SECRETARIES END SESSIONS TODAY Certificates Given Three Four-year ‘Students’ VISITORS HAVE BANQUET Public Speaking Discussed at 9:00 This Morning One of the most successful courses for commercial men will come to a close this noon when the last session of the fourth annual chamber of commerce secretaries ’ short course, sponsored by the state association of commercial secre taries and the school of business administration of the University of Oregon, is held. Instructive training has been given the secre taries from various parts of the state who have attended the meet ings conducted all week on the campus. Certificates denoting completion of the four years of training were presented to three Secretaries at the annual banquet, held in the Woman’s building last evening. L. Antles from Bend, J. II. Fuller from Ashland, and W. A. Reid, Corvallis, were the four-year men receiving certificates presented by Dean E. C. Robbins of the school of business administration. Entertainment Given Visitors Mr. L. Antles, retiring president of the Btato association, was mas ter of ceremonies at the banquet. Bernice Yeo, pianist, and Adeline Zurcker and Dorothea Drake, dan cers, provided entertainment for the secretaries, and Frank Short gave a chalk talk. One of the interesting talks yes terday was on community develop ment, given by J. Bryant of River side, at the assembly hour. Jake D. Allen, of San Francisco, con ducted a round table discussion in the afternoon on the topics, “Inter nal and External Publicity,” and “The Secretary and His Job." Some small gifts were presented at luncheon to Dean Robbins, his wife, and Miss McMannus, of the school of business administration, by the secretaries in appreciation of their work in connection with this course. Today’s Program Given The program for this morning is ns follows: 9:00-9:50—Mechanics of Public Speaking . A. S. Dudley 10:00-10:50—Business Cyclos .. F. E. Folts, University of Oregon 11:00-11:50 — Assembly; Com munity Singing; Speaker .. . A. S. Dudley 12:00-1:15—Luncheon WHOLE TOWN BOUGHT BY NEW UNIVERSITY Fort Smith, Ark.—Purchase of the entire town of Sulphur Springs, to be made the home of a new education al institution to be known as John Brown university and headquarters of the International Federation of Christ ian Workers and Bible conferences, waa announced recently by the man agement of the John Brown school, now located at Sulphur Springs. An official statement which accom panied the announcement declared that the university interests would also take ofer the management of the hotels in the town, and dancing, ja*r, gambling, tippling and profan ity would be tabooed. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA CO EDS QUAliIFY IDEAL MAN University of Minnesota — The ideal man, in the estimation of co eds at the University of Minnesota, would be n man moderately good looking, athletically inclined, mor ally clean, respectful toward re ligion, healthy, appreciative of the good nnd beautiful in life, well trained socially, optimistic and good natured and chivalrous. ^CLASSIFIED APS* Minimum chartra. 1 tim« K6c ; X nwt. 46c ; S times. SOc ; 1 week. ll.iO. Muet be limited to 6 line*, over this limit 6c per line. Phcre HI, or leave oopr with Bueineee office of Emerald. In University Preae. Office bourn, 1 to 4 p m C6YASLS IK ADV4NCS OSLI Will the Young Lady — Who found $20 on the campus please call B. Love at 1306. A-19 Be e Newspaper Correepondent— With the Heacock Plan aud earn a good income while learning; we ■hew you how; begin actual week at oeee; ail or spare time; experi ence unnecessary; no canvassing; send for particulars. Newswriteri Training Bursas, Buff ale, N. Y. F 12 tf “Mac” “.Tack” Varsity Barber Shop The Old Reliables 11th and Aider Interesting work on widely var ied subjects to be given at the University summer session this year will include a short course for tuberculosis workers at the Port land session, and three courses in history at Eugene. Dr. Dan E. Clark, associate pro fessor of political science and director of the extension division, will give the history courses from June 23 to August 1. And Saidie Orr-Dunbar, executive secretary of the Oregon 'Tuberculosis associa tion, will give the course in Port land for tuberculosis workers from July 7 to 19, inclusive. A special fee of $5 will admit approved stu dents to the tuberculosis course, which after completion will award them three hours credit in applied sociology. This course is organized as a regular training institute of the Tuberculosis association, and those completing it will be admitted without further examination to the more advanced institutes of the as sociation, wherever held. Students in the course will meet from 10 to 12 every week-day morning, and from 1 to 4 every week-day after noon. Classes will be held in Lin coln high school. Much of the afternoon time will be devoted to field work. The outline of the courses is divided into three divisions. The sarnie urr uimuar first is “methods of anti tubercu losis work,” with the following sub-divisions: (1) education meth ods, (2) organization, (3) dispen saries, (4) open air schools, (5 sur veys and statistical methods, (6) nursing, (7) institutional methods. The second is “programs of anti tuberculosis work,” with two sub divisions: (1) programs for local work, (2) programs for state and national work. “Relation of the tuberculosis campaign to other social and health movements” is the third division which takes into consideration city and state boards of health, American Public Health association, infant mortality move ment, pure milk campaign, housing campaign, temperance movement, charity organization, and similar societies. The institute has three main ob jects: to assist workers already in terested in tuberculosis or public health work to be more useful or to assume greater responsibilities; to give to volunteer workers a more comprehensive knowledge of the administrative problems involved in this work and to aid in the i Dan £. Clark standardization of methods and programs of tuberculosis work. Dr. Clark was formerly a mem ber of the faculty of the Univer sity of Iowa, where he was asso ciate editor of the publication of the Iowa Historical association. He is also author of several books and articles of historical nature. “The Pioneer Church,” a lecture which he has delivered frequently in Oregon, has attracted consider able attention. Dr. Clark took his Pli.D. degree at the University of Iowa in 1910 and since 1921 has been associated with the Univer sity of Oregon. His summer school methods and pedagogy of instruc tion have created much favorable comment. “Recent History of the United States,” his first course, which gives three hours’ credit, covers the period since 1877. Economic development, immigration, prob lems of capital and labor, interna tional relations, political issues and leadership, governmental develop ments, and general social move ments are subjects that will re ceive considerable attention. This course is especially adapted to teachers of history and government and others interested in the back ground of current problems in the United States. “The West in American History,” which is also a three-hour course, is a topical study of the westward movement and of the general sig nificance of the West in American history. It deals with such topics as explorations, the fur trade, the military frontier, the settlement of the West, Indian affairs, public land policy, and internal improve ments. An interesting feature of the course is that students will have the opportunity to read first hand accounts of the western de velopment written by explorers, traders, and pioneers. “Methods of Historical Re search,” a seminar for advanced students of history, is a two-hour course, which Dr. Clark is offering. Methods of research will be applied to special topics in American his tory. Smallest Sawmill in World to Work at Washington Miniature Plant to Lift Fir Logs and Out Lumber by Main Saw University of Washington—The smallest sawmill in the world will sturt working April 20 in the for estry exhibit section of the engin eers' open bouse. “This mill is ths exact duplicate of one operated by Paul Bunyon, the greatest forester and logging expert the world has ever known,” said Walt Huntington, student in charge of the exhibit. “Bunyo<n logged all the timber from the state of Nebraska. During the year of the pink frost he erected a mill similar to the one we have model led.” The mill will be modern in every respect, according to Huntington. Starting with the lifting of tho fir logs from the mill pond to the cut ting of the lumber by the main saw, the exhibit will follow closely the processes of regulation mills. The final stage will be the saw ing of Washington toothpicks by the circular saw. UNIVERSITY HIGH TO PLAY HARRISBURG NINE TODAY Tliis afternoon at 3 o'clock, the University high baseball nine will play Harrisburg high on the local diamond. The Harrisburg squad has been winning all its games and The GROCETERIA The Home of Good Goods Two Phones, 1688, 267 48 Ninth A venae East j the local team expects to have | rather a hard fight on its hands. This will bo tho second fogular game for the University high team and will give it an opportunity to show what it can do. I'he game will also give tb» ''each an idea of the team’s weak points, so that ho I can correct them before the begin j ning of the Valley conference sea son. SENIORS, FROSH WINNERS IN VOLLEYBALL CONTESTS j In one of the two volleyball 1 games played yesterday afternoon, the senior girls wore victorious over the sophomores, team I. The scores of the two contests were 15 | to 7, and 15 to 9, in favor of the | upperclassmen. The first game between the freshmen and the sophomores, team 2, played yester day, resulted in_ a 14 to 14 score. When the deuce game was played off, the frosh won. The second game ended in a 15 to 7 for the first year girls. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED AT BETA THETA PI HOUSE At the Beta Theta Pi house last night was made known tho engage ment of Mabel Manerud of Eugene to Lloyd Terrill of Portland. Miss Manerud is the daughter of Mrs. Olivia Manerud of this city, and a sister of “Skeet” and “Pink" Manerud. Terrill is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Terrill of Portland, is a student in the school of archi tecture, and a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity SHER KHAN WHOLESALE EGOS AND POULTRY Y. M. OFFICIJIL IS HERE TO ATTEND MEETING Student Leaders of Seven Colleges on Campus Gale Seaman, Pacific coast Y. M. C. A. secretary, arrived on the Ore gon campus yesterday noon to at tend the student field council meeting, which began at 2 o’clock yesterday and also to take charge of the offi cers’ training conference which be gins today at 11:15 in the Y. M. C. A. hut. Mr. Seaman’s headquarter’s are in San Francisco. There are eight Y. M. C. A. lead ers and students from the various northwest colleges in attendance at the student field council meeting. Wathen Kincheloe of Washington State college^, 5s chairman of the council. Warren Roberts, Gooding; Laverne Severance, Oregon Agricul tural college; Francis Staten, Uni versity of Washington; Hugh Bell, Willamette; Henry Karpenstein, Uni versity of Oregon; U. W. Warrington, Oregon Agricultural college, and Gale Seaman, constitute the remainder of the group. The student field council has direct charge of the annual Northwest Sea beck conference at Seabeck, Washing ton, held during the summer vacation. College men from all over the North west attend this conference in* order to receive vision, training, and in sniration for their work as student Y. M. C. A. officers, cabinet mem bers, committeemen, and friendship counc’l loaders. Prominent educators and counsellors from all over the United States address the men gath ered at Seabeck. EX-STUDENT TO TOUR STATE FOR FEATURES If there’s any hunter, trapper, forest ranger or ancient mariner about the state of Oregon who hasn’t yet been written up properly, Mrs. Lucile Saunders McDonald, ex-’19, is out to attend to the job. Mrs. McDonald, who is on the cam pus this weekend visiting her hus band, Harold D. McDonald, medi cal student, expects to leave in the middle of next week on a swing around the borders of the state. With a suitcase and a trusty typewriter, she will start down the Roosevelt highway, then ascend the Rogue river vallley into the hills, and across southeastern Ore gon; thence up into the Wallowa country and down the Columbia to Portland. She will gather-material for feature stories to appear in the Portland Oregonian and in maga zines. Her place as information secre tary on the Oregonian has been taken by Miss Edna Sparling, who was a student in the school of jour nalism three years ago. COMMERCE MONTHLY HOLDS LOCAL INTEREST In the April number of “Oregon Business,” the monthly magazine published by the Oregon state chamber of commerce, there is an article by President P. L. Camp bell entitled, “The Value of Uni versity Training.” This is one of four articles on Oregon’s educa tional institutions included in this Fresh Strawberries Strawberry Shortcake Fresh Strawberry Sundaes • • • Cool, Refreshing Fountain Specials • • • Delicious Food, Piping Hot from the Kitchen • • • You’ll always find the gang here SUNDAY DINNER The Mid-Nite Sons I issue. The cover of the magazine contains a picture of Jeannette Dentler, a junior in the school of business administration of the Uni versity, in a characteristic attitude on her way to class. In calling attention to the value received by the student attending a state university, President Camp bell makes the statement that a university training attempts to pro vide the youth with an opportunity to obtain a broad and generous education and professional train ing. It produces men of greater mental capacity, and teaches them to seek truth and to think straight ly, he says. “The University aids also in de veloping the material and spiritual resources of the commonwealth, and through the researches in its laboratories and the expert service of its scientific staff, to develop the raw resources of Oregon into tangible wealth,” states President Campbell. In his article he enumerates the various schools and departments of the University, describes the work of each, and tells of the contribution each makes to the state. RENT-SHELF BOOKS CIRCULATE STEADILY Among the rent collection are several books of non-fiction that have a steady and interesting rate of circulation. “Man at the Cross roads,” by Edward M. East, for example, has circulated over four and a half times a month during the four months it has been in the |:ibrary; “Primer of Modern Art,” ;by Sheldon Cheney, has been in the library only one month and has been drawn out eight times; “Man and Mystery in Asia,” by Ossen dowski, during the two weeks it has been in the library, has a record of three calls. “Tulips and Chimneys,” by E. E. CARS Without Drivers LATE MODELS i Ford Tourings—8c per mile, 75c per hour. Ford Coupes—10c per mile, $1.00 per hour, i Ford Sedan—12c per mile, $1.25 per hour. Cadillac “8” (7-pass.)—15c per mile, $1.50 per hour. Bent a Car and Drive It Yourself OPEN DAY AND NIGHT McLean & Thomas 1077 Oak Street Office in Jensen Garage Phone 1721B Cummings, has /circulated eight times during two. months; “The King’s Business,’’ by Frederick L. Collins, eight times in three and a half months; “Penguin, Persons and Peppermints,” by Eaton, nine times in three months; “Outline of Art,” by Orpen, eight times in two months; and “Life of Christ,” by Papini, 26 times since last June. On the Sheldon seven-day shelf are also several books of popular ity. “India in Ferment,” by Van Tyne, has circulated nine times in the two and a half months it has been in the library; “The Bussian Soviet Hepublie,” by Boss, seven times in two months; “The Bevolt of Youth,” by High, three times in two months; “A Modern College and a Modern School,” by Flexner, nine times in three months; “Sci ence Bemaking the World,” by Caldwell and Slosson, five times in two months; “The Life of Cesare Borgia,” by Bafael Sabatini, eight times in two and *a half months; and “The Art Spirit,” by Bobert Henri, has circulated seven times during three months. When you feel the need of a bracer, come down to the Jitney Eats and have a delicious bowl of clam chowder. It re stores the pep. We also have all kinds of soups, sand wiches and pies. • • • Open evenings after the twentieth. • • • On Ninth just below Oak. ElMCHANTINGiSHfe for Easter-and After The new shoes and hosiery which are here for Easter choosing are positively entrancing in their novelty and variety. They follow the varied style trend of the season, yet, achieve a certain dis tinction in design which sets them de cidedly apart from the ordinary. Drumming Up Your Business There’s only one positive and economical way of drumming up business for your store, Mr. Merchant, that is with NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING! Dispensing the “noise” — your daily sales — through the columns of the— Oregon Daily Emerald As a medium of expression for Oregon students, the Emerald has for years tried to give to them all that can be asked of a school paper in news and in support of Oregon’s ac tivities. This fact is reflected in the purchases made by the students down town. The merchants whose advertisements they see in the Emerald are naturally the ones that will receive their business. It is a proven fact that by regular advertising in the Emerald, a student trade may be established and maintained.