TOLUME XXVIUNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1924 NUMBER 42 OREGON OXFORD DEB A TE TONIGHT VARSITY SPEAKER IN CALIFORNIA — I ss. FINAL RESULTS RECEIVED FROM EASTERN SCHOOL 'Williams College Defeats Oregon, 10,824 to 9034 In Athletic Competition NEW FORM OF CONTEST HELD BETWEEN FROSH ■‘Mee.t by Mail,’ May Become Annual Event; High Point Scores Are Announced With a total score of 10,824 points, Williams college of Wil liamstown, Miassaehusetts, defeated Oregon in their “meet by mail.” Oregon made a grand total of 9,034 points. This meet was started ■during the first part of the term but owing to the time it takes to run through the events and the dis tance between the two schools the final result was not received until yesterday. This is a new form of athletic competition developed between these two schools. It gives every one taking freshmen physical edu cation a chance to compete in one or more events. Individual Average Given There was a total of 255 men ap pearing in some part in the test for Oregon and 235 for Williams. Several of the men failed to com pete in all of the events scheduled thus lowering the total score. The evlents