VOLUME XXVI UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1924 NUMBER 21 of Nations This Week: ^United States, England, France, India and Hedjaz.* == By Glenn E. Hoover — We are now nearing the close of what Prof. Beard calls “a thunder ing demonstration of democratic power,”—a presidential election. We are teld that it is the particu lar duty of University men and wo men to be interested in the spec tacle and take part in it. ' But the show is a bit dull, the theme is i frayed and hackeyed and the cast i is unusually weak. It has been played intermittently in this coun- j try for more than a century and a ' quarter. The audience is unques tionably bored. * » # Even our Portland contemporary which is the most excited over the prospect of a land-slide in favor of its Candidate, admits editorially, that there is no hope of reviving the quaint custom of demonstrat ing the merits of the party leader by carrying a torch and marching in the mud. This tradition to gether with the interest which it manifested has followed the derby hat, the stick-pin and the suspend ers into the limbo of the everlost. When France needs a president the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate meet at Versaille, in joint session, and without even the for mality of a nominating speech, pro* ceed to the election. There is as ; much neatness and dispatch in that method as there is buncombe and hullabaloo in ours. Nor am I sure that French presidents compare un favorably with our own* Britain too is undergoing a gene ral election, the results of which should be known next Thursday. The issues are more confused than is common in Britain. Apparently MacDonald is tired of holding of fice without power and hopes for a majority in the new House. We prophecy he will not have a major ity but it is possible that both the Conservatives and Laborites will gain at the expense of the Liberals. The British Liberals and our Demo cratic party are finding the hard est going in the middle-of-the-road. Beading, viceroy of India, re sponsible for the maintenance of order among one-fifth of the human race, exercises his emergency powers to supplement the criminal laws in an attempt to suppress what he calls anarchy. This anarchy is probably what the “founding fath ers” would have called revolution. If the Indian people would take their eyes off their English oppres tor long enough to look over the frontier into China, they ought to be more reconciled to the Pax Britannica.” The “white man’s burden” in the Near East shows no sign of growing lighter. Reports indicate that but for British tanks and planes, the made-in-England King dom of the Hedjaz would have been wiped out before some of our read ers learned that it is in north western Arabia. The existence or the Hedjaz is resented by the Wahabies, a fierce, fanatical tribe, constituting “the “reform party” of the Arab Mo hammedans. They drink neither wine nor coffee nor do they smoke tobacco. They further manifest their zeal as reformers by cutting off the* heads of their opponents. [Upon ’request of the Editor of the Emerald, Professor Glenn E. Hoover of the economics and poli tical science departments, has con sented to contribute a weekly inter pretation of national and interna tional events. This is the first of a series.—Editor’s note.] BUSINESS MEN START Y. M. C. A. CAMPAIGN The University Y. M. C. A. fi nancial campaign among the Eu jgene business men -was launched last night at a dinner served to the members of the canvassing commit tee at the hut. A quota of $1200 has been set to be raised by this committee. Marion Yeatch is head of the canvassing group which is divided into ten teams of two men each, one business man and one member of the University faculty. A general discussion of the prob lems of the campaign took place at the meeting last night. Dr. War ren D. Smith, Karl Onthank, and Walter Myers addressed the gath ering. CAMPUS PREPARES FOR HOMECOMING; WASHINGTON INVASION DUE SATURDAY ORIGINAL PLANS LAE GIVEN OUT Noise Parade Wiil Start Downtown, Go Through City and Then to Bonfire THREE DANCES PLANNED Naturalization Ceremony Postponed Because of The President’s Illness Every year, the University tnies to put on a bigger and better Homecoming than the year before, and the chairmen and their commit tees work toward that end.. This year there are to be several changes in the Homecoming program, which, it is thought, will be an improve ment. To begin with, the noise parade will start downtown at the armory, and, while the strains of band music and the noise making apparatus blare out intermittently, will make its way up to Kincaid field, where the rally will be held. Familiar Mien to Speak The list oi speakers at the rally contains some of the old familiar names, such as Jack Lauterette, Ed Bailey, “Slim” Crandall, and others of former football fame, as well as that true Oregon friend, Colonel John Leader.' These speakers, with the band, men’s glee club and the team, are to sit on a specially con structed platform. The glee club will sing several numbers. Another Change which will elim inate the usual, congestion is the plan for three dances; two upper class and alumni dances at the Wo man’s building and the Cainpa Shoppe, and the underclass at the armory. The silver cup, which will he awarded by the A. S. TJ. O., to the house that erects the best sign for Homecoming, Will'be presented at the dance at the Woman’s build ing. Hospitality to be Shown Hospitality to Washington stu i dents is one of the big ideas of the whole Homecoming committee, and they will be given free tickets to everything, but the football game. This is to continue the good spirit that exists between the two insti tutions. ADVANCED CORES OFFICERS TO HAVE NEW UNIFORMS The new uniforms for the officers of the advanced corps of the R. O. T. C. will be finished in a few weeks. The Eugene Clothing Manu facturing company which have been awarded the contract, have prom ised them as soon as possible. The uniforms had to be especially made and separate measurements taken for each man. Special Train With Visitors To Be Here Saturday NEARLY five hundred people are expected to arrive here next Saturday from the University of Washington in a special train consisting of an observation car, several pull mans and a diner. An attempt will be made to have the rail road company sidetrack the train on a siding back of Vil lard hall, in order that it will not be necessary for the visi tors to travel the distance from town to the campus. More than two hundred auto ists are also expected from the northern state and a large number of University of Mich igan grads are planning to come down in order to see Coach Maddock who comes from that institution. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF PORTLAND ELECTS V. T. Motschenbacher, ’14, New Presiding Head At a meeting of the Portland branch of the Alumni association last Saturday, the officers for the following year were elected: Vernon T. Motschenbacher, ’14, is the presi dent, James Sheehy, vice-president, and Mrs. Hilda Brant Carruth, sec retary-treasurer. These officers are not for the entire' -association of alumni but merely for the Portland branch, which is the largest branch. Motschenbaeher is a member of Alpha Tau Omega, and was student body president, sophomore presi dent,, member of Friars, To-Ko-Lo, baseball team, debate team, Order of the “O”, and the glee club. Sheehy, ’19, fs a member of Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Delta Chi, and was student body president, sopho more president, and captain of the baseball and soccer teams. Mts. Carruth, ’13, was active in music and dramatics on the campus. She is a member of Mu Phi Epsilon. At the meeting, fifty Portland alumni of the University of Mich igan enthusiastic by the presence of Joe Maddock on the Oregon cam pus, announced that they were com ing for Homecoming and would pledge their allegiance to the Uni versity. Dean John Bovard spoke to the alumni of the' relationship between athletics and the University. Both he and Dean Sheldon, who also spoke at the meeting, urged that all alumni come back to the campus for Homecoming. Virgil Earl, Homer Angell, Jack Latourette, chairman for the alumni at the Homecoming (Continued on Page Three) Royal Rooters Rehearse Today « ^ ^ « Team Will Furrtish Inspiration Four hundred loyal sons of Ore gon are asked by the yell staff to give less than hour of their time this afternoon at 4:30 o’clock to indulge in a practice work-out in the bleachers at Hayward field, in order to impress the visiting Wash ingtonians as well as Old Oregon alumni with the fact that the Uni versity has lost nothing of the originality and whole hearted fight which she has always had. There are 400 specially reserved seats near the 40-yard line in the bleachers, which have been set aside for this special group of rooters. And the yell king, Freddie Martin, asks that every available man turn out to help form this group which will be known as the Royal Root ers. A new stunt which is promised to be a novel affair has been planned. It is clever and will be sure to impress upon the minds of those in the grandstands as well as the men on the field that Oregon as a whole is backing its team to the limit in the annual Homecoming game. According to Martin, there are some cards to be used in the stunt which might be spoiled if it should rain this afternoon, so in event that it does rain, the rehearsal will be deferred until tomorrow. However if there is no actual rain at 4:30 o ’clock, 4every loyal man should turjii out. Coach Joe Maddock has promised to ^send his team through their paces before the crowd so the root ers will be given a taste of what they may expect to happen this Saturday. And, of course, they will have the team to yell for, and not I just a tame rehearsal. DELIA OMEGA WINS NATIONAL Alpha Gamma Delta Grants Charter to Local Group Organized May, 1923 SCHOLARSHIP IS HIGH Thanksgiving Week Will Be Probable Date of Installation of Chapter Delta Omega, -women’s local fra ternity, Sunday morning received telegraphic word of its having been granted a charter of Alpha Gamma Delta, national Greek letter organi zation with 32 chapters in the Unit ed States and one in Toronto, Can ada. Installation will probably take place during Thanksgiving week, with Delia Martin, chairman of the Alpha Gamma Delta extension com mittee, as installing officer. The Oregon chapter will be known as Delta Delta of Alpha Gamma Delta. Charter Members Given Delta Omega was organized just previous to Junior week-end, a year ago last spring, May, 1923, and the announcement of its formation was made in the Emerald during Junior week-end. The names of the girls who were charter members are: Myrl Allman, Katherine Ashmead, Dorothy Akin, Hazel Borders, Helen Burfield, Gladys DuBois, Dorothy Dixon, Merle Oliver, Har riett Rice, Frances Simpson, Stella Van Vleet, and Helen Winter. The group did not become a liv ing organization, howevqr, ufntil the opening of the fall term last year, when they moved into the house at Fourteenth and Alder, for merly occupied by Pi Beta Phi. House Wins Honors During its first year on the cam pus Delta Omega was the recipient of many campus honors, among them the Junior week-end canoe fete cup, awarded for the most at tractive entry in the fete, and the scholarship cup offered to the cam pus organization making the high est scholastic record for the’ entire year. Alpha Gamma Delta was founded at Syracuse university, Syracuse, New York, May 30, 1904. It was admitted to the National Pan-Hel lenic congress in 1909. Louise Leonard, national president of the fraternity at the present time, is also secretary of the National Pan Hellenic organization. She spent a day or so on the campus in Mareh as a guest of the petitioning group. Six Chapters in West There arC five provinces of the fraternity, the Western province, Delta, comprising the states of California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, and Wyoming. Chapters in this prov ince are located at the universities of Washington, Montana, and Cali fornia, and at Washington State college, the University of Southern California, and Oregon Agricultural college. With the addition of the new na tional, the number of women’s na tional fraternities on the campus will total 14. This, with the 11 men’s national organizations, will bring the number of campus Greek letter organizations of national standing up to 25. Members are Named Active members and pledges of Delta Omega at the present time are: Dorothy Akin, St. Helens; Myrl Allman, Portland; Katherine Ashmead, Fullerton, California; Hazel Borders, Portland; MSary Crombie, Portland; Olivia DeGuire, 8ilverton; Gladys DuBois, Portland; Dorpthy Dixon, Portland; Madeline Gerlinger, Dallas; Arlene Hay, Cen tral Point; Elizabeth Hayter, Dal las; Louise Inabnit, Bend; Mar garet Inabit. Bend; Marian Jenkins, (Continued on Page Three) Store Windows Will Be Dressed For Homecoming COOPERATION with the University students In making this a big Homecom ing has been promised by the mayor of Eugene and the Eu gene chamber of commerce. They have promised to give their support and secure the help of the townspeople. A special “dean-up” day is planned before the end of this week in order that the city may look its best. The downtown section is go ing to have some special dec orations in the way of flags and street lighting. Extra window displays will also be featured for Homecoming. BONFIRE PLKNS NEED FROSH FID Postholes Must be Dug by Noon Today, According To Constructs Chairman MATERIAL IS COLLECTED An appeal is made by Rallies Bp ping, chairman of the construction committee for the frosh bonfire, for every freshman who has any vacant hours before noon today, to turn out on Kincaid field to help dig post holes. It is absolutely im perative that these holes be dug be fore noon today because the tele phone company has offered to do nate their services during the af ternoon in order to erect the poles, provided that all the holes have been dug. Each of the campus living organi zations was appealed to for frosh yesterday afternoon but only a very few responded. If the bon fire is to be built at all, the fresh men must begin work immediately, according to Epping, although ac tual construction of the bonfire it self will not begin until Thursday afternoon. Men representing the committee will be at the site of the bonfire each hour firing the forenoon and all frosh are requested to report to them. Members of the materials com mittee have been scouting around Eugene looking for wood during the past week and quite a quantity has been lined up. Freshmen will be excused from classes Friday and can -give their undevided attention to the construction, as the bonfire must be completed before the rally Friday night. The following men will be ex pected to report at Kincaid field for work during their vacant per iods tomorrow. They will Teport to the person in charge. The names of those who fail to report will be turned over to the Order of the “O”, and great will be the weep ing and wailing of those who hold rendezvous on the library steps. Donald Adams, Elmer Adams, John Adams, Claud Addison, Lowell Agee, Paul Ager, Donald Allen, Hampton Allen, Donald Allison, Uno Anderson, Bliss Ansnes, Harold Ashmun, Arthur Babb, Kenneth Baer, Irvin Ball, William Ball, William Bamber, Frank Bates, John Boan, Donald Beelar, Ward Beeney, Mervyn Behnke, Henry Benton, Harold Berry, Charles Best, Burl Betzer, John Black Clifton Boggs, Gerhard Braun, Harry Brock, Al bert Brokenshire, Edward Btowh, Lee BroWn, Wiiliam Brown, ^Earl Bruandage, Roland Buchanan, Ed gar Burns, Guyon Call, Clayton Campbell, Robert Campbell, Allen Canfield, Augustin Carmisis, Lonnie Cbamlee, Ray Chastin, Daniel Che ney, Campbell Church, Aul Clark, William Clark, Ralph Clave, Jay Goodman. Committees Ready With Full Plans for Alumni Celebration Housing Situation Being Well Taken Care of; Features Promised; Washingtonians Will Have Freedom of Campus By L. B. Homecoming is only four days away! The final plans for the big event are nearing completion and the chairmen of the various committees, and their mem bers are working early and late to finish up every detail for the big week end. Nearly everything in the way of entertainment, housing, IMMIGRATION IS TOPIG OF WOMEN’S DEBATE Tryouts for Varsity Team Set for November 8 Tryouts for the women’s varsity debate team will be held on Satur day, November 8. The question to be used for the trial is the one whieh is being used in doughnut debate and is on the subject which will be employed in the final inter collegiate debate. It is: “Resolved, ! that the immigration act should be amended to permit the Japanese to enter this country on the same basis on which the Europeans are now ad mitted.” The plan for the carrying out of the tryouts is similar to that used for the men’s trial. Each contest ant may prepare a seven to eight minute speech on any phase of the subject which she may choose. Af tor she has given her speech she will be questioned on the subject for five or six minutes. If the . number of aspirants for the team equals that which ap peared for the men’s varsity, the tryouts will not be completed in one day. As there is a possibility I of including California in the de bates this year, women’s forensics call for a decided interest. DR. WETHERBEE TO LECTURE TODAY ON WORLD CRUISE Dr. J. R. Wetherbee, who was the director of physical education here from 1894-1897 and who is now a Portland physician, will give an il lustrated lecture . tonight on “Around the World Cruise.” This will start at 8 o’clock and will be in the chamber of commerce. Ad mission charges are 50 cents. Dr. Wetherbee is a brother of Frank R. Wetherbee, prominent business man of this city. The two brothers made the trip around the world last win i ter on the steamer “Franconia.” wuiuuiuuig, u peppy umse pa rade and the biggest rally ever, not to mention the Home coming lunch, the big football game pn Saturday, and then the Homecoming dance, has been thought of, so that the alums and former students who come back to the campus for these three days, will be on the go every minute, from the time that Carl Dahl and his committee welcome them at the train, until they wearily embark again on Sunday, conceding this to be the best Homecoming ever. Committee Needs Care The welcoming committee still needs more cars, as every train is to be met, and each house is urged to donate one, if it is possible. The alums will be taken immediately to the Administration 'building where they will register and get their com plimentary tickets to all the events on the program except the game. Hal Lundberg has about 400 rooms lined up, and anyone desir ing information concerning them is asked to communicate with him. This committee is also giving out identification tags to the students and alums, who will receive them at the information desk on their arrival. These tags are being sent to Washington for all students who expect to come down here. The noise parade will start about 7:15 from the Armory and will march directly to Kincaid field where the rally will begin about 8:,‘10. The rally, under the direc tion of Freddie Martin, promises to be a most enthusiastic and ear splitting affair, and will be lit up by the light from the mammoth Frosh bonfire. If it doesn’t rain, there will be two street dances after the rally. Luncheon is Planned On Saturday, the first affair will be Mio luncheon from 11:30 until 1:30. The committee is still silent in regard to the menu but the or ders for the food are in, and from the size of them no one should go hungry. The Men’s Glee Club and the band will furnish music during the hours of serving. The lunch I eon will be held outside if the j weather permits, otherwise it will ■be in the men’s gymnasium. The ticket sales for the game are (Continued on Page Three) LEMON-YELLOW WINS EASILY FROM WHITMAN OUTFIT, 40-6 Playing in regular football weath er before a fair-sized crowd’, the Oregon varsity proceeded in a steady methodical fashion to trounce the Missionaries 40-6. The manner in which the Lemon-Yellow squad i out-played the Whitman eleven, I convinced the most pessimistic sport I critic that Maddock has really de ! veloped a machine that may sur j prise some college team before the present season ends. Wayne Sutton,- freshman football coach at the University of Wash ington, was frankly surprised at the strength of the Oregon team. Sut | ton is now in Seattle and no doubt i is advising Knoeh Bagshaw to take ' the over-confidence out of the | Huskies. Not only in score but also in 1 every angle of the game, Oregon soundly beat the Whitman aggrega tion. Sonic of the figures on the contest are rather surprising. Individual yardage gains—Ore gon; Lynn Jones 79, Anderson 72, Vitus 55, Terjesen 42, Burton 31, Stoddard 26, Mimnaugh 15; yardage from scrimage, total 318. Yardage from passes, 136. Yardage from punts, 255. Total number of first downs, 14. Scoring touchdowns: Vitus, 2; Jones, Mimnaugh, Reed, Burton. Individual yardage gains—Whit man: Hall 28, Neilson 4, Millan 13, Lackey 5, Reed 2; total 57. Yard age from passes, 0. Yardage from punts, 317. First downs, 4. Scor ing touchdowns, Reed. Washington was slightly jarred from its assumed championship pedffital when the Aggies held them to a 6-3 score, in Saturday’s con test at the Washington stadium. However, the “smashing” George Wilson had little difficulty in pick ing his holes in the Beaver line, in (Continued on Page Four)