GDrcgan Saily |imerali» Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. DONALD L. WOODWARD . EDITOR EDITORIAL BOARD Managing Editor .Harold A. Kirk Associate Editor .-.Margaret Skavlan Associate Editor .-...-.Margaret Morrison Associate Managing Editor .Anna Jerzyk Desk Editor .No/ma J. Wilson Sports Editor .... George H. Godfrey Business Staff 7AMES W. LEAKE . MANAGER Associate Miftiaper . Frank Loggan Jim Case Night Editor This iBsne Dav Editor This Issue Web. Jones Assistant .Carvel Nelson ______ - o Expansion 0 rpiIE OFFER to the federal government of a free 10-acre site on the University of Oregon school of medicine cam pus for a United States veterans’ hospital is an offer (of significance. In authorizing the move at their meeting yester day the University hoard of regents must have had certain definite things in mind. The tract is part of the 88 acres given to the University by the widow and son of 0. S. Jackson of Portland. That increasingly greater scientific benefits could be reaped the state if congress should decide to locate the Veterans Bu reau hospital on this site will be apparent. It would mean fur ther concentration of medical interests. It would mean that other institutions of a kindred nature might spring up with such a ’precedent for stimulus. It would afford another of the much desired contacts with other states. In a comparatively isolated position geographically as both science and art go, the state can hope for a great deal in such undertakings, which are, of course, made possible by such donors as the Jacksons, and Dr. Noble Wiley Jones. For in the bequeathing of property, which benefits institutions, and the establishing of scholarships, which increase individual ef fectiveness, the state will materially profit both by a more efficient group of authorities on health and hygienic matters, and by a more informed citizenship. The tremendous lack of specific scientific knowledge, par ticularly in the natural sciences, has proved an impetus for more extensive and comprehensive research throughout the each, and the west should not be left behiind. Work such as that of Loeh and others in the biological field is an inspiration. What is lacking are the actual facilities and capital for such investigations. With the growth of hospitals and special opportunities for research, men of broader knowledge and greater skill are more and more employed in tho ordinary course of events. And the advantage of this is not alone in adding one specialist, but in providing contact between specialists. And beyond the state’s larger knowledge in this field, with its research into the causes and methods of preventing diseases and providing remedies for them, lies greater health for its citizens, and consequently greater prosperity and happiness. By a policy of conservation the state can be spared the expense, too, of caring for wasted man-power. Golf Claims Attention in Collegiate Sports Thirty Team Aspirants Out; Several Expert Players When the sun comes out from be hind the clouds with some air of permanence, then the sweater and golf club will take precedence over tho slicker. According to Coach George Bronough, some thirty men are out for the team. Tho out atanding players are Jack Marshall, runner-up in the Oregon state coast championship tournament at Gear hart; Lloyd Byerly, player in the championship flight of the last three state championship tourna ments, putting out John Uebstock, the medalist, in the last one; Bill McBride, who won the first flight of the fall tournament of the Eu gene country club and Tom Ma honey, Bob Neighbor and Paul Mathews. In the last few years intercol legiate golf has taken rapid strides to claim its rightful place among athletics. At Oregon however, it acems to lag a little. This season should see a change in attitude to ward the game since Oregon has two men on a par with any other golfers representing coast colleges. Washington, Stanford, California and Southern California all recog nize golf as a first class minor sport and award K tors for it, while West Virginia considers it a major sport. Last year Oregon was not able to participate in the annual intercol legiate golf tournament due to lack of funds, but this year if the pro per interest is shown this difficulty will doubtless be overcome. Coach Bronough plans to have an elimination tournament in April at the Eugene country club with the four final winners qualifying foi the team. These men will then be able to enter the annual intercol legiate golf tournament in Seattle next May. I Editorially Clipped | 0 _—--*> POTS AND KETTLES Although these nro democratic days in this great democratic land, one cannot get on unless ono is a member of a profession. If one fol lows a trade, or even if one en gages in business, ono just does not rate. That is one reason why newspa permen are at so great pains to de clare to all that they follow a pro fession. That is why the engineer classes himself with the medico, the cleric, the lawyer. That is why peddlers of vacant lots term them selves realtors. That is why sellers of “ H. V. 11.’s” and kitchen cab inets are mercators. And that is why barbers are now chirotonsors, and plan a campaign “to elevate the craft to a profession.” One changes a name, and thus is a pro fession born. , Hut there is one more thing neces sary before the trade becomes a full fledged profession. The group must have a written code of ethics. A ; code of ethics to a trade is like a college diploma to a young man. It i immediately gives some distinction ! and some prestige. With a code of ethics, whether followed or not, one group feels it self superior to others. In the words of the secretary of the Associated Master Barbers of North America, “Without a code of ethics we can have no higher position than tailors or bootleggers.” 1 The superciliousness in that re , mark does great credit to the spirit [ of democracy, where one can make j one’s self better by declaring others not as good as one is. Ohio State : , Lantern. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN LIMITS NUMBER OF DANCES University of Wisconsin Because of the reputation which the school has for excessive “fussing,” the ; number of dances will be limited. ‘ 1 Students agree that the tuxedo, in the eyes of the co-ed, takes pro icedure over the varsity letter (By “Gosh”) In a local soul-saving establish nent we noto according to adver ;isements in a daily paper that :here arei to be lectures on “The leography of $he Kingdom of Heaven” and also upen “Going Ibwards Sodom.” We recommend that all students interested in geo graphy and foreign travel attend; judging by the titles of the movies which attract the largest crowds of the pruriently curious we should imagine the latter would be better attended. Exchange of ideas: you swap your m:ore or loss absurd notions for jome of mine. Practically all centenarians are very virtuous fellows as far as we iiave been able to discover except for John Parr, the champion long liver, who died a prepnature death st the age of 157 years as the re mit of dissipation. “I wish this rain was alcohol,” said my damp room-mate. “But, my good roomate, stop and think. If it was, who would ilo the werk of the world!” I de manded. “There you go again, you damned cynic,” room-mate growled fiercely in reply, as he threw a knife across the room at nigger the cat who briskly leaped up my back, for pro tection. • • • Our weekly proverb: Most liars are just about as sincere as most other liars. * • • “Shall we dance?” says the popu lar co-ed, getting tirejd of conver sation. “No, I can’t, I’ve got a sore foot,” replies our bright freshman who majors in psychology, “but if you want to go through the move ments here on the sofa its all right with me.” Encouraging news for us takem out of Robinson’s “Mind in the Making”: “We find it Ward to be lieve that other people’s thoughts are as silly as our own but they probably are.” $>—------«$> At the Theatres © THE REX—Third day, Emer son Hough’s great epic of the plains. “North of 36,” by tho author of “The Covered Wag on” and featuring Jack Holt, Ernest Torrence, Lois Wilson and Noah Beery; the meet viv id portrayal of the winning of the west the screen has ever depicted; special atmospheric prolog, “Embers of the West,” featuring Aubrey Furry, bari tone soloist, at 7:20 and, 9:15. FeMx cartoon comic; Interna tional News; Rosner, in mu sical settings on the mighty Wurlitzer. Coming: “Love’s Wilder ness” with Corinne Griffith; Betty Compson in “The Gar den of Weeds.” THE CASTLE—First day, Glor ia Swanson and a splendid cast in “Manhandled,” glorious Gloria’s groatest feature to date. Comedy, “Low Tide” and Fox News Weekly. Stand ard Castle admission. Coming: Bebo Daniels in i“ Dangerous Money,” Helen Chadwick in “Her Own Free Will,” Zone Grey’s novel in natural colors, “The Wander er of the Waste Lands.” Rich ard Dix in “A Man Must Live.” HE1LIG — Tonight: Western Vaudeville presenting a ser ies of selected Orpheum acts in what is reputed to be one of the best bills on the cir cuit. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the new dbg star, “Peter The Great,’’ in “The Silent Accuser,” Next week, Sabatiini’s great masterpiece of the Spanish Main, “Cap tain Blood,” with ,T. Warren Kerrigan. ^--- ■ — EMERSON HOUGH STORY NOW PLAYING AT REX Not unlike the “Covered Wagon” in idea, cast and merit is the pic ture now playing at the Rex the atre, “North of 36’.” It is a story of early Texas, of a girl who, un der many odds, braves the dangers of the Texas trail to lead the. first herd of cattle over the 36’ line to the settlements of the pioneer West, the heart of the country. An unusually interesting Inter national News, Felix Cat comedy and a prologue in the form of a bit of atmosphere of the west by Aub rey Furry completes the program Alpha Phi announces the pledging of Doris Young of Bandon. Campus Bulletin i Notices will be printed in this column for two issues only. Copy must bo in this office by f. :'30 on the day before it is to be published, and must be limited to 20 words. j Craftsmen Club—Will meet at elub | house for dinner at 6 o ’clock Thursday evening. Important business. Annual Meeting of Co-op Store— Thursday, January 15, afternoon, 4 o ’clock at Villard hall. Hammer and Coffin—Meets today at the Campa Shoppe. Important session, $1 fine if absent. Oregon Knights—All Knights and pages meet in Oondon Hall at 7:30 tonight. Important meeting. Dial—Regular meeting tonight in Woman’s building. ' Practice Teachers — Assignments j will be made at a meeting Mon day, January 19, room 3, educa tion building, at 4 o’clock. All expecting to begin supervised teaching must attend. Pi Lambda Theta—Luncheon today noon, College Side Inn. Import ant meeting. Thespian Meeting—Today at 5:00 J in Journalism building. I El Circulo Castellano—Wednesday evening, 7 p. m., Y. W. bungalow. Plane Geometry Make-up Class— For thos# deficient in second semester's work in plane geome try meets Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 4 o’clock in room 101, Oregon building. Eula Benson, tutor, phone 1666-J. , Oregon Normal School Club — An important business meeting of the Oregon Normal School Club will be held at 7:15 Wednesday in the Y. W. C. A. bungalow. Large attendance imperative. Ye Tabard Inn—Meets Wednesday night, Shumaker cabin. Oregon Knights Meeting—Impor tant meeting in Condon hall at 7:30 tonight. Practice Teachers—Expecting to be gin supervised teaching file com plete copy of schedule this week with H. R. Douglass, or at ap pointment bureau. -- TOBACCO KINO TO ENRICH COLLEGE TAKING HIS NAME Modest little Trinity college, Dur-1 ham, North Carolina, may become the cultural center of the South and be to that section what Harvard and Yale are to the East, if it will consent to take on the name of its benefactor, James B. Duke, tobacco king and owner of a large electric power corporation in the south. If Trinity college does not desire to become Duke university, Mr. Duke has set aside $6,000,000 to immedi ately purchase a grant of land and initiate construction upon a brand new Duke university.—(New Stu dent News Service). RADIO SCHOOLS STARTED IN GERMANY AND AMERICA When John or Mary wish to go to college, in 1930; the only expense entailed will be the purchase of a radio 3et, if they wish to change colleges, that can be accomplished by changing the wave length. Radio schools have already been estab lished, according to reports emanat ing from Germany, and the states of Georgia and Kansas.—(New Stu dent News Service). VIGILANTES AT PRINCETON ENFORCE FRESHMAN LAWS Princeton University — If you have seen any freshmen wearing gaudy vests or yellow slickers; socks, shoes, garters or ties of any color except black; walking on the grass; smoking on the street or on the campus; out after 9 o’clock at | Bight; then it is your duty to re port him to the Vigilance commit tee. The Vigilance committee is composed of 25 sophomores sworn to enforce all traditions. It has been recently formed to combat the wholesome disregard for exist ing freshman customs. Communications Letters to the EMERALD from stu dents and faculty members are welcomed, but must be signed and worded concisely. If it is desired, the writer's name will be kept out of print. It must be understood that the editor reserves the right to reject communications. To the Editor: More might be said, it seems to me, of Fritz Leiber’s interpretation of Hamlet. To call Mr. Leiber’s work in this “casual,” as Mr. Larsen did in yes terday’s Emerald is to miss some what the point of that, remarkable performance. A better word, I think, might be “human,” or “na tural,” for the interpretation was, indeed, exquisitely human. His use of words was less grandoise than Hampden’s perhaps, and cer tainly less so than that of Kellard, the English actor. Yet the fact that his interpretation differs from those of other men who have ap peared in the part should be rather commended than criticized, since it implies both originality and sin cerity. Certainly it is not less ar tistic. This same quality of naturalness on the stage is as rare, I believe, as it is to be admired. It is that qual ity in a person like Duse which is so subtle as to evade analysis. Hather more noticeable than what Mr. Larsen considers the liberties taken with the meter of iambic pentameter were the liberties taken with the text, as when, instead of saying, “Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him well,” Leiber simply says, “Alas, poor Yorick,—I knew him, Horatio,” and again whn he cuts lines in the closet scene with the queen which robs the murder of Polonius of some of its pointed ef fect. No mention at all was made ot the disconcerting brunette and not at all fragile Ophelia, who re deemed herself in the mad scene in spite of these physical handicaps. The stage settings, though shal low, were extremely beautiful from^ an artistic point of view, and in tone with the beauty of the play itself. The simplicity of effect which made possible the rapid succession of scenes, with no wait of over three minutes, immensely augmented the realistic presenta tion of the drama. It conjured up an appropriate atmosphere. The first scene was, however, very lit tle marred by the smallness of the space between Hamlet and the ghost. An actual flaw was the fact that the ghost cleared a very un COMING EVENTSI <$>-o Wednesday, January 14 Oregana Subscription Drive, Library booth and living organi zations. Thursday, January 15 11:00 a. m.—Assembly, Wo man ’s building. 4:00 p. m.—Co-op meeting, Villard hall. Friday, January 16 8:00 p. m. — Pacific-Oregon basketball game, Armory. Saturday, January 17 8:30 p. m.—Senior Ball, Wo man ’s building. <5>-O SEE 5000 Longhorns stampede thru ' a town, leaving “Main Street” “ looking like the day after a cyclone. YOU’LL LAUGH! YOU’LL THRILL! YOU’LL AGREE— Emerson Hough’s epic of the plains is one picture in a hun dred—yes a thousand I “NORTH of 36” ghost-like throat in the middle of his long speech. This, however, may be said to be a “magnificent flaw,” since the actor was brave enough to do so instead of asping on to the conclusion. The duel was wisely confined to the minimum of time. That the entire performance was one of rare charm and a finish sel dom seen here, (as in amateur per formances) was attested by the at titude of the audience. Mr. Leiber himself was immensely pleased with his audience’s response. That he had never played to a more respon sive audience was his personal ex pression when interviewed. He de clared it to be cultivated and dis cerning of the finer points to a de gree. —A STUDENT. GLORIOUS GLORIA’S GREATEST! ■MTT ■— I Gloria as a dra matic marvel, Gloria as a _ fashion plate, || Gloria as a co- t moHionno ! Comedy—“LOW TIDE” FOX NEWS Where Prices Never Vary TODAY AND THURSDAY CASTLE I FOR THE SOCIAL SEASON PROPER FLOWERS ■ i as important AS PROPER DRESS j| In corsage technique we are excelled by none and || in our new greenhouse we always carry a fine se lection of corsage flowers. Place orders now for == ui uuisttgc iiuwcrs. jriace orders now P the SENIOR BALL. S THE UNIVERSITY FLORIST MHBniMlHlIMlHIIIHIHIIlllHUIlillllBIHIHIllWIHIIHIIIHIIIMIIMIIIIMIIIIIBUIIIHIIIHIIIMIIIIWIIIIIk. LEARN TYPING AND SHORTHAND Special rates for part-time students will be given upon request. EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE A. E. ROBERTS, President Phone 666 992 Willamette Cars Without Drivers for Rent McLEANS AUTO RENTAL CO. Phone 1721R LOCATED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE CORNER 11th AND OAK Open and Closed Models — Prices Very Reasonable Phone 654 Open Day and Night FOR THE SENIOR BALL mnmimiiim Corsages of finest quality and workmanship for your dances. unEnna CHASE GARDENS FLORISTS SERVICE COURTESY