Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 10, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued
■ally except Monday, during the college year.
Editorial Board
Managing Editor___ Don Woodwaro
Associate Editor --- John W. Piper
Associate Managing Editor.. ..... Ted Janes
Daily News Editors
Margaret Morrison Rosalia Keber
Marian Lowry Frances bimpson
Leon Byrne Norma Wilson
Night Editors
Mnpert BuJlivant Walter Coover
J&lmar Johnson Douglas Wilson
Jack Burleson George Belknap
Jim Case
jf. l, N. S. Editor _ Pauline Bondurant
Assistants ........
„_ Josephine Ulrich, Louis Dammasch
Sports Staff
Sporta Editor __Monte Byers
Sports Writers:
Bill Akers, Ward Cook, Wilbur Wester,
Alfred Erickson, George Godfrey, Pete
Upper News Staff
Catherine Spall Mary Clerin
Leonard Lerwill Margaret Skavlan
Georgiana Gerlinger Kathrine Kressmann
Ed Miller
News Staff: Lyle Janz, Helen Reynolds, Lester Turnbautfh, Thelma Hamrick, •;
Webster Jones. Martcaret Vincent. Alan Button, Frances Sanford, Plu^enia Strickland,
Velma Meredith, Elizabeth Cads , Ned P'reneh, Fd Robbins, Josephine Xtice, Clifford |
Eehrun*?, Beth P'ariss, Lillian Baker, Mary West, Emily Houston, Clate Meredith.
Aifloeiate Manager
Business Staff
Lot Beatie
Foreign Advertising
Manager -- James Leake
Aa't Manager - Walter Pearson
Bpecialty Advertising
Velma Farnham Mary Brandt
Lyle Janz
Manager - Kenneth Stephenson i
Aa't Manager - James Manning |
Upper Business Staff
Advertising Manager .... Maurice Warnoek
Aas’t Adv. Manager .... Karl Hardenbergh
Advertising Salesmen
Sales Manager .. Frank Logg&n
William James
Lester Wade
Earl Slocum
•ntered in the poetoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as secomKclass matter,
iaht, $2.25 per year. By term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application.
655 |
D»i»» New* Editor This Issue Night Editor This Issue
Marian Lowry Jack Burleson
Assistant .Lester T. Talbot
“This Way to the Big Tent * * * ”
Shades of P. T. Barnum! Big Jumbo, the acrobatic dogs,
Emma the Fat Lady, and all the rest of the three-ring circus
will have nothing on the activities of the stunts committee when
they get going from April 23 to 26. For all the features of the
big tent will be on hand, if the student body demands amuse
ment along with raising money for the Student Union.
On the theory that contented cows appreciate the soft strains
of phonograph music while they are being milked, the commit
tee is planning to tickle the campus funny bone while the work
ers filch their pennies and get on their generosity nerves.
The best salesmen tell their customers what they want to
hear and above all get them in a rollicking mood, then they
put over their deals. A gullible customer — and most of us
are gullible—can be skillfully inveigled into the clutches of the
congenial salesman. He tells you how beautiful you are, how in
telligent, how hard you are to fool, how much he likes you. He
apologizes for taking your time, speaks rapidly and wittily to
keep from boring you, and in the meantime disperses those
traces of Scotch frugality you thought you had and makes you
want to give your money away.
The stunts committee thinks it can put you in this hu
mor. They will enact their mountebankish roles from the be
ginning to the end of the Student Union campaign. When they
make faces at you, you will laugh. When they sing, you will
dance. And when they ask you for support of the Student
Union drive you will pledge yourselves, and rejoice!
“A Hale Fellow—Well Met* , :
John R. Giblyn of New York and all good hotels, every
where—the type of man Oregon students are glad to welcome—
has come and gone.
Wit, orator, good fellow and wise counselor, he dropped
into the school of journalism yesterday at ten. Fifty minutes
later lie rushed for his train, saying hasty farewells amid laugh
ter, questions, humorous sallies, and hearty handclasps of new
born friendship.
John R. Giblyn knows newspapers and newspaper men. He
knows schools of journalism and journalism students. He
knows life and the ideals according to which life ought to be
lived. He knows books and the people who write books. He
is traveling representative for D. Appleton and Company, but
most of all he represents character, culture and personality.
From Paul of Tarsus to Sir Philip Gibbs from Junius to Ed
Howe, from the Portland Oregonian to the Berliner Tageblatt,
or the catastrophe in Europe to the cute remark whispered by
two girls in the editing class, he caught up past instances and
poured them forth in a sparkling cascade of humor and ex
perience glistening with humor and deep with purpose.
Mr. Giblyn talked of the ten best papers in America and the |
four best in Europe. Among the former he placed the Port- i
land Oregonian. Ho talked of the schools of journalism—he \
has seen them all and sees them every year—and he declared 1
Oregon was everywhere rated among the best three. He talked
of the things that will make the sound and worthy professional
journalist of the future and urged the students to line up with
the journalism of knowledge, clear purpose, equity and intel
ligence. | • ~ | »'
Mr. Giblyn travels to find out what new books the profes
sors and writers of the country have in preparation and to get
the best manuscripts for Appletons’. He also checks up to see
if the different universities are using their due proportion of
Appleton books. His dynamic quality as a speakrr was dis
covered almost accidentally when Dean Allen asked him to
meet the editing class. He is an amateur of life, a lover of
books, says he cares little for money, and when he speaks it is
just for the fun of it, and for self-expression. Meeting Mr. |
Giblyn was a stimulating experience and of all the travelers who
visit the campus he will be one of those who will get the heart
iest welcome when he comes again.
Coming Events
11:00 a, m.—Assembly. Villard
4-6 p. m.—Dean Esterly’s tea.
667 East 12th street.
3-6 p. m.—Girls’ Oregon club tea.
Y. W. C. A. bungalow
1:30 p. m.—Student recital.
Lounge room of Music build
Campus Bulletin
Notices will be printed in this column
for two issues only. Copy must b«
in this office by 5:30 on the day
before it is to be published, and must
be limited to 20 words. |
<$> - -- ■ ■ - --
Crossroads — Woman’s building,
7:30 tonight.
To-Ko-Lo—Meeting tonight at
7:30, at College Sido Inn.
Mu Phi Epsilon—Meeting post
poned until April 12, at 2:30 p. m.
Girls’ Volleyball — Hours have
been changed to Monday, Wednes
day and Friday at 3:00.
Rehearsal—Entire cast of “Cap
tain Jacqueline,” tonight at 7:15
o ’clock, at College Side Inn.
University Women—Invited to
tea at Mrs. Virginia Judy Esterly’s
homo, 667 East 12th street, 4 to 6,
Inter-class Canoeing—All girls
practicing, please come to room
121, Woman’s building, 5 o’clock
today. Important.
(Continued from page one)
sessions of the convention, and
Everard R. Moon, ’04, one of the
speakers of tho conference, who
has been engaged in missionary
work in Africa. His topic for Sat
urday morning on “Friendly Ser
vice Abroad,” is based on his ex
periences in African territories.
One of tho important speakers of
tho convention will be Herman L.
Swartz, president of the Pacific
School of Religion at Berkeley,
California. He is also to address
the student assembly this morning
it Villard hall.
Tho “Pioneers,” a boys’ organi
sation from the Y. M. C. A., and
churches in Eugene, will conduct
the representatives on sight-seeing
tours of tho city and the campus.
The convention this year is the
argest for a number of years. At
;he present time there are 800 paid
registrations of delegates from
carious parts of the state and at
least 200 more are expected, ac
cording to reports of the housing .
committee. Difficulty is being 1
cncoujitorod in finding enterta*'
inent and sleeping quarters for
delegate, and about 200 of ' _
quests aro without accommoda
titons. Hendricks hall has offerod
to take 10 delegates, and Friendly
hall, eight or more, but as yet, few
of the other living organizations
have offered places for the guests.
Tonight’s program is ns follows:
Thursday evening. Auditorium,
Christian church. 8:00 — Formal
opening of convention; 8:30—Ad
dress, “Friends of Christ,” E. P.
Gates. Friday morning. Church
prayer room. 8:45—Opening ser
vices; 10:45—General assembly;
12:00—Lunch. Friday afternoon.
Church prayer room. 1:45—Open
ing services; 4:45—Trip to Univer
sity campus.
Marion Bowen, ’20, who is
executive secretary of the Astoria
American Red Cross, will be on the
campus Saturday. Sho will be a
guest at Hendricks hall and at the
home of her aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth
Wilson. In the year ’21-’22, Miss
Bowen was assistant to Mrs. Edna
Prescott Davis, head resident of
Friendly hall.
for a
Form Is Simplified for Use
in Compiling Costs
A simplified questionnaire de
signed especially for the small retail
merchants is being .gent out by
I the school of business administra
j tion of the University for the pur
j posei of compiling Oregon retail
i store costs. At the convention of
jOregon retail merchants held on the
! campus in February, this improyed
type of questionnaire was worked
out to fit the needs of the small
store. There is another question
naire which is being drawn up for
j the use of the merchant who owns
a larger store.
The merchants in attendance at
the 1924 convention were unanimous
for a more universal reply to the
questionnaires than was received
last year. To make this more pos
sible, the form of the report has
been revised. It is now in two
parts, one which can easily be
filled out by the merchants, and the
other which is more difficult to
The figures obtained in this way
are used exclusively for statistical
purposes, and the information re
ceived is treated confidentially.
Besides being of value in the com
Love and adventure amid
the voluptuous beauties of
the South Sea Islands.
The “Covered Wagon Kid”
Home of the Best
business and social asset,
i STACO M B makes the hair etay combed
in any Ityle you like even after it haa
juit been washed.
| STACOMB—the crlfiial—ha» been
used for yeart by atara of stage and
acreen—leaders of'ityle. Write today
for free trial tube.
Tube*—35c Jars—75c
Ivin on STACOMB—in the black,
yellow and gold package.
For sale at your druggist or wherever
toilet goods are sold.
Standard Laboratories, fisc.
| __ US West 18th Street, New York City
Send coupon for Free Trial Tube.
IIS West 18th St.. New York City. Oept. 1
1'Mue Mad DM tr— trial tub*.
pilation of store costs for the dif
ferent parts of the state, the in
formation given out by the mer
chant is studied and an analysis
of his business mailed to him if
he desires. The merchant conse
quently receives a personal benefit
from the questionnaire.
0*t the Classified Ad habit.
Fulfilling the promise of its suc
cessful opening, “South Sea Love,”
the wondrous romance that, star
ring Shirley Mason, has been run
ning at the Castle theater and show
ing today for the last time.
Seldom has a motion picture
evoked more favorable comment
than “South Sea Love.” And,
i something more valuable than com
ment was evoked, namely, emotion,
heart-felt and moving. Miss Ma
j son’s superb portrayal and the en
tire consummateness of the produc
: tion itself, from lirection to sup
porting cast, doubtless contribute*
j toward the complete success. In
I picturesque setting ,it must be
j added, this production is unsur
Sports Apparel Has It
All Its Own Way
Sports apparel is the favorite among College -women, for
its simplicity assures its smartness. At this store you will
find sports' apparel of the highest order, well made, smartly
styled and in the approved colors and fabrics of the mode.
Suits, frocks, hats, skirts, blouses and coats—cor
rect for sports and charming at all times. All the
new ideas are embodied in this collection at prices
certain to please you.
Youthful Knitted Suits
They serve admirably for the golf links or for town and
campus wear, for their smartness is unlimited, and their
becomingness may he taken for granted.
Priced from $12.50 to $35.00
AND WEAVES .$1.98 to $15.00.
Why We Advertise Our Quality Nationally— ,
Our adw ' ~n are on a large scale—as the number of cities in which
we advertise >. from coast to coast, north to south.
Our window display. 'one pages in color are other supplementary
agencies of attractive pu- *-e also the college dailies.
We have adopted the use of j. ions which have wide and general
circulation, to acquaint as many me., as possible with the high standard of
our clothes and thereby win public confidence in the Campus Togs label
which identifies our product. We recognize that with national distribution
our customers represent a national audience and we want to apprize the
public first hand of the security in buying clothes with our label sewn in
the inside pocket.
Abroad variety olpotlaW,
plaits, belts, etc., u to be
found under our eevcnl
dUTucat body types ia
We don't sell every merchant in the country, but neither can any other
manufacturer have access to such service to the public, in view of the com.
petitive condition surrounding the giving of sale to merchants in
various localities.
There are a lot of clothing manufacturers, but only a few standard lines
that establish the barometer of quality and value which identify them as
feature lines. We are one of these standard lines and with thirty-five years
of reputation behind us, our guarantee of satisfaction is a substantial ford,
fication in the selection of clothes which measure high for genuine service
and thorough satisfaction.,
We guarantee our clothes