Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 04, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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Library Receives Work of
Walter E. Church
School of Architecture
Alumni Contribute
A large number of new book plates
for use in the Oregon collection have
just been' received by the library. The
original plate \vas designed by Walter
E. Church, son of Mrs. P. L. Camp
bell, who graduated from the school
of architecture in 191 ti, and is now a
practicing architect in San Francisco.
The label has on it a picture of
Deady hall, the first building on the
campus, with the typieal Oregon pine
trees, and includes the words, “Uni
versity collection, University of Ore
gon library, Eugene.” The collection
whose name it bears, consists of books
written by alumni, faculty members
and undergraduates, and collections
of theses and the Emerald.
Oregon Seal Designed
Several other book plates have been
designed at different times by stu
dents in the school of architecture.
Another for the Oregon collection is
by Curtis Marshall and includes the
Oregon seal and a picture of the
( covered wagon coming down the val
Louis C. Rosenberg, a member of
the faculty in the architecture de
partment, was the designer of the
plates used in the Pauline Potter
Homer collection. It bears the words,
“University of Oregon Library
Memorial Collection,” with the name
of the collection beneath a pictured
corner in a library.
Book Labels Made
A special label used for gift books,
combines pine needles and cones with
the seal and was designed by John
McGuire, as was also the plate for
the law books, which is ornamented
by the seal and the scales of jus
Joe Tominga, another graduate
from the school of architecture, was
responsible for the plate used for
books in the library of the Univer
sity high school. This also is a com
bination of trees and the Oregon seal.
(Continued from page one)
over the stretch of hills and trees
gives the quick black note that com
pletes the picture. The bird — the
added something which may or may
not have been there—the sensitiveness
of the painter’s imagination—that is
what makes the exhibition what it is.
Looking closer one sees that the bird
is not black, but blue, and red, and
A thousand colors in snow, air, wa
ter and ice are found in the collec
tion. The artist’s ability to see beau
ty where others might pass it by is
demonstrated in “The First Beam,”
one of the larger canvases. It is ob.
Funsters and Stuntsters to Assist in Four
Day Effort for Building Funds
“All work and no play makes
Jack a dull boy.” So declared
Mother Goose; or was it one of the
Sophists'? Haddon Rockhey and
the student body, says today’s
paper, are going to have a cam
paign. They are going to build a
Student Union. At least, they’re
going to raise money for one.
Haddon says its going to be a lot
of .work. “Yes, you bet,” says the
student body. A fool and his money
are easily parted, but this student
body is no fool. Nor has it a great
deal of money. But it is willing
to pay for something worth while.
And we’ve heard that these Stu
dent Unions are quite the thing.
Roekhey and a lot of others are
shouldering somewhat of a task.
They are optimists of the highest
order. But it is their faith in the
student body and their love of
worthy endeavor which these opti
mists declare fires their ambitions
and hopes.
But this arduous task shall not
chill the enthusiasm of the workers.
“This is going to be fun,” says
the campaigner. This drive is going
to have its funsters, its stuntsters.
and its individual features. There
has been appointed a special com
mittee of which Douglas Farrell is
chairman to attend to these high
lights of the four-day drive. Farrell
will be assisted by James' Meek,
Marie Myers, Wenona Dyer, and
Charles Norton to supply the effer
vescence for the big doings.
And the students are going to be
told about all these things which
are going to take place. A special
publicity committee has been ap
pointed, of which John Piper is
chairman. Assisting him are Arthur
Rudd, Rosalia Keber, and Freda
Goodrich. These will be the pam
phleteers, the literata, the inform
ers of the Student Union drive.
They will help to make the burden
less ponderous. They will create
the general stir, halt the very sun
in its course. It is rumored that
all scholastic and academic activity
is to come to a standstill to let the
Student Union Limited speed by
to its appointed goal.
Present duties will be mere
trifles as the forces gather to em
phasize future development and the
realization of a dream of years.
Speakers will speak; writers will
write; Stuntstera will stunt; and
money-raisers will go to the very
bottom of things and bring out
what is waiting for .them in the
hidden corners of the campus.
viously a rather run down district, in
a New England town—back yards, it
would seem. One imagines that the
snow near the barn has been tramp
led, and that the stream is muddy.
The light strikes a tree, a reflecting
window. The sheer beauty of the
treatment, impressionistic handling
with broken color, is so refined as
to leave everything in harmony, and
make one aware only of the bigness
of the subject.
“Winter Willows” won honorable
mention at the eleventh annual exhi
bition of the Connecticut Academy of
Fine Arts in 1921 at Hartford, Conn.
“Winter Hickories,” pearly and
opalescent, and “Spring Morning,”
done in green that is yellow and vio
let at the same time with soft edges,
are twin canvases of the same sub
ject in different seasons. Between
them hangs “Snow of Early Spring.”
The only night scene is “ Deserted
Garden,” tliough-many of the subjects
are exceedingly somber. Carlson
seems to appreciate the peculiar spell
of nature in such moods. One of the
most vivid color effects is “Stormy
Twilight” in gorgeous golds, with
suggestions of purple. An amazing
treatment af sunlight on snow is
“Mountain Hamlet.” Perhaps the
subtlest of all is “Fallen Acres,”
subdued and silvered, yet with a
charm that grows and becomes un
The fifteen paintings form a simple
story told in the greatest possible
way, careful, sincere and devoid of
stage effects.
This afternoon at 4 o’clock the
first game of the season for the
University High baseball team will
be played on their home diamond
against the Springfield high school
team. The University high men
Say, Fellows
“Notaseme Hose”
Have you ever worn them? Just the hose
for that party—and—others of the same.
Notaseme for all occasions. Come in and
let us show them to you. ,
have been working on their dia
mond, scraping it and smoothing it,
so it may so soft on account of
the rain that they will be> unable
to play. The diamond was very
rough and has been very much im
proved by the work that the men
have done on it.
An article entitled “Teaching
Short-Story Writing in the Col
leges” by W. F. G. Thacher, of the
English department, appeared in
the April number of “The Author
and Journalist,” one of the best
known magazines put out for the
professional writer.
Mr. Thacher's article, which he
terms a “defense of lack of
method,” tolls of his methods of
teaching, or rather aiding students
to write short stories. This method
consists of immediately assigning
the student to write a complete
short story, which is read aloud in
class and criticized by the rest of
the class. Also, a collection of short
stories by prominent writers are
read, analyzed and discussed. Other
exercises by which the students are
taught to realize types of stories
includo an analysis of dialects and
an examination of short-story maga
(Continued from page one)
fact that his-mother, broken in health,
is now in a Portland sanitarium.
Close friends say he has worried over
that situation for several months.
His father, W. W. Reid, a Presby
terian minister, living in Tacoma,
has been notified of the tragedy and
was expected to arrive here this morn
“Skinny” Reid, as he was famili
arly known, was graduated from the
University in the class of 1923 and
since then has been an instructor
in piano. His record as a student
was brilliant, and, according to Dean
Landsbury, of the school of music,
his teaching had been successful. He
was, in his student days, a frequent;
performer in musical events and had j
Service Giving Store
I For a Better Game of Music I
You may be a beginner or an
experienced player, but you al
ways want the goods that will
help you play your best game.
We have just received, direct
from the factory, a brand new
stock of live 1924 Pennsylvania
Champion Tennis Balls. Every
one is guaranteed. Also we
have a new supply of eye
shades and a few tennis shoes.
Come in and outfit yourself
with the best.
University Pharmacy
Free Delivery Telephone 114
We Fill Prescriptions
Do You Know What All This Means?
Settings by Joseph Urban.
Girls by Florenz Ziegfeld.
Ballet music by Victor Herbert.
Costumes imported by experts.
Fun by Leon Errol and Walter Catlett.
It Means
The biggest and costliest musical comedy
to ever tour the coast
PRICES—Floor, $4.40; balcony, 6 rows, $3.85; next 3
rows, $3.30; balance, $2.75; tax included. Curtain
at 8:20 sharp.
Portraits of
Portrait Studio
Hampton Bldg.
Phone 1697
made several trips about the state
with the Glee club. His early educa
tion was gained in the East, but he
came to the University from Shedd.
In the University, he was a member
of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity; of
Phi Mu Alpha, national honorary
music fraternity, and of Phi Beta
Kappa, national honorary scholastic
society. In a recent western Chautau
qua tour he acted as accompanist for
Walter Jenkins, community song
leader, of Portland. Coroner Bran
stetter took charge of the body last
night. No funeral arrangements have I
been made.
University of Pennsylvania—Ar
rangements for a football game be
tween the University of Pennsyl
vania and California at Berkeley
next New Year’s Day are complete.
All that is needed is the confirma
tion of ihe president of the Uni
versity of California, who has al
ready approved the game inform
Now Ready—Complete Line of Easter
Novelties, 5c to 50c
| A New Group of
1 Charming Easter Frocks at
We’ve had dresses before at this price—splendid values
too, but we doubt if they compare to these new arrivals!
Notice them in our windows! There’s no words we
could possibly use that would be near as effective as
your actually seeing these lovely Easter frocks.
1 Naturally the first choosing will be the best!
New Gardenias
Quite the thing for the
smart tailleur. Worn
with sports costumes,
Swagger Sticks
Here in every color t0
match your costume.
There’s no denying
.they’re “chic.”
Terminal Taxi
(Formerly Springfield Taxi Co.)
Arthur W. Steinmetz
(Six years’ taxi experience)
Our drivers are the best, and thoroughly exper
ienced, which guarantees prompt and courteous
service. Everyone of them nice fellows.
Call 880
Day or Night
7th and Olive Streets
Also Cars for Rent Without Drivers
Favorite Dessert
among college folks is that dessert which is both
inexpensive and easily prepared in spite of the fact
that it is
We are talking about
College Ice Cream
and call for the week end special!
Phone 1480 8th and Ferry Streets
I iferol % fccd^
I J\commeni,s or^ l—
I Dear Anne:
i April Frolic is the absorbing in
terest this week. It is the big
stunt night and the jealous mas
culinity of the campus is excluded.
We are having some guests down
to enjoy the affair and in honor of
the occasion have stocked up oujr
supply of dishes. Cups without
handles and cracked plates don’t
get by very heavy with visitors.
Our pattern is carried at Manville
Brothers Furniture Store and is an
English ware. A band in gold in
terspersed with tiny pink flowers
is the design.
We have planned a novel lunch
eon for the guests with the most
attractive favors—painted wooden
vanities, or in other words, powder
boxes with lady heads. The place
cards too are so springy and ador
able. Our favorite “favor” shop
is Coe’s Stationery, for we always
finil something new and catchy.
No longer have I an excuse for
straggly locks. At Baile)/ ’s Elec
tric Company T made the purchase
of a Wavhtte Junior, for only
$2.75. This rainy weather is so
hard on marcels that an electric
curling iron is no longer a lux
ury—it is a necessity. Saving the
cost, of marcels soon pays the price
if the iron, so it is a good bargain
all around.
I have learned to put on that
school girl complexion so expertly
that I would drag a
I if I were carrying
a course in it.“Na
d i n o ” vanishing
cream and powder /
is the secret. Tt it/ ,
really the best com-V
bination I have round. i*or a tit
ty-cent powder it is unexcellablo.
The lied Cross Drug store carries
the line and T 'm one of the strong
est promoters of the stock.
Charmingly dainty are my new
collar and cuff sets that I just
had the finishing touches put on.
At the Art Shop I had thorn pleat
ed and hemstitched, and they have
turned out to be the very essence
1 of spring. In this in-between sea
i son they are so nice to brighten
up clothes one has been working
overtime all year.
My achievement of that delight
fully modish sport girl on the links
is acconi])lisJied by
l»y sweater suit of
artichoke tfreen, fan
tastically trimmed in
'''squares and columns
O0f tan, black and
gold. It is one or those ivatty at
fairs that Lari/es are showing this
You remember about the Dime
Crawl we hatl last, term for the
Women’s League scholarship fund,
don't you?
Our house or
chestra is getting set for the
next one which is Wednesday. We
nearly bought out the Eugene Mus
ic, Shop—some of the numbers be
ing The Old Arm Chair, Who’s
Izzy Is lie? The One I Love Be
longs to Someone Else, and Ain’t
You Ashamed.
Down on Thirteenth street is
the neatest little shop you can im
agine. The Shop
Petite is its “mon
iker” and is a
dressmaking estab
lishment that is a
favorite because
the University girls are charged
less. My flannel dress I had made
there is a dream.
It has a predominance of blue so
my campus hat was bought with the
matching in view. The result is
a chic little model in ching blue
hemp, draped with satin-backed
crepe in pearl and in blue. It has
enough of ft brim to keep away
the unwelcome freckles, but not
enough of a one that I can’t see
out from under.
I'm running to blue it seems
for to add that extremely smart
touch of color to my all-white cos
tume, I bought a
long strand of /
delph blue crystal /
beads at Skeie's:
Jew elry Store. He- : -
membering h o w \
fond of pretty
beads you are, I
nearly bought some
ror you, mu you
know the weakness of an allow
Studying for my eight o’clock
is beckoning to me so 1 had better
heed the call. Can’t you brighten
up my life with just one little
home town scandal?
Forever yours,