The Sunday Emerald VOLUME XXV UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE. SUNDAY, MAY 4, 1924 NUMBER 151 V arsity Loses O.A.C. Game Score 14 to 11; Final Outcome of Contest on Beaver Campus Many Errors Made Aggies Run Wild in Eighth and Establish the Winning Margin The Aggies triumphed over Rein hart’s varsity nine again yester day, when they pounded Latham for a total of 14 hits, three of them home runs, in the second game of the series. Terrific hitting on the part of Sigrist, Aggie left fielder, and Escalier, middle gardener, aid ed by eight varsity errors enabled the Corvallis contingent to walk away with the long end of a 14-11 score. Oregon managed to hit Ed Cole man of the Aggies for nine safe ones and threatened the Beavers continually, but their fielding was of poor order at critical moments. O. A. C. batted around in the fifth and eighth innings, scoring five runs in each canto. The big innings for the varsity were the seventh, when they romped across the plate five times, and again in the ninth, when they scored four. Hobson drove out a home run with the bags loaded in the seventh, making the count 7-8 for the Ag gies, but the Aggies ran wild in the eighth. After that they were never in serious danger. Aggies Have Six Runs The slugging Sigrist was respon sible for six of the Aggies’ runs. Two home runs and a three-bagger was his total for the day. Escalier also came across with a circuit clout in the sixth. In the next inning his hard-hit ball went through King’s legs for another four-base swat. Reinhart’s tossers had the bases populated twice in the first five innings, but failed to score. Cole man was as wild as the proverbial hare of March in the early innings, but his support was faultless and the varsity gained nothing by their free transportation. Altogether the big boy walked nine men during the fracas. It was the difference in fielding that accounted for the defeat, the Aggie defens^ pre venting many hits by brilliant catches. Hobson was the only Ore gon sticker who was able to con nect with Coleman’s delivery suc cessfully. He secured three hits in five times up, one of them a home run. Bliss bagged two bingles in five up. The score: Score by Innings Oregon AB. Sorsby, m . 5 Ross, 2b . 4 Hobson, 3b . 5 Latham, p . 3 Cook, lb . 5 Bliss, c . 5 Bittner, ss . 6 Terril, rf . 5 King, If . 2 R. H. E. 2 2 0 0 0 0 3 2 3 1 ' 0 2 12 1 0 2 0 10 2 110 111 40 11 10 8 ab. r. h. e. 5 3 3 0 5 12 0 3 0 10 2 0 0 0 5 2 2 0 4 3 11 5 2 3 0 4 112 5 10 0 3 10 0 41 14 14 3 Summary: Home runs, Sigrist 2, Escalier, Hobson; three-base hits, Sigrist, Coleman; two-base hits, Hobson, Baker, Sorsby. Stolen bases, Sorsby 2, Hobson. Struck out by Latham 2, by Coleman 5. Base on balls, off Coleman 9, off Latham 1. Hit by pitched balls, Hughes, Perry, Bliss. Balk, Latham, Coleman. Wild pitch, Latham. Umpire, Edwards. COURSE IN PHILOSOPHY FOR CHICAGO FRESHMEN University of Chicago—A fresh man philosophy course, which “ii to give the new studerts a techni cal grasp of how thinking arises, what it is, and how to do it,” will be offered at the University of Chicago next year. O. A. C. Esflalier, m Baker, 3b - Quinn, rf . Rippey, rf Coleman, p Perry, lb . Sigrist, If . Osborne, ss Faurie, c . Hughes, 2b Mother’s Day—the Time of Remembrances A frail, gray-haired lady, sat be side the window sewing. Every few minutes she paused to anxiously scan the street in both directions. “What is it you are expecting?” I asked. “Tomorrow is Mother’s day, you know,” she said tremulously, “and I haven’t heard from my son yet. He never has forgotten me before.” “But there is time yet.” “Yes, I know,” she replied, “but I’m always afraid he’ll forget me. He’s been away so long. It’s been 10 years since he left for Chicago and he has never forgotten me yet, but I’m afraid he might this year. He was married last fall and he—he may not remember now.” “Hot that I didn’t want him to be married,” she added hastily. “I haven’t seen her, but I know the girl !he married would be as lovely as her picture.” She gazed fondly at a double picture of a handsome man and frank, eager-faced girl, for a second and then resumed her mending and watching. Dusk fpll and she rose and turned on the lights. She looked more pa thetic than ever, sitting under the rose-shaded floor lamp. '‘You don’t know how much it means to me every year,” she said, stifling a deep sigh. “I am so proud jf him, and it snows me that he still thinks of me, enough to remem ber the date.” “I know it’s foolish but—.” The doorbell rang, she hastened to answer it, and was greeted with a huge bou quet of crimson tulips—red for a liv ing mother, from a son, who though many years had passed, did not for get! Work on Music Hall to Start Work to complete the auditorium of the University Music building will start at once as a result of the action taken at the meeting of the building committee of the Uni versity board of regents, yesterday afternoon. It is expected to have the room done by the beginning of next fall term. In the contract let„for the com pletion of the auditorium was in cluded provisions for the construc tion of a sun-porch along the south side, thus giving a passage way from the dressing rooms to the stage; and the building of the necessary chambers for the .pipe organ, which was anonymously pre sented to the University during the latter part of the spring term last year. It is understood that the pipe organ will be installed as soon as the auditorium, is suffici ently completed. The work on the auditorium is being done through the medium of the University Holding company, whieh is leasing the property to the University. At the end of the lease in 1928 the property will come into the possession of the University. The auditorium, when completed, will be capable of seating approxi mately 600 persons. The teaching and practice rooms and other parts of the Music building were com pleted in 1921. Other business completed at the meeting of the building committee yesterday included several items providing for the fire protection of the campus. The committee pro vided for the laying of several largo water mains on the campus, for the installing of hydrants, for the installing of fire doors and fire escapes and sprinkling systems in some of the campus buildings. The committee also provided that a lift be installed in the stack rooms of the library to facilitate the moving of books from one floor to another. The lift will be installed in the elevator space al ready built in the library. Mrs. George T. Gerlinger and Fred Fisk compose the committee. The late Charles Fisher was chairman of the committee. Auditorium Expec Finished by Fall First-Year Net Men Beat Hill The Oregon frosh tennis team defeated the Hill Military academy racquet swingers Friday on the Multnomah club courts in Port land. Oregon took the three singles matches and also won the loubles match. In the singles, Mead, Oregon, defeated Martin, Hill, 6-3, 6-0; Adams, Oregon, won from Epper son, Hill, 6-1, 6-2; and Westergren, Oregon, beat Cain, Hill, 6-1, 6-0. Mead and Adams won from Cain and Martin in the doubles, 6-2, 6-2. Freshman Nine Win First Game Four Pitchers Used; Score 15-10 The freshman nine won the opening ball game of the season yesterday from the Washington high team of Portland by a 15 to 10 count. Some timely hitting in the seventh, some poor headwork on the part of the visitors and a change in pitchers enabled the first year nine to drag a game out of the fire, which had been hopelessly lost up to this juncture. Washington established a lead in the first three innings which they looked capable of holding. Some erratic fielding and a few plays, which might register mirth in a farce comedy, enabled the first year nine to creep up on their op ponents. In the seventh, with three men on bases, doach Jenne sent Mitts into the box to relieve Brad ley, who had been pitching great ball up until this time. The greedy yearlings hopped on the young ster 's benders and chased enough runs over to salt the game away. Had the visitors accorded Bradley the right kind of support, it was a Portland victory. The youngster started right by whiffing the three men who faced him. In the seventh, Dallas, frosh third sacker, nicked a home run with the bases full. In the second Kiminki converted a Washington error into a home run. In the fourth, Reinhart clanged the gong for a four-ply bingle, with one man on base, and in the same canto Gabriel, visiting catcher, executed the same performance. Foster used four pitchers, three of them in the last two innings. The visitors secured a number of runs off Adolph, and Lee went in and pitched good ball, striking out eight high schoolers. Adolph re tired four of the visitors this way. The summary: R. H. E. Freshmen . 15 8 7 Washington . 10 3 5 Batteries: Freshmen, Adolph, Lee, Dutton, Schmeer and Mim ! naugh, Royal. Washington, Brad ley, Mitts, and Gabriel. Umpire, Merl Blake. A Line o’ Verse When we were taking high school English, we, like all high school students, had to learn reams of poetry. It was poured into us by the conscientious prof, and we, in turn, poured it out at the end of the month. One particular poem, because of the sheer beauty of it, stuck in our minds, and we hereby print it. Perhaps some of our con temporaries will recall the lines. On passing a field of new-mown hay in the early June evening— Yesterday’s flowers am I, And I have drunk my last sweet draught of dew. Young maidens came and sang me to my death, The moon looked down and saw me in my shroud, The shroud of my last dew. Yesterday’s flowers, that are still in me Must needs make way for all to morrow’s flowers. The maidens, too, that sang me to my death Must, even so, make way for all the maids that are to come. Yet will my perfume-laden soul bring back As a sweet memory to women’s hearts, Their days of maiden-hood. And then they will be sorry that they came And sang me to my death. And all the butterflys will mourn for me; I bear away with me, the sun shine ’s dear remembrance, And the low, soft murmurs of the spring. My breath is sweet as children’s prattle is. I drink in all the whole earth’s fruitfulness And make of it the fragrance of my soul That shall out-live my death. THE APPROACH OF NIGHT Behind soft draperies of purple mist, rose-veiled, The Sun God, garbed in liquid rubies, Sinks into a gold-plated sea. Zephyrs, soft as rare ermine Or the down on baby eyelids, Play among the flowers too sleepy to heed them. The blue pines stir restlessly, Disturbed in their eternal medi tation By the sleep-cry of fretful nestlings. One pale star nestles In it’s bed of mauve and azure; Then silence—it is night. -JULIETTE CLAIRE GIBSON. REDDEST HAIR WINS AT NEBRASKA University of Nebraska—More than 100 red - haired students, faculty members, and oht-of-town guests attended the 1924 competi tion of the Golden Fleece, which was held recently at the univer sity. At a luncheon given by the Golden Fleece, prizes were awarded to the woman having the reddest hair, the most fascinating bob, the most scintillating golden glow, the most attractive freckles, the most fascinating green eyes, or the most devilish dark eyes. etc. Passing of G. Stanley Hall, Intellectual Leader By B. A. G. Stanley Hall is dead. To many this statement will be of no particular significance, but to edu cators, psychologists and students throughout the country, it marks the passing of a great intellectual leader and it means a loss to American education. For nearly fifty years G. Stanley Hall stood in the foreground of intellectual progress, acting as president of Clark university and at the same time contributing hundreds of essays, leetures and books to the discussion of impor tant problems. His works covered a variety of subjects, but he was most inter ested in psychology and education. In 18S2 he established the first laboratory for experimental psy chology in the United States at John Hopkins university. He had as students such men as Dewey, Cattell, and Jastrow. In this same year he started the American Journal of Psychology, the first journal devoted to the subject, and he remained as editor till 1921. In 1888 he founded Clark univer sity, the first solely graduate re search institute in America. He (Continued on page two) Over the Coffee Cups a Deep Tragedy By C. N. E. Over the coffee cups and ’mid a carol of bluish smoke Aeschylus, Dr. Johnson, Saint Paul and William Shakespeare chattered. In ono of the “Inns of Campus” the group of four talked and argued while the life of the modern college flowed and swirled noisily around them. The problem was a deep one—that of tragedy. Dr. Johnson was tolling his companions of his over-hearing a young student, only that very af ternoon, referring to this some prob lem as the merging of the subjective and the objective, to create tragedy. The doctor snorted. Aeschylus smiled. William Shakes peare took up the cudgels against the good doctor. “Well, I’m not so sure, Doetor. Where lies the tragedy of Oedipus, of Socrates and of Lear?” -—— “Why, I should sny essentially in the fact that when justice for the terrible crime must be meted, thero is no judge and no guilty.” “Not at all, Doctor,” said Shakes peare, drawing on his good cigar (he had learned the trick ‘from Walter Raleigh). “Not at all. The tragedy as I see it lies in the fact that tho crime occurred and not in what the tragic hero Oedipus thought about it or did about it.” “Certainly,” said Aeschylus blow ing the cigarette smoke high toward the ceiling and arranging the grecian folds of his gown carefully, “certain ly 1 Tho tragedy of our beloved friend Socrates, for instance is not that he drank the hemlock, but that he was endowed with tho type of mind which would ultimately have forced him to drink it.” (Continued on page four) Oregon Authors Hold Sessions Modern Literature Is Topic of Speaker “Modernism” in contemporary lit erature was presented in various phases and interpretations by the at tendants of the second annual Oregon Authors’ conference which, held sway on the University campus yesterday afternoon. Several recognized Oregon authorities on this subject presented their views and observations gleaned from a series of years of intimate contact with students and professors of literature. After the luncheon, held at the An chorage in honor of the visiting scribes, members of the University faculty, together with students and others interested in this branch of learning, resorted to the Alumni hall, to hear the discussion of the preva lent attitude of people in general and students in particular, towards lit erature and learning. The speakers at this gathering were Prof. Victor O. L. Chittick, of Reed college; and Professors Herbert Crombie Howe and Kimball Young of the University f Oregon. Later in the evening a banquet was given in the Woman’s building, and addresses were made by different vis iting authors. President Campbell, who was scheduled to extend the ad dress of welcome to the authors, was not able to attend and Eric Allen gave a short talk in his stead. After the banquet, the writers at tended the Junior Vod-vil and later, the men held a smoker in the College Side Inn. Mu Phi Epsilon Will Give Tea “Comparatively few applications Jfor musical scholarships have come in,” a member of the scholarship com mittee for the Mu Phi Epsilon schol arships said yesterday. May 15 is the dead line for applications. The com mittee is anxious that everyone should know that anyone in the school of music may try out by sending a writ ten application to Mrs. A. C. Dixon before a week from next Thursday. A silver tea—the fourth annual Mu Phi Epsilon scholarship tea—-will be held in Alumni hall next Saturday, May 10, from 3 to 5, at which Ber nice Yeo, pianist, and Mary Burton, violinist, will give a program. Miss iYeo and Miss Burton hold the upper lassman and underclassman scholar ships respectively for this year. Miss Yeo acts as accompanist for the Girls’ Glee club, and Miss Burton is concert-master in the University or chestra. In the receiving line will be the new chapter president, Lora Teshner, and the patronesses: Mrs. Campbell Church, Mrs. Mary Jewett, Mrs. P. L. Campbell, Mrs. W. G. Hale, Mrs. Alfred Schroff, and Mrs. L. R. John son. Madame McGrew, Mrs. A. C. Dixon, Mrs. W. F. G. Thacher, and Mrs. Anne Landsbury Beck will pour. Everyone interested is cordially in vited. Varsity Men Win 5 Points The varsity relay teams competing at Seattle took a second in tho mile race and a third in the two mile event against the colleges of the northwest. This was the opening of the track struggles for tho northern season and gives tho first indications of the material of the various schools. Next Saturday there will be a dual meet at Eugene with the University of Washington. The quartor mile team was com posed of Eisley, Rosebraugh, Kinney and Hermance. The half milers who matte the trip are: McCune, Keating, Mauney and Gerke. Those wove the only teams making the northorn trip. With a crew of runners, some work ing out of their places, but fighting like Oregon men should fight, the freshman relay artists lost their bat tle with the O. A. C. carnival per formers by a 10 to 15 scoro. The sprinters won their events, but the two distance races and the medley wero lost. Westerman, Extra, Stonebraker and Holt form a quartet of sprint men that are hard to beat; Flannigan also developed an unexplecited burst >)f speed and more than did his share in the winning of the 880; his favorite event being the broad jump. ,1 of fries and Swank both ran two races and worked well. Jeffries ran the 410 and the 880; Swank performed in his reg ular event, the 440, and then step ped out and ran the mile in the med ley, which is not his race at all, and did it well. Rodda also ran out his regular event and fought a game race. Summary of events: 440—Oregon, Westerman, Extra, Stonebraker and Holt. 880—Oregon, Flannigan, Holt, Extra and Westerman. Mile—O. A. C.; Oregon team, Jef fires, Price, Swank and Wilbur. Three mile—O. A. C.; Oregon team, Rodda, Michel, Parnes and Conley. Medley—O. A. C.; Oregon team, Extra, Cash, Jeffries and Swank. Frosh Team Defeated 10-15 PLANS FOE ALUMNI day 8UPP0ETED University of Nevada—(By P. I. N. 8.)—Plans for Alumni Day, the new tradition to be established in Senior Week preceding commence ment at the university this year, have met the unanimous support of all old Nevada graduates. Cali fornia branches of the alumni re cently formed to supplement the Nevada chapter, will send a large number of delegates to the uni versity, and Prank Norcross, ono of the two living members of tho first graduating class, will give an address on tho growth and devel opment of the university during the last 50 years. ATHLETIO BOASD ACCEPTS NEW PLAN Stanford University—A 20-year athletic expansion program has been accepted by the athletic board of control at Stanford university. The detailed plans call for seven baseball fields, six football fields, and soccer, tennis and other minor sport fields. The present gymna sium will also be enlarged to about twice its present size. Junior Vodvil Acts Varied “Captain Jacqueline** Has Clever Leads and Catchy Songs Violin Skit Pleases ‘Bobby,’ One-act Farce Pleasant Poke at Sentimentalists’ Love By Leon Bryne Are you an aesthete, a child of jazz, or just an average studentf If you are the first, you would probably rate the Varsity Violin ists” of last night’s Junior Vod-vil the best number on the program; if you side with the exponents of modernism, you would undoubtedly pronounce the Griffith-Green act supreme entertainment, and if yon are one of the many, you probably clapped loudest and longest for the nonsensical “Nothings.” As a whole, the show was super ior to the average run of Western vaudeville, while some of the acta approached professionalism in their excellence. What was the beat act of the show? The more the writer sees of theatricals, the more apparent becomes the fallacy of an individual labeling a production good, bad or indifferent. What amuses one bores another. First Number Good The Vod-vil was opened by a character dance by Laverna Spit zenberger and Mildred Le Compte, who, in the costumes of rag dolls, flopped through the contortions of a rag dance. Their actions had all the care-free abandon of young jellyfish. As the second part of this act, a stageful of girls from Thacher cottago executed a group dance which they called “Peppy Patters.” The noteworthy feature of this act was the fact that so many girls of presentable appear ance were to be found in one liv ing organization. As the second act of the evening, the “Mid-Nite Sons” entertained with various musical selections. For a part of thiB act Johnson and Me Phillips gave a representation of “the dance as she is did,” and their efforts were greeted with much applause. They made a graceful pair. Spencer and Price also had a skit in thiB act, a vocal ization of childishness which waa effective if not very strong. The performance of the “Mid-Nite Sons” was clever in that it poa sessed novelty, the chief requisite of jazz, but it was a trifle subdued tot a “paeon” of worship to the Goddess of Syncopation, that em bodiment of abandon. “Shorts” Have Comedy Act three was an attempt at jjlack-face comedy, with “Bank” Short and Thomas Short as the participants in a “one-act melo drama,” entitled “Homeward Bound.” Mr. Short was undoubted ly the star of this act. “Bobby,” a one-act farce by the University company, was a pleaa ant poke at sentimental puppy love. It was not at all subtle and for that reason not as keenly in teresting as it might have been. It was well done, however, and amused by its sheer idiocy. The lines: “When I think of the way I’ve loved that girl!” “Which girl?” Both of them,” are typical of the play. Walter Malcolm was rather well suited to the part of “Bobby,” and Kate Pinneo was well cast as Kate Andrews. Florence Crandall wan laughable and lovable as the weep ing young adolescent, Delilah An drews. Paul Krausse, Helen Mayer, Bernard McPhillips and Florence Couch completed the cast of the playlet. Violin Number Artistic The first part of act five con sisted of a gorgeous gown, a clever pianist and a raucous voice com bined into the evening’s closest approach to typical American vaudeville of today. The act characterized jazz with its stri dency and barbaric sensuousness. We hear that the young lady can really sing, upon occasion. The second half of this number was a departure from the general atmos phere of the show. Five of the University’s finest violinists lent a truly artistic touch to the pro (Centinued on page four)