D ATE OF FROLiC SET FORM. 11 Chairman Names Directors In Charge of Women’s Annual Spring Festival TROPHY CUP OFFERED Best Acts to Be Repeated As Part of Program On “Stunt Night.” April 15 .Boris Brophv has been made gen eral chairman of the April Frolic, the biggest event of the year for University women, scheduled April 11. The affair is sponsored by the Women’s League. Miss Brophv has been in charge of the weekly Wo men’s League teas since the first of the fall term. The directorate as announced by Miss Brophv is as follows: Kather ine Lauderdale., seating; Mary Donaldson, food; Lillian Luders, stage manager: leva Bale, admit tance; Gussie Gottlieb, music; Katherine Short, programs: Augus ta BeWitt, judges; Marian Hors fall, patronesses; Katherine Ulrich, cleanup; Edith Sorenson, cup; Eliz abeth Cady, publicity. Individual Stunt Given Each year, half of the women’s organizations on the campus put on an individual stunt. Those listed for this year are; Delta Delta Delta, Pi Beta Phi, Susan Campbell hall, Delta Gamma, Gamma, Phi Beta, Tau Nu. Kappa Omicron, Alpha Omicron Pi, and Alpha Delta Pi. Those who presented stunts last year were: Alpha Phi, Hendricks hall, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Kappa Alpha Theta, Alpha Chi Omega, Delta Zeta, Chi Omega, Thatcher cottage, Alpha Xi Delta, Alpha Gamma Delta and Sigma Beta Phi. Kappa Kappa Gamma had the win ning stunt. Tt is planned to give a trophv cup to the bouse having the best stunt, and prizes of $5 and $2.30 are given to the two best costumes. The house stunts are judged on three points:' originality, artistry and presentation. Cost iis Limited The directorate is planning to limit the cost and length of each stunt. Arrangements are being made tfi reserve a special section for all townswomen, who wish to attend. Music will be furnished during intermission for those who wish to dance. Women’s League will use the best stunts for “Stunt Night,” April 15, which is the first entertain ment for the Women’s League con vention. A meeting of the directorate will be called soon, according to Alias Brophv. MISS CUEVAS SPEAKS AT SPANISH MEETING “Colombia and its 'Traditions,” was the subject of Miss Rosalia Cuevas, speaking before the regular meeting of El Circulo Castellano, Spanish club, at the Y. W. bunga low, Wednesday night. Miss Cuevas told several inter esting stories illustrating the tra ditions and customs of that South American city. Several other speakers constituted the program of the social meeting of the club. The entire program was given in Span ish. Marion Yeazie gave a short talk on “When I Receive Christmas Gifts.” A comical story of a French man, a Portugese, and an Andalu sian, was told by Richard Collins. Juan Domingo spoke on “The Fu ture of the Spanish Language.” The meeting was well attended. UNIVERSITY HIGH PRINCIPAL TO GIVE SUMMER COURSES Professor Harold Benjaman, prin cipal of the University high school, will give two courses in education at the Portland summer session, running from June 22 to July 31. Last summer Professor Benjaman was on the faculty at the Univer sity of Michigan summer school at Ann Arbor, Michigan. I ' .. Medical School Scholarship Won By Edwin Durno i _ | Edwin Durno, ’12::, physical edu j cation, ha« been awarded a schol arship to the Harvard Medical school for the year 1925-20. Word , of the award was received by Mrs. J. P. Durno, his mother, who lives in Eugene. Mix scholarships are awarded annually by the college and this is the second time Durno has received the honor of being se lected one of the group. While on the campus Durno was a member of Phi Delta Theta, Friars, and Order of the ‘“0”, and is now a member of Xu Sigma Xu, medical fraternity. Pie played on the varsity basket ball team. RULING ASKS RICHER SCHOLARSHIP STANDING Students Must Pass In More Hours Per Term A definite step toward raising ttie scholastic standing of the Univer sity was taken at the facultv*meet ing, Wednesday, when the number of hours in which a student must pass in order to remain in school was increased. The new ruling, adopted on the motion of the scholarship commit tee, provides that freshmen must pass in at least five hours of work, and other students in seven hours. The existing plan allows, the stu dent to remain in school if he passes in three hours. The change will not be put into effect before the spring term. Dissatisfaction was expressed with the present system under which freshmen often take two hours of military work, and by passing in this subject and in phys ical education are allowed to stay in school. The new ruling, it is thought, will make it necessary for the first year students to pass in at least one other course if they are to remain in the University. The adoption of the new plan was made with the intent of weeding out those students who are not fit university material. The natural effect will also be a noticeable ad vancement in the University’s standards. NATIONAL SECRETARY OF Y.W.C.A. TO YISI IT Elsie Heller, national student Y. W. C. A. secretary, located in the northwest field, is to be on the campus this week end and possibly the first part of next week, Mis| Florence Magowan, secretary of the ; local organization, announced today. The purpose of Miss Heller’s vis it is to make arrangements for the coming State Cabinet Training con ference, which will be held on the campus either the latter part of April or the first of May. She will ! also make arrangements regarding the visit of Miss Grace Louks, a national secretary who is located in the eastern field and will tour the West later in the spring. Miss Heller, who is returning by way of San Francisco from an executive committee meeting of the national student council which met in New York shortly after the Christmas holidays, hopes to reach the campus in time to attend some of the Fred B. Smith lectures. Dur ing the meeting of the national church workers who conferred upon the campus last term, Miss Heller was present and at that time spoke at some of the meetings. The exact duration of Miss Heller-’s stay will be announced later. BOB McCABE RECEIVES HURT IN SWIMMING POOL Bob McCabe, varsity swimmer, re ceived a laceration over his right eve Wednesday night while swim ming in the tank of the men’s gvm , nasium. Dr. G. A'. Ross, at the dis pensary, closed the wound with several stitches. PEACE CUTEST ; SET FOR APRIL 3 Pacific University to Be Scene of Oratory Event By Oregon Institutions NINE SCHOOLS INCLUDED Research in Particular Angle Of International Question Asked By Debate Coach Students interested in forensic work are urged by Oscar E. Brown, debate coa'ch, to begin work on ora tions for the Peace Oratory con test to be hehl at Pacific univer sity, Forest Grove on April 3. This j contest is open to all students, both | men and women, he states. It is desirable in choosing and preparing a subject, to avoid the i conventional treatment sometimes I given the material, he said. In the manner of general directions, the j orations should develop some defin ite phase of international peace. Sentimental' pictures, contrasting war and peace, or moralizing ef feeds are not preferred. Some meth od of a practical value should be developed. “Research should be devoted,” Mr. Brown said, “to some particu lar angle of world peace, also of fering a plan or solution for its achievement. ” Tryout is Tebruary 24 , Orations should be limited to 1,800 words in length. Aspirants must have them memorized for the try-outs to be held February 24. Typewritten copies of their work must also be presented at this time. The Peace contest in the state is being sponsored by the National Intercollegiate Peace association. For the oration taking first place in the contest, a prize of $75 will be awarded, and for the one plac ing second, $50. The winners of the contest have the opportunity of entering the na tional contest. The two prize-win ning topics will be sent to the na tional headquarters to be judged for composition and thought value. For the one winning the national event an award of $100 will be given. More Interest Wanted “The object of this nation wid^ contest.” said Mr. Brown, “is to promote a greater and more general interest in the movement for inter national peace.” Institutions in this state intend ing to enter the contest are: Paci fic college. Albany college. Lin field college, Oregon State Normal school. Oregon Agricultural college, Willamette universitv. Eugene Bi ble university. Pacific university, and University of Oregon. Tn the contest last year, which was held on the campus, E. D. Con way, representing the University, took second place. OREGON KNIGHTS GIVE FANCY BALL TONIGHT Tonight in the Woman’s build ing, the Oregon chapter of the In tercollegiate Knights will celebrate their first annual “Costume Knight.” They have been consider ing this particular dance for some time and as they are offering it as the first of their original costume affairs to be given at about this time each year, they are indeed anxious that the campus respond to the occasion by arriving tonight with some manner of unusual dress. “A floor full of costumes is -'ll that is now needed to make t.h» dance a decided success,” savs John Boswell, committee chairman. “ Al though we have not pla ined on go ing into decorating +oo extensive!’', the decorations will be anprnpri ate for the occasion. We also hope to interest those present \v *h some unusual features. The Pi-id Pipers and their music need no introduc tion. But most of all.” stated Boswell emphatically, “the spirit and success of the dance depends upon the willingness of the stu dents to come in costume attire.” Bottled in Bond! Evidence Involves Botany Department f Has tlio smirch of insobriety invaded the sacred and hallowed ; halls of our Alma Mater Shall suspicion be cast upon the top floor of Heady hall, where plants and flowers and fossil botanical specimens sport themselves in giddy play T Professor A. It. Sweetser re ceived a letter. Professor Sweet ser, shah of the botany depart i ment, read said epistle. Professor Sweetser smiled. Then Professor Sweetser laughed out loud. like i the funny man in Oliver Wendell Holmes, who busts a button. He i read th'c salutation: “Professor Sweetser, head of ^ j bottling department.” 1 NEW COMMITTEE NAMED | IFOII JUNIOR WEEK-END Campus Groups Are Urged To Prepare for Fete The appointment of another com mittee for Junior week-end was an | nounced at the meeting of the 1 Junior Week-end directorate which ,1 ! was held Thursday afternoon. Walter Kelsey, of Portland, and : Charles Burlirighain, of Forest Grove, were named on the bleacher ' I committee. Their rpeort will prob ably be ready at the next meeting. The various groups on the cam j pusare urged by “Pug" Toole to get together and select their chairmen I as soon as possible, so that the ideas for the canoe floats can be worke I out. No regulations on the type of i floats have been placed, except that ; theh expenditures on each float can : not exceed a sum of. $15. Kenneth Stephenson, chairman of campus day, announced yesterday that final plans for his committee have not been made. A stunt, which will be presented during the time that the luncheon is being served, is being developed. “We want to have something new, some way of eliminating the sameness j which has characterized the lunch- | eon period,” he said. Bert Good ing, Boland Ebv, and Imogene Lew is are the other members of the campus day committee. LECTURE COMMITTEE PERSONNEL COMPLETE The personnel of the student lec ture committee 1ms been completed with the appointment of Wilbur j Ilaydeir as business manager. Hay- ! den will assume those financial and administrative duties connected with the presentation o.f well-known speakers who are brought to the campus. The student lecture committee co operates with the faculty of the free intellectual activities commit tee in the selection of eminent lec turers. The committee is composed of Don Woodward, Eugenia Strick land and Wilbur Hayden. Hayden was appointed by Ran dall Jones, president of the student body. Hayden, who is a junior in medicine, is vice-president of Ore gon club and has had charge of the social activities of this organiza tion. , Victor Rislev, vice-president of the student body and acting presi dent at present, made public the ap ! pointment. Two business assistants have been recommended and appointed. They i are Olatus Meredith, journalism ma jor, and Harry Hemmings, eeonom '"s major. They will have charge ; n* *hc sale of tickets for the speak ers who address the students. EX STUDENT RECEIVES ADVERTISING POSITION Maurice H. Hyde, former Uni versity student, who recently gave up his position as advertising mana ger of Lipman Wolfe and company to accept a place as divisional ad vertising manager of The Empor ium, San Francisco, writes enthus iastically of his new work. POSITIONS LISTED j IN BASKETBALL ! First Interclass Contest Scheduled for Tonight: Captains to Be Elected TIME FOR EVENT SET Substitutes Rate Points: Swimming Meets Given Preference in Conflicts The junior an‘I sophomore wo men’s basketball teams were an nounced last night after class prac tice. The members of the junior teams are as follows: First teams: Centers, Janet Wood, Waiula Plinez; forwards, Mildred Onslow, Ruth MacGregor; guards, Irva Dale, Alta Knits. Second team: Centers, Edna Mur phy. Elizabeth Lotinsberrv; guards, Mary Conn, Betty Lewis; forwards, Margaret Dobbin, Regina Da vault. No substitutes. Teams are Announced Those winning places on the sophomore teams are: First team: centers, Margaret Pepoon, Mayfan | Virpillat: forwards, Vesta Scholl, ! Elian Fargher; guards, Nelly Best, Myrtle Mast. Second team: cen ters, Rohm Williams, Ellene fioet ( bins; forwards. Lillian Luders, Ruth Melsome, guards, Katherine Osborne, Arlene Butler. Substitutes, Maylirey Strong, Avis Langmach, Gladys Bristol and Lucille Pearson. Captains are to be elected tomor row. The first inter-class game on the schedule will be played at 5:10 to night. The second team will meet the junior second team. The sopho more first team will meet the fresh man first team. Next Monday, the sophomore second team will meet the freshman second team. Junior first team will compete with sen ior first team. Content Dates Set The complete schedule is as fol lows: Friday, February O PHq t 0 Roy Okerberg USSEMBLY SPEAKER INTERESTS AUDIENCE < Moral culture is ns essential to success as an intellectual founda- , tion or a pleasing and energetic personality, according to Fred B. ! Smith in his assembly address on I “Fundamental Education.” Mr. Smith has the poise and skill of the experienced speaker and his ! unexpected blunt frankness and good-natured chuckle are well cal culated to win the interest of his j audience. Tn consoling the slow student, he i said, “I am always suspicious of stars—stars of any kind—they shine during four years at college, ! then their 'ight suddenly goes out. Tf one of mv children—and T have plenty of them—should come to me and tell me he was head of his | class, I’d be worried.” adding, i “J’ve never been worried. “Tt is the eternal perseverance j that wins,” ho declared in praising! the student who keeps on although I he is not n brilliant student and who gets lonely or discouraged, or 'who “walks on every one else’si ! feet at the dance.” The sort of student that received the speaker’s, ' denunciation is what lie designates as a “conceited fool with morals ! that are beginning to break down.” | i Character, he said, is a culture with its roots in faith and religion. “Live on a lofty plane,” was his closing admonition. Mr. Smith made his first visit to ; the campus 2." years ago, and since that time he has returned on the average of about once in every four years, so that, each “generation” at the University has known bim. Tn recalling these visits, he humorously observed, “T am not surprised that there have been so many successful students going out from this Uni versity.” PROFESSOR TO SPEAK AT PORTLAND MEETING Professor W. TV O. Thaeher, of the school of journalism, will speak on the “Function of Advertising in the Trade Journal.” at the monthlv meeting of the Trade and Class Journal Association meeting in Portland. Saturday, February 14. which Professor Thaeher and Ralph T>. Casey plan to attend. This meeting will consider the program for the Trade and Class section of the newspaper confer ence to be held on the campus March 13 and 14. OREGON QUINTET FREE HARD GAME I 1 Handicapped Varsity Plays | On Foreign Floor; 0. A. C. To Be Met in Big Game — | HOBSON TO COMPETE I '■ I i Aggies Develop New Style Of Play; Large Turnout 1 Of Veterans is Available . j Depending directly on the out. ■ come of the contest between the Beavers and Oregon (tomorrow i night, are tlie chances of the Lem on-Yellow- or the Aggies to win a coast conference pennant. Which ever team loses is practically elim inated as a championship contender. Oregon will be handicapped in more than one respect as the var sity will lie playing on a foreign floor, and sickness has played a rather hard part with the team, al though at present the quintet is in fair condition. By comparative scores, O. A. 0. has the better chance for a vic tory, as the Aggies have defeated the Huskies, a feat the varsity was unable to accomplish. Lineup Is Arranged Howard Hobson is back on the team and is playing up to usual form which will greatly aid the varsity in its fight with the Aggies. Iluss Rowans and Howard Hobson and Okerherg will np doubt start at forward and center. Ted Gil len waters and Swede Westergren will complete the lineup playing at guard. As the result of the Oregon Washington contest last week-end, Coach Reinhart has discovered a good defensive man in Chuck Jost who will probably break into the fray Saturday night. Jost, a rangy guard, may prove valuable in check ing up the fast breaking Aggie for wards. Aggies Have Strong Team The O. A. C. lineup will probably include Ridings and Baker as for wards with Brown, lanky, dangerous tip-off man, at center. Stoddard and Steele will play at guard. The Aggies are trying to develop a new style of game, playing more of a percentage game of basket ball. Under this system, the Beaver forwards play for the breaks and then, break with almost unstopnblo speed. Bob Hager, Beaver coach, (Continued on page three) SIGMA DELTA CHI HOST TO T. HAWLEY TAPPING T Hawley Tapping, past national president of Sigma Delta Chi, na tional honorary journalism frater nity, will visit the loeal chanter of the organization today. Mr. Tapping came to Eugene yesterday afternoon and was entertained at a banquet at the "Osborn hotel, last night, by local alumni of Michi gan university. The visitor will be honored by Oregon members of Sigma Delta Chi at a breakfast to be given at 8 o’clock this morning at the Col lege Side Tnn. All members of the fraternity are asked to be present by Harold A. Kirk, president of the local chapter. Mr. Tapping is at present mak ing a tour of the Pacific Northwest in the interests of the University of Michigan alumni organization, addressing alumni in the various cities he visits. FELLOWSHIP GROUP TO STUDY AUSTRALIA The second meeting of the dis i cussiojj group studying Australia under the direction of the World Fellowship committee, takes place 'today at the Anchorage during the lunch hour. The topic for discus sion will be “History and Racial Characteristics of Australia.” The group studying Norway met at the Rungalow at 6:00 yesterday. Members of the group presented re ports on information which they j had secured during the past two weeks and a discussion followed in which various members of the group participated.