VOLUME XXVI UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1925 NUMBER 57 DEBITE FIML5 TO BE TONIGHT Doughnut Winners Will Vie For Tau Kappa Alpha Cup In Last Contest of Year OPEN DOOR IS SUBJECT * - Hendricks Hall and Alpha Beta Chi Will Contend At Commerce Hall at 7:15 The final doughnut debate of the year will be held tonight when Hendricks hall, winner of the wo men’s doughnut contests last term, "meets Alpha Beta Chi, winner in the men’s debate group. The con tests will begin at 7:15 in Com merce halL Two Teams to Debate Each of the contestants will have ^ two teams in the debate, speaking both on the affirmative "and nega tive of the question, which is: ■“Resolvedj That the Japanese! should be admitted to the United States on the same basis that Euro peans are now admitted.” This ques tion is being widely debated this year and will be topic in the wo womens’ varsity meet with O. A. C. and Willamette. The winner in the contest tonight will receive the gold cup awarded to the final winner each year by Tau Kappa Alpha, men’s honorary forensic fraternity. Alpha Beta Chi will be awarded , another cup ■ by Tau Kappa Alpha i X as the winner of the mean's debates ; and Hendricks hall will receive a cup from Zeta Kappa Psi, women’s i honorary forensic fraternity for their winning of the womem’s dough- ] nut contests. Team Members Given The members of the teams that ! will speak tonight are: Alpha Beta j Chi affirmative, Max Robinson and i Wilford Long; negjativje, Kenneth < Rew and Elam Amstutz; Hendricks i hall affirmative, Margaret Clarke , and Leona Williams; negative, Aline Buster and Alta Knips. Members of th|e faculty will ( judge the debates tonight as they 1 did in the preliminary contests last ] term. Judges for the two contests j have not yet been definitely as- ( signed. Delta Zeta won the contest last year and was awarded the Tau Kap- i 4 pa Alpha cup for the year. The ^ names of the winners are engraved ( on the trophy each year. ! c c c ONLY THREE DAYS LEFT TO BUT BULL TICKETS Students have only three more days in which to obtain tickets to the Senior Ball, to be held Satur day evening, January 17, in the Woman’s building. They are urged by the ticket committee of the dance, not to delay if they wish to attend. Balcony accomodations have been made for anyone desiring to see only the ball. There will be no obstructing decorations or false ceiling to obscure the view, Pur thermore, unlike other dances, it •will be brilliantly lighted in tone with its Russian motif. The bal cony seats will be 25 cents. Although the dance is formal, ■corsages may be omitted, states the committee. This decision follows a ruling previously made by the Pan Hellanic council. Otherwise the dance will be entirely formal. One of the greatest attractions, aside from the dazzling decorations and Russian refreshments, is the feature. Victor Petroff and his ballet are coming from Portland and will include many Russian dances in their program. The Pav lowa Gavotte made famous by Anna Pavlowa, will be one of their numbers. There will also be divertisements and encores. * Classroom Mixup Brings Writers and Latinists Togethei Mr. Johnstone’s nine o’clock class in beginning Latin will meet, henceforth, in loon^f 4, Johnson hall, leaving the' stu dents of W. F. G. Thacher ’s nine o’clock short story class to its accustomed haunts. Yesterday morning, the young writers gazed in bewilderment when they entered their favorite meeting place, 104 journalism building, and found J. E. Ains worth Johnstone, of the Latin department, comfortably installed at the head of the table with a stack of Latin papers. The! next shock came in the form .of a group of freshman Latin students, boldly entering and demanding who was trying to usurp their class roam. One of the Latin students solved the trouble/ when he po litely suggested that the short story writers be allowed to go on with their class. The difficulty was the result of a misunder standing of the number of hours in the Latin course, which had been changed from its regular room in 107 Oregon building, be cause of a class in ebctempore speaking which wished to utilize the small platform in it. HERS FOR OREGANA MUSI BE PLACED NOW Manager Warns Students Today is Last Chance “Order now!” This is the phrase ised in connection with the 1925 Iregana drive for subscriptions, ’lacards, posters, and signs all over he campus warn the students that he last chance to order is today. The Oregana booth in front of the ibrary will be open from 8:30 to 1:30 this morning and those wish ng to order this afternoon can do o at the graduate manager’s of ice. Orders will not be taken for tudent subscriptions after today, ixcept in extraordinary eircum tances, said Kenneth Stephenson, irculation manager. Alpha Phi of the women’s living rganizations and Phi Kappa Psi of he men’s were the first*to go 100 ier cent in subscribing. It is ex acted that more houses will reach his mark and that the total num ler will be larger than ever be ore. Each house that subscribes 00 per cent will receive a free copy f the Oregana. Representatives in he various houses are asked to urn in their money by Friday at ne o’clock either at the Oregana ffice or at the graduate manager’s ffice. The tentative price of this year’s Iregana is set at $4.50. At the ime of ordering $2.00 is to be paid nd the remaining $2.50 is due at he time of the delivery of the book. !hecks may be dated ahead to Feb uary 1. The business manager re erves the right to change the price irovided the number subscribing is ot sufficient to meet expenses. The circulation manager warns all tudents that unless they order to ay they will have extreme diffi ulty in obtaining books later in he year. A limited number of year looks have been ordered and of this lumber the University is guaran eed a certain number. This lim ts the number available for stu ents and only those who order dur ng the drive can be assured of heir books. The Oregana promises to be bet er than ever this year and every hing possible is being done to make t a good and accurate account of he school year. More pictures than ver are being used and a new in lovation will be colored section eads. It is expected that the Ore ana will be out on schedule time luring May. EMERALD EDITOR IS ILL IN INFIRMARY WITH COLD Don Woodward, editor of the Smerald, has been in the infirmary dnce Tuesday, with a severe cold. According to Doctor G. A. Boss, he s expected to be out in a few days. • LECTURE SERIES TO BEGIN SOON World Religions Subject of Discourses Sponsored By Campus Committee AUTHORITIES TO SPEAK Meetings to-Be Wednesday Of Each Week; Student Co-operation Requested A series of public lectures on world religions is being scheduled by the United Christian Work of the University of Oregon. The list of speakers includes only those who are authorities on their subjects, and the lectures are expected to, form a scholarly and stately series. Lecture Schedule Given Tha lecture series is as follows: January 21—“Psychology of Re ligion,” by Professor Edmund S. Conklin, of the psychology depart ment? January 28—“Primitive Relig ions,” by Professor Warren D. Smithy of the geology department. Pebruary 5 and 6—A series of addresses by Fred B. Smith, a noted New York lecturer, and vice-presi dent of the Johns-Manvillo Manu facturing company. February 11 — “Religions of Greece and Rome,” by Professor Frederick S. Dunn, of the Latin de partment. February 18—“Catholic Christ ianity,” by Reverend Edwin V. O ’Hara. February 25—“The Philosophy of Religion,” by Dr. George Rebec, of the graduate school. March 4—“Judaism,” by Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. March 11—“Protestant Christian ity,” by Bishop W. O. Sheppard, of Portland. Variety of Belief Shown An effort will be made in these lectures to show the breadth of the new field which the United Christ ian Work is attempting to fulfill. The variety oP religious belief, which will mark the lectures, is shown by the different denomina tions represented by the names of the speakers. The lectures are to be given every Wednesday evening, except in the case of Mr. Smith’s lecturers, which will come on Thursday and Friday. The series will be interrupted only by spring vacation, from March ,20 to 30, and by Holy Week, from April 5 to 12. The first two ad dresses are 1° be given in Alumnae hall. The cooperation of the student body in making this series a sig nificant one is urged. The lectures are to bp open to the public. The members of the committee in charge of the series are Professor Freder ic S. Dunn, chairman; M. H. Doug las; Dr. Warren D. Smith; and Rev. Henry W. Davis, ex-officio mem ber. VISITING DAY *OR WOMEN TO BE THURSDAY AFTERNOON University women’s visiting city is Thursday afternoon beginning at 2:30. Today those women whose names begin with G, H, I and J will be hostesses, in Alumni hall. All women who are connected with the University are invited to attend. Tea will be served at 4:30. GRATITUDE EXPRESSED FOR ANONYMOUS GIFT ° A letter has been received by the | University from J. Teuscher, Jr., i superintendent of the Boys’ and j Girls’ Aid Society of Oregon, lo-: cated at Portland, thanking it for a Christmas box received by the as sociation. This was evidently sent anonymously, as no trace can be found of the donors. In his letter Mr. Teuscher say3: “We thank you very -much for the gift of a box of Christmas toys and other things for our Christmas tree. ■“The day went off very happily for the 56 children who celebrated with us and our tree was gayly decorated and well supplied with gifts sent in just as yours were. ,“Our best wishes to each and every one connected with the Uni versity in any way.” Senior Write-Ups For Oregon Annual Due Next Week End The Senior section of the Ore gana is rapidly being compiled and write-ups to accompany pic tures must be obtained by the end of next week. A senior has been appointed in each or ganization to collect the write ups, and a box has been placed in the vestibule #f the library for those who live in private residences. The write-ups should contain: naftie, home town, liv ing organization, honorary fra ternities and clubs, major sub ject, activities and offices. It is important for those not reached by someone collecting writeups to leave them in the box. Those collecting them from organizations are requested to leave them on the bulletin board of the journalism building for Margaret Vincent by Friday, January 23. PRESIDENT CAMPBELL CONTINUES TO IMPROVE President P. L. Campbell is able to get out of doors daily and to enjoy the California sunshine, ac cording to word received by Karl W. Onthank, executive secretary. President Campbell is spending the winter at Coronado beach. He left Eugene Shortly after Christmas. VARSITY SWIMMERS DEFEAT FROSH TEAAA Good Showing Made in Conditioning Event Varsity swimmers beat the frosh in the first conditioning meet of the year. The water-babes were greatly handicapped by the illness of Norman Burke who is in the in firmary for a short time. This meet was only a conditioning event and was not open to the public. The first year men were weak in the dashes and distances but strong iin the diving events. Coach Fahl was well satisfied with the showing made and loojcs for great things from the varsity this year. The varsity and the first year men will officially open the season next Wednesday, January 22, in the Woman’s building tank. Strong competition will be presented by the froshSas Burke will be back in, the line-up. Results of last night’s trials are i as follows: 40-yard dash: 1—Lombard, 2—j McCabe, 3—Stome. 80-yard dash: 1—Lombard, 2— McCabe, 3—-Stone! 80-yard breast stroke: 1—Sin clair, 2—Kreiss. 220-yard dash: 1—Boggs, 2—Boy den, 3—-McCook. Plunge: 1—Samuels, 2—Mason, 3—Heider. Dives: 1—Byerly, 2— Riggs, 3— Stone. The varsity will be crippled to a great extent by the loss of Art Erickson, who now holds the Paci- j fic coast back-stroke record. Art i has left school and will not return ,this year. PHI BETA KAPPA PLANS TO GREET HIGH OFFICER On an official tour of Western college! and universities darly in March, Dr. Oscar M. Voorhees, sec- ; retary of the United Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, will be guest of the Oregon chapter for one day. DfT Voorhees’ visit will mark the] first reception of a national officer of -the organisation by the Oregon members, according to Dr. Dan E. Cl'ark, secretary of the Oregon chap- 1 ter, who holds advice from the na- ‘ tional headquarters at New York, I exxplaining a delay in the tour, : originally set for the first week in February. Though definite arrangements ! await further information of the date of Dr. Voorhees’ arrival in Eugene, local members of the hon orary fraternity are preparing a reception program under the super vision of Miss Mary H. Per kins, chapter president. CHORUS ADMITS STUDENT VOICES Eugene Oratorical Society Membership Limited to 100 Community Singers J. S. EVANS, DIRECTOR New Musical Organization Will Offer Opportunity For Special Training Student singers, both men and women, are eligible for membership in the newly organized Eugene Ora torio society which will hold its firjt rehearsal in the new school of music auditorium Mond&y at 8 p. m. The new society will give an opportunity for special training in chorus work. To a great number of Students of vocal ability who are not on the University glee clubs because of the limited membership of these organi zations, according to Professor John Stark Evans, musical director of the University. • * The new local musical organiza tion, which will probably be limit ed to 100 singers, will present an oratorio in the spring. The organi zation is open to all residents of the town and university commun ities who are interested in the pro duction of a large choral concert in Eugene in the spring, who have reasonable vocal ability. Those with some experience in choir work are particularly welcome. “The work of this society will prove valuable experience to any one with even a moderato voice, and will extend to the whole campus the privilege . of intensive work in a large and efficient singing or ganization,” said Professor Evans yesterday. “It is hoped that a large number of faculty and stu dents will avail themselves of this opportunity.” An organization meeting held in the University school of music Tues day named George H. McMorran, president; Glenn Morrow, vice presi dent, and Professor Evans, musical director of the society. Although the membership is limit ed at present to 100, that number may be increased if the vocal ma terial warrants it, according to the director. Dean John J. Landsbury of the University school of music has of fered the uso of the new auditorium with its $22,000 concert organ for rehearsals. INY ENTER CLASSES TO LEARN NEW SPORT Unusual interest in Oregon’s new est* sport, fencing, has been dis played by members of thq faculty, according to Coach Fahl. Already several of the pedagogues have signed up with Mr. Fa'hl, and so many have expressed a desire to take fencing that the department is now busy finding an hour for the class, that will be most con venient to all. These me|n realize the concentrated physical benefit, and the mental relaxation obtained from this ancient game, and are enthused over its sporting aspects. Almost as surprising is the ex ceptional number of students who have already sighed up, and who are daily testing the strength of their steel, in arm and in foil. Many of these men are taking fencing for the sport and training rather than the credit, and this is an in dication that its popularity will continue. The fencing “Billet” shows to date the following men: Ed Bohl man, Ferris Reid, Robert McKnight, Russel Lawrence, Bon McCook, Her bert Jones, Harold Gardineer, Ned French, Hollis Carey, Bill Prender gast, B. A. McPhillipa, R. Gilbert, Arthur Gale, R. Eppie, T. G. Hub bard, Herb Powell, Maurice Spatz, Don Templeton, Carl Robberson, Richard Hickrrtan, Harold Coolidge, Geo. Majorski, Herman Semanov, Lester Smith, Randall Burton, James Leake, Wayne Leland, and Lyle Wynd. |! Author Who Will | Tell of the Orient !<$.-0 DEMENT TO TM AT WOMEN’S MEETING League President Urges Large Attendance Women’s League will hold a mass meeting today at 5 o’clock in Vil lard hall. All the women on the campus are considered members of this organization and urged to at tend, because of several important measure which must be passed upon, said Winifred Graham, president of the League. A program has been planned for the meeting which will consist of several violin selections by Helen Caples, prominent Portland violin ist, who has just recently returned from studying in Fontainebleau, France. Doan Colin Dyment, head of the college of arts and sciences, and Dean Walker, student advisor, will talk on “Scholarship and Ac tivities.” Changing the date of Women’s League elections will be one of the matters under discussion, which will Toquire a vote, and Mary Jane Hatjiaway, chairman of the Wo men’s League {(residents’ conveh tion which is to be held here next spring, will explain the plans for entertainment of the delegates, and the purpose of the convention. WINNERS OF SHORT STORY CONTESTS IN UNIVERSITY Two previous winners of the Edi son Marshall 'short story contest are in the University this term, Margaret Skavlan, who won ,tho prize in 1923, and Elnora Keltner, 1924. The contest this year closes February 1, and all manuscripts must be turned in by that time with three copies. The name of the writer must not appear on the story submitted for the judges’ considera tion. JOSEF II. HILL TO SPEAK TODAY Author, Known as Upton Close, Will Talk at As sembly and Y. M. C. A. CHINA LECTURE TOPIC Speaker Famous As Writer, Traveler, and Authority On Oriental Subjects Reporter, adventurer, and author, Upton Close, equally well known by his true name of Josef Wash ington Hall, will deliver threte ad dresses today, concerning various phases of oriental politics, art, and commerce. The main speech will be given at 11 o’clock in the Woman's build ing, at the weekly assembly. The subject will be: “Adventures in Chinese Revolutions.” The address will ileal with present day political conditions in China, and their in ternational significance. Classes to Hear Talk At 10 o’clock Mr. Hall will ad dress a combined assembly of mem bers of the World History* World Literature and Editing classes, in the Y. M. C. A. hut. His subject will be: “Chinese Ginger—A Study of Chinese Taste in Culture and Art.” * The final lecture will ba given ■at 3:15, also in the hut. This is for business administration students and it will be on “The Orient in America’s Life and Commerce.” Those interested are invited to at tend all of the talks. Mr. Hall’s fame as an authority on Chinese history, politics, and art is widespread. The late Lord Northcliffe said of him; “I wish I bad |a hundred', youbf; rjen who knew as much about China as Up ton Close. . .” Member of Military Staff Mr. Hall’s information is first hand. He was on the scenfe| of most of the great happenings in China for a number of years, and took part in several revolutions. He went through three campaigns with Wu Pei-Fu, the grelat military chief, and was later madd a member of Wu’s staff, serving as English sec retary. Ho also participated in tha( con flict which restored the legitimate president, Li Yuan Hung, to office. Hall has written several books, and his latest, “In the Land of the Laughing Buddha,” has met with groat success. An outline of Chi nese history, written in collabora tion with Dr. H. H. Gowen of thej University of Washington, will soon make its appearance. While here Mr. Hall will. bo entertained; by members ‘of Sigma Delta Ohj, men’s professional journalism fraternity. Alhorta Potter will present Dvorak’s “Slavonic Dance” as the musical program. CROWDED CONDITION OF LIBRARY MARKS FIRST WEEK OF TERM Is an intellectual renaissance about to burst forth all unsuspected upon the University of Oregon campus? Thi inference might be drawn from a glance at the number of books taken out of the University library during the first week of the win ter term. And that is not all of the story, for the lflb rarjy itself is crowded from morning to night by “thirsty students seeking knowl edge.” From January 5 to January 13, an average of 585 books a day have been taken from the library shelves, (including the temporary and the reserve books). The average num ber of book* taken out over the same period of time last term was 288, a little over half as many. On two days last week, January 6 and 7, the total number charged out exceeded one thonsand volumes. Just what does this mean? Vari ous explanations are offered, other than the one with which thia ar tide is opened, by persons who tc fuse to believe that this sudden increase in the use of the library can have any such weighty signifi cance. A member of the library staff proposed that the inclement weather, whih persistently held sway during the first part of last week, drove the students indoors, and that they were forced to read in self defence—a disillusioning, nay, disheartening theory, to say the least. One cynically-minded upper-class man thought he could seo a signifi cant connection between this new frenzy for study fcnd the fact that 110 students of the University flunked out last term, and the great number of low grades given out. And so it goes, everyone offering a different interpretation. The* fact remains that books are still being drawn but in large numbers, and that students are reading them. It can't be an altogether unfavor able sign.