STUDENTS MAY VOTE IN ELECTIONS TODAY Freeholders Will Swear in Those Not Registered University students, regardless of whether they have registered, may vote - in the primary elections •which are being held today. The requirements to vote follow: Six months in the state of Oregon, 30 days in the pr< einct, a citizen of the United States who is at least 21 years of age. Any stu dent who meets the above regula tions may claim Kugene as his home, if he so desires. A person who has not, registered may be sworn in by two freeholders, or property owners, at the polls. The polls will be open from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. There are 21 precincts in all. There will be five election bal lots in Lane county, but six in Eugene. Republican ballots will be issued only to Republicans, and the Democratic ballots will be is sued only to members of that party. A registered voter can not change his political registration on election day. Other information given out by county officials was to the effect that no name of a Republican candidate written on a Democratic ballot will be counted toward a Democratic nomination, or vice versa. Special care should bo tak'’n, it was requested, to place the “x” in the correct place, which is just after the number on the left-hand side of each column. The vote will be counted if it is placed after the name, but there are chances of its being overlooked if it is not put in the correct place. All day tomorrow there will bo citizens in the Campa Shoppe to swear in students. —Hear J. Stitt Wilson— ROBINSON IS NAMED AS WINNER OF PRIZE (Continued from page one) Her count wag 182, while Esther Set tern received 170. Tlie secretary of the class ap peared to be a very Desirable position, as there were five entrants. Myrtle Mast was elected, receiving a vote of 108. The other candidates were, Camille Burton with a vote of 04, May-Can Vurpillat 02, Many Cogswell 40, and Constance Vance 47. Bob Coffey will handle the funds of the class, lie was elected treas urer with a vote of 151. Pete Erin ler was his nearest runner up with a vote of 108, and Bill James received 98. The one office in the senior class, that of permanent secretary, will lie tilled by Frank Carter, who won over Douglas Fnrrel, with a count of 74 to 88. Following (lie idea of the class parties which were all held on one night, the class elections were also held togither, thus minimizing the T CLASSIFIED ADS? ■ * H—t# rr- • i fi •»« M*.vt ! bf If.-iUteO tr 5 Ud<*: nvip this limit rH' per llniv Phorr 951, or Irnvr ropy with Bunlncn* offlrr of ICnirrKld, In IJniveinity t’rrnn. Offirr bourn, 1 to 4 p. m. * A VA1U.F IN APVANCH 0N1.T i Minimum charse. I time, :16c ; 2 tunes Lost—Shirt, with Phi Dc'lt fra tornity pin attached, in men’s gym, on May 13. Finder please cull 127. M 14-15 Wanted — Furnished house (or frnt or sorority house) to care for during summer months. Adults. References. Phone 13(5.1. M 14-1(5 Found—Slack purse or fold, con taining sum of money. Owner may have same by calling at limerald business office and paying for this ad. M 10-11-15-16 des'cr/Mott We can match your no* thing else, tasty meals stim ulate appetite during warm weather and aid digestion. Tasty rr\£als can only be provided through a careful selection of groceries, fruits and vegetables. Dice Grocery Service makes careful selec tion easy. With our complete line of groc eries and canned goods and with our fruits and vegetables that are fresh every day we can provide everything for the tasty meal. Wouldn’t home - grown strawberries, gooseberries, rhubarb and asparagus be a pleasant change of menu? Dice Grocery Phone 183 94 West 8th Avenue It IS a Triumph! A GORGEOUS SENSATION! a fj I(paramountI Cpieture AOOLPH ZUK.OR.ANO JESSE L.LASKY PRESENT CECILB.DeMILLES — production 'TRIUMPH’ WITH LEATR1CE JOY, ROD La ROCQUE Eugene’s Unanimous Opinion Is “Marvelous” Cecil B. De Mille’s first big sensation after his tre mendous hit, “The Ten Commandments’ ’ Comedy LLOYD HAMILTON in “Going East” The Rex i TODAY and Saturday NO RAISE in PRICES r f c‘j&obolinh Guaranteed Silk Hosiery Most Any Stocking Offers You One Big Feature as a Selling Point—“Bobolink” Offers You 10 Mercerized Welt Top. Ravel Stop. Pure Silk, Three Seamed Back, Spring Needle Knitting, Tight Fit ting Ankle. No Shadows at Ankle. Plated High Spliced Heel and Double Soles, Narrowed Foot, Guaranteed to Satisfy the Wearer in Every Way. This is the biggest hosiery value that has ever been offered the women of this com munity. A pure silk stocking o^ richest lustre that is absolutely guaranteed to satisfy you in every way. Comes in prar tically all the new shades as well as staple colors. —Or by the box of 3 pairs $3.75. Now’s the Time to Think of the Pleasures of the Great Outdoors HIKERS HIKING BREECHES KllAKI OUTING SHIRTS LEATHER PUTTEES. ARMY PACK SACKS HIKING SHOES WRAP LEGGINGS KHAKI OUTING HATS PACK CARRIERS GOLF SOCKS ARMY CANTEENS SUN VISORS COMPASSES The New BATHING SUITS Are Here LOVE & BARRETT 30 East 9th Avenue ,V CAMPERS FOLDING COTS FOLDING CHAIRS CAMP MATTRESSES ARMY BLANKETS CAMP STOVES CAMP QUILTS TARPAULINS CAMP HAMMOCKS DUNNAGE BAGS MESS PANS CAMP SHOVELS CAMP AXES