Varsity Five Scrimmages Fast Eugene Team BADGERS RATED HIGH Second Team Scores Win Over Wendling Two long hard hours every even ing spent in practice and scrim maging various amateur teams, i* the program for the Oregon basket eers until the start of the coast conference schedule within the next two weeks. Realizing the necessity of whip ping a comparatively green team into shape so that it will not crack under the strain of a hard season, Coach Billy Reinhart is sending his hoop candidates through a stiff pace lately. Last night, a rather strong Eugene basketball team gave the varsity a tough workout that brought out many faults of the Oregon offense as well as defense. Tomorrow night, when the Lem on-Yellow quintet lines up against the Pacific five, the varsity will have a slight edge according tc the comparison of the scores made by each team against the same op ponents. However, the Badgers each year aim for the scalp of the Ore gon five, and with a fairly strong quintet, the Pacific five might press the Oregon team to their utmost. Billy Reinhart intends to starl practically the same combination that played against Willamette last week-end, against the Badgers. Gowans and Hobson will start at forward, with Roy Okerberg com pleting the forward part of the line up. Swede Westergren and Ted Gillenwaters will complete the quin tet. The combination of Wester gren and Gillenwaters at guard has proven to be the best pair working together. Llewllyn and Chiles will be ready to step in at forward, while Prank Reinhart, Chuck Jost, and Jerry Gunther will no doubt play part of the game as guards. Although hampered considerably by lack of lettermen, Coach Rein hart has quite a list of reserves from which to draw. The second team has several promising candi dates. This team went down to Wendling, Oregon, on Tuesday and had little difficulty in scoring over 70 points on their opponents. PLANS FOR SENIOR CLASS DISCUSSED AT MEETING Sam Cook was named as general chairman to take charge of com mencement plans at the senior meet ing held last night at the College Side Inn. Further committees on this will be announced later, said Ted Gillenwaters, senior president. The progress of the work on the Senior ball was told the class by Junior Seton. .All seniors were urged to appear at the Woman’s building, Saturday at 11 o’clock to help decorate for the dance. Plans were discussed for the sen ior party to be held the end%>f this month. The class voted against hav ing a kid party. It was decided that campus clothes were to be worn. Bill Poulson is in charge of the plans. The entertainment is to be a line party at one of the theatres followed by skating at the Winter Garden. The date will be announced later. Dancing followed the business meeting of the class. FORMER OREGON MAN GETS HAWAIIAN POST Emerald F. Sloan, ’22, who was Tanking: cadet officer of the local unit of the R. O T. C. during the year 1921-22, has been ordered to Honolulu, H. T., by the war depart ment, according to a notice in the Army and Navy Journalf Sloan is now second lieutenant of the 4tli Inflantry, stationed at MEssoujla, Montana. The orders are to take effect on May 14, 1925. Sloan was granted a leave of absence starting on May 2. It is probable that he will sail for the Hawaian Islands from San Francisco. The ex-Oregon student has been in ! military service since graduating in June of 1922. His military rec ord at the R O. T. C. here was so good that he was givap a commis sion as second lieutenant after tak ing only a physical examination. Campus Bulletin Notices will be printed in this column for two issues only. Copy must be in this office by 5:30 on the day before it is to be published, and must be limited to 20 words. Seniors living out of organizations put write-ups for senior section of Oregana in box in library vesti bule. Name, home-town, organiza tions, activities, offices, major subject wanted. The Y. W. C. A. Meeting which was to have been held this afternoon has been postponed because of a conflict with the Women’s League meeting scheduled for the same time. Educational Seminar will meet in room 2 of the Education building, Thursday evening, Jan. 15, at 7:30. Miss Theodora Ellwell will speak on visiting teacher work. There will also be a report on the O. S. T. A. Mazama Hike—Meet at Administra tion building 10 o’clock Sunday. All invited. Destination is Spen cer’s Butte. Pan Hellenic Representatives are asked to meet in Dean Esterly’s rooms in the Woman’s building at 4:15 Friday. Women’s League Mass Meeting today in Villard at 5 o’clock. University Vespers—Sunday, Janu ary 18, 4 p. m. Methodist church. Address by Rev. C. M. Hill, U. of O. 1881, president Baptist Di vinity School, Berkeley, Calif. Craftsmen Club—Will meet at club house for dinner at 0 o’clock Thursday evening. Important business. Annual Meeting of Co-op Store— Thursday, January 15, afternoon, 4 o’clock at Villard hall. Hammer and Coffin—Meets today at the Campa Slioppe. Important session, $1 fine if absent. Oregon Knights—All Knights and pages meet in Condon Hall at 7:30 tonight. Important meeting. Dial—Regular rdeeting tonight in Woman’s building. Practice Teachers — Assignments will be made at a meeting Mon day, January 19, room 3, educa tion building, at 4 o’clock. All expecting to begin supervised teaching must attend. Pi Lambda Theta—Luncheon today noon, College Side Inn. Import ant meeting. Thespian Meeting—Today at 5:00 j in Journalism building. (El Circulo Castellano—Wednesday | evening, 7 p. m., Y. W. bungalow. Oregon Normal School Club — An important business meeting of the Oregon Normal School Club will be held at 7:15 Wednesday in the Y. W. C. A. bungalow. Large attendance imperative. Oregon Knights Meeting—Impor j tant meeting in Condon hall at 7:30 tonight. Practice Teachers—Expecting to be gin supervised teaching file com plete copy of schedule this week with H. R. Douglass, or at ap pointment bureau. Women’s League Executive Coun cil—Meeting tonight in Woman’s building at 7:45. Oregana Money—All representa tives are asked to turn in their money either at the graduate manager’s or the Oregana office by one o’clock, Friday. Junior Class Meeting—Today at College Side Inn at 5 o’clock. Very important business regard ing Junior week end and class darice. Men’s Oregon Club—Unaffiliated men interested in doughnut wrestling sign up at the gym to day. Sigma Delta Chi—Meets today at Anchorage. Upton Close will be present. f COMING EVENTS! j o- I Thursday, January 15 Oregana Subscription Drive, j Library booth and living organi zations. 11:00 a. m.—Assembly, Wo man ’s building. 4:00 p. m.—Co-op meeting, Villard hall. Friday, January 16 8:00 p. m. — Pacific-Oregon basketball game, Armory. 8:00 p. m.—“Aquatic Geol ogy,’’ Professor F. S. Dunn, sta tion K6W. Saturday, January 17 8:30 p. m.—Senior Ball, Wo man’s building. O-—4> PATRONIZE EMERALD ADVERTISERS COAL IS YOUR BEST FUEL Rainier Coal Co. Phone 412 15 E. 7th CROSLAND TO START NEW RESEARCH WORK I _ [ I Proofreading Experiment Made By Request Dr. Harold R. Crosland, assistant professor of psychology, is formulat ing plans to start research on a new phase of proof reading. “The pur pose of the research will he to de termine the effect of minute char ! acteristics of letters on legibility or accurate reading,” said Dr. Cros land, This piece of research is being carried on as a result of requests from all over the country. Among those interested in it are a promin ent New York City advertiser, a j Chicago printing company, a man of | national reputation who used to I work for the monotype people, a [ prominent newspaper publisher in Seattle, and a New York City ex pert on the questioned authority of typewritten and handwritten mat ter. “All these people have writ ten me asking that I undertake the I investigation, ” he said. “Can one perceive a vertical let iter more quickly than a curved jone?” is one of the questions Dr. j Crosland will attempt to answer in his research. There is a possibility that his discoveries may revolution j ize type. He will determine such question as to whether the percep tion of six point type is easier than that of eight, ten, or possible twelve point; or does the eye perceive Gothic type quicker and easier than Cheltenham. The experiment will be carried on from a purely scientific angle. Psy chological principles will be applied in the findings. The proof sheets from Dr. Cros land’s previous experiment in proof reading will be used, and a graduate student will assist in the experi ment. PREPARATIONS MADE FOR ANNUAL JURY DAY These are busy days for students and faculty of the art department in preparation for Jury day, Janu ary 21. Materials “for the exhibit are being completed and stunts and features for the entertainment planned and rehfcarsed. Judges from Portland to pass criticism on the workr of the students are: Mrs. 'Lucy Ramberg, portrait painter and etcher, Miss Barker, secretary to Dr. Kenneth McKenzie of the Medi cal school in Portland; C. D. James, Folger Johnson, Morris Whitehouse, John Bennis, and Joseph Jaccober ger. Because of the numerous contrib utions by members of the architec ture department, there will be many talks on that subject by prominent : architects who will visit the ex hibition. Miss Barker, who is a collector of antiques, will give a talk on antiques and also on the weave, color and use of textiles. PORTLAND ARCHITECT REGISTERS AS STUDENT Studies R e s*u m e d After Seven Year’s Absence A student who says he has been absent from school seven years and who has once more returned to his Alma Mater is Albert Gambell ol the school of architecture of this university. Mr. Gambell, who is a Portland builder and architect registered at the beginning of this term for the second time since 1917, ,when he entered as a freshman. He studied only a year in the school of architecture and then went to Port land where he attended the school of “hard knocks’’ until he became ian architect. He went into busi ness for himself, planning and con structing houses, with several work ers under him. He joined an ar chitects club, where he was able to keep up to a certain extent his study of the work, and continue his business at the same time. Not un til this year has he been able to resume his studies at the University and that only because building dur ing the winter months is retarded. When the rush of spring building begins he will have to return to Portland. “I expect to continue studying university work, if I am able to do so. I hope to go to Europe some day when my work permits me.” Mr. Gambell said, sketching a quaint, turreted castle enveloped in clouds on the smooth top of his all my life, even after I finish my drawing table. “In the meantime, I’m going to try to make up for the years I’ve lost away from the University.’’ NORMAL SCHOOL CLUB PETITIONS LEGISLATURE The request for the Oregon Nor mal school appropriation will be supported in resolutions to be sent to the legislators by the Oregon Normal School club. At a meeting pf the club held in the Y. W. C. A bungalow last night, a committee was appointed to draw up the resolutions and mail them, to show that the campus organization is supporting the call for funds tc .strengthen the normal school. Mrs Elsie Bolt is chairman. O. W. Hayes, superintendent ol schools in Cottage Grove, addressed the club, giving a brief resume ol the aims of the teachers of the state in co-operating with President J. S. Landers of the state normal school, and J. A. Churchill, state school superintendent, in meeting the demand for trained teachers. He pointed out that the present normal school needs additional funds, and that if it does not re ceive this aid before the next ses sion of legislature, its attendance will be too large for the present equipment and faculty to accom modate. Joyous Laughter SKATING Sparkling Eyes ROLLLER The Health Builder _ . Everyday—2:30 and 7:30 Clean Fresh Air—No Dust—Warm and Comfortable WINTER GARDEN ' Telephone 1942-J FUN FUN VARSITY PANTS Prince of Wales Style 19V2-in. bottoms ALL WOOL Closing Out SALE ; jLMIGE GLASSES ENROLL IN HORSEBACK RIDING Many Beginners Taught Rudiments of Sport The popularity of riding as a sport among University of Oregon women is shown by the large en rollment at Bangs Riding academy, where classes this term are averag ing about ninty students. This ac tivity is recognized by the depart ment of physical education as a ^substitute for other forms of wo men’s gymnasium work. Beginning classes arb first taught to mount and dismount correctly. Each girl is then taught to saddle. Cautions about the various common dangers encountered in riding are emphasized and demonstrated as far as possible. Instruction in actual riding includes a walk post ing at a trot, and galloping. Posting is a term used by horsemen for the established methods used on the part of the rider in adapting him : self to the rhythm of gates of a horse. A test for good horsemanship given later in the term, consists of riding at a trot and gallop as in dicated by the loader, while hold ling in the right hand a spoon con jtaining a pebble. Only a smooth I,rider can keep the pebble in the ^spoon. Rides are usually of eight mile lengths. A series of attractive trails in surroundings of mountain like appearance are especially popu lar with all classes. These trails are useable almost the entire sea son due to the rapidity with which ,they dry out after heavy rains. Indoor sports, a certain number of terms of which are required by the University, reduces the riding classes in the winter term to an average of about 35 members. These winter classes are usually composed of people who ride regu larly and are devoted to the sport | to an extent beyond the average. ■ Regular rides constitute the pro 1 gram for the term. | Hurdling is the spectacular fea ture of the spring term. The saw ! dust ring of the Eugene fair | grounds is used in the practices. Listen Ye Collegians! If you want a real honest to goodness shave or haircut— Drop into the CLUB BARBER SHOP Geo.W.Blair 814 Willamette "1 ... Formation riding and fancy drills are included in the regular work of the term, as well as cross coun try runs and flag chases. The lat ter is conducted much like hare and hounds. All riders are inside an area enclosed by a fence. The lead er leaps the fence and the remain der of the class must follow his maneuvers until he is caught. A riding exhibition or some simi lar event near the end of the spring term is the climax of the year’s work. FULTON’S Adler Collegian CLOTHES SUITS — OVERCOATS in the season’s acknowledged leading styles. Clothes that will be in vogue next season—clothes made by a house with 67 years of incomparably favorable experience— clothes tailored by the best tailors in the clothing business. REDUCED 25 PER CENT $35.00 $40,00 $45.00 $50.00 $55.00 $57.50 $60.00 Suit Suit Suit Suit Suit Suit Suit or or or or or or or Overcoat Over joat. Overcoat.. Overcoat. Overcoat. Overcoat.. Overcoat. ■ 867 Willamette 867 Willamette I Sample Reductions in Suits and Overcoats ..$26.26 .$30.00 ..$33.75 ..$37.50 ..$41.25 $43.00 .$45.00 iHiiaiiiiBiiiiiBiinniiHiiiinnKinnimnii main Service PL.:. Just showing goods, wrapping them up and taking the price, is not enough. There must be SERVICE PLUS if the transaction is complete. Goods must be of dependable quality *—N O T shop-worn, imperfect or “seconds.” The price must be as low as the mar ket makes possible. The customer must be given every consideration; not hurried or delayed— courtesy must be unfailing. This is SERVICE PLUS—the kind of service you always enjoy at this Store. Are you strictly Up-to-Date? Every day new inventions appear to save you time, money and effort. All the time new comforts, new con veniences and new pleasures are being thought out for your individual benefit. Do you know about them? Are you up to the min ute on this vital news? o . 0 The advertisements bring you information of all this progress. Read them and you wilFknow about the very things that concern you most—things that have a very direct influence on your life and that of your family. The advertisements tell you where to get these things, how to get them and how much to pay. For ad vertising is a daily directory to wise buying. Don’t rob yourself of the benefits that come from regular and systematic reading of the advertising col umns. Advertising is altogether too important to be missed. Read it every day. —It’s a profitable practice—