Big Homecoming Assembly Tomorrow __i Freshmen Report for Bonfire Duty VOLUME XXVI UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1924 NUMBER 22 VARSITY FACES TEST SATURDAY m_ Three Days Remain Before Oregon and Washington Meet in Annual Contest HARD WORKOUTS HELD Reserve Backfield Men Are Trained by Maddock; New Plays are Perfected By Wilbur Wester In the short space of three days, the Oregon football team faces its second big game of the season. Having made a fairly respectable showing against Stanford, the var sity faces a similar hard situation in meeting the undefeated Huskies ! on Saturday. The Washington team has gone 1 through the season so far with a clean sTate, and the only remaining eleven capable of stopping the pen nant-bound Huskies, are the teams from Eugene and Berkeley. Huskies Lack Offensive With a wealth of material, in numerable lettermen and a veteran coach, it looked like a big year for the Washingtonians. They had little difficulty in running up im pressive scores against Montana, Willamette and Whitman; but when they met the Aggies, the Huskies showed decided weakness against a strong team. Although plainly out playing the Beavers, Washington lacked the offensive power to run up the “expected” score against the O. A. 0. team. At the beginning of the season, Oregon was rated as a soft spot in the coast schedule; but with the surprisingly rapid improvement made by Maddock’s men, coast teams are considering Oregon as a real stumbling block in the way of their pennant aspirations. Workouts are Held Even in a chilling wind with a driving rain, Maddock sent Ms war riors through a snappy scrimmage with the yearlings, yesterday after noon. The squad showed plenty of speed considering the raw weather. The scrimmage was held mainly for the purpose of perfecting some new plays to use in the big Homecoming game. The Oregon eleven’s 40-6 seore against Whitman was rolled' up by the use of only four plays, and a more powerful offensive will un doubtedly be brought out by the varsity when they work out several new and baffling plays to use against Washington. Backfield Men Developed At the present time, Maddock is developing a sespectable string of reserve backfield men, and against the hefty Huskies, these extra baek field men will probably be called into play. George Mimnaugh will probably play a fairly important part in Saturday’s contest, as Mim naugh is now getting his punts off in good style, and exchanging of pnnts will no doubt be one of the features of the game with the northern squad. In George Wilson and Elmer Tes (Continued on Page Four) Stand In Y. M. Hut Will Sell Coffee, Hot Dogs and Milk Food for the body as well as for the soul is now obtainable at . the campus Y. M. Co A. with* the establishment today of a hot lunch counter in the hut.# Sizzling hot dogs, hamburgers, coffee, milk and other things that hungry students desire, to appease their mid-dav appetites, will be sold. James Stewart will be chef d ’hote of the establishment and he promises warm lunches to all who have a few nickels to spend, j A candy counter is already in operation at the hut, but the many j students who make the “Y” j their headquarters have long de- | sired something more substantial j and the authorities have decided to fulfill this desire by opening the “dog” stand. Low prices and high quality and quantity will be the features of the busi ness, said Stewart. HOMECOMING PENNANT 1 WORKERS NEED HELP Committees are Appointed To Handle Badge Sale The Women’s League is sending! an urgent request to all freshman girls to come out and do their * share toward keeping up the honor of their class by making the , little green and yellow pennants for j wear during Homecoming week-end. j Unless help is received jvithout ' delay, there may be no pennants to ; greet the eyes of the old grads when they" return Friday and Sat urday. So far there are only about 1300 pennants made, but this is only , about half the number needed. The , freshman girls, under the freshman commission headed by Mary Don- j aldson, are expected to do the sew ing, the time for which is not re- j stricted to any hour of the day or 1 evening, so all the girls in the class should show their loyalty by, offering assistance in the work at the Bungalow at every spare hour , possible. Anna Joe Witt, head or the wont, has appointed committees composed of freshmen, headed by a sopho more, to sell the pennants Friday and Saturday. Catlierii>e Struplere and Lucile Pearson have charge of the sale at the trains; Beatrice Peters and Mary Fau Yurpiliat with their committees will be sta tioned in front of the Administra tion building; Esther Setters will supervise the girls in the different living organizations; Marian Hors fall will be in charge at the campus luncheon and Francis Morgan at the football game. All Oregon students as well . as alumni are expected to wear these pennants to the Homecoming game, in accordance with an old .tradition on the campis. The price, as usual, vvill be 5 cents, and the proceeds of the sale vs ill go to the general treasury fund of the Women’s league. PHI DELTA KAPPA TO HOLD FIRST MEETING WEDNESDAY The members of Phi Delta Kappa, honorary education society, will hold their first meeting of the year Wednesday evening at the College Side Inn at 6 o 'clock. JAPANESE AJiT TO BE SHOWN IN UNIVERSITY GALLERY SOON Art lovers are looking forward i with mueh interest to an exhibi- ! tion of the oil paintings of Tokio Ueyama, a Japanese artist living < in Los Angeles. They were shipped by express from Los Angeles last Saturday, and it is hoped that they will be here for hanging in the small gallery of the Arts building by the last of the week. Ueyama is a Japanese with botlij an American and a European train ing, and does portraits, landscapes, and still lifes. A total of 25 can- i vases will be included in the ex hibit. At the time of the Japanese earth- 1 quake last year a group of Ueya- 1 mas paintings were on the way to 1 Japan for a government exhibition, 1 but were lost in the disaster. He j has exhibited in the United States ! iii tlie galleries of Pennsylvania, Texas, and California. This artist was a fellow student of N. B. Zane, University of Ore gon instructor in fine arts when they attendedj 'the Peundylvaiijia Academy of Fine Arts. A realist in execution, Ueyama yet has a touch of the oriental in his design. A still life by him is in the possession of Professor Zane, and hangs on the wall of his studio' on the campus. It is rich in blue and orange and gold, in the texture of satin and of porcelain. This is the opening exhibition for the gallery, though others are being scheduled for later in the year. A collection of prints, the property of the school of architecture and allied arts, has been shown, however. ALUMNI TO ELECT TEAR'S OFFICERS; Jeanette Calkins Reminds Former Oregon Students To Register on Arrival MEETING ON SATURDAY Subscriptions to Alumni Magazine are Included On Enrollment Cards “Be sure to remember to register j when you get on the campus, anil) don’t forget the alumni meeting on 1 Saturday,” says Jeanette Calkins, alumni secretary, to all the alumni [ and former students who are com- | ing to the campus this week end. A new system of registration has been introduced, which is much quicker and more efficient than the old method of inscribing the name i in the big book. The registering j is to be done on cards upon which j the graduate will write his name,! address, class, and ooeupation, and ^ on the reverse side will be an ap- ! plication for subscription to “Old Oregon,” the alumni magazine, j These cards are to be filed alpha betically as soon as they are filled J out, which will facilitate the work ; of looking up those who are, here, j Election Date Changed After Homecoming, the cards will j be used to check the addresses in the alumni files and for news notes in “Old Oregon.” The booth will be in the administration building and will be open from 1 until 2 on Friday and all day Saturday, ex cept during the game. The importance of the alumni meeting in Guild hall on Saturday at 2 o’clock is especially stressed i (Continued on Page Four) MISS MARY PERKINS Miss Mary HalloweH Perkins, professor of English, is the new president of the Oregon chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, succeeding Dr. Robert Carlton Clark, head of the department of history, who has served since the installation of the chapter in April, 1923. Other officers elected at the meeting held Tuesday afternoon are Fred Lea Stetson, professor of education} vice-president; Dr. Dan E. Clark, assistant director of the extension division, secretary. These officers, with Dr. W. E. Milne, pro fessor of mathematics, and George Turnbull, professor of journalism, both of whom were elected yester day, constitute the executive com mittee. Election of most outstanding members of the senior class to membership in the chapter was undertaken but not finished, and the meeting was adjourned until 3 o’clock Thursday afternoon in room 8, Commerce building, at which time the elections will be completed and the results announced. At the next meeting also the committee on by-law revision will report. Eighteen of the faculty members of the orgabization at tended the meeting yesterday. WOMEN’S LEAGUE TEA TODAY FROM 4 TO 6 Tea and wafers will be served from four to six o ’clock this af ternoon in the sun parlor of the Woman’s building. This will be one of the regular weekly affairs given by the Women’s League un der the direction of Doris Bropliy. AH University women are in vited and urged to attend, and par ticipate in the dancing which al ways accompanies these teas. There will be no admission charge. SPORTS EDITOR EXCHANGES DOPE WITH OTHER COLLEGES George Godfrey, sports editor of the Emerald has begun a regular exchange of photographs and cuts , with other colleges in the conference. Practice Stunts Of Royal Rooters Off’Till Saturday OWING to enclement weath er yesterday afternoon, organization of the Royal Rooters, which was scheduled to take place at Hayward field, was postponed until Saturday. The special sti(nt which was to have been prac ticed yesterday afternoon will be simplified somewhat and instructions regarding it given to the men when they are seated in the grandstand dur ing the game. HOMECOMING GAME j TICKETS NOW ON SALE Benefiel Designates Alumni Grand Stand Seats Tickets will be on sale today for what may turn out to be the great est Homecoming football gathering ever assembled at Hayward field— j the Oregon-Washington game Sat- ; urday. More than 12,000 spectators are expected to attend, according to Jack Benefiel, graduate manager. Special preparations have been made for the seating of alumni and visiting Washington game enthus iasts, who will arrive in a special train Saturday at noon. More than 500 Washington sons are expected by train, while fully 200 have an nounced their intentions of making the trip by automobile. Grandstand seating arrangements for the Washington game have been designated by Benefiel as follows: Oregon alumni in the center south section; Washington alumni, north center section; Washington rooters, ill front of Washington grand stand; Order of the “O” in the Oregon alumni section, while Oregon root ers and students will be seated on the east side bleachers and on the ends of the main grandstand. ♦ -<> ' Tickets Ale on Sale At Obak’s, Laraway’s and tlie j Co-op; general admission, $1.50; J reserved sections, $2.00 and $2.50; students obtain free tick ets at Co-op with A. S. U. O. ticket. o---:--3> ALL FRESHMEN MUST BE IN MEETING TONIGHT All freshmen men and women must be .present at the meeting in Villard tonight at 7 o’clock. Over 000 men and 400 girls are registered in the class and roll will be called. All men and women on Homecoming committees will be apprised of their duties and it is necessary that everyone be present to see if he is on a committee. All chairmen must be at the gene ral meeting and will meet separ ately at the end of the mass meet ing. This will be the last time the class will be in one body before Homecoming and plans for the bon fire, for guard duty and for the part played by the women in the serving of food will be discussed. The only men excused are those who at the time of the meeting, are guard ing the “O”, the seal and the bon fire. HABERDASHERY OPENS .IN CAMPUS VICINITY The new Collegiate Haberdashery which was just opened next door to the Lemon ‘O’ PhaYmacy is all ready to receive patronage in car load lots, according to Dick Gordon and Howard Hobson, who comprise the firm of the Haberdashery. The boys are planning to give their customers the best of service at the lowest price. They are rep resenting the Jones-Jehlinger cloth ing house of Portland, which keeps them in close touch with the best in styles and qualities on the market. FROSH BONFIRE READS NAMED Ten Men to Have Helpers To Aid in Wide Search for Construction Materials TWO TRUCKS TO BE USED Permission Must be Asked Before Property Can be Taken, is Warning Issued With the appointment recently of the committee heads, together with the actual erection of the eight 40* foot poles, plans for one of the host bonfires in the history of Honae eoniing were gotten well under way. Actual construction, however, be cause of a University ruling, will not begin until Thursday afternoon, and will not cease until the fire is built, some time Friday after noon. Chairman Appoints Men George Hill, general chairman for the bonfire has appointed ten men, Jim Guttridge, Del Monte, Bob Overstreet, Sam Lockwood, Colder McCall, Freeman Douglas, Bill Powell, George Wardner, Harry Shuppel, and Jim Elliott who are, in turn, to appoint ten men to eerre under them, as eommittee_ head* of the materials committee. It will be the duty of these men to aeont around Eugene, visiting every store and factory, lumber yard and the like, in order to locate and get per mission to take, the vast amount of wood which is necessary to bnild the fire. Trucks to Haul Material Klass Powell has also been ap pointed chairman of the transpor tation committee and will have charge of transporting the material (Continued on Page Four) SCHEDULE GIVEN OUT A complete picture schedule for the 1925 Oregana, including all the organizations on the campus, has been compiled and will bo followed without change. Tn view of this fact it is absolutely necessary that each house make the greatest pos sible effort to have its members at the studio on the assigned date, ac cording to those in charge. With one organization a day scheduled, the entire list will be completed a few days before the term examinations, and as there will be no opportunity to have pic tures taken after the vacations, it is essential that students adhere to the dates set. The new location of the Kennell-Ellis studio is Ml Willamette, next to the Bex the atre. It will remain open in the evenings until 9 o’clock to accomo date those who have not time to pose during the day. Each week the names of the or ganizations who are scheduled to have pictures taken during the re mainder of that week, will be pub lished. The entire schedule is: Oct. 27—Alpha Beta Chi. Oct. 28—-Alpha Chi Omega. Oct. 29—Alpha Tau Omega. Oct. .'10—Alpha Delta Pi. Nov. It.—Bachclordon and Chi Psi. Nov. 4—Alpha Phi. Nov. 5—Beta Theta Pi. Nov. 6—Alpha Omicron Pi mad Delta Omega. Nov. 7—Alpha Xi Delta and Thaclier Cottage. Nov. 8—Delta Tau Delta. Nov. 10—Chi, Omega. Nov. 12—Frirtidlv hall. Nov. 13—Delta Delta Delta. Nov. 14—Kappa Delta Phi and , Lambda Psi. Nov. 15—Delta Gamma. Nov. lti—Kappa Sigma. Nov. 18—Delta Zeta. Nov. 19—Phi Delta Theta. Nov. 20—Gamma Phi Beta. Nov. 21—Phi Gamma Delta. Nov. 24—Hendricks hall. Nov. 25—Hendricks hall. Nov. 20—Students not in living organizations. Dec. 1—phi Kappa Psi. t Contiiritd on 1‘ayt 1 hree) I Dean Straub’s Memory Plays Baffling Trick For the first time in history, the utterly unheard of has oc eurred. Dean Straub met one of hie old students from the early daye of the University and didn’t know him. The manner of the thine was this: The dean was raking leaves from his lawn last Saturday, when a car stopped out in front of hie home and a middle-aged man eame up to him. “Dean Straub,” he said, “you have the reputation of knowing every body who was once a student here. Who am If” Dean Straub looked at him, and though he now in eiete the face was familiar, at the time he couldn’t place the man. "Turn around to the side,” he (aid, but even that did not help. Hie dean had to admit he was baffled. It was the first time in his life ho had ever failed. “I'm Frank Neill,” began the mam, and then the dean’s memory eame out victorious. “Ah yes,” he said. “You left here 40 years ago, but you were only 15 years old then, and your face has ehaaged.” U.T.C. BIND TO PHY IT HOMECOMING GAME Musicians Prove Popular; Will Lead Parade The R. O. T. C. band will be . one Of .the big features for Homecoming this year. Committees at the R. O. T. C. headquarters this week are malting arrangements for the band vw « f > in miin uu uvi umuuiuutui This has been the first year that the band has proved popular enough at Homecoming to be in demand for almost every occasion. It will make its first week-end appear ance at the parade Friday night, when it will lead the campus noise makers. Later in the evening the musicians will go to the bonfire and render a few selections. Saturday morning they will play a concert during the campus luncheon, and I give the students and visitors a i few classical numbers. In the after- j noon the band will lead the Order of the O around the field and will play during the game. There is a great possibility that the band will take a trip next spring, depending upon the success they achieve. It is planned that this trip will take them through the larger cities surrounding Eu 'gene and will probably last a week. “There is no doubt but that we will be successful,” said Andrew Landles, the director, “as the man ner and spirit in which the boys are playing will surely bring suc cess.” They have also received support from the music department. Some new stunt features are promised by the band this year, which will include quartet work, a jass orchestra and special solos. Hilton Bose and Curtiss Burton have been appointed to take charge of this work. DR. F. L. SHINN STILL CONFINED TO HIS HOME Dr. F. L. Shinn of the chemistry department, who has been quite ill for soase time past, is reported as still confined to his home and un sMe to conduct his classes although his condition is materially improved. It is hoped that he will be able to resume his duties in the near future. Dr. O. F. Stafford, head of the chemistry department, returned the first of the week from a several days trip in California. TWO SPEECHES ABE GIVEN BY EXTENSION DIVISION There were two talks given last week end by two members of the extension division staff. Dr. Dan Clark, asssitant director of the ex tension division, spoke to a Doug las eennty teacher’s zone meeting at Drain on “Education for Citizen ship.” Mozelle Hair, head of the esrrespondence study department, spoke to a parent and teacher’s meeting at Shedd, Friday night. ASSEMBLY TOPIC Plans in Detail for Coming Week-end to be Outlined By Committee Chairman COL. LEADER WILL TALK Cups for Noise Machines And Most Original Sign To be Shown on Stage Homecoming from every angle, and all its phases, -will be the sub ject for the annual Homecoming as sembly on Thursday at 11 o’clock in the Woman’s building. All of the seventy-three members of the Homecoming committee who have given so much time and energy towards making the week end a suc cess, will be on the stage, as well as both glee clubs who will sing several numbers. Chairman to Speak Colonel John Leader, who is ex pected from Vancouver, B. C., will be the principal speaker. Homecom ing would not seem complete with out this staunch Oregon supporter, and faculty and students alike will welcome this opportunity to greet him. Randall Jones, president of the student body, and Jack High, chair man of the Homecoming committee, will outline the whole program for Homecoming. Besides the hosts of alumni and former students who will return to the campus, and the thousand Washington students there will be about fifty Michigan alums who are coming here to see the team of their former college mate, Coach Joe Maddock, in action. The two cups, one to be awarded for the best Homecoming sijjn and the other for the best noise making machine, will be on display. Stu dents are reminded that not over $10 is to be spent on the Home coming and that the prize will go to the house which erects the most original and artistic sign, which at the same time demonstrates the real Homecoming spirit. Tags to be Given Out This is the only chance that stu dents will have to get their identi fication tags which will admit them to the luncheon on Saturday. These tags are to be given to the alums on their registration at the Admin istration building. About a thous and of them have been sent to the Washington students. Every student in the University is especially urged to come to this assembly, to get the spirit of Home coming, and to do his part towards entertaining the hundreds of visi tors who will be the guests of the campus for the week end. TECHNICAL STUDENTS TO HEAR DEAN DYMENT At the regular meeting of the Technical Society in Deady hall this evening, Dean Colin V. Dyment will deliver a lecture on why the tech nical man should have a command of good English. The lecture will be of special interest to technical students and pre-engineers. All others wishing to attend are invited. The lec tures given under the auspices of the Technical society so far this year have proven very interesting and have been attended by larger audiences than those of last year. MARIAN TAYLOR CHOSEN AS SECRETARY TO W. C. HAWLEY Marian Taylor, who graduated from the school of business adminis tration with the class of 1922, has accepted a position as secretary to Congressman Willis C. Hawley, and will start work December 1. Miss Taylor, following her graduation, worked in the office of the internal revenue collector at Portland for a year, and later became appoint ment bureau and departmental sec retary of the school of education. Her home is in Eugene.