Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 13, 1924, Section One, Image 1

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Primary Purpose Intended
To Encourage Students
In Doing Research Work
Wheeler Heads Committee
To Investigate Outline
Of Dean C. E. Seashore
The movement to investigate the
plans outlined by Dean C. E. Sea
shore, of the National Besearch
Council, is beginning to take form.
A committee to investigate condi
tions and compile data for reports
has been appointed. Those on the
committee are professors B. H.
Wheeler, chairman; E. L. Packard,
James H. Gilbert, Budolf Ernst, F.
E. Folts, B. W. DeBusk, Balph
Casey and Sam B. Warner.
The plan developed by Dean Sea
shore grew out of interest in men
tal testing, which has become prac
tical in recent years. The purpose
of these mental tests are to place
educational guidance on a scientific
Started During War
During the war, the National Be
search Council was originated and
was found to be of such great val
ue, that it was continued on a peace
As the duties of the council ex
panded, the government realized
that universities would have to sup
ply the necessary scientists. It was
then discovered that on investiga
tion that a large number of college
laboratories were poorly manned by
students, and incapable of carry
ing out experimental work. As a
result, Dr. Seashore’s tour is de
voted to the interests of the Divi
sion of Educational Belations of
the council, to bring closer the con
nections between the universities
and the National Besearch Council.
One of the primary purposes is
to encourage students in doing re
search work, 'and aiding in promot
ing this interest.
Because of the present congested
conditions in many colleges, educa
tion is handled on a wholesale bas
is. As a direct result many gifted
students never have the opportun- |
ity of finding themselves or realiz- I
ing their individual ability. Under '
the new plan, gifted students would
find a stimulus to do creative work.
Suits Varied Ability
In the further development of
the field, it was found that the
plan may be applicable to the slow
student also. By this method, dif
ferent types of instruction would
be given to students of different
mental ability.
Students would be classified at
the beginning of each term into
sections, according to, the degree of
their mental aptitude. This data
will be determined from a “content
examination” given each student.
Thus the class will be divided
into three sections: students of
marked ability, those of average
and those of the borderline type.
The sections will meet together, but
each will do different work. In
dividual research work will be as
signed on the scale of the ability
of the various sections.
Each section would be on a com
petitive basis, and the quality of
the student’s work would determine
(Continued on Page Four)
The following houses have
pledged 100 per cent up to 10
p. m. last night in the Tiny
Shields benefit ticket sale.
Delta Gamma
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Alpha Phi
Pi Beta Phi
Gamma Phi Beta
Delta Delta Delta
Chi Omega
Alpha Omicron Pi
Alpha Xi Delta
Kappa Alpha Theta
Chi Psi
Delta Tau Delta
Lambda Psi
Psi Kappa
Sigma Chi
Phi Gamma Delta
Phi Delta Theta
Kappa Sigma
Sigma Nu
Phi Kappa Psi
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Alpha Tau Omega
Kappa Delta Phi
Alpha Beta Chi
Phi Sigma Pi
Alpha Chi Omega
Susan Campbell hall
Sigma Pi Tau
Imaginary Future Reunion
Feature of Event
A banquet for members of the
public speaking class under Profes
sor Oscar A. Brown, at which the
students gave after dinner speeches
as they would under actual condi
tions, was held at the College Side
Inn, Thursday evening. Truman
Sether acted as toastmaster and the
members of the class were asked
to respond to the toasts. J. H.
Bagan delivered an oration.
The banquet was supposed to
take place twenty years hence at
a reunion of the class. The speak
ers gave imaginary talks of an en
tertaining nature, telling of the
lessons they had learned in life
during the twenty years and also of
the new Oregon spirit and campus
they had seen on returning to the
University after a long absence.
“This is something new in the
line of public speaking instruc
tion,” said Brown. “It gives the
students an opportunity to speak
under actual conditions as well as
enjoying a banquet with the mem
bers of their class.”
All students who anticipate
changing their majors next term
should file the petitions at once,
according to Carleton E. Spencer,
registrar. Failure to do so will re
sult in a delay of several days at
the beginning of the winter term.
All petitions to change majors
must be passed upon by the com
mittee on academic requirements,
and it will be necessary for the
committee to act upon such peti
tions before next term. As there
is only one day, January 5, for the
making of readjustments, it is de
sirable that no petitions be post
poned until that time. In such a
case, it will be necessary t5 wait
for several days for the action of
the committee, and the student will
be delayed in making readjust
ments, until the term is well
‘ started.
Attention given to the artistic
details of the Senior ball is evi
denced, even in the programs.
Parchment paper which harmonizes
with the other decorations, is being
imported from far places. The in
ner leaves of washed red, from
China and green from New York.
The other color will be gold.
The cover, designed by Ed Bohl
man, also carries out a similar tone
of grandeur of the ball. Two
whirling ballet dancers supply a
further motif of Russian atmos
phere that is also noticeable in the
brilliant, contrasting colors of the
pages. In the background pro
trude the towers of a palace. The
color effects of the cover are
brick-red with gold border and
decorations. The program will be
bound together by a black cord,
with a small brass bell appending.
It is entitled “Le Bal Eusse.”
I The sale of tickets will reopen
i on January 5, 6, and 7, states Mary
: Jane Hathaway, who is in charge
of ticket sale and invitations. The
I sale will then be open to everyone,
j with the exception of freshmen,
who will be excluded, as the ball
! is a formal affair.
Invitations rfiay be obtained with
j the purchase of tickets when the
j sale reopens next term. Those whc
| have already purchased tickets
will receive their invitations by
mail, as they have not yet arrived
from the printer.
“Yellow Candle Light’’
Attracts Praise in
Dramatic Circles
Play Written by Fergus
Reddie With Musical
Composition By Arant
The forthcoming production of
“Yellow Candle Light,” original
musical fantasy by Fergus Eeddie,
head of the University department
of drama, and Perry Arant, west
ern concert pianist and composer,
is attracting much attention in
music and dramatic circles in the
Pacific northwest.
“Yellow Candle Light” is sched
uled to be produced on the campus
at Guild theatre during the latter
part of January and rehearsals have
been going on for the past three
Music Lovers Interested
The head of the musie department
at Oregon Agricultural college as
well as a number of Portland mu
sic lovers who are interested in the
work of Mr. Arant, have expressed
their desire to attend the premiere
of the fantasy and are planning to
make the trip to Eugene sometime
during the five days on which
it will be given.
There is also some indication that
the fantasy may be taken to Port
land, sometime after it is produced
on the campus.
There is a unique feature to “Yel
low Candle Light,” other than its
entire originality, in that while j
most musical productions are writ
ten to fit the music, the liberetto j
for this play was written by Mr. |
Eeddie some two years ago and the j
music composed by Mr. Arant, since |
last July, to harmonize with the
liberetto. There is, therefore, a de
cided and definite plot running
throughout the entire three acts, to
gether with beautiful and appropri
ate melodies.
Cast is Large
Mr. Eeddie, in a recent interview,
related that the idea for “Yellow j
Candle Light” was supplied by the
small sister of one of his friends,
who wrote a- letter filled with
thoughts of fairies and fairyland
in which every child lives. When i
Mr. Eeddie attempted to answer
the letter, he found that his
thoughts developed rapidly into a
play, which he wrote and dedicated
to her.
Mr. Eeddie and Mr. Arant met
last summer and Mr. Arant became
so interested in the fantasy that 1
he has remained in Eugene since :
that time for the express purpose j
of collaborating with Mr. Eeddie j
over its production.
An unusually large east is needed
for “Yellow Candle Light” for,
besides the characters of the play,
there is a chorus of more than j
| twenty picked voices which is be- I
fng trained by Mr. Arant.
'The appeal of “Yellow Candle !
S Light,” however, should not be
j confined to children, as it was j
written to appeal to all those who
remember that they have been
children during their lives.
“High School,” a magazine pub
lished quarterly by the school of
education and the University high
school, will be off the press with
in a few days. The issue, whieh
eontains 32 pages, is devoted to
high school English.
This magazine is published in the
interest of secondary education in
Oregon and the Northwest, with
Mrs. Margaret Goodall, instructor
in English at the University high
school, as editor.
“Debate” was discussed in this
issue by Harold Benjamin, the high
school principal, and “Oral Eng
lish” was the subject chosen by
Mrs. EtheJ Wakefield Scott.
In addition to these main arti
cles, there are reviews and an
nouncements of new texts and
books, general news of interest to
teachers throughout the state.
Term’s End Nears;
Final Tests Loom;
Christmas Vacation
Begins Next Friday
With scheduled examinations end
ing Friday noon of next week it is
probable that nearly all students
will have finished by that time and
will either be home or started home
for the holidays. . Two special Ore
gon Electric trains will be used for
the convenience of studonts and it
is probable that the Southern Paci
fic wili run one or two special
trains. The schedules for their de
parture have not yet been deter
mined, but as there will be a num
ber of trains it is being urged that
ill students leave as early as pos
sible. A special request is made
that the girls take no night trains
unless necessary.
The three women’s dormitories,
Kendricks hall, Susan Campbell
ball and Tliacher cottage, will be i
dosed December 20 and will reopen
Tanuary 4, which is the Sunday be
fore registration day. So far as is 1
known at present none of the oc- J
jupants are planning to stay in Eu- j
gene during the vacation though if j
my decide later to stay, they |
tvill be taken care of. The halls j
ind the girls who stay will be un
ier the care of Mrs. Edna Prescott
Davis during the absence of Mrs.
Virginia Esterly, dean of women.
Ceremony Held Friday At
Medical School
A bronz bas relief statue of the
late Dr. A. J. MacKenzie, first
president of the" North Pacific
Surgical association and dean of the
University of Oregon medical
whool for a period of eight years,
mding in 1920, was unveiled at 11
3 ’clock yesterday at the medical j
ichool. The thirteenth annual ses
iion of the North Pacific Surgical ;
issociation was opened by this
The relief, which is a profile bust,
s a dedication to the memory of
Dr. MacKenzie. The sculptor is A.
Phimister Proctor, also sculptor of
several other statues in Portland, j
including that of Theodore Roose
velt. The exercises were attended
by members of the association,
members of the board of regents,
faculty and students of the medi
cal school, and relatives and friends
of Dr. MacKenzie.
Dr. Ernest F. Tucker, chairman
of the association, presented the
bronze to the medical school on be
half of the friends of Dr. Mae
Kenzie, and it was accepted by C.
C. Colt, chairman of the medical
committee of the board of regents.
The Varsity and Freshmen tennis
squads have been talcing things
easy for the last few days and
will not resume steady practice un
til next term. The varsity squad
has been practicing indoors on the
days they were unable to use the
out of doors courts.
The freshmen tennis tournament
has not been completed because of
the wot weather and probably will
not be finished. According to Coach
Fahl, all men going out for fresh
man tennis will start in practicing
indoors next term and will prob
ably not finish the tournament be
cause they will be expected to start
strenuous -work at the beginning of
next term.
Prospects for a winning varsity
tennis season is very bright with a
nnmber of lettermen in school. In
the early part of the fall, Harry
Meyers was elected captain and
George Hayden, manager of the
varsity tennis squad.
The Christmas vacation of the
I University high school, begins Fri
[ day afternoon, December 19, ab
I 3:^0, according to an announcement
made yesterday. Classes will be re
sumed Monday morning, January
15; and all practice teachers will be
i expected to return in time to meet
! their classes on the first day.
University Vesper Singers
To Render Production
Fifth Time Tomorrow
Leads Same As Last Year,
By Aubrey Furry, Ruth
Akers, and Roy Bryson
The fifth annual presentation of
the St. Cecilia mass to be given
tomorrow in the Methodist church,
promises to be the best presenta
tion yet given. Leading parts are
to be taken by Ruth Akers, so
prano; Aubrey Furry, baritone; and
Roy Bryson, tenor. All three leads
were taken by them last year and,
deserving of much praise then,
promise to be still better this year.
The mass is to be given by the
University choir composed of 52
voices, which is several more than
were used last year as each glee
club has a larger personal than for
merly. The mass written by Charles
Gounod, is always rendered in Lat
in with Professor F. S. Dunn read
ing the parts, first in Latin and
then in English, paraphrasing it
himself. The seven parts given in
order are the “Kyrie,” “Gloria,”
“Credo,” “Offertory,” “Sanctus,”
“Benedictus,” and “Agnus Del.”
The program, beginning at 4
o ’clack, is to be at the Methodist
church. It was always well at
tended with scarcely standing room
at former presentations. An offer
ing is to be taken to help cover
the cost of new gowns, purchased
at a cost of about $150, when the
personnel of the choir was made
This is the ^first entirely musical
vesper program given this year but
will be followed by a number of
others next term, some of whieh
will probably be given in the new
music auditorium.
A new correspondence study
course in advance writing, is the
feature of the new catalogue of cor
respondence courses now being
printed for the extension division,
according to Mary E. Kent. “This
coarse completes the group require
ment in written English,” she said.
Several new courses have been
added in the catalogue. Some of
the old ones have been revised and
modernized and in a few cases now
texts have been adopted.
The new catalogue was sent to
press the middle of the week. It
is hoped to have the gallics off by
the latter part of next week, and
probably have the final catalogue
ready to mail before the new year.
According to the faculty ruling,
all students matriculating for a
bachelor of arts degree must have
at least one year’s work in the de
partment of written English. “This
correspondence course fills every
point required in the ruling,” Miss
Kent declared.
There are several new courses in
cluded in the new catalogue. These
include an additional course in
American history. Since this is
only an elementary course only
entrance credit will be given for it.
There is a course also in geography.
Miss Kent said those two courses
have been in demand of the divi
l sion for the past four or five years.
: 11 was in response to this demand
that the courses were added.
The University extension division
lias received twenty-five reels of
moving picture film from the gov
ernment bureau of commercial
economics at Washington, D. C.
“The reels make up several kinds
of subjects,” said Alfred Powers, in
j charge of the department of visual
insttuction of the extension divi
sion. “Most of thorn are scenic
and industrial films.” These reels
will go into the regular extension
j division service that is available all
I over the state.
Sale of Tickets -
For Benefit Game
Is Progressing
The sale of tickets for the
Shields benefit game on Christ
mas day continues to grow, ac
cording to the report of those in
charge. Four houses were added
to the 100 per cent list yester
day. The townspeople of Eu
gene are responding to the sale
not only by purchasing tickets,
but some have donated amounts
as high as $10 without buying.
Dr. Sweetser Will Discuss
‘Christmas Flowers’
With the radio-casting of the lec
ture by Dr. A. R. Sweetser on
“'Christmas Flowers” next Friday
evening, December 19, the Univer
sity extension division ‘will finish
its radio work for this year. The
radio-casting for 1925 will be re
sumed on Friday evening, January
16. Dr. John Landsbury, dean of
the school of music, will open the
program, according to Alfred
Powers, instructor in the extension
division and director of radio ac
tivities on the campus.
The extension division does its
radio-casting through broadcasting
station KflW of the Morning Ore
gonian. The transmissions have
been given regularly all fall on
Friday evenings at 8 o’clock. This
is part of the extension lecture ser
vice furnished by the University
extension division. The lectures
are given in co-operation with the
big class “B” broadcasting station
of the Morning Oregonian.
“The lectures have proven very
popular this fall,” said Mr. Powers.
“Comments from radio fans all over
the country are received weekly, ex
pressing the public’s appreciation
of the service.”
The University of Oregon dele
gation to tho conference of western
colleges to be held at Asilomar,
California, December 27 to January
3, is getting ready to leave soon
after the examinations. Some of
the group of ten or eleven will
leave Saturday morning, December
20, in a car driven by James
Stewart. Robert Ciffen will drive
another car leaving on Monday or
Tuesday following.
Those from the University to at
tend the conference are: Willard
Marshall, James Stewart, Del Ted
row, Lester Smith, Dorian Patter
son, Robert Giffen, Clifford Con
stance, Sam Lockwood, and two for
eign students. One is G. S. Pill
from Korea, and the other is O.
Hipe, from the Philippine Islands.
If necessary Willard Marshall will
also take his car to transport tho
local delegation.
H. W. Davis, director of tl^e
united Christian work on the cam
pus, lias not definitely decided if
he will attend tho Asilomar con
ference. If he does not he will go
to Chicago where he will attend
a conference of religious workers
from all the universities in Ameri
ca. This meeting will be from Janu
ary 5 to 7.
List of Oregon Football
Games for 1925 Given
At Conference Meeting
Varsity Meets Washington
In Portland; Five Games
Listed for Lemon-Yellow
The Pacific Coast conference
football schedule is complete, with
as little friction as the conference
has ever had. The scheduling pro
ceedings went off in a regular man
ner, with only the Stanford-Cali
fornia-Southern California dispute
to mar the program. Neither of
the upper southern schools took
games with the Trojans. Southern
California, however, has enough
games, having scheduled games
with Idaho, Montana, Washington
State, O. A. C., and Iowa.
Oregon Schedule Good
The Oregon schedule is the most
favorable in years, while other
coaches are all well satisfied. The
conference this year takes on a new
note, with intersectional games be
ing scheduled during the regular
season. Washington is to play Ne
braska at Lincoln, October 17; and
Iowa plays U. S. C. in Los Angeles,
November 21.
The three California schools each
scheduled four conference games
each, while the rest took five. Ore
gon also has agreed to play Wash
ington alternately in Seattle and
Portland, with the game going to
Portland this year.
Other business of the conference,
such as eligibility rules and vari
ous problems, will be taken up to
day. No word has yet been given
out on the proposed withdrawal of
the Big Five of the northwest from
the Northwest Conference.
Coast Games Given
The Pacific Coast Conference
schedule is as follows:
October 3 — Washington State
Montana at Missoula; Willamette
Washington at Seattle.
October 10—Idalio-Oregon at Eu
gene;; Whitman-O. A. C. at Corval
lis;; Montana-Washington, at Seat
October 17—Washington-Nebras
ka at Lincoln; Tdaho-Washington
State, at Pullman.
October 24—O. A. C.-Stanford
at Stanford; California-Oregon at
Portland; Whitman-Washington at
October 31—Oregon-Stanford, at
Stanford; Southern California-Ida
ho, at Moscow; Montana-O. A. C.
at Corvallis; Washington State
Wasliington at Pullman.
November 7—Stanford-Washing
ton at Seattle; Washington State
Calif ornia, at Berkoley; Montana
Idalio, at Moscow.
November 14—Washington-Cali
fornia, at Berkeley; Montana
Southern California, at Los An
geles; O. A. C.-Oregon, at Eugene.
November 21 — California-Stan
ford, at Stanford; Iowa-Southern
California, at Los Angeles; Idaho
O. A. C., at Boise; Gouzaga-Wash
ington State, at Spokane.
November 26 (Thanksgiving
Day)—Oregon-Washington, at Se
November 28—Washington State
Southern California, at Los An
Changes in the world of art and
! the future of sculpture in the west;
are noted by Avard Fairbanks, the
University of Oregon’s professor of
sculpture, now on a year’s leave of
absence in the East. Professor
Fairbanks is registered in the Yale
school of fine arts, Yale university,
j Mew Haven, Connecticut, where
he has been given a special room .
! in which to oxecute his private
1 commissions. His commissions are I
aiso being allowed to count toward
his degree.
“I have had some deliglitful
' visits with many of the sculptors,”
: writes Professor Fairbanks to Ei
lis F. Lawrence, dfan of the school
of architecture and allied arts.
“Lorado Taft is doing a wonderful
work in the Middle West. Fraser
French and tho conservative men
aro doing very well both in their
w»rk and financially. Borglum,
stands apart and alone fearing none
though they all criticise him.”
That the eccentric group is hav
ing a difficult time to exist is the
further statement of Professor
Fairbanks. He says that studio
rents have gone up and the mod
ern fad is going out of existence.
“The discussions of the foolish
arts have ceased to be interesting,”
he says.
Professor Fairbanks believes that
the entire city of New York is in a
period of change. Within tho next
ten years he looks for a new city,
(ContinuuX on Page Four)