Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 07, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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    <S)t20Ott lailg Ifmetalii
Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued
feily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year.
Managing Editor . Harold A. Kirk
Associate Editor ...Margaret Skavlan
Associate Managing Editor . Anna Jerzyk
Desk Editor .Norma J. Wilson Sports Editor .... George H. Godfrey
Daily News Editors
Mary Clerin Emily Houston
James Case Jaimar Johnson
Frances Sanford Lillian Baker
Night Editors
Cliff Wilson Pete Laurs
Webster Jones Alfred Boice
Jack O'Meara Walter A. Cushman
Josephine Ulrich . Exchange Editor
Sports Staff
Wilbur Wester .... Assistant Sports Editor
Ward Cook, Don Osborne .. Sports Writers
Upper News Staff
Gertrude Houk Eugenia Strickland
Edward Robbins Geneva Foss
Elizabeth Cady Sol Abramson
Carvel Nelson . P. I. N. S. Editor
Lylah McMurphey . Society Editor
News Staff: Clifford Zehrung, Mildred Carr, Helen Reynolds, Bertram Jessup,
Margaret Vincent, Esther Davis,1J Jack Hempstead, Georgia Stone. Glen Burch.
Lawrence Armand, Ruth De Lap, Dorothy Blyberg, Clayton Meredith, Margaret
Krossman, Philippa Sherman, Ruth Gregg, Geneva Drum, Jane Dudley.
Associate Manager . Frank Loggan
Advertising Managers . Si Slocum, Wayne Leland, Wm. James
Advertising Assistants .... Milton George, Bill Prudhomme, Bert Randall
Circulation Manager . Jerry Crary
Assistant Circulation Manager . James Manning
Foreign Advertising Manager .Claude Reavis
Assistants . Walt O’Brien, Hilton Rose, Neil Chinnock
Specialty Advertising
Mildred Dunlap, Geneva Foss
Administration .... Margaret Hyatt, Marion Phy, Fred Wilcox, Bonner
Whitson, Bob Warner.
Day Editor This Issue
Jalmer Johnson
Assistant .Web Jones
Night Editor This Issue
Alfred Boiee
Assistant .Lynn Wykoff
Entered aa second class matter at the post office at Eugene, Oregon, under act
•f Congress of March 3, 1879.
An Essential Safety Valve
T^OTICE of a motion to be voted on within the month, to pro
hibit any form of athletic contest after 6 p. m. except on
Fridays, Saturdays and holidays was read at faculty meeting
this week. The motion, if passed, would be a death blow to
participation by the University of Oregon in conference bas
ketball, swimming and wrestling meets, and other athletic com
petition. It would be impossible to arrange a satisfactory sched
ule with week-end and holiday evenings, only, availiable.
No reason is advanced in support of this proposal, but it
may be assumed the proposed ruling is prompted from belief
that such contests on week nights interfere with students’
With games starting promptly at 7:15 and generally fin
ished by 8:30, it should be apparent to any, except those tem
peramentally unfit to enjoy watching such activities, that the
student receives no damage from the standpoint of lesson prep
aration. Rather, he will return to his work with revived in
terest and more enthusiastic application for having passed a
pleasant hour of relaxed mental effort.
Adoption of the motion will mean abolition of practically
all forms of competitive athletics during the winter term. There
are few better outlets for relieving the pressure of superfluous
energy than in the primitive appeal of organized physical con
The government requires that a safety valve be installed on
every steam boiler. This is done to prevent accumulation of
excessive pressure. Basketball, particularly, serves as an ex
cellent safety valve for the student body during the “heavy”
“Library Browsings”
'Jf'HE PLEASURES obtained from acquiring the voluntary
reading habit have been stressed a number of times this
• year by the Emerald. It has pointed out that one of the great
est blessings a student can receive from his four years upon the
campus is discovery of the hidden treasures buried beneath the
battered covers of ancient volumes. Glittering gold may be
found, also, in later works, perhaps with leaves as yet uncut
and still exhaling a delightful odor of fresh paper and printer’s
The one who learns to seek these riches while in college
will have his blood fired with an insatiable burning for more
and new adventures upon this sea of literature, lie will become
a rover, and aloft in the swinging crow’s nest , will scan the
shimmering sea with eager eyes, ever ready to raise from joyous
lips the ringing shout of “Land Ahoy!”
Commencing with this morning’s Emerald, and on each Sat
urday hereafter, “Library Browsings” will be printed. This
weekly feature may serve to point the way for those to whom
the sea is yet unknown. It should engender courage and assist
in overcoming a natural shrinking from essaying its well-nigh
boundless expanse without chart or compass. To those who
have already felt the fruitful breezes and come to revel in
story controversy or to relax in the calms of peace-giving
philosophy, it may intrigue, perhaps, to uncrossed seas and
untouched islands.
Several thousand handbills will be distributed at the next
basketball game at Ohio State University. Four rules of sports
manship which will printed upon them might be read with
profit by Oregon’s own rooting section. The suggestions con
cern courtesy, fairness, hissing, and the right of the coach to
do the coaching.
Examinations at the University of Indiana have been post-!
poned two weeks and classes will be dismissed for an indefinite
time, due to a shortage of water in Bloomington. No fear of
such a catastrophe happening in Eugene these days.
Campus Bulletin
Notices will be printed in this column
for two issueB only. Copy must be
in this office by 5 :30 Sn the day before
it is to be published, and must be
limited to 20 words. .
Student Volunteer Meeting—Sun
day, 4:30, at the “Y” hut.
A Rummage Sale will be held at
the Johnson Furniture store to
day by Alpha Delta Pi.
All Women’s Gymnasium Classes
including individual classes and
others in department appear in
street Iclothes all day today.
It. O. T. C. Rifle Team—All men
turning out for rifle team meet
at 1:30 p. m. Saturday, Febru
ary 7, in gallery range. Import
ant instructions.
Sports Writers’ Association — Mem
bers of the Sports Writers’ as
sociation will meet Monday af
ternoon at 5 o’clock in the cor
respondents’ room of the Jour
nalism building.
Communications |
Letters to the EMERALD from stu
dents and faculty members are
welcomed, but must be signed and
worded concisely. If it is desired, the
writer's name will be kept out of
print. It must be understood that the
editor reserves the right to reject
A clever little editorial full of
advice and suggestions, whereby
some aristocratic order or other
might be of some permanent good
to its alma mater, was the thing
I had in mind. But all that is
spoiled now—-thanks to the scath
ing note tacked on the bulletin
board over my latest literary effort,
so aptly titled: “Are We Goofy?”
This note addresses us as a “neat
soul” and the instigator of the in
famy wishes to know who the auth
or is, but this can never be because
we have neither inclination nor
training for an incounter with any
one carrying a chip on his shoulder.
Things are much better left as they
The punishment and publicity are
greater than I can bear. I am just
as goofy as the rest of the goofs.
The whole trouble lies in a divine
ability to climb a tree and get a
bird’s eye view of the situation.
Hence, not being a “neat soul” it
goes against my better nature to
accept so much undeserved praise.
“What do you wear?” is the
question. Well, to begin at the
beginning: On top of the head are
a few scant wind-blown locks;
’ne'ath this drab crown appears a
face well, protected from the weath
er by cold cream, rouge and powder;
the frame of this lowlev worm is
sheathed in a scant, one piece, wool
dress; and the feet are usually to
be found somewhere in the dark
depths of galoshes. There has been
no mention of a slicker for the
principle reason that we don’t pos
sess one.—Goofy.
Women’s doughnut swimming
meets are scheduled to begin at 5
p. m. Thursday, February 12. It is
j imperative that each participant
I hand in a heart O. K. before 1:15
| p. m. of that date. The customary
j requirement of six practices has
been waived, according to Miss Bar
bara Page, swimming instructor.
Although in some cases the teams
are crippled due to vaccination for
smallnox, the following houses have
signified their intention of enter
ing teams: Pi Beta Phi, Gamma Phi
Beta. Sigma Beta Phi, Susan Camp
bell hall. Alpha Chi Omega, Hen
dricks hall and Alpha Phi. Tt is
honed that other houses will enter
teams in the meet, as an evidence
of true sportsmanship in the face
of such odds.
Class meets will take place im
mediatelv following the doughnut
series. Practice for class swimming
begins Monday, February f>, at four
o’clock, and will continue through
the doughnut meets. The reouire
meats of four practices and a heart
O K. will be strictly adhered to.
All girls intending to come out for
practice are requested to sign a
chart which has been placed on the
bulletin board in the middle ent
rance to the Woman’s building.
Fverv candidate is expected to
record her practices bv notifying
the life guard, who will have a
chart for this purpose. Following
is the schedule for practices: Mon
dav. Tuesday. Fridav—four to five:
Wednesdav and Thursday—three
fortv-five to four fifteen. Those
unable to avail themselves of these
hours should turn in their sched j
nles to Miss Page. Thev are fur
ther requested to sign the bulletin
board chart in the middle entrance
of the building.
Saturday, February 7
Basketball, O. A. C.-Oregon,
3:30 p. m.—Wrestling, Idaho
Oregon, men’s gymnasium.
• Sunday, February 8
4:30 p. m.—Student Volunteer
Meeting, Y. M. hut.
The past week was a busy one
for the University health service.
During the early part of the week
there was a general rush of stu
dents to be vaccinated and several
hundred were treated. On Monday
there were 199 patients at the dis
pensary and on Tuesday, 258, Most
of these were there for vaccination.
The 258 patients on Tuesday es
tablished a new high record for any
one day at any time during the his
tory of the University dispensary,
according to Dr. G. A. Boss. Yes
terday, the vaccination rush being
over, there were very few visitors.
There are only a few patients in
the infirmary at the present time.
Last week there were many stu
dents there as a result of. small
pox vaccinations, but they have
practically all recovered and the in
firmary is almost .empty in anti
cipation of housing those who were
vaccinated this week.
Students have been unusually co
operative in the matter of vaccina
tion, according to Doctor Ross and
he does not anticipate any further
trouble with smallpox on the cam
' ___
I At the Theatres
HEILIG—Today, last day. “Ho
Who Gets Slapped,” master
film presentation of Andrey
ev’s great masterpiece, with
Lon Chaney, noted character
Coming: May Robson, in
her own production, “Some
thing Tells Me.” The Bran
don Opera company in
selected repertoire of light
I opera, including, “The Choco
late Soldier,” “Madam But
terfly,” and “Robin Hood*”
“The Thief of Bagdad” with
Douglas Fairbanks.
THE REX—Last day: Tom Mix
in “Oh, You Tony,” a whizzing
tale of romance and adven
ture that leaps from the plains
of Arizona to the palaces of
Washington, D. C., with
“Tony,” the wonder horse and
a bevy of beauties; Christie
comedy, “Sea Legs,” a nauti
cal ride o ’er the waves of
mirth; Felix, the kitty comed
ian, in “Felix Gets Balled
Hp;” final engagement, Alex
Bankevitz, Russian tenor, in
new songs; Robert V. Hains
worth', in musical thrills on
the mighty Wurlitzer.
Coming: Cecil B. DeMille’s
latest Paramount production,
“The Golden Bed,” a drama
of modern morals and mar
riage, with Lillian Bieh, Rod
la Rocque, Vera Reynolds,
Warner Baxter, Theodore Kos
loff and Julia Faye.
Harry Langdon
— in —
“The First 100
Continuous Today
1 to 11 p. m.
Regular Prices
Mary Conn, Eileen Fargher
o Make Most Points
The juniors defeated the seniors,
and the sophomores took the victory
from the freshmen with a score of
29-8 last night in the first games of
the women’s inter-class basketball
The junior team held the senior
class to a score of 26-10. The first
half was fairly close. Mary Conn,
junior forward piled up a score of
12 points. Viona Pyritz shook off
the junior guards and made 8 points
for the seniors.
In the second half, Mary Conn
made a total of 7 baskets from the
field. The- seniors scored practi
cally nothing at all. Two free
throws went wide of the mark and
one goal from the floor constituted
the entire senior score for the half.
The first half of the freshman
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sophomore game gave the sopho- i
mores a lead of 6 points. Vesta
Scholl- and Eileen Fargher, sopho
more forwards, both played good
games. Nellie Johns, freshman for
ward, scored 4 points in free throws.
The, freshman forwards were unable
to break through sophomore guard
ing in the field.
During the last half, the sopho
mores had it all their own way.
Vesta Scholl put 4 baskets through
the hoop and Eileen Fargher net
ted 5 goals also from the field.
Hardy, the other freshman guard,
made 2 field goals.
Captains were elected yesterday
as follows: freshman, first team,
Nellie Johns, sophomore, first team,
Nellie Best; .junior, second team,
Regina Devault; senior, second
team, Stella Haglund.
Upon the advise of his doctor,
Dean Ellis F. Lawrence of the
ichool of architecture and allied
arts, will remain at his home in
Portland for several weeks. Mr.
Lawrence has been confined to his
jed for over a week with neuritis,
and his condition has not improved.
The trouble has settled in his arm,
which is practically paralyzed, and
it will be some time before he will
be able to return to his work at the
University. His condition is not
serious and his classes are continu
ing as usual under the supervision
of Mr. W. K. B. Wilcox.
Marcel and Bob Curl
Open Sundays and
Evenings by Appointment.
1375 Ferry
Phone 1578R
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Irrigation by electrically driven pumps has made hundreds
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For a few cents a month per acre, electricity—the giant
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What electricity is doing for the farmer is only a counter
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How electricity does these things is important to the
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