Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 07, 1925, Section One, Image 1

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Personal Photographs Are
Larger; Designs Follow
Line of Simplicity
January 14 Set for Campus
Subscriptions; Y e a r
Books Will Cost $4.50
Simplicity of ornamentation and
the superlative of quality in art
work and pictures will be the most
significant attributes of the 1925
Oregana, is the word given out by
Augusta DeWitt editor of the an
nual. These two principle features
will be followed consistently
throughout the year-book.
With this object in view, an at
tempt has been made to subjugate
the monotonous border designs “ud
heavy backgrounds and at the same
time to place greater emphasis on
the clearness and appropriate ar
rangement of the pictures and il
Rolf Kelp, art editor of the 1923
Oregana, in conjunction with the
University art department, has
completed decorations which will,
it is thought, greatly enhance the
general atmosphere of the year
book and. make the production of
distinctive artistic value. The
photographs, taken by the Kennell
Ellis studio, are to be larger and
clearer than in former years, since
it is deemed that the personal pic
tures are of primary interest and
Printed Matter Cut
Printed matter in the different
sections will be cut to the minimum
to allow increased space for ath
letic and general campus scenes.
Some sections of the book will be
shortened and others lengthened in
an endeavor to place greater stress
on the more interesting occurrences
of campus life. The editors of the
feature section claim they have a
few incriminating surprises to re
lease, involving campus idols and
the sports editor, George Godfrey,
says he has pictures of vital per
iods in Oregon football games
which could well be framed.
In fact, in all possible ways, the
Oregana staff is endeavoring to
make the year-book as attractive
as possible, both to the students on
the campus and to the alumni and
former students of the University.
The aim is to make it worth the
cost price both in the sense of its
artistic qualities as a book, and
from the standpoint of the interest
a publication of its kind naturally
Line Drawings Ujed
The cover of the Oregana will
be a medium shade of blue, gold
lettered, and with a facsimile of the
famous Pioneer supported by the
library as a background, placed in
a half-circle in the upper center
of the page. Section heads are to
be line drawings by Rolf Klep and
(Continued on Page Four)
Sixteen Students
Register in New
Pottery Course
, A new two-term course in
the making of pottery has been
begun in the school of architec
ture and allied arts, taught by
Professor N. B. Zane, of the fine
arts department. This is the first
time that pottery-making has been
taught since fire destroyed the
Arts building three years ago.
Sixteen students have already
registered in the new course. Work
in the material will be taught at
once, and as principles are grasped
and the knowledge of processes de
velops it is hoped that some spe
cial work can be contributed
toward the building, according to
Professor Zane.
Tiles are now being mad'' by
the design class under Miss Vic
toria Avakian’s instruction ti oc
cupy the vacant panels on the pil
lars inside the court of the school.
The designs for the tile. were
worked out in the classes of Miss
Maude Kerns, head of the normal
arts department.
Office of Dean of Women
Announces Schedule
The social calendar shows that
few dates remain available for
campus functions. Basketball games
and formals of the different Uni
versity groups take up the major
ity of the dates. According to in
formation given out by the dean
of women’s office, those who have
delayed until now in signing up
for desirable dates will find that
postponement until next term may
be necessary.
The calendar in full is as follows:
Jan. 9—Order of the “O” dance.
Jan. 10—Basketball, Willamette
at Eugene. Delta Zeta reception,
Friendly Hall dance, Kappa Delta
Phi pledge dance, Alpha Delta Pi
jitney dance.
Jan. 13—Underclass dinner dance.,
Jan. 16—Basketball, Pacific at
Eugene; Hamnfcer and Coffin in
Jan. 17—Senior Ball, Sigma Nu
freshmen informal.
Jan. 22—Basketball, M. A. A. C.
at Portland, Orchestra concert.
Jan. 23.—Ba^hjetbal^, Pacific at
Forest Grove, Alpha Phi formal
Alpha Omicron Pi formal, Phi Del
ta Theta upperclass dinner dance.
Jan. 24—Basketball, Willamette
at Salem, Delta Delta Delta tea,
Alpha Xi Delta formal, Military
Ball, Phi Delta Theta and Kappa
Sigma sophomore informal.
Jan. 27—Basketball, Whitman at
Jan. 29—Basketball Montana at
Jan. 31—Basketball, University
of Washington at Eugene, Kappa
Kappa Gamma formal.
Feb. 4, 5, 6—Drama.
Feb. 6—Oregon Knight’s dance.
Alpha Phi underclass dinner dance,
Delta Tau Delta formal. t
Feb. 7—Basketball, O. A. C. at j
Corvallis, Wrestling Idaho at Eu- |
gene, Bachelordon formal, Oregon
(Continued on Page Four)
Fritz Leiber, hailed as the lead
ing Shakespearean actor on the
stage today, is eoming to Eugene
Saturday, January 10, for two per
formances. "Hamlet” will be the
offering at night, while in the af
ternoon the artist will depart from
the Stratford playwright, and offer
Dumas’ “Three Musketeers.” Both
performances will be at the Heilig
For the evening performance stu
dents and faculty of the University
are offered a liberal reduction iin
seat prices. The request for this
came from Mr. Leiber himself, who
remembered his warm reception at
his last appearance here, when he
was well received at the theatre,
and royally entertained on the cam
It is in “Hamlet” that Mr. Leiber
made his debut in Shakespearean
drama, and his interpretation of this
great part has been lauded by none
less than George Jean Nathan, edi
tor of “The American Mureury,”
as the best presentation on the
American stage today. Mr. Leiber is
young, and his work reflects the vi
tality and vigor of his personality.
In both “Hamlet” and “The Three
Musketeers,’’ the artist was excep
tionally well received in Portland,
where he created a sensation in
theatrical circles. Floyd Maxwell,
now dramatic critic of the Oregon
ian, and former editor of the Emer
ald, praised him highly.
The tickets entitling students to
the reduction in seat prices have
been distributed to all houses on the
campus. These tickets must be pre
sented 'at the time of purchase, if
the reduction is desired. Those not
in organizations may obtain tickets
at the Co-op, or from the depart
ments of English or dramatics.
‘Yellow Candle Light’ With
Three Other Productions
Scheduled for This Term
Miss Charlotte Banfield
Honored By Performance
To Be Staged Here Soon
“Yellow Candle Light,” a musi
cal fantasy by Fergus Reddie, head
of the dramatic department and
Perry Arant, western pianist and
composer, will be the first produc
tion on the program of the Univer
sity dramatic department. Oscar
Wilde’s “An Ideal Husband” will
be the next play given, and the
third and perhaps the most preten
tious offering will be the Arabian
play “I-Iassan” by the late James
Elroy Flecker. At the very end of
the winter term a farewell play to
Charlotte Banfield, of the dramatic
department, callod “Gioconda” will
be given, with Miss Banfield in the
leading part.
Play All Oregon Talent
“Yellow Candle Light” will be
given five performances starting
January 28 and playing until the
31, with a special matinee on Satur
day afternoon January 31. This
will be the first time that a musical
fantasy has been attempted on the
Oregon campus which is wholly
original and by distinctly Oregon
talent. The production here at Eu
gene will be “Yellow Candle
Light’s” premiere.
“Hassan” is a colorful Arabian
play by the English poet Flecker,
the setting of which is in ancient
Bagdad in the time of the mythical
Calif Haroun A1 Rashid, about
whom stories and poems have been
written ever since the original
Arabian Nights. It has gorgeous
settings, very difficult to stage, but
so picturesque and different that
the first performances given a year
ago in London were highly ac
claimed and have caused much com
ment among theatre goers.
Miss Banfield to Star
‘'Gioconda” by the famous Ital
ian war poet, Gabriele D’Annuncio,
will be given at the very last of
the term. Miss Banfield will por
tray the part which Elanora Duse
created and made famous. Miss
Banfield is leaving the University
at the beginning of the spring term
and the performance of “Gioconda”
by the department will be in the na
ture of a farewell to her.
During the Christmas holidays,
considerable money was spent in
making and remodeling all of the
scenery in the department so that
the forthcoming productions will
have all-new scenic effects.
The promotions and assignments
of the cadet officers of the R. O.
T. C. for the winter term were an
nounced yesterday by Lieutenant
Colonel Sinclair. All the men pro
moted are seniors in the military
department of the University.
The %adet officers now are:
Cadet Lieutenant-Colonel Donald
R. Cook; Cadet Major, Earl C.
Hughes; Cadet Captains, Walter M.
Backstrom, Charles E. Jost, Wil
liam R. Poulson, Carl H. Skoog,
Waldemar Seton Jr. Levi Ankenv,
Louis H. Carlson and Ted Gillen
President P. L. Campbell is en
joying the mild California wini-r
at Coronado, according to word re
ceived from the University head.
The President accompanied by
Mrs. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Camp
bell Church and Dr. William Kuy
kendall, left for the south shortly
after Christmas. They journeyed
by train to Los Angeles and from
that point the party motored to
Coronado. $
According to information here
the president is enjoying the rest
and is recuperating his health.
Shields’ Benefit
Game Nets $5,000
For Ex-Gridster
Responding in commendable
fashion to support the Shield’s
benefit game, Oregon alumni, stu
dents and friends of Tiny
Shields, injured Oregon ex-grid
captain, raised over $5,000 to aid
Tiny in his fight for health.
The game was held at Portland
on Christmas day between former
Oregon grid stars and Multnomah
gridsters. After battling for
four periods on a field covered
with ic-e and snow, the Oregon
alumni team, emerged victorious
by a six point margin. The tal
ly was the result of a line plunge
by Lynn Jones who carried the
ball across the line for the lone
score of the contest.
The benefit drive for selling
tickets to this grid tilt was con
sidered very successful by the
committee in charge of the drive.
Over 1,200 tickets were disposed
of on the University campus,
while many pasteboards were
bought by people throughout the
United States.
Assembly Address To Be
Of General Interest
A discussion and criticism of
present day realism in art and life
and a presentation of the ideas of
the romanticists will be offered by
Dr. George Rebec, dean of the
graduate school, at the first as
sembly of the term in the Woman’s
building, Thursday.
Dean Rebec has chosen as his
topic, “Where the Romantics Were
! Right; a Criticism of the Present
! Day Realism in Art and Life.’’ The
talk is expected to' be of general
I interest inasmuch as a great deal is
| being written nowadays concerning
I the influences governing current
literature and its quality in com
parison with the work of other
The women’s glee club will be
featured in the musical part of the
program, rendering several selec
Twenty-one entering freshmen
have been pledged by fraternities
on the campus. At present, ' Phi
Gamma Delta heads the list with
| six pledges. Pledging will continue
| for the rest of the week and per
haps later.
The pledges are as follows::
Fraternities: Alpha Tau Omega—
! Charles Taft of Salem. Beta Theta
j Pi—William Dalrymple of Port
I land. Chi Psi—Robert Stenzel and
Robert Schlick, both of Portland.
Kappa Sigma—Richard Dixon of
Hood River. Delta Tau Delta—
Walter O’Brien of Portland. Kappa
Delta Phi—Richard Syring of Sil
verton, Oregon. Phi Gamma Delta
—Norman Burke, Edward Crowley,
Robert Hennington, all of Portland,
and Phil Usinger of Berkeley, Cali
fornia; Lyman Layc.ock of Salem,
and John Talbot of Seattle. Phi
j Kappa Psi—Paul Bautcher of Pen
! dleton. Psi Kappa—Harry Lewis
! of McMinnville. Sigma Chi—Roy
! Wheelhouse of Arlington, Ted
! Oakland, California. Bachelordon
!—Homer Fitzsimmons of Portland.
I Sororities: Delta Zeta— Dora
[Williams of Stevenson, Washington.
Tau Nu—Muriel Harrison of Port
land, and Gladys Bristol of Beaver
| ton.
Physical examinations are being
j given this weejt in the Woman’s
j building under the direction of the
; physical education department for
■ all woman students entering the
University this term. Examina
tions began Monday and will con
| tinue through the week or until all
new students have been examined.
Up to yesterday afternoon 37 had
registered for the examination.
Oregon to Play Willamette
Bearcats at Armory In
First Collegiate Fray
Reinhart Has Team Work
ingSmoothly; Plans Laid
For Three Year Program
Foundations, good substantial
foundations, are now being laid for
a three year building program. The
architect is Billy Reinhart, and tho
structure, when completed three
years hence, is expected to be the
championship basketball team of tho
Pacific Coast.
But the building may rise faster
than is anticipated, for the varsity
basketball team is already working
smoothly and efficiently, as the 59
15 score over the Marshfield Ameri
can Legion last Saturday testifies.
Only two lettermen, Hobson and
Gowans, started in the fracas, yet
the men worked like veterans against
a five, all of whom were good basket
ball players.
Initial Contest Saturday
Saturday night tho Oregon men
will get their first intercollegiate
test when they meet the Willamette
Bearcats, at the Armory. William
ette always has a fast and aggres
sive five, and since they started
practice much earlier than here an
early season game is always dan
gerous. The game will start at 7:30
sharp, it is announced.
Reinhart has cut his squad to 13
men, and these 13 are expected to
be the nucleus for the next three
years. Only one man, Russ GowaiA,
will be lost by graduation this year.
Next year, but two, Hobson and
Gillenwaters, will fulfill their three
year terms. Although all the men
will leave places' hard to fill, ample
material is expected from the frosh
by tho time the vacancies occur.
Whilo a casual glance may lead
to the belief that the Oregon five
will be green and inexperienced
this year, this can hardly be said
to be the case. Only three letter
men are back, but these include
Hobson and Gowans at forward.
This means that the two most im
portant positions are well taken
care of by a pair that have played
together. Gillenwaters is back at
; guard.
Utility Men Are Back
Utility men back from last year
have been showing up unusually
well. Jost, understudy of the huge
Hunk Latham, will make a strong
bid for center. Stoddard is
shooting well at forward, and Gun
ther, at his tryout at Marshfield,
; performed with varsity-like speed
and ability.
From last years’ frosh comes a
wealth of material. It is this
bunch that cheers the heart of
Reinhart. Not only are they good
basketball men, but good students
as well, and what is more, they
readily grasp the important funda
mentals of the game. The list is
headed by Roy Okerberg, tall and
; lanky, who looks like one of the
best center finds in some time. He
also had his first chance with
! Marshfield, and contributed liber
ally to the lop-sided score.
“Swede” Westergren is almost a
sure placer for guard, and will no
doubt be a running mate for Gunth
‘ er or Gillenwaters. .Tames Rein
hart, Billy’s brother, is also out for
, this place, and though small, is
speedy and aggressive. “Pat”
Hughes will also be used here when
i occasion requires.
Fundamentals Are Taught
For forwards the coach can call
: on Earl Childs and Harold Lewel
lyn when necessary. Both are good
shots, and good floor men, and will
be used when Hobson and Gowans
can be spared from the game. Clar
• ence Carter is out for center, and
has been showing up well.
Fundamentals in every depart
ment of the game is the program
so far this year, and this will bo
, continued, Reinhart says. Team
formation will come next, and de
fensive and offensive combinations
; are now being worked out.
Basketball is on a firm basis,
with a dependable squad of men
(Continued on Page Two)
Tickets to Senior
Ball Are Selling
* Rapidly at Co-Op
• 'Tho remaining tickets for the
Senior Ball, which Is to be held
on January 17 will be on salo
at tho Co-op today. The salo
will continue until these tickets
are sold. By all indications the
time will not be long the com
mittee says.
The dance is going to be the
sensation of the year, according
ta reports of the committees.
Ed Bohlman, chairman of decora
tions, states, “The success of a
dance depends on the decorations.
The decorations for the Senior
Ball are going to be the best that
I have over done.”
Mary Skinner, feature, says,
“Thero is nothing so important
as the feature. Petroff and his
ballet of Bussian dancers surely
can dance the Samovar.”
Martha Shull, patrons, is re
ported as having said “Tho suc
cess or failure of a dance depends
solely on tho patrons. I’ve got
j the swellest bunch of patrons that
ever spilled a glass of punch over
I their shirt fronts.”
Bebocca Ireland, refreshments,
says, “People como to a dance
just to eat. We’re going to have
some grand groceries at the Ball
or I don’t know an oyster when I
see one.” ... . . _
Mary Hathaway says, “Buy
your tickets early. There are
only a few left.”
Miss Grace Edgington, ‘Len’
Jordon United
Coming as a complete surprise to
their campus friends was word of
the marriage of Grace Edgington
and Leonard Beck Jordan on De
cember 30, at Bend, Oregon. Miss
Edgington graduated from the
school of journalism in 1916 and
spent some time* on the Eugene
Mrs. Jordan was best known
on the campus as alumni secretary
and editor of Old Oregon. She was
acting dean of women in the spring
of 1923, and instructor in the Eng
lish department. At one timo also
she was secretary to the journal
ism department, at the University
of Washington at the time Colin V.
Dyment was dean of the depart
ment. Mrs. Jordan is a member of
Theta Sigma Phi, honorary jour
nalism fraternity, and an honorary
member of Pi Beta Phi.
“Len” Jordan graduated in
economics in 1923, and at present
is employed as office manager by
the Thurlow Glove company in
Portland. While on the campus he
was a member of Alpha Tau Omega,
and won his football letter as a
backfield man. He also acted as
secretary to the school of music.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Jordan are mem
bers of Phi Beta Kappa.
For the past year Miss Edging
ton has been at her home in Sisters,
where she and her husband are at
The largest crowd, since the in
troduction of the Christmas college
balls, attended the one held during
the past holiday season, according
to Jeanne-Elizabeth Cay, head of
the committee, and $275 was made
by the Women’s League, sponsors
of the affair.
Proceeds wero turned over to the
foreign scholarship fund which the
League maintains, and for which
most of their social events are
given. This fund is used each year
to pay the expenses of some foreign
scholar, enabling her to spend a
year at the University.
Dr. Warren I). Smith has been
confined to his home with illness
from infected tonsils and swollen
glands of the throat. He has been
unable to meet his classes, but ex
pects to return today or tomorrow.
0. A. C. Teams Will Oppose
Oregon Men In Debate
Arranged for Thursday
Colleges and Universities
Throughout Country Use
Topic for Controversy
The first regular debate of the
year on the University schedule will
bo held Thursday ovening when Ore
gon meets O. A. C. in a dual de
bate. One contest will be held on
the campus iu Villard hall at 8
o ’clock, and the other will be held
at the Corvallis institution.
The question to be debated is:
“Resolved: That Congress by two
thirds vote be given power to over
rule supreme court decisions, de
claring acts of Congress unconstitu
tional.” £
Debaters Work Hard
This question is being ilobfttPcJ by
Cplleges and universities throughout
the country and is the platform
adopted by LaFollette In the pres»
dential campaign of last fall. The
debaters have worked up some good
material on the subject and the
contests will be of concern to all
interested in the topic, according
to the debate coach, Oscar A.
The Oregon affirmative team,
consisting of Benoit McCroskey
and Sol Abramson, will defend theli
case here; and Herschel Brown and
Lincoln Erwin, comprising the nega
tive team, will journey to Corval
lis for the contest there. These
men have not had the experience
of the O. A. C. debaters but they
have all taken part in forensic
work either on the campus or at
high school.
O. A. 0. Team. Listed
The O. A. C. negative team which
will debate hero is composed of
Kenneth Goodale and Robert Kerr,
son of tlie president of the agri- ^
cultural college. Kerr has wide
experience in college debating and
other forensic work.
The men who will judge tb" local
contest are: Charles A. I rand, of
Roseburg; Prof. E. E. Sc'hwartz
trauber, economic history instructor
in Lincoln high school; and Dr.
F. G. Franklin, librarian at Wil
lamette university.
“The men have been working
hard on the question,” said Coach
Brown, “and though they haven’t
the experience of the O. A. C. de
baters we expect them to be a
match for them.”
All of the men on the team
worked on the question last term,
and returned immediately after
Christmas to put the finishing
touches to their cases.
Formal opening of the new music
auditorium will be early in Febru
ary, according to plans now being
made by "the faculty of the school
of music. With the completion of
the auditorium and the installation
of tho new organ last term all is
in readiness with the exception of
the hangings which have been or
dered from New York and will not
be here for two or three more
A series of four concerts is be
ing planned when the opening is
held. The first evening, Saturday,
will be devoted to an organ recital
by John Stark Evans. Sunday af
ternoon, a choral and orchestral
program will be given, and on Mon
day and Tuesday, miscellaneous
presentations will be made.
The auditorium is now being used
for organ lessons and rehearsals
of the glee clubs and orchestra. The
hall was first used at the conven
tion of high school editors and
presidents held here in December.