
Of New York Critic for
Humor and Clever Lines
The ticket sale for “Kempy,” the
sparkling modern comedy by J. O.
r and Elliot Nugent, which the Mask
and Buskin chapter of Associated
^ University Players is presenting on
the evening of February 26 at the
Heilig theatre, will begin tomorrow.
• The cast of eight characters, who
are all well known on the campus I
for their work in Guild theatre j
productions, has been rehearsing for j
more than two weeks and the per
■ formance of this comedy, which ere-1
ated such a reputation for itself in j
i New York two years ago, promises,
[ according to the few critics who |
! have been present at rehearsals, to j
; prove one of the outstanding suc
cesses of the University season.
New York Critic Quoted
Mr. Hornblow in the Theatre
Magazine says of “Kempy:” “The
play contains all the ingredients a
veteran of the theatre knows so well j
how to employ—surprise, humor,'
clever lines, gaiety, human inter- j
e#t. Added to this is a certain Bar- ,
rie-like quality—a play of fantasy j
and whimsical imagination that
makes the entire evening delightful
Kempy, a young plumber with
ambitions soaring far above his
trade, goes into a house to mend a '
pipe. When he quits his job, he
has left his wrench behind, but
takes with him the daughter of the
home, with whom he goes before a
justice of the peace. He has only
$11.50 yfitli which to start house
keeping, and by the time lie's
through with the court he has only
$1.50 and his wrench.
Cast of Characters Given
The cast is:
Ruth Bence.Elizabeth Kerr
“Dad” Bence.Gordon Wilson
“Ma” Bence.Helen Park
Kate Bence.Jane BoDine
Jane Wade.Helga McGrew
Ben Wade.Bernard McPhillips
Kemp James.Walter Malcolm
Duke Merrill.Clifford Zehrung
The business management is
under the direction of James Leake
with the assistance of Robert Love.
Admission prices have been set for
75 cents and a dollar. Thursday
the twenty-sixth will be an open
night for dates to which freshmen
may attend. Norvell Thompson is
director of “Kempy.”
Each year the local chapter of
Mu Phi Epsilon, national musical1
sorority, gives a campus concert, !
and this week’s assembly period
has been turned over to the mem- |
bers for a varied program which j
will' consist largely of light num- j
One of the features of the pro- I
gram will be a ten-piece orchestra. 1
The other numbers will consist of j
a double trio, in which six mem-j
bers will sing, a stringed trio, a ! '
cello solo, a violin solo and prob- ,
ably one or two vocal numbers.
This organization includes some j
of the best musicians among the !
women on the campus.
A special shelf of books on In- ;
dia civilization, philosophy, history
and customs has been arranged at
the library for those students who j
want to read up on the country be- l
fore the lecture which will be giv
en tonight by Syud Hossain. The
lecture deals with Indian and Hin
du customs and religion and will be
better understood and more thor
oughly enjoyed if the audience has
some information concerning the
Alpha Phi Victors
In Women,s Meet;
Two Houses Tied
| Alpha Phi won over Delta Del
| ta Delta last night in the swim
1 ming meet with a score of ;!7 to
31. Margaret Vincent took first
place as high point swimmer of
the meet. netting 15 points.
Marguerite McCabe, Delta Delta
Delta, made 13.
The meet tonight will be be
tween Susan Campbell and Alpha
Phi; Hendricks hall and Alpha
Chi Omega.
In the meet last Saturday, Su
san Campbell and Alpha Chi
Omega tied 34 to 34. Kappa Al
pha Theta forfeited to Sigma
Beta Phi. Elizabeth Lounsberry,
Alpha Chi, and Vionn Pyritz,
Susan Campbell, were the high
point swimmers.
Gift Campaign Donations
Total $2,200,000
After two years and four
months’ effort, the University of
Oregon has obtained in its gift
c a m p a i g n, contributions and
pledges amounting to $2,200,000.
This report was formally made to
day to alumni and the public by
the following directors of the Alum
ni Holding company: Robert B.
Kuykendall, Frank L. Chambers,
Campbell Church, and W. K. New
ell. All members were present at a
special meeting with the exception
of President P. L. Campbell, who is
ill in Coronado, California.
The directors met at the sugges
tion of President Campbell to make
plans for the continuation of the
campaign. The original plan set the
goal at $5,000,000 in five years and
will be followed. Mr. Church cam»
from Coronado to bring words of
encouragement and congratulation
to the directors.
“Before summer is out, we fully
jxpect to reach the half way mark,
Dr $2,500,000,” said Mr. Kuyken
dall, chairman of the alumni cam
Daign. More than 2000 alumni and
former students 1 have subscribed
$480,000. The alumni quota is
$1,000,000 and we (hall put on a
spring campaign to complete this
(Continued on page fo'ur)
Final preparations are being
nade for the women’s triangle de
bate on February 19. O. A. C.,
Willamette and Oregon are repre
sented in this meet.
The question chosen for discus
sion is, “Resolved: That the pres
ent immigration law should be
imended to admit Japanese on the
]uota basis.”
The affirmative team, consisting
)f Beatrice Mason and Mildred
Bateman, will meet the negative
Willamette team in Villard hall.
Dorothy Newman and Aline Buster,
vho form the negative team, will
neet the O. A. C. affirmative at
Both teams have been doing in
vasive work on their respective ar
guments. They were handicapped
jreviously as several members of
he teams were ill as a result of vac
As the Washington-California
bregon women ’g triangle meet is
icheduled two weeks after the pres
‘nt one, the teams have been fore
id to work on both questions simul
;anfously. Regardless of that, states
die coach, a favorable showing is
ixpected in the coming event.
The following freshmen report i
at Villard hall at 5 p. m. and!
; 9 p. m. today:
Glen W. Potts, Frank Powell, I
Klaras V. Powell, William Y.
Powell, Thomas Powers, William
J. Pendergast, Arthur W. Pria
uly, William W. Prudhomme,
Glen C. Radebaugh, Earl J.
Raess, Burton T. Randall, W.
Elwood Read. Lewis D. Reavis,
Francis Reeder, Harold W. ,
Reich stein, Arthur L. Remmen. |
John F. Renshaw, Earl Richen,
and Albert M. Richmond.
All Star Players Compete in
Close Game: Score Ends
In Favor of Blacks. 23-22
Grace Snook, Graduate of
l University, Referees Tilt;
Contest Nets Ten Dollars
The Women's basketball season
ended last night with a reverberat
ing bang. A series of long range
goals and swift passes marked the
struggle between two evenly
matched teams of the best mater
ial in the University. It was fought
out inch by inch and no one in the
audience could predict .the winner
until the game ended with a score
of 22-23 in favor of the .Blacks.
Wanda Plincz alternating with
j Margaret Pepoon played jump cen
j ter for the Blacks supported by
! Gohla Boone, side center, Char
' lotto LaTourette, Alta Knips,
| guards, and Grace Sullivan and
j Wilma Manly forwards. (On the
I White team were Mildred Crain,
I jump center, .Tanet Wood, side cen
j ter, Vesta Scholl and Mildred On
j slow, forwards, and Myrtle Mast,
j Alberta McMonies, guards.
Fast Flaying Featured
The whole four quarters were
very fast with no fouls. Mildred
Crain stood out for some excellent
passing. Golda Boone outdid her
self in brilliant playing; she is a
very fast player with a habit of
snatching the ball' out of the air
in unexpected leaps. Margaret Pe
poon and Wanda Plinez as alter
nating Black centers, played a dif
ferent type of game but evenly
I matched however in effectiveness.
Vesta Scholl displayed some good
work in close range shooting. Mil
dred (‘Buster’) Onslow played a
consistent game losing .no oppor
tunity for spectacular goals from
the extreme edge of the forward
court. In the first two quarters
Grace Sullivan did not come up to
her usual form. By way of making
up for it she did all the scoring
for the Blacks in the third and
fourth quarters.
Barbara Page Umpires
The game was played in six
minute quarters. Miss Grace Snook,
an Oregon alumnae now on the
physical education staff of the Sa
lem high school, refereed the game.
Miss Barbara Page, 01T the faculty
in the physical education depart
ment of the University, umpired.
The net proceeds of the game
amounted to about $10.
Hawaii lias claimed a number of
ex-Oregon students and graduates,,
according to a letter received by j
John MacGregor, former student
body president, from Shirley Ed
wards, ’24, who is now living in
Honolulu. Edwards was well known
on the campus, where he majored
in business administration.
Among those who Edwards met
were “Lefty” Baldwin, former var
sity pitcher; Ruth Fowler, ’24, who
is teaching at Maui; Jessie Lewis,
’23; Chi Sung Pil, ex-’25, assistant
director of the Honolulu Y. M. C. A.,
and Ted Kurashige, '25, from the
law school.
Work on the compilation of house !
grade averages for the fall term
will be completed by the end of the
month, according to an announce-")
meat from the registrar’s office.)
The house grades are ordinarily is
sued earlier in the term, but an
extra amount of work due to the!
new registration system delayed the !
work at the first of this term.
Kenneth Youel, ’23, and Alex
ander Brown, ’22, both of Portland, j
were on the campus over the week- :
end. Mr. Youel was editor of the!
Emerald during his last year and
is now doing special assignments
on the Oregorian. Mr. Brown also:
is a reporter on the Oregonian. I
j Noted Indian Editor |
Is Campus Visitor i
Syud Hossain
Detailed Program Given of
Today’s Events
“Getting other pooplo to see
things as you see them,’’ was the
definition of advertising given
by Coleman Cox, well known ad
vertising manager from San Fran
cisco, in an address Monday after
noon on “Advertising” at the
Retail Merchants association con
Impresions are advertising, lie
said, every man advertises all the
time whether he realixes it or not;
the place he lives in, the style of
clothes ho wears, his attitude on
life are the sources of impress
ions that he gives to others.
“Retailing is rendering service”
said Mr. Cox “and service is san
itation, health promotion and fair
play. ’ ’
One typo of advertising may be
a distinct advantage to one
business, he said, while it may bo
worthless or even detrimental to
another. Various, forms of ad
vertising should be correlated,
he explained and illustrated it in
the example that a street cur ad
vertising card can supplement
with a picture and a few words,
the idea that is told in a long
newspaper advertisement.
Today’s program follows:
9:30 to 12:00 Trade Division
Meetings. Grocery Division; Gen
eral Store Division; Furniture Di
vision; Shoe Dealers Division;
Druggists Division; Dry Goods
Division; Hardware Division; Fuel
Dealers Division, Clothier’s divi
sion, Credit and Collections.
1.2:15 p. m. Luncheon, College
Side Inn.
2:00 p. m. Merchandising educa
tional director, Washington State
Retail Merchants’ association W.
J. Hindley, Seattle.
3:00 p. in. “Turnover-- The
T. N. T. of Business”- Professor
A. B. Stilman, University of Ore
gon. “Clerk’s Bonus and Com
mission,” Harold F. Wended, Lip
man Wolfe and Co., Portland. B.
10. Silsson, Miller Mercantile Co.,
5:00 p. m. Discussion of reports
and resolutions.
0:00 p. m. Annual banquet, Os
burn hotel. Dance, Chamber of
Commerce rooms.
Mrs. Harry Beal Torrey, a writ
?r of short stories, has returned
from New York where she spent
the winter. She has contributed
to magazines of national circula
tion and is an honorary member of
Pot and Quill, organization of writ
ers on this campus. ‘ Mrs. Torrey
is wife of Dr. Torrey, head of the
'.oology department. Dr. and Mrs.
Torrey are now living at <>67 E.
12th street.
Leaders of the World Fellowship
discussion groups meet today at the
Anchorage during the noon hour.
The purpose of the meeting is to
criticise the work done by the vari
ous groups this year and to make
a written report for the benefit of
those in charge of the work next
Dean Allen Characterizes
Hossain as Effective
And Forceful Lecturer
Mohammedan Will Present
Interpretation of India
In Relation to Culture
Syud Hossain, cosmopolitan, will
speak tonight at Villard hall oa
“From Buddha to Gandhi.” Mr.
Hossain is a true citizen of the
He was educated as a youth in
India, served under the British
crown, is a successful journalist,
and has lectured on three transcon
tinental tours. His contact with
the Western peoples of many na
tions has added to his suave per
sonality the emotionalism of the
Occident. This blend of mysticism
and urbanity presents a man of per
sonality, of magnetism, and of force.
Criticism of Europe Given
The handsome young Moham
medan is characterized by Eric W.
Allen, dean of the school of jour
nalism, as an extremely good speak
er. Dean Allen heard the lecturer
in San Francisco two years ago, and
remembers the careful and beautiful
English which the speaker used.
“Hossain cleverly and effectively
criticized European nations and the
I nited States for calling themselves
Christians and showing so little of
the spirit of Christ,” Dean Allen
states in recalling Mr. Hossain's
Eastern Dissatisfaction Told
“Mr. Hossain believed that the
idea of Christianity was extremely
influential in the Orient, but that
the east was desperately dissatis
fied with the exploiting Christian
nations und the bloody religion of
This is the first appearance of
the lecturer in Eugene. Mr. Hoa
sain will present tonight his inter
pretation of the cultural contribu
tions which India has made to the
world. The lecture begins at 7:30
o’clock at Villard hall. Student
tickets are 25 cents.
Classes ordinarily held in the as
sembly room of Villard hall, are to
be held in the vY. M. C. A. hut,
during the Retail Merchant’s con
vention, which will continue today
and tomorrow.
Classes effected by this change
are Dr. Harry B. Torrey’s class in
Animal Biology, which meets at
8:00 on Tuesday and Wednesday;
the 9:00 and 10:00 sections in pub
lic speaking, under Mr. Oscar
Brown; the 9:00 an 1:00 public
speaking sections under Mr. Paul
Patterson; and Dr. Bertha
Stewart’s class in personal hy
giene, which is scheduled for 1:00
today. The latter class will meet
in the Women’s gymnasium, in
stead of the Y. M. C. A. hut.
The judges for the Edison Mar
shall short story contest are Pro
fessor Andrew Pish, of the history
department; Alexander Hull, New
berg, who has had considerable ex
perience in writing; and Mrs.
Clementine Hirsch of Portland.
Nineteen manuscripts were enter
ed for the contest, the prize for
which is $50, offered yearly by Edi
son Marshall, a graduate of the Uni
versity. Professor W. F. G. Tliaeher,
of the school of journalism, expects
the final decisions to be rendered
in about three weeks.
A man with chemical training to
take charge of the manufacture of
oil spray is wanted by the Hood
River Spray company, according to
word received by O. F. Stafford,
professor of chemistry. The com
pany distributes the Friend Spray
ers, and desire a chemist to over
see the manufacturing process.