OREGON SUNDAY EMERALD Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association Official publication ol tha Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued Mly except Monday, during the college year. ARTHUR A BUDD - EDITOR Editorial Board Msss^isg Editor ,. ____ Don Woodward Associate Editor ---John W. Piper Associate Managing Editor- ------ Ted Janes Daily News Editors Msmsuit Morrison Boealia Keber Marian Lowry Frances Simpson Ijaon Byrne Norma Wilson Night Editors Bn pert Bulllvant Walter Coover Jalmar Johnson Douglas Wilson Jack Burleson George Belknap F- I* N. S. Editor-Pauline Bondurant Assistants ______ . Josephine Ulrich, Louis Dammasch Sports Staff Sports Editor _ Monte Byers Sports Writers: Bill Akers. Ward Cook, Wilbur Wester Upper News Staff Catherine Spall Mary Clerin Leonard LerwiU Margaret Skavlan Georgiana Gerlinger Kathrine Kressmann Ed Miller Jfaws Staff: Lyle Janz, Helen Reynolds, Lester Turnbaugh, Thelma Hamrick, Webster Jones, Margaret Vincent, Phyllis Coplan, Frances Sanford, Eugenia Strick wnd, Velma Meredith, Lillian Wilson, Margaret Kressmann, Ned French, Ed Robbins, Josephine Rice, Clifford Zehrung, Pete Laura, Lillian Baker, Mary West, Emily Houston, Beth Fariss, Alan Button, Clate Meredith, James Case, Elizabeth Cady. LSO P. J. MUNLY ..... MANAGER Business Staff AMO«iate Manager —...Lot Beatie Foreign Advertising Manager-——-- James Leake Aaa't Manager -Walter Pearson Specialty Advertising Vflma Farr ham Mary Brandt Lyle Jans Circulation Manager-Kenneth Stephenson Aw’t Manager-James Manning Upper Business Staff Advertising Manager_ Maurice Warnock Aae't Adv. Manager_ Karl Hardenbergh Advertising Salesmen Sales Manager - Frank Loggan Assistants Lester Wade William James Earl Slocum ■ntered in tb« postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. $6.26 per jrear. By term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application. Phones Subscription o oo D*JV New* editor Thi* Inn* Margaret Morrison I manager voi Night Editor This 1mm George Belknap Assistant . Webster Jones Canned Essays The University of Chicago is getting its academic work down to a fine point, it seems. A circular appearing there re cently disclosed the existence of a firm advertising as its wares prepared term papers, theses, essays, and writings of all kinds particularly adapted to the demands of students. “Let us do your thinking for you. Give us your subject and $10—we’ll do the rest. “We relieve you of all annoying details,’’ reads the pam phlet. “Just tell us the subject, the length of the article re quired, and the credit is received for if. Our work is satisfac tory. Many professors have complimented our clients on the masterly way in which they write. We intend no insult, but believe that our work will probably receive better recognition than your own.” Perhaps if the eastern field is successfully exploited, such a firm may establish western offices. But just now the pros pects of any such venture locating here are not favorable. The enterprise might be welcomed by those encyclopedic devotees whose originality of composition consists alone in their art of copying. But there stands a majority on this campus, we would es timate, which measures the value of a higher education by its ability to stimulate thought, and teach one the best processes of thought. “Canned essays” is a parallel problem with cribbing in examinations. The student cannot in the long run be bene fited by such gross deception. The way to learn to think is not to have other do your thinking for you, but to make use of men tal powers which at times are the source of infinite delight. Seandal sheets have been going astray by reason of wrong addresses. Students are offered the opportunity of making cor rections on the Registrar’s mailing list. The line will form at the left. Please do not crowd. ’ Revelers at Junior Prom to Be Belshezzar’s Guests I Ancient. Babylon, in all its erst while glory, has been chosen ns the setting of the Junior Prom. Under the direction of Edgar Bolilman, the colorful decadence of ft doomed empire is to be transported to Eu gene, where for one brief evening of Junior Weekend, University students may sip of a revelry un tasted for many n thousand years. He who enters into Babylon that night will find himself a guest of Belshazzar, the King of the Chal deans. On one of the sovon terraces of Belshazzar’s hanging gardens, which are stretched over the royal palaces overlooking Babylon, tho reveler will find; himself in the temple of Bolus amidst a profusion of foliage, Tamarask trees, and Cliimerae—strange beasts, as the Sadhuzag with its long flabby neck, and the Seiopodes with many antlers from which came enchanted music—creatures peculiar to the Babylon of Belshazzar. Herein, the kiag is to “make a great feast to a thousand of his lords.” Assyrian slave girls are to serve | spiced wine chilled with snow from the mountains. And amidst such drinking and feasting in this ex travagant oriental spectacle with the Euphrates sparkling in the die- J tance, it was that there appeared j the handwriting on the wail. The I Chaldean soothsayers could not in terpret. the "writing thnt was writ ten, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UP 11.\RS1N.” But this night Belshaz zar, the king of the Chaldeans, is to be slain, and Darius, the Median, is to take the kingdom. This spirit of abandon and lavish ness is to bo that of the Prom. All the best talent of the class has been evoked and is working on the decors which are to be completed in ample time* to insure perfection and to eliminate the customary last minute rush. The feature, not yet announced, is to be of the Babylon ian moon goddess, Istar. Special! music is being written for the oc- I easion. U OF W. COMMENTS ON MEN'S SPRING STYLES I’niversity of Washington—(P. 1. -V tO National interest in crew publicity is influencing college men's spring styles. No other rea son has yet been advanced for the very naval tendencies noted in the styles for trousers coming west this spring. Whatever the cause, trousers are being widened about the bottoms to the circumference of Id inches in some cases. Between the R. O. T. 0. and the new spring styles, it promises to the tho “army and navy forever” this spring. Two Petite Hikers’ Courage Just a Continental Jaunt By Velma Farnham That across-the-continent hikers must be of husky proportions is far from true in the case of thg petite misses, Roberta Davis and Jean Zel lermayer, graduates of Cornell col lege, who arrived in Eugene Friday night on the return trip to New Fork, from where they started nine months ago. Small in stature, but exceedingly vigorous and healthy looking they ap pear in their trim hiking suits of twill. They carry very light packs and send their suitcases on to the next stopping place. They left this morn ing with San Francisco the goal, where they expect to spend about a month. Upon leaving there they will visit Yosemite and go north to ifel lowstone and Glacier parks, and re turn to New York by way of Canada. It is through “friends of friends of friends” that new people are met in the various cities they visit—very complete address books being kept, indexed by states. They have kept notebooks with a chronological report of the entire trip and have hopes of at some time of compiling a book of their experiences. The happenings recorded in the notebooks while at Eugene will include their first canoe trip up a mill race and attendance at the April Frolic. A New York syndicate handles special articles for them concerning economic and social conditions of var ious cities they visit. They have been interested in the aspect of co-education in the West and Middle West as com pared with that of the East. “It is the only real co-edueation we have ever seen,” said Miss Davis, adding that the colleges of the East lack the mixing spirit. The Oregon “hello” was commented on very favorably. A feature of college life that is found so much in the West—that is, the extensive employment of students —they said was lacking entirely in the East. “It is surprising—every one works at the University of Wash ington,” said Miss Davis. The hikers have apother trip plan ned after they return to New York, one that is even more adventurous. They expect to get employment on a steamer sailing for Europe. After being told by a heartless member of the masculine < persuasion thaft she could walk to Europe, Miss Zeller mayer exclaimed, “Oh, but the wa ter!” The retort came, “With your nerve you could walk anywhere.” She took exception to the statement, pre fering to term it “confidence.” “If all the people come to New York who say they are, we will be entertaining the rest of our lives,” said Miss Zellermayer, adding with a sparklo in her eyes, “But we will be glad to meet them all.” HIS COLLEGE BOOKS His library is filled with costly volumes, Bound in limp leather, scrolled with burnished gold; And there are manuscripts dim scribes once lettered,— Time-fingered parchments, subtly frail and old; And there are first editions that have traveled From age-hushed places far across the sea,— Besides the books that he himself has written, Bright-colored tones on modern history. Yet he regards all these with calm indifference ' As things he has received for ample pay, As if it would not very greatly matter If someone came and took them all away. But I have never seen more human fondness Shown by a man for anything so small As that he shows for one low shelf of booklets, Standing against his rich brocaded wall. These are his college books, old Latin grammars, And “Horace” who has lain these many years Marked in blue pencil, “Sapphic” or “Alcaic,” Names that were once the cause of haunting fears. Here “Homer” rests, as tattered as a beggar, Yet master still of Troy and Helen’s fate; Here “Poe” conceals a faintly perfumed letter, Tts paper and its message out-of-date; While, on tho fly-leaf of a Saxon primer, A hand that since has done far better work Has drawn a picture of a gaunt professor, Scolding the sleepy, corpulent class-shirk! His library is filled with costly volumes, But they are younger, brighter things than he; And there are manuscripts dim scribes once lettered, But they were old before he came to be; And there are first editions, but thoir pages Harbor tlio memories of some other men; Then, too, the books that he himself has written, But lie was old and disillusioned then. Always his college books have been his comrades! They were the guides that led him down glacl ways! They are the keepers of his boyish secrets And they alone hold youth’s long, dream-tinged days. —VIOLET ALLEYN STOREY. (Cowtesy Christian Science Monitor.) Man Tells About April Frolic Visit (Continued from page one) hat isn’t a man.’ The first girl eft. these two and went and got ibout seven or eight more. I felt ike Gulliver among the Lillipu uis—and unnecessary. “One of these seven came and itood near me. I expected her to dart stroking my cheek for evi lence any minute. Instead, she laid, ‘It’s warm in here.’ “Acting by pure reflex, I opened lie window. That was a blunder, l’he place had that tense feeling hat probably comes from every body holding his breath for a min ite in anticipation. I held mine, it least. “I started coughing violently and eft; but the first girl came and suggested I get out. I did with as nuch dignity as the occasion and ny masquerade called for. It’s a shame they had such detective zeal here; I might have stayed longer ind not have had to move around so last and often. “I rested and had another try. This time, the girls were so en thused over what was going on in front of them they didn’t notice me—or at least didn’t seem to. Be ing the only man as far as you know in a large gathering of women gives you a strange feeling. Of course, I felt a little uneasy besides, think ing of various stories I’d read of men being torn to pieces for try ing to attend the rites of Bacchus in disguise—I didn’t see any reason why these women should be differ ent from their Greek sisters in the Bacchanals. “I felt conspicuous, like Emma Goldman at a meeting of the Ke- j publican party. I look a little like j her, dressed this way, anyway. Of ! course, I didn’t notice the stunts i much, which was rather inconsis- I tent of me, as that was what I went for.” l Patronize Eijierald Advertisers 5 EXPERT ' SHOE SHINING For a number of years we have * been the students’ headquarters I for shoe shining. We clean, dye and shine any color shoes. Or ders for repairing taken. REX SHOE SHINING PARLOR _(Next Rex Theatre) BOOKS LEAVE IT TO PSMITH—By P. G.! Wodehouse. George H. Doran and; Co. $2.00 net. This book will not startle the world with an original philosophy of life; ! nor does it carry a specifc message. in a pointedly didactic manner. Nev- j ertheless, this novel has a scope be yond that which Mr. Wodehouse lays j claim to where he lightly labels it “a I record of the life of the English up per classes.” Mr. Wodehouse does propound a very admirable and rea sonable method of living life. In leading us through the intricate and very interesting adventures of Psmith, Wodehouse impresses his system upon us by reenforcing Psmith’s example with the similar examples of Freddie Threepwood, Lord Emsworth, and Constance, and so on (excepting the efficient Baxter, of course) all lead ing lives of exemplary nonchalance and only frivolous worries. Coming down to definitions, | we find that Wodehouse would have us always view life in a slightly flip pant mood; never must we take things too seriously. It is all well and good to excuse ourselves to each other on the grounds that lack of time and money prevent our becoming carefree and liberal in exchanging quibs and foolish repartees for the grave dis course of but acquaintances. But if we are thus serious and efficient, we can only to account to Mr. Wode house on the grounds of being con genitally handicapped with a plod ding wind. For no matter what one’s position in life is, one can always be so fool ishly lightheaded as to immediately raise oneself from the dusty crowd to the merry round of the humorous (if they can’t joke, jokes may at least be cracked at their expense) gentle folk of the world. Such a one was Psmith (the P is silent as in psy-( chic and ptarmigan). The heart of the matter is whether it is fair to oneself to remain a wealthy (though respectable) fish merchant when one can become a jolly good fellow by merely dropping the over serious view of life and perhaps also the job of fish merchant. The humor in the book is that del icate and clear eyed variety which is free frem sarcasm and satire. Wodehouse’s humor consists of a masterful handling of ludicrous sit uations, and of a touch in the conver sation and attitude of his characters which brings them out in witty by play. The book is written in flowing and sparkling style. As an exposition of certain sunny aspects in our lives, it is both amusing and of real value. JOE BRILL. MOST POPULAR BOOKS IN LIBRARY; FEBRUARY Fiction 1. The Plastic Age . . Percy Marks 2. Town and Gown .... Montross 3. Women in Love ... ... D. H. Lawrence 4. Children of the Age . . Hamsun 5. Aunt Polly’s History of Mankind . Stewart Non-Fiction 1. Upstream .. Ludwig Lewisohn 2. The Goose Step . Sinclair 3. The Dance of Life .. .. Havelock Ellis 4. Outline of Literature _ .-. Drinkwater 5. History of Art .... Eli Faure •---1 Got the Classified Ad habit. LET us revitalize your hair, making it lustrous and luxuriant by our shampooing process that is thorough in every detail. A clean scalp breeds healthy hair! Latest methods prevail here. “Our Methods Succeed” ROSE LA BEAU 13th Phone VOGUE TV CULTURE mm and Kincaid 'hone 1592 260 What does it mean? The Macedonian Cry! John the Baptist Preaching in the Wilderness! Zaccheus Come Down (or come across). It means, brother and sister, to be brief, that the collection plate is going around and when it reaches you, you’ll want to be prepared for every body will be looking at you. Do you want to dig up $260 all at once, or would you rather spread your payments out a little? You won’t pay any more—in fact, you’ll pay less. This is a live question. Look for the next installment of this revela tion. (If you can’t wait, call Geo. O. Goodall, at 877.) 121 7th Avenue West Marshall’s Investigate Our Portables at $30 and $40 MARSHALL’S Phonographs and Becords 121 7th Avenue West PLAYING— MONDAY AND TUESDAY Phone 87 I Count ' the i Features' M I WHO— was to blame? In his heart he loved one —in the eyes of the law he should honor. an other— And then a third— A heart appeal ing drama of romance, con flict, and Cu I with CHARLES JONES MARIAN NIXON—TRILBY CLARK ADDED ATTRACTION Eugene’s Own— The— Avalon Quartet featuring “WHEN THE LIGHTS ARB LOW” Composed by BURTON ARANT of Eugene _—at 7:30 and 9;40 p. m: j PRECLUDES Literary Digest Fun from the Press “Reno or Bust” A Christie Comedy with BOBBIE VERNON World Events KINO GRAMS News Reel | ROSNER on the WURL1TZER “SCARAMOUCHE”—can you wait? ? T i ♦ Choice Meats for All Occasions For every meal, we offer you the choic est meats in town—whether it be poul try, a tender roast, or a nice juicy steak. The meat course MAKES the meal and we MAKE the meat course. Get your meat where you can be as sured of the best. People come from all over the county to trade here. There’s a reason. Eugene Packing Co. 675 Willamette Phone 38