Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 29, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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    GDccgnti lailg fmeralii
Member of Padfle Intercollegiate Free* Association _
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued
daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year.
Editorial Board
Managing Editor ... Edward M. Miller
Associate Editor . Margaret L. Morrison
Associate Editor .. Leon K. Byrne
Associate Managing Editor .-. Harold A. Kirk
Desk Editor ..Norma Wilson
Daily News Editor
Mary Clerin Douglas Wilson
Prances Sanford
Night Editors
Pete Laura Jalmar Johnson
Sol Abramson Webster Jones
Jasper Crawford
Exchange Editor . Josephine Ulrich
Sports Editor ....George H. Godfrey
Sports Staff
Wilbur Wester Ward Cook
Upper News Staff
Margaret Skavlan Kathrine KresBman
Lillian Baker Edward Robbins
Gertrude Houk Mary West
James Case ___
p i, N. 8. Editor . Louis Dammasch
Assistant ... Hermoire Smith
New* Staff: Pauline Bondurant, Eugenia Strickland, Elizabeth Cady, Clifford Zeh
rang, Margaret Vincent, Melon Reynolds, Emily Houston, Dorothy Blyberg, Cene^
Poes. Margaret Kresaman, Hilton Rose, Ned French, Clate Meredith, William Mint
tine, and Jack O'meara.
Business Staff
Frank Loggan .Associate Manager
Advertising Managers—William James, Si
Advertising Assistants — C. P. Horn,
Wayne Leland, Louis Dammash, Bon
ner Whittson.
Foreign Adv. Mgr.
Claude Reavis
Circulation Manager . Jerr7. *-'r?ry \
Ass’t. Circulation Mgr. Jama* Manning
Circulation Assistant .~. John Black
Specialty Advertising
Mildred Dunlap Margaret Hyatt
Geneva Foss Edna Nelson
Entered in the poetoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription
rates, $2.25 per year. By term, 76c. Advertising rotes upon application.
Daily News Editor This Issue
Frances Banford
Niprht Editor This Issue
Webster Jones
Assistant .Walter Cushman
This Thing Called Education
'%]I7'E FIND in the younger student a certain antagonism
* ’ toward studies which seemingly have no direct bearing
on his objective. When a subject is suggested by his advisor
he asks, “But what good will that ever do me?” He has (not
yet come to realize that an education, at least at a university,
is something much broader than a mere business college course
in accounting, newswriting or draftmanship. The task of
bringing this larger ideal of education to the studenjt is one
over w'hich the instructors of our underclassmen, and many
upperclassman as well, spend much thought.
One of the prime objects of education should be to teach us
to live, not only in the small world of our own petty affairs,
but in the larger affairs of the nation, and of all mankind. Edu
cation should bring to the individual a broad understanding of
his neighbor, and should wipe out intolerance, provincialism and
much of the petty jealousy which makes for disharmony.
The education which merely gives the student a better
money making and business getting machine will never attain
this end. Our instructors know this, hence the group require*
inents and certain other seeming inconveniences of the degree
system. However, they sometimes find it very difficult to con
vince students that they really need it all. And all too often!
the student can not see this broader view until hq gets past,
and looks back.—II. A. K.
Rolled hose for men, fast becoming popular on the campus,
are so widespread at the University of Kansas that it has been
suggested by student authorities that they be limited to upper
classmen. Our upperclassmen have their distinctive garb, so
why not let the underclassmen who lately have been so eager
to adorn distinctive raiment, “roll their own?”
Professor Alfred H. Sehroff, head
of the department of fine arts, ac
companied by Mrs. Sehroff, has re
turned from several months’ so
journ in Europo. Both Professor
and Mrs. Sehroff studied painting !
at Fontainebleau, France, and Pro
fessor Sehroff did some notable
freseoe work.
They returned, after a tour
through Europe, by way of Paler
mo and Gibraltar from Naples.
Professor Sehroff saw many of the
Xvorld-famous art treasures during
his absence from Eugene, among
them the Mona Lisa, which he says j
has turned to a greenish hue since
it was returned to Italy, and other,
works of Leonard do Vinci, lie was
much interested in the works of
the Primitives in Italian painting, j
University of Indiana.— An edict !
has been issued at the University |
ol' Indiana by the dean of women, '
I reventing women students from
possessing motor cars while atteul-j
,ng the University, and denying
them the privilege of motoring out
aide the city of Bloomington, ex
cept during the two weeks at the
beginning and the close of the
s-hool year. ^
lVnii Wells said th.it •r,d per cent
of the women students who were
forced to leave school on account of
poor grades were known to have
spent much time in motor cars, and
the poor scholastic standing of car
owners is said to have been respon
sible for the edict. '
Major II. L. Jordan, chief officer
of the ninth area It. O. T. C. corps,
was a visitor at the R. O. T. C. head
quarters last Friday morning. Ho
inspected the companies drilling at
that time and was well satisfied
with the showing of the men. The
major was especially pleased with
the new drill shed. He said that
very few of the colleges had ono
and that he was very glad to see
the co-operation of the University
in getting ono built. The new drill'
system of assembling one company
at a time is another feature he
This week Major Jordan is in
Corvallis inspecting the R. O. T. C,
unit there, lie will visit some 18
colleges, high schools, and prep
schools on his visit through the
ninth area, which takes iu all the
northwestern states.
Atlia Rogers, ex-’25, and John
Hurchtorf, a ’2-1 graduate from
North Pacific Cental college, were
married last Saturday night at the
home of the bride.
Mrs. Hurchtorf's matron of hon
or was Mrs. Lyle Palmer, (lmogene
Letcher) whose marriage was an
event of the night before. Mrs.
Hurchtorf was maid of honor at
Mrs. Palmer's wedding. Both
couples will live in Baker, Oregon.
At the Rogers-Burchtorf wedding,
Dorothy LaRocho was maid of hon
or and Bernice Alstock sang. Mrs.
Hurchtorf is a member of Pi Beta
Phi and her husband belongs to Xi
Psi Pi.
During the past week Miss Flor- I
once Magowan, Y. W. C. A. secre
tary, has been entertaining her |
mother, Mrs. 0. S. Magowan, of
Iowa City, and her sister, Mrs. C.
W. Kirkpatrick, of Waterloo, Iowa, .
who arrived here last Wednesday, j
Mrs. Magowan is planning to spend |
the winter in Eugene with her i
laughter, but Mrs. Kirkpatrick left j
for her home in Iowa yesterday.
Campus Bulletin
Notice* will be printed in this column
for two uaue* only. Copy must bo
in thia office by 6:S0 on the day before
it is to be published, and must be
limited to M words.
Mask and Buskin—Campa Shoppe,
Wednesday noon. Important.
Sigma Upsllon—Wednesday night,
7:15. Sehumaker cabin.
Mask and Buskin—Buskin meeting
Campa Shoppe today noon.
Dial—Will meet Wednesday at 7:30
in Woman’s building.
Do-Nnt Volleyball—Teams may use
the outdoor gym for practice any
noon hour.
Representatives of Woman’s Houses
entering rifle team, meet at 12:30
at Woman’s building tomorrow.
Freshmen—Meeting tonight at 7 in
Villard. . Important. Homecoming
committees will be read. Roll
called. Everyone 'must be there.
Phi Delta Kappa—All members are
urged to attend the dinner at the
College Side Inn, Wednesday
evening, 6 o ’clock.
A Meeting—All students who have
attended the Oregon Normal
school is called for Wednesday
evening at 7:15, Y. W. bungalow.
Girl Scout Leaders—Any girl! in
terested in assisting with a girl
scout troop see Miss Lillian
Stupp at Woman’s building.
Living Organizations—Those wish
ing to give dances file petitions
promptly in Dean of Women’s of
fice. Office hours, 10-12 a. m.,
1-5 p. m.
Freshmen—Who have no clashes
Thursday afternoon must appear
on Kincaid field at 1 o ’clock.
All freshmen must be there at
3:30 p. m. Geo. Hill, general
Technical Society—Pne-engtneprp—
Meets in room 105, Deady, 7 p. m.
Wednesday. Dean Dyment will
speak on “The Necessity for good
English among Technical Men.”
Everybody welcome.
Sigma Xi—The Oregon chapter of
Sigi^ Xi will meet at 4 o’clock
Friday afternoon in room 105,
Deady hall. Dr. A. E. Caswell
of the department of physics,
president of the local fchajptler
last year, will address the meet
ing on “The Structure- of the
Atom.” The faculty and student
body are invited.
Letters to the EMERALD from stu
dents and faculty members are
welcomed, but must be signed and
worded concisely. If it is desired, the
writer’s name will be kept out of
print. It must be understood that the
editor reserves the right to reject
[ To the Editor:
For years I have watched foot
ball teams and football players, in
practice and in games.
There are many teachers who dis
approve of football as a game and
intercollegiate football as a sport.
They contend that too much time is
wasted by players and that little, if
any, benefit is derived from play
ing the game. A football player re
ceives less consideration from them
than other studetits. They often
become provoked because ho misses
a class or two while on a trip to
play a game.
It isn’t my purpose to point out
the benefits the school and the non
playing students derive from the
games. I will concern myself only
with the welfare of the player.
A student’s curriculum is made
up of many subjects. He gets only
a spattering of some, but all com
bined go towards making a course.
Some take a year of French or
German; others a year of history.
A year in any of these does not
mean that proficiency has been
gained in that particular subject.
On graduation from school we for
get many tilings we learned while
here. And yet, has the purposes of
our course failed? Have our four
years been wasted? They have not!
Our minds needed training and a
year of one study helped as much
in developing the brain as a year
in another. For, after all, unless
we wish to teach, as the years roll
along, only the skeleton of our tech
nical instruction is left.
To most of the students, and es
pecially the girls, geometry in high
school was of no earthly value from \
a practical standpoint. But geome- i
try served its purpose.. It helped'
our minds to expand; it was food I
for thought.
And so is football. If a course re
quires 16 hours a week, why not
let the football player take 13
academic hours and give him three
hours of credit for playing football,
as if football was one of the elec
tive studies? Football is a game
for thinkers. You must think hard
and be accurate. While the quar
terback is calling siguals, his mind
aud that of the rest of the players
must be alert. A mistake will spoil
the play; it may turn victory into
Football has other fcdvantages. It
teaches dicipline. It moulds char
acter. It instills spirit. The men
tal advantages derived by the man
in the moleskin should not be un
If the teachers would analyze
football as they do history or Eng
lish; if they would momentarily
forget it is a sport and attempt to
analyze it as if it wefe an academic
subject, perhaps, after seeing its ad
vantages, they would be a little
lenient with the pig-skin kicker.
A man spends three hours in the
laboratory absorbing physics. An
other spends four hours in the chem
istry lab. Ten years hence, how
many of the young men in the jour
nalism or law professions will re
member what kind of an ingredient
wlil be mixing of two otheir ingre
dients produce! Ninety per cent
probably will not. But chemistfy
has not failed as a study, because
it has helped to develop the mind.
Football also is a mind-trainer.
I wonder, what the teachers, who
either are for or against athletics,
think of football as a mind-trainer!
A. B. C.
Should the Green “O” be paint
ed on the back of rain coats?
Charles Norton, president of the
Oregon Knights: “The appearance
and effect of the custom is not
pleasing or artistic and often-times
careless usage of the rain coats
fades the letter. For that reason,
I would say that the sponsoring of
such a custom would cheapen a
sacred insignia.”
A Senior: “I do not particularly
care for the custom. It may be al
right for an upperclassman to in
scribe his class on his cords, but
to daub a green “O” on the back
of such an article as a raincoat is
rather sacriligious. ”
Fred Martin, yell king: “Per
sonally, I am all for the fad. It
shows that there is germinating a
spirit here that seeks expression
everywhere. I think it should be
made a tradition.”
Sophomore: “In some colleges
it has become the tradition that
only upperclassmen might paint
their letter on raincoats. To me,
that seems the only question for
discussion. That the custom is an
admirable one is a certainty.”
Eugenia Strickland: “If the let
ter must be inscribed promiscuously
on such articles of clothing, I wish
the wearers would choose some less
prosaic vestiage than a raincoat.
Of course, everything depends on
the wearer of the raincoat. ’ ’
1 At the Theatres j
THE REX—Third day: Cecil
B. DeMille’s production, “Feet
of Clay,” a drama that digs
deeply into human emotions
and the married flapper of
today, staged in DeMille’s
most opulent settings and fea
turing Rod La Roque, Vera
Reynolds, Victor Varconi, Jul
ia Faye, Theodore Kosloff,
Ricardo Cortea.
THE CASTLE—First day, Henry
Leon Wilson’s cleverest novel,
“Ruggles of Red Gap,” with
Ernest Torrence, Lois Wilson,
Edward Horton, and fine sup
porting cast; comedy, “Get
Away Day.”
■ -.. ■■ ■
Paddle yonr own &noe and the
sophomores will paddle the fresh
ASSEMBLY—An hour set apart
for the leisurely perusal of the
A young chap from eastern
Oregon, who is just getting
wised up on the way to say the
wrong thing at the proper mo
ment and vice versa, states
that the only difference he not
ices between mules and college
women is that the mules shuffle
their feet and eat hay.
* * •
I’ve watched the style’s vi
Its twists and turns and inter
But now there on my mind
The fashions of the men!
Once they were slim and tall
and lean,
Now all are fat and wide, I
With coats of lemon and green.
And so it goes again.
For knickerbockers now adorn
The lofty ones who’ve looked
with scorn
Upon the clothes the girls have
Dame Fashion’s slaves—the
i i
i i
i I
i 1
The space above represents a pic
ture taken a few evenings past. It
Made by Eloesscr - Hcynemann Co.
5«» Francisco - Portland - Los Angeles
Creators of Corduroy Trousers for the
Western College Man.
Phone 1827 — 684 Olive St.
'. *
The kind of dry cleansing we do is a de
light to those who discriminate. It is the
* kind of dry cleansing that makes things
stay clean LONGER. It will always
please you.
If we clean it, it’s CLEAN !
shows a group of seniors and
juniors standing around a fireplace
listening to a freshman tell a funny
joke. The frosh is sitting in the
big Morris chair at the right of
the photo. The scene is but one
of the many ‘ ‘ homey and broth
erly’’ get-togethers where ^the
upperclassmen learn the latest.
• • *
Not so Popular Now
Bight o’clock classes;
Green lids, and
The THINGS 'that come with
Today, October 29
4:00-6:00 p. m. — Women’s
League Tea. Woman’s building.
t Thursday, October 30
11:00 a. m.—Assembly. Wo
man ’s building.
Friday, October 31
7:15 p. m.—Noise parade, Eu
gene armory.
8:30 p. m.—Homecoming rally,
Kincaid field.
8:30 p. m.—Burning of bon
fire, Kincaid field.
Saturday, November 1
11:30-1:30 — Homecoming
Luncheon, Men’s gym.
2:15 p. m.—Washington vs.
Oregon, Hayward field.
8:30 p. m. —. Homecoming
dances, Woman’s building, Campa
Shoppe, Eugene armory.
Next week every man who par
ticipates in the Oregon-Washington
game—together with any ladies the
men may select—will be guests of
the Heilig theatre.
“Eugene as a whole is backing
the Oregon football team to win,”
said W. B. McDonald, manager of
the Heilig theatre, in making the
announcement of the award, “and
the Heilig already has the tickets
made out for the members of the
team. ’ ’
The footba.l men will be handed
the tickets immediately upon the
close of the game, and may attend
any performance at the theatre the
week following the game. The in
vitation will also include Coach Joe
Maddock, Trainer \^. L. Hayward
and the assistant coaches, Bart
Spellman, Billy Beinhart and Baz
Bead the Classified Ad Column.
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Hear that
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Don’t he a sponge—
Keep the rain off and be com
fortable while outdoors. If
you are going out in the rain
at all, it is to your advantage
to keep dry. We have a large
assortment of rainproof ap
parel—sport or work styles.
They look neat, and are ab
solutely waterproof.
Leather Vests — Real Slickers
Short Rubber Coats
You can do it better with gas
Gas Saves and Serves
The new \ ulcan Smooth Top Gas Range gives you
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Sold on Easy Terms
881 Oak Street Phone 28