Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 05, 1925, Image 1

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Wrestlers Will Hold Matcf
In Men’s Gymnasiurr
Saturday Afternoor
Davis and Wingard Will Try
Out for 135 Pound Berth;
Elimination Bout is Today
With the exception of men in twc
weights, Coach Wiclmer has selected
his wrestling team, which will meet
the University of Idaho grapplers
Saturday afternoon in the men’s
gymnasium. The definite time for
the meet has not been set, as word
has not been received, when jthe
Vandal aggregation will arrive.
Ford, letterman in the 125 pound
division last year, will again repre
sent Oregon in the same weight.
Ford has been displaying consider
able class in his workouts and earn
ed the right to wrestle again. Whit
comb, also a letterman, who had
been training all season for this
"berth, injured his rib which put him
out of the race this season.
The 1.35 pound berth will be won
by either Davis or Wingard. Wid
mer will hold an elimination bout
today and a winner will be picked
to go against the invading Vandals.
Both men are fast and are exper
ienced and the grappling mentor
predicts that a close match will be
staged between these men. Wingard
wrestled for the frosli last season
whileDavis was a member of the
babe squad several years ago. Last
year Davis wrestled for the Mult
nomah club of Portland.
Johnson Drops Out
The wrestler in the 145 pound
class to wear Oregon colors Satur
day has not been selected, but
“Ole” Peterson and Woods are the
outstanding candidates and will
also wrestle today in an elimination
bout. Johnson, who has been show
ing up well in his workouts, has
dropped out of the game because
of other activities. Peterson was
a member of the varsity wrestling
squad last year while Woods work
ed for the green-cappers.
Harry Leavitt by his showing in
the workouts has been selected as
"the 158 pound representative. Coach
Widmer stated that Leavitt, though
slightly overweight now, would get
down to the required weight before
the match. He is a sophomore and
was the 158 pound grappler on the
first year team during the pjast
lueii iivomy xuaccaea
By throwing Jones in an elimin
ation bout Wednesday Cartwright
•won the 175 pound berth. These
en were evenly matched and the
first five minutes ended in a draw
and after an extra two minute per
iod Cartwright managed to pin
Jones to. the mat. Although inex
perienced, Jones showed consider
able ability in this bout.
Coach Widmer stated Wednesday
evening that if the Idaho squad
would arrive Friday evening the
men would weigh in at 9 o’clock
Saturday morning. The time may
be changed, depending upon the ar
rival of the visitors.
If present plans work out the
University of Oregon will have the
honor of participating in the second
radio debate in history, so far as is
known, where two broadcasting sta
tions are used and the teams are
hundreds of miles apart. “Arrange
ments are now being worked out for
a date some time this spring for a
debate between the University of
Oregon and Stanford university,”
said Alfred Powers, who is in
charge of radio activities on the
So far as is known, the first radio
debate in history was held Febru
ary 29, 1924, between the Univer
sity of Oregon and the University
of California. By decision of the
radio fans, who listened in to the
(Continued on page four)
All Californians
To Skate Tonight
Is Edict of Club
j The California club will hold
| its first social affair of the year
' tonight, in the form of a skat
! ing party at the Winter Garden.
The club is now being reorgan
! ized, and a number of social af
fairs are being planned, the first
of which is to be a dance. The
members of the club are students
who come from California.
The invitation to meet with the'
members in front of the Peter Pan,
at 7:30 tonight, and thou pro
| ceed to the Winter Garden, is
j extended to all students who now
I live, or who have lived in Cali
Dance Set ,for (Next Week
At College Side Inn
Plans for the dime crawl spon
sored by the Women’s League are
now taking on an entirely different
feature. The first one of this term
will be next Wednesday, February
11, from 4 to 5:30, in the College
Side Inn. Heretofore the dances
have been held at the different
women’s organizations for an hour
after dinner. Music will be fur
nished by Del McBride and his or
^ cliestra.
i As usual, “A dime admits you to
j the brawl,” but once in, the danc
■ ers can stay as long as they wish.
Each man is expected to bring a
girl, and all are advised to get their
dates early.
All the plans lie in the hands of
a pep committee composed of Rod
ney Keating, Bill Peek, Basil
Burke, A1 Westergren, Bob Gard-1
ner, Bob Mautz, Paul Krause,!
Steele Winterer, Carl Dahl, Clifford
Zehrung, Chick Roseuburg, Tom,
Mahoney, and Truman Sether.
Lientenant E. 6. Arnold, instruct
ing officer of the E. O. T. C., has
received transportation expenses
from the government and will leave I
Saturday on the Shasta Limited j
for Presidio. California, where he i
will receive treatment at the Let
terman general hospital.
Lieutenant Arnold had planned to
leave about two weeks ago but
waited for definite arrangements to
be made for his treatment. His
duties will be handled by the other
army officers of the R. O. T. C. '
during his absence.
Entering Freshmen Will Be
Given Intelligence Tests
To Determine Ability
Students to Be Sectioned
According to Results
Obtained From Tests
At the meeting of the faculty yes
terday, it was decided to approve
the report of the committee ap
pointed to investigate the Seashore
plan, concerning intelligence test
Tlie committee reported in favor
of giving intelligence tests to all
members of the freshman class next
Fall. This will not be for the pur
pose of excluding students, but for
the purpose of ascertaining the
general mental ability of the enter
ing class.
The faculty also approved in
general a second reeonntiendation
of the committee,—the principle of
sectioning large classes on the bas
is of intelligence testing. In this
case, the tests would be supple
mented by the performance of the
Both recommendations were sub
mitted by Dr. Bay Wheeler of the
psychology department. The com
mittee will continue to make fur
ther investigations.
Following the meeting of the fac
ulty members of the Oregon chap
ter of the American Association of
University professors voted to send
a telegram to Senator William
Borah of the senate foreign affairs
committee, urging that the commit
tee report to the senate the world
court plan. The university profes
sors believe that the United States
should participate in the world
court. They pointed out that this
plan had been approved both by
President Calvin Coolidge and Sec
retary Charles E. Hughes.
Maud Graham, ’24, who is on the
physical education staff of Pacific
university, is visiting on the campus
where she has been attending vari
ous classes in the department of
physical education. She is being
entertained at the Delta Zeta house,
of which she is a member.
Miss Graham played on the sen
ior tennis, hockey, and baseball
teams, and was a member of Her- .
mian, honorary physical education
organization. She will return to her
work today.
Chivalry Blooms
On Campus Still,
Evidence Shows
The advance March gale that
sallied down on the campus yes
terday, whipping brilliantly liued
slickers mercilessly, proved itself
the proverbal ill wind that did
blow some good.
At 3:14 yesterday afternoon,
while chronically belated students
strove vainly to hurry against
the latest freak of Oregon’s
weather, the gale was at its high
est. Two co-eds were struggling
with books, flying coats, and
hats, that slipped periously.
Suddenly, a filmy, blue some
thing floated past the Pioneer,
and on down the path. One of
the girls cried, “0, mv handker
chief!” as she clutched at her
“I’ll get it,” said a young man,
who was passing. He pursued
the flying object, and returnefl
it. with a smile. The girl thanked
him, and they went on to their
respective classes. “Chivalry
isn’t dead here at Oregon,” re
marked her companion.
“Fundamental Education”
Is Assembly Topic
Arriving on liis lecture tour from
the University of Washington this
morning, Fred B. Smith, interna
tionally' known for his activities
with the Y. W. C. A., will .make his
first address on the campus at the
regular assembly period in the
Woman’s building. His subject will
be “Fundamental Education.”
Although no longer officially con
nected with the American Y. M. C.
A., Mr. Smith is best known for the
work he has done in that field. For
perhaps 15 years he was one of the
international secretaries, and be-1
cause of his ability as a public,
speaker was very much in demand.
He has made at least one trip
around the world. During the war,
Mr. Smith was very popular at the
His greatest work in America
now is to arouse public interest
in law enforcement. When the com
mittee of One Thousand was chosen
last year to meet in Washington,
D. C., in the interest of law enforce
ment, Fred B. Smith was made
Two-day Visit Scheduled
Besides his assembly address, Mr. j
Smith’s program is as follows:
7:15 Thursday night in Villard,I
subject, “Is America a Great Na-1
Friday noon, luncheon with com-1
mittee of hundred at “Y.”
4:15 Friday afternoon, at “Y,”j
subject, “The World Outlook—-j
Peace or War, Brotherhood or Revo- j
Thursday noon Mr. Smith will
(Continued on page three)
Oregon’s New Grid Mentor
Tells Sports Writers
Of Plans for Training
Coach Hopes to Develop
Kicker and Center for
Varsity Football Team
Rigid training and strict disci
pline will be emphasized in coach
ing the 1925 Oregon varsity football
team, said Dick Smith, new head
coach, at a meeting of the Sport
Writers’ association held yesterday
noon at the Anchorage. Coach
Smith and Virgil Karl were guests
at the first of a series of bi-monthly
luncheon being held by the asso
While, Coach Smith is not plan- j
ning to establish a complete com
pliance with all training rules dur
strictly enforce careful living for
ing the spring turnout, he will
the varsity squad in the fall. Ore
gon faces a hard schedule next fall
and several big contests come early
in the season, necessitating an early
rounding into condition of the team.
Men who fail to keep all training
rules next fall will be dropped from
the squad, Coach Smith said.
When spring turnouts start next
Monday afternoon Smith plans to j
work with the center candidates j
and the kickers especially. Smith '
believes that most of the response j
bility for speedy running of plays'
rests with the center and expects to
put in much of his time in develop
ing a capable snapperback.
To Develop Punters
Oregon lost considerable yardage
last season because of weakness in
punting, Smith pointed out, and the
new mentor will attempt to improve
tiiis department of the game for
next fall. He expects to work all
spring with two or more kickers
and to keep them practicing during
the summer, if necessary.
Smith does not favor any par
ticular system of football, but plans
to have his team thoroughly drilled
in fundamentals. Much of the work
this spring will bo drill in the rudi
ments of the game and the new
coach expects to keep his squad out
this spring until satisfied that they
are thoroughly versed in the funda
Fifteen lettermen are expected to
be back for places on the team but
Smith declared that every man turn
ing out will have an equal chance, I
with him, o*f making the varsity, j
When he lines up two teams fori
their first scrimmage the old sec-j
ond team will be in the places of;
the varsity and lettermen will have
to work their way into the lineups
(Continued on page four)
Women’s Aquatics
Are Handicapped
By Vaccinations
Women’s swimming is being
seriously handicapped by the re
o ('curing seiges of vaccinations.
No teams have been announced
by any of the houses and the
swimming coach has not yet
been able to arrange a schedule
for the expected meet.
Definite plans will be an
nounced as soon as the handi
cap of vaccination cases can be
sufficiently overcome.
Dr. Williams Says World
Needs More Knowledge
One of the things the world needs
today is a better knowledge of sci
ence, said Dr.Alexander Williams
Jr., secretary of the American
Chemical society committee which
will award essay contest prizes,
speaking to a group of students and
faculty at Alumni hall Tuesday
“The American Chemical society
is the only great chemical society
in the world today which is at
tempting to do anything along the
line of public education,” said Dr.
Williams. “First, you have to
make people think; the man in the
street doesn’t know what the sci
entist is trying to do and he cer
tainly hasn’t the faintest concep
tion what political influence sci
ence has on the world.
Scientific Importance Given
“The whole peace of Europe is
bound up in the Ruhr question,
which is an economic necessity.
Everywhere you look, a lonely man,
working in his laboratory, is dis
covering something. Theso little
things that apparently mean noth
ing on the surface are the small
muses of effects.
“Mr. Francis P. Garvin, of New
York, wanted to do something of
educational value, and ho donated
$10,000 of which $0,000 was in cash
awards. East year more than a
half million boys and girls wrote
essays and fully a half million
people read books upon the subjects.
The society is not trying to make
chemists, but they are trying to
give the boys and girls and the man
in the street an idea of chemistry
and its relation to every basis of
human life.
The scientist is the only intellli
gent man in warfare, according to
Dr. Williams. “There is no glitter
nr glory to war. You never have
to use your brain. It is a business
where you get your throat cut by
someone you have not quarreled
with. Just remember that a war
lo come will not be a pretty parlor
Decorations Will Be Plain,
In Keeping With Custom
During Fifteenth Century
Gay and Brilliant Costumes
| Decreed Proper Garb for
New Traditional Function
i ._
Importing t ho rare old atmos
phere of medieval Normandy, tlio
j age of brilliant costume and cus
tom, into the modern air of tlio
Oregon campus is a feat that is
being ably accomplished by the
Knights of Oregon fof their first
annual costume ball to be given
Friday night at the Woman’s build
The Knights, however, have her
alded the proclamation that any
!0110 "of in the garb of a student,
shall be considered as fittingly
robed for this festive occasion; thus
one attending the dance will be
spared the time and expense of pre
paring a fancy costume, should one
wish to come in simple attire.
“This dance,” said John Boswell,
chairman of the affair, “will be one
of the outstanding events on the
University social calendar.”
The music, features, and enter
tainment will set a criterion for fu
ture functions, many students have
declared when the plans of the
dance were disclosed to them.
The Pi-id Pipers will furnish the
music for this dance which alone
is an attraction that should merit
the patronage of every campus
amusement seeker. Another fea
ture which further enhances the
value of this ball is that no dance
outside of this function will be giv
en on this date at the Campa
Shoppe, or the College Side Inn.
The decorations will not be elab
orate but more in keeping with the
fifteenth century, period, this era
standing more for the designs of a
simple nature and calling for the
people to come in gay costumes.
With many students having
bought tickets to the affair, the
success of the dance has been par
ticularly assured judging by the
sale of the tickets. Couples desir
ing to purchase “admission cards’'
may find them on sale at the Co
Larry Riddle, in charge of the
features and the success of the
dance, is rather optimistic over the
manner in which the plans for the
dance are progressing.
It has already been decided by
the Oregon Knights to make this
ball an annual affair. It is ex
pected that this dance will rival
the success of other University
functions, and that the tradition
of this affair will be eagerly up
hold by future Knights.
The senior and freshman women’s
basketball teams have been chosen
ami will compete soon at the wo
men’s gymnasium to determine the
(lass championship.
The senior team members are:
First team; Grace Sullivan and
Wilma Manley, forwards; Mildred
Crain, .jump center; Golda "Boone,
running center; Alberta "McMonies
and Charlotte T.aTourette, guards.
Second team: Doris Barker and
Viona Pyritz, forwards; Irene
Buckley, jump center; LaVerne
Spitzenberger, running center; Stel
la Hagltind and Beatrice Amund
son, guards. Yvonne Smith is the
The freshman first team is made
up of: Nellie Johns and Esther
Hardy, forwards; Karle Land, jump
center: Helen Mumaw, side center;
Margaret Michel and Monica Mich
el, guards. Second team: Florence
Grebe and Eleanor Marvin, for
wards; Dorothy Gay, jump center;
Gertrude Koch, side center; Eleanor
Glass and Rose Cohen, guards. Sub
stitutes are Evelyn Anderson, Edna
Clark, Eldora Kingsley and Eleanor