Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 07, 1925, Image 1

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First Contest of Varsity
Season This Afternoon;
Rathbun Will Referee
Bouts in Men’s Gymnasium
Promise to Be Close;
Visitors Have Veterans
This afternoon at 3:30 the Oregon
wrestling team will swing into ac
tion against the Idaho bonecrush
ers in the first Pacific coast con
ference meet of the season. The
bouts will be held in the men’s gym
The men who will represent the
varsity are Ford, 125 pounds; Win
gard, 135 pounds; Davis, 145
pounds; Leavitt, 158 pounds; 'and
Cartwright, 175 pounds. The Uni
versity of Idaho bonecrushers ar
rived here Friday evening and Bob
Mathews, football coach, who ac
companied the team, announced
that the following men would com
pete: Bitner, _125 pounds; Powers,
135 pounds; Ross, 145 pounds; Ed
leblute, 158 pounds; and Bliss, 175
Hard Bouts Predicted
Coach Widmer predicts that the
Ford-Bitner bout will be a real
mix. Last year the Idaho grappler
tipped the local man. Ford has
gained considerable experience dur
ing the workouts this season and is
out to reverse the decision.
Wingard will meet Powers in the
135 pound class. Both men are of
the same build and have consider
able experience. Coach Widmer
has selected Perry Davis to wrestle
in the welterweight division. • Davis
was selected, although weighing
only 138 pounds, because of his ex
perience and knowledge of the
game. In meeting Ross of Idaho,
the Lemon-Yellow wrestler is meet
ing the best that Idaho has on the
grappling squad. This bout should
keep the fans on edge for a fast
bout is predicted by the coaches.
Leavitt Shows Speed
Harry Leavitt, a member of last
year’s frosh team, will meet Edle
blute of Idaho. Leavitt has been
showing considerable speed in his
workouts. In the light-heavy
weight division Cartwright and
Bliss will meet. The varsity grap
pler formerly wrestled at W. S. C.
and is experienced which is coupled
with his speed and strength.
Coach Widmer announced that
Guy Rathbun, of Willamette uni
versity was selected to referee the
bouts. Rathburn was formerly
wrestling mentor at O. A. C. Bob
Mautz will be announcer and Pete
Laurs will act in the capacity of
The Pacific coast Conference
rules for wrestling will be in effect.
Each bout will be for three falls
of seven minutes each.
Managers For Sports
Appointed By Council
Following out the managerial
j plan which was recently adopted to
j handle athletics, Iorensics and mu
sic more directly and efficiently,
the executive council has passed on
the appointment of Richard Lyman
as manager of basketball, Rufus
Sumner manager of baseball, Ray
mond Moeser manager of sports,
and David Adolph, who will handle
the minor sports.
Under these men, are working a
group of freshmen and sophomores,
one of whom will be the manager
for each sport next year, according
to the new plan. These men arc,
Eugene Croswaithe, Bob Neighbors,
Stewart Ball, Frank German, Paul
Clark, Jimmy Johnson, Donald Gid
ley and William Roberts.
Efficiency is Insured
The new managers have been
working in their respective sports
during their freshman and sopho
more years, and were considered the
best material for the positions of
managerships. “There has always
been a dearth of good men for man
agers,” said Victor Risley, vice
president of the student body, and
a member of the committee which
investigated the managerial system,
and recommended the new plan.
“This new process insures an effic
ient man each year to handle the
activity. Always before, men who
turned out during their freshman
year, lost interest and dropped out
the next year, but this way there
is sure recognition for those who
really work.” During the football
season there is special need' for
help as it is impossible for the
graduate manager to handle all the
details alone.
General Manager Chosen
From among the men who have
been chosen as direct managers this
year, one man will be chosen to be
the general manager of all activi
ties for next year. He will over
see the actual working and the per
sonnel! of the activities, seeing that
the ranks are filled and the ac
tivity is functioning smoothly.
Music and forensics will be han
dled a little differently. They will
be under the direct attention of
the graduate manager, who will ap
point assistants to take charge of
the orchestra and glee clubs.
Three of the leading universities
of the Northwest meet next Thurs
day, February 12, in a triangle de
bate. This event, states Oscar E.
Brown, debate coach, is the largest
varsity debate of the year. The
universities participating in the
meet are: University of Washing
ton, University of Idaho, and Uni
versity of Oregon.
The question for discussion is,
Resolved: “That the constitution
should be so amended to enable
Congress to re-enact by a two-thirds
vote, legislations overruled by the
Supreme Court.”
“This question,” says Mr. Brown,
“is most prominent in the country
at this time, due mainly because it
was an issue in La Follette’s presi
(Continued on page four)
You’ve heard about the Golden
bear—and the bear that ia the mas
cot of the California teams. You’ve
seen the massive husky dog which
the Huskies take with the team.
You’ve seen, no doubt, the goat—
the big white goat—of the Van
dals but this year you’re going to
see Oregon teams with a mascot.
It was difficult for the Oregon team
to pack around anything symbolic
except a duck and a duck isn’t a
sociable mascot by any means.
Yesterday Bill Hayward received
a little bundle of concentrated life
which is to become the mascot of
the Oregon teams in the future. The
mascot of Oregon teams will prob
ably go around with the track team
a lot this spring to greet the golden
bear, the big husky dog. the goat—
and perhaps the Aggies’ cow.
Dr. William T. Phv, of the Hot
Lakes Sanitarium, near Hnte'-prise,
Oregon, a keen supporter of Oregon
athletics and a dog fancier, sent
Hayward a two months old regis
tered thoroughbred German Police
dog, and expressed his pleasure in
so doing, as a mascot for Oregon
Phvmere, the name given ^o the
pup, weighs about ten pounds and
is not quite ten inches high. He
stood the long ride down from east
ern Oregon like a veteran and un
der Hayward’s training ought% to
grow fast. He arrived yesterday
afternoon. He has all the intel
ligent look and the great vitality
of the German police dog. He was |
bred and raised by Dr. Phy at his
Bill Hayward was interested in
buying a German police dog and he I
wrote to Dr. Phy about it, offering
to purchase a young dog. Dr. P\v
replied that he would be glad to
send the pup down as a mascot for
Oregon teams.
Maier and Pattison to Give
Unique Program As Dual
Pianists in Local - Affair
A musical program, unusual and
decidedly interesting, will be giv
en Tuesday evening at the Wo
man’s building when Guy Maier
and Lee Pattison, dual pianists,
appear in concert en that night.
This is the first concert of the
year to be given under the auspices
of the associated students of the
University, though others will fol
low later in the term.
These two musicians are the first
to devote their efforts exclusively
to playing together with two pianos,
which is sliowh by the lack of mu
sic written for two pianos until
recent composers have written ex
pressly for Maier and Pattison. This
form of expression was used by the
artists at first solely as amusement
for themselves. After studying in
Europe under the same masters they
developed such proficiency that
they decided to wofk together seri
Musical Combination Good
The Maier and Pattison combina
tion is so perfect, in presentation
and the identities of the two men
are so thoroughly merged during
the performance, it is said, that
they have been given such’, nick
names as the “Pfanistic Siamese
Twins,” and the “Damon and Pyth
ias of the Piano.” Only personal
friends of the two men are able
to distinguish between the two on
the stage.
Beside appearing together the
two artists are each excellent in
solo concert, and have often given
programs alone. Not only are they
musicians but are composers as
well. Mr. Pattison, it is said, has
been coming rapidly to the front
as a composer, having made a num
ber of arrangements, for two pia
nos. Among them are Coronation
Scene from the opera “Boris Godu
noff” and the Concerto Pathetique
of Liszt. He has also written mu
sic which has been published, the
most popular of which is “The Land
of Bye and Bye.”
Special Compositions Produced
With the revival of the old art of
dual piano playing has come a new
kind of musical composition writ
ten especially for two pianos and
many compositions written spec
ially for Maier and Pattison. Many
compositions by the dual pianists
are works of Saint-Saens, Debussy,
Rachmaninoff, Ceasar Franck and
works of modern Russian composers.
The concert Tuesday evening will
be at eight o’clock at the Wom
an’s building. Tickets are on sale
at the Co-op and at Laraways mu
sic store.
An important meeting of the
Sports Writers’ association will be
held Monday afternoon at 5 p. m.
in the correspondent’s room of the
journalism building. Several im
portant matters must be settled
Monday and it is imperative that
every member be present.
The organization is attempting to
secure complete Co-operation among
the various correspondents of the
daily papers. By working together,
the sports writers expect t* facili
tate the gathering of news and give
the University more publicity than
before. Instead of every man
covering all beats the members ex
nect to split up the work, thus be
ing able to cover the field much
better than was possible when every
man had to try to make the com
plete round.
College Professor
To Use Crossword
Puzzle in Classes
The man or woman who start
ed the cross-word puzzle craze
could never have realized to what
a variety of uses they would be
put or, in the opinion of mer
cenary individuals, he would have
taken out a patent on them.
In advertisements, competi
tions, and in a multitude of ways
the cross-word puzzle does its
duty and attracts those who have
become addicted to the habit.
But, there was one use for this
kind of amusement that even the
inventor himself, perhaps never
dreamed of, but not so the col
lege professor. Thus the second
year Spanish students are to ex
ercise their vocabularies on work
ing cross-word puzzles in a def
inite period of time.
Two Full Teams Taken By
Coach Dave Evans
I The frosh basketball team will
meet the O. A. C. rooks this after
noon at 2:15 on the rook’s home
floor. This contest will preceed the
game with the Beaver five. In this
tilt, the frosh will play the first
of a two-game sories with the rooks.
The return game of which will be
played here.
Coach Dave Evans will take two
full teams with him and says that
he intends to let every man get in
to the game and show his ability.
The plan being to choose the first
team players for the next game
from those who show up best.
The yearling squad held its final
work-out before the game last night
in the men’s gymnasium. The coach
had them at skull practice and run
ning over their special formations,
in the final preparation for the
Those who will make the trip are:
Walker, Beeney, Joy and Crewd
son at forwards; Eberhard and
Squalish, centers; Reichstein, Hut
chinson, Powers and Puusti will be
at guards. The initial lineup will
probably be: Beeney and Joy at for
ward, Eberhard at center and at
the guard berths, Powers and Hut
Firing in the Ninth Corps area
rifle match will begin next Mon
day. Every college having an K.
rO. T. C. department is expected to
enter at least one team composed
of fifteen men. If the military sei-'
ence instructor decides, two or
more teams may compete. The lo
cal department will enter only one
team composed of fifteen marks
men who have been turning out
regularly during the past several
Among those from whom Captain
J.. T. Murray will pick to fire dur
ing this match are; Burlingham,
Watrous, Peterson, Niedermeyer,
Walker, Haddan, Kidwell, Harrison,
Gehy, Williams, Van Atta, Sherman,
Captbell, Hughes, Corand, Brown,
Elkins, Porep, Taylor, Church and
These men are underclassmen.
They have been practicing during
the past week in shooting from var
irftis positions to be used during the
Ninth corps area match. According
to Captain Murray, the men are
more proficient at shooting from
prone position, as this is the easiest
Last year, the local R. O. T. C.
• earn failed to win a match by a
close margin. Prospects are some
what better this yeat. *
A corsage bouquet was presented
to Gladys Platt of the cataloguing
department of the library at the
library staff members' luneheon
yesterday. Miss Platt is to be mar
ried in the near future. The lunch
was given at the College Side Inn
jby the members of the staff.
First Competition of Year
Starts at 2:30 O’clock;
Seven Events Scheduled
The first competition meet of Bill
Hayward’s intensive training sched
ule this spring will take place on
Hayward field this afternoon at
2:30 o’clock. Over eighty men have
signed up for the seven events to
be run off. The meet will start
promptly on time, rain or shine,
and the events will be run off as
quickly as possible.
First of Series
This is the beginning of a series
of competition meets to be held
every Saturday until the regular
varsity and frosh meets come in the
spring term. They will culminate
in an interclass meet at the end of
the term on March 14, from which
Bill will pick the best men for
spring vacation training. A hard
season confronts the varsity and
work has begun which will put the
men in the best possible shape.
“I expect every man on the list,
to be out there today unless he has
some important work to do or is
sick. The showing has been good
so far considering the bad weather,
but every man must turn out who
can,” said Bill yesterday afternoon.
Events are Gut Down
Bill is picking his best men from
these meets. The ones who show
up the best in competition will be
the ones whom he will plan on for
the spring meets. He doesn’t ex
pect too much, from the aspirants
becausfe of the early Beason condi
tion of the men but he insists that
every man turn out. The later
competition meets will be harder as
the men round into condition. All
the events for today have been cut
down considerable because of the
early season condition of the track
The meet is expected to bring
out some pointers on the freshmen
who are turning out and who for
(Continued on page faur)
Because of his wide information
and interest concerning Abraham
Lincoln, Clark P. Bissett, professor
of law at the University of Wash
ington, has been secured as speak
er for next week’s assembly.
Professor Bissett has written a
“Life of Abraham Lincoln.” He has
a noted collection of books and ar
ticles of historical interest dealing
wiih Lincoln.
He has recently been decorated
as a Chevalier of the Crown of
Italy for his services to the people
of that country, especially through
his study of their literature and cul
When Marshall Joffre visited Se
attle just after the war, Professor
Bissett was chosen by the city to
make the address of welcome.
T. Hawley Tapping, former presi
dent of Sigma Delta Chi, national
professional journalism fraternity,
was a guest of the Oregon chapter
at a breakfast given at the College
Side Inn yesterday morning. After
the breakfast ho was shown about
the campus by members of the
Mr. Tapping is at present mak
ing a tour of the Northwest under
the auspices of the University of
Michigan alumni association and
was entertained by the local alum
ni at a banquet, Thursday evening.
He left yesterday for the south.
Students May View
Eclipse of Moon
Late Sunday Night
Monday, at one hour past Sun
day, students at the University
of Oregon can see the partial
eclipse of the moon.
Prof. E. H. McAlister says that
it will be full moon too, and that
the next chance to see a lunar
eclipse is in six months, August
4, to be exact.
“When the moon passes through
the earth’s shadow,” stated Pro
fessor McAlister, “we do not
notice any difference here that
would not be common on a moon
less night, but on the moon I be
lieve the temperature becomes
colder, if anything. That is, it
would be colder if tliero wer«
anyone there to notice it.”
Remedies Given for Coming
Wars By Lecturer
“The world is getting ready for
another war. The chasms of hate
which divide the nations are so
deep that one cannot but tremble,”
declared Fred B. Smith in his final
address before the students at Vil
lard hall yesterday afternoon.
“Among the common folks there
is an unprecedented universal pas
1 sion and yearning for peace. The
pacifists are now as one thousand
to one of 1914,” he declared.
“First, as a remedy for this world
state of potential and almost cer
tain war it is necessary that the
peoples of the world be made to
realize its significance,” Mr. Smith
continued. “Not an hysterical but
a deep profound disturbance of the
universal mind is necessary,” he
Another remedy for war, Mr.
Smith believes, is to make it
thoroughly terrible. Contrary to
popular beliefs, it has not yet been
made terrible enough. The fact
that we cannot have a public cele
bration of any kind without putting
(Continued on page three)
Andree Pellion, graduate student
from France, gave the address be
fore Le Foyer Franeais, at the meet
ing held Thursday night, in the Y.
W. bungalow. The normal and high
schools of France were the subject
of her discussion.
Two vocal solos, given by Rose
Mc-Grew, completed the formal pro
gram. The members then played
games. Refreshments were served
during the evening.
Varsity Enters Contest
In Perfect Condition;
Hobson Back in Lineup
(By Wilbur Wester)
Added to the unusual importance
of the O. A. C.-Oregon basketball
contest at Corvallis tonight, is the
element of fight that is instilled
into every annual hoop clash be
tween the varsity and Aggies. Real
izing that if their team is defeated
the chances for a coast conference
pennant will be practically ruined,
each quintet will play a super
brand of basketball in order to win
the tilt.
Aggie Pans Confident
Understanding that the Oregon
team is in a somewhat weakened
condition, Coach Hager has stated
that the Beavers will win. Be
sides the statement of the O. A. C.
coach, the Aggie fans are confi
dent that the Orange and Black
basketeers can turn the trick and
come out on top.
The Oregon varsity is now in per
fect condition. The vaccinated
varsity is again well and with Hob
son back in the lineup, the team
should play in a creditable manner.
But playing on a strange floor will
necessitate some time before the
Oregon forwards can get their
scoring combination to working.
The Oregon armory floor is prac
tically the same size as the Ag
gie floor, but the spacious barn-like
appearance of the Beaver gym as a
whole, is an annoying factor in
keeping the visiting team from get
ting started. ,
Teams About Equal
By reason of having played five
coast conference games out of nine,
the Aggies are really in mid-season
form, while the Lemon-Yellow has
engaged in but two coast games.
However, by comparative scores of
j the two teams, the O. A. 0. five is
I not rated very much stronger than
the varsity.
The lineup slated to start for Ore
gon is Hobson and Gowans, for
wards with Okerberg at center.
Oillenwaters and Westergren will
start at guard. Jost and Gunther
have been going fairly well in pTe-^
vious varsity contests and these two
reserves will no doubt be shot into
the fray to speed up the Oregon
The Jineups of the two teams for
tonight’s game are as follows:
Oregon O. A. C.
Hobson.P.. Baker
Gowans.F. Ridings
Okerberg.C. Brown
Gillenwaters.G . Stoddard
Westergren.G. Steele
A green-eyed helmet, all lit up
for the occasion, looked down upon
a strange and colorful throng last
night at the Woman’s building. Its
visor was split in a wide and sar
donic grin, for it was nailed to the
wall, not as a symbol of battle, but
as the insignia of service, while
below Spain danced in the arms of
Turkey, China and Arabia glided
over the polished floor in close har
mony, and throughout the gay as
semblage, color and race were for
gotten in the whirl of the first
annual costume ball of the Oregon
Of course, at such an affair, the
costumes are the jnost interesting
features, for here the student in
dulges long suppressed desires, be
decks himself in the most colorful
apparel obtainable and for one
night is a Valentino, a Chaplin or
a Mr. Wu. Last night the Valen
tino’s wore in the majority. There
were several shieks and enough
toreadors, matadors and picadors
for a Spanish Fourth of July. There
were Argentine gauchos and flash
ing shawls, chorus girls of both
sexes, colonial dames, Scotch lassies,
pirates and Bowery girls. One
couple were cross-word puzzles and
there were a number of Mandarins
in embroidered robes and pre-re
public pig tails.
The two features, a clog dance by
Bob Warner and a novel bag of
magic tricks by Virc.hard Rayner,
added much to the success of the
evening. The Women’s gymnasium
was hung with large banners, rep
resenting a baronial hall. The
green-eyed hefinet which looked
[ down upon it all ventured no opin
' ion as to which couple woto the
: most clever eostumes. It would
I have been hard, indeed, to decide.