Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 04, 1924, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Awards of $75 and $50 Are
First and Second Prizes
in State-Wide Contest
Names of Speakers to be
Withheld Until Event;
Affair Has National Scope
Oregon and six other colleges will
participate in the annual state ora
torical contest which will be held
this evening at 7:45 in Yillard hall
on the subject of international
peace. It is expected that this will
be a keenly contested meet, for the
winner receives the largest prize
offered in a state intercollegiate
contest, besides having the privi
lege of representing the state in
^ both the interstate and the final
•ational peace conferences.
A first prize of $75 and a second
of $50 will be awarded the two
best orations. They are to be not
over 1,500 words in length. Last
year Oregon took second place in
this event.
The colleges which are to enter
contestants are: Pacific university,
Pacific college, Linfield college,
end the University of Oregon. The
contest is held at a different insti
tution each year. It will be nine
years before the contest will be
held at Eugene again.
Albany Man Chairman
This meet is sponsored by a
national organization which has for
its purpose the promotion of world
peace. The state chairman for Ore
gon is Clive M. Saiz of Albany
college. The work of the state is
carried on toy the Intercollegiate
Oratorical association, the officers
of which are: Harold Proffe, Lin
field, chairman; Maurine Brown,
Oregon Normal school, vice presi
dent; Clive M. Saiz, Albany col
lege, secretary; and Harlan Rhin
ard, Pacific college, Newberg,
treasurer .
The prizes are to bo awarded by
two sets of judges, one group who
will judge on the basis of thought
and manner of composition, and
another group on the basis of de
liTCiry. The judges; of the first
group will be William O. Moore,
from Iowa State college; Charles
A. Marsh, national president of Pi
Kappa Delta, national forensic fra
ternity, and instructor at the Uni
versity of California, Southern
Branch; and Edwin Dubois Shurter
•f the Southern Methodist univer
sity of Dallas, Texas. Those men
who will judge from the standpoint
•f delivery have not yet been an
nounced, but they will consist of
noaches of debate and members of
English faculties of the various col
Seven Orations Listed
The program for the contest is as
Announcements, State chairman,
Miss Maurine Brown.
Peace Orations
•“A Nation’s Soul”
‘'The International Mind"
“It Must Not be Again"
“America’s Sacred Trust”
“The New Peace”
“Waging War Against War”
There will be a meeting of the
•executive council of the oratorical
association in the lounging room of
the Woman’s building at 2 o’clock,
Ibis afternoon.
Thespian Members
' to Continue Work
at Emerald Office
The Thespians, a group of fresh
man women, representing every
women’s living organization on the
campus, will again assist this term
in the Emerald office. Marylee
Andrus, president of the group, has
worked out a schedule which re
quires each girl to be on duty for
one hour once a week between the
hours of 2:30 and 5:30 p. m. and
in the evening from 7 to 9 o’clock.
Besides assisting in the Emerald
office, the members help in the of
fice of the student body president.
This work was the original purpose
of the organization. This year, they
have also assisted the Women’s
league by selling crackers, apples
and milk in the Woman’s building.
During the Student Conference,
they had charge of registering
preppers and also took charge of
the ballot box for the Junior week
end election.
Stewart and Henrickson
Given Positions
Willard Marshall, a junior in bus
iness administration, was elected
president of the University of Oregon
Y. M. C. A. yesterday. James Stew
art was elected vice-president, Ern
est Henrikson, recording secretary,
and Oscar McKinney was re-elected
financial secretary. Oscar McKinney
was the only candidate to receive ev
ery vote cast.
The offices of vice-president and
recording secretary were closely con
tested for, James Stewart winning
from Romayne Brand by a slight
These four newly elected officers
of the campus association will be
Oregon’s representatives at the of
ficers' Training Conference which is
to be held on the Oregon campus
April 19 and 20 for the purpose of
instructing the newly elected offi
cers of the different college associa
tions in the Northwest, in the ideals
and purposes of the Y. M. C. A. as1
well as the duties of their respective
The new officers constitute the ex
ecutive committee of the association,
and are required to appoint a cabinet
to - consist of a social chairman, pub
licity man, head- of new student work,
chairman of hut activities and em
ployment, chairman of meeting com
mittee, and chairman of the deputa
tions and missions committee. The
date of installation has not been def
initely set as yet, but it will be with
in the next two weeks, according to
Henry W. Davis, secretary of the
campus association.
Faculty women won from Kappa
Alpha Theta, and Alpha Xi Delta de
feated Alpha Delta Pi in the volley
ball games played yesterday at 5
o ’clock.
Miss Dorothy Gurley of the fac
ulty team showed unusual skill in
serving. Her serve is swift and ac
Until this year there have never been
doughnut games in volleyball, but
there has been greater interest in vol
leyball this year than in any other
John F. Carlson Paintings
Show Intricate Color Schemes
By Margaret Skavlan
Mature surprisingly real, yet of sub
jects so out of the ordinary as to
neem almost fantastic—such is the im
pression of the paintings of John F.
Garlson, New York landscape painter,
now on exhibition in the arts build
ing. It is without doubt one of the
finest things in art that has yet come
te the campus.
“Go as far as you like—you will
not be over-estimating it," said Vir
gil O. Hafen, professor of fine arts,
in speaking of the work.
The artist is seen to have an ap
preciation of the simple things, yet he
»eee them with an eye that finds them
intricately beautiful color harmonies.
They are reproduced with paint, but
-with a difference. The canvases do
not look like paintings, but like the
scenes themselves. The most impres
sive quality is that of the vibration
of color. The trees seem surrounded
by air, by spaee. This is achieved
by a technique that betrays a long
apprenticeship and a thorough know
ledge of the medium and its possi
bilities. A sky is often not one or
two colors, but five. Carlson’s whites
are not white—his snow is yellow, it
is blue, violet, green, almost rose at
times. Yet design and composition
as a whole are never forgotten, re
gardless of the care in details.
One of the striking oils is “Bleak
Meadows,” with its cold, desolate at
mosphere. A solitary bird flying
(Continued on page three)
Men’s Oregon Club Will
Work With Two Houses
to Make Numbers Even
Seating Capacity of Race
Will be Increased With
Old Basketball Bleachers
Last evening the names were
drawn for men’s and women’s
houses which will work together on
the floats for the canoe fete. As
the wome>n’s houses outnumber the
men’s, the men’s Oregon club was
divided, each half to work with a
separate group.
Groupings Are Made
The groupings are:
1. Tau Nau—Phi Kappa Psi.
2. Kappa Alpha Theta—Sigma
3. Susan Campbell hall—Sigma
4. Pi Beta Phi—Phi Sigma Pi.
5. Alpha Chi Omega—Bachelor
6. Chi Omega—Oregon club II.
7. Kappa Omicron—Phi Gamma
8. Delta Omega—Kappa Sigma.
9. Sigma Beta Phi—Psi Kappa.
10. Hendricks hall—Alpha Tau
11. Women’s Oregon club—Beta
Theta Pi.
12. Alpha Delta Pi—Sigma Pi
13. Delta Gamma—Alpha Beta
14. Alpha Xi Delta—Phi Delta
15. Alpha Phi—Kappa Delta Phi.
16. Kappa Kappa Gamma—Sigma
Alpha Epsilon.
17. Alpha Omicron Pi—Friendly
18. Gamma Phi Beta—Chi Psi.
19. Delta Zeta—Delta Tau Delta.
20. Delta Delta Delta—Oregon
club I.
Rules for Floats Given
The rules outlined t>y the com
mittee for the canoe fete are: First,
the expense on each float is limited
to $25. Floats are to be decorated
on one side only, as there are no
seats on the other side of the race,
and this item limits expenditure to
a reasonable amount.
There are two prizes, both cups,
one for the men’s and one for the
women’s house. They are now held
by Delta Delta Delta and Kappa
Delta Phi. A house getting the cup
three times in succession is allowed
to keep the trophy permanently.
The committee announced that the
names of the floats must be handed
in to Rupert Bnllivant by April 25.
To provide a larger seating room
for the fete, the bleachers used for
basketball will be placed along the
race. This will enlarge the seating
capacity by 600. The ticket sale will
probably be handled by the Oregon
A social program for the spring
term will be the main topie of dis
cussion at the meeting of the Uni
versity Lutheran students’ club,
to be held at Trinity Lutheran
church next Sunday. Committees
are already making arrangements
for a hike to be held in the near
future, and it is planned to hold
several such outings this term.
. This club is still very new on
the campus, having been organized
last fall under the direction of Rev.
C. P. Harry of Morristown, Penn
sylvania. Many students are active
ly interested in the club and a
larger number attends the meetings
each time. All Lutheran students
1 are members of the organization
without any process of election. All
I are invited to attend the meetings
which consist of an hour of discuB
; sion, followed by a social hour.
Prof. Fritz Marti, of the philo
, sophy department, will speak to the
University high school assembly at
3 o’clock this afternoon on “High
Schools in Switzerland.” Profes
sor Marti came to the University
last fall directly from Swizterland
j and will be able to give the as
' sembly some first hand information
on the Swiss high schools.
Private Dances
to Be Postponed
in Reid’s Memory
Women’s Forum to
Hold April Frolic
All private dances will be post
poned this weekend in respect to the
memory of Ronald Reid, according
to statements made last evening by
University and student body offi
cials. Classes will be held as usual
today, however.
At a meeting of the Women’s
Forum, representative body of the
University women, it was decided to
have the April Frolic as planned,
with the exception of the dancing.
A large number of invitations
have been issued to out-of-town
guests by sorority houses and it
would be impossible to cancel theso
at such a late hour, as many of the
guests are on their way to Eugene
already, and tho social calendar for
the remainder of the term is not
It is uncertain as yet if the
Men’s Smoker will be held.
Invitations Extended to
Colleges to Visit
In honor of Dr. Alexander Meikle<
john, former president of Amherst
college, and Dr. R. M. Maclver,
head of the division of social sci
ences at the University of Toronto,
who will visit the Reed college cam
pus on the weekend of April 25, 26
and 27, Reed has issued invitations
to representatives of other colleges
of the Northwest to visit Re>ed on
those days.
A letter received by Claude
Robinson from the chairman of the
committee on invitations, states
that accommodations for six from
the University will be guaranteed,
and that other students interested
will be housed, but must furnish
their own meals.
A tentative program or very in
formal discussions has been ar
ranged and will follow some such
general subjects as:
1. The students’ place in a con
structive program for international
2. The challenge of the present
economic situation, national and
international, to the college atsdenfa
3. The relations between students,
faculty, alumni, regents and the
general public.
Any stulents interested in attend
ing the meeting are asked to call
the A. S. U. O. office. Dr Meikle
john is giving no other lectures in
the Northwest this spring, making
this the only opportunity for stu
dents of other colleges to hear him.
A series of interesting and help
ful lectures are being given at the
First Methodist church for Univer
sity students of that denomination
and others interested in the history
of the Bible and the welfare of the
church. Sunday evening, April 6,
at 6:30 o’clock, Bev. J. Franklin
Haas, pastor of the church, will give
a talk to the Wesley club on the
subject, “What I Can Expect of the
Church.” The Wesley club will
have as guests the high school de
partment of the church, and Univer
sity students desirous of hearing
the lecture.
The following Sunday, April 13,
Bev. Hass will speak on the topic,
“What the Church Can Expect of
; Me. ” At this meeting, University
| students will be guests of the high
! school department. Instrumental
and vocal music will precede the
lecture each evening. The first of
a series of illustrated lectures on
the English Bible by A. B. Sweet
17.e,r, professor of botany at the
i University, was given last Sunday
morning to an appreciative audi
ence of University students. The
next lecture will be given Sunday
morning, April 6, at 10 o ’clock.
Grace Caviness, senior in the de
partment of physical education and
member of Alpha Xi Delta, is re
ported doing nicely after undergo
! ing an operation for appendicitis
yesterday morning at the Pacific
hospital. Miss Caviness was taken
ill suddenly and was rushed to the
hospital Wednesday afternoon.
! Haddon Rockhey in Charge
of Campaign; Each Class
to Have Its Own Leaders
Great Purpose and Lofty
Ideal Behind Movement
Is Point to be Stressed
From April 23 to 26, inclusive,
the student body will summon its
unflagging energies to raise money
for the Student Union. Four calen
dar days, falling less than three
weeks hence, will be devoted to
the “kick-off” of the University’s
$5,000,000 Gift campaign, with the
students initiating the great move
As the first step in its organi
zation of personnel to handle the
campaign, the Student Union com
mittee, in collaboration with the of
ficers of the student body, has ap
pointed Haddon Bockhey director
of the soliciting forces. All the sub
sidiary officials whose aid will be
enlisted in the campaigning will be
under the management of Bockhey.
Teams Are Large
Under the drive director will bo
a simple but effective organization,
big and far-reaching enough to
bring every student in the Univer
sity in contact with the union move
ment. All possible pressure will bo
brought upon those who can to give
and give ungrudgingly. Students
will be interviewed personally,
made acquainted with the impor
tance of the Student Union under
taking, and urged to give finan
cial assistance and moral backing
to mako the drive an unfaltering
The organization of the students
for the campaign will follow along
the natural lines of classes and spe
cial students. Each class from senior
to freshman will have a student
leader with an assistant.. Under
these class chairmen there will be
organized soliciting teams of men
and women with captains to assume
responsibility for details.
masses wave unairmen
The. plan is to have a division
of sexes in the organization. In
every case the class chairman will
bo a man and his assistant a
woman, one to care for the canvas
sing of men and the other for
women. The workers will, of course,
be both men and women.
“When once we get started on
this movement." said Chairman
Roekhey yesterday, “we will not
let our interest lag or our enthu
siasm wane, until the last copper
clinks into the contributions box.
Students must be made to realize
the great purpose behind the cam
paigning. Their generosity must be
prompted not alone for the sake of
imitating their neighbors, but with
an understanding of the great ideal
which will be realized when a cher
ished student building risee from
its foundation to bedeck the Ore
gon campus.
Student Kelp TJrged
“We expect to reach every stu
dent through our network of organi
zation. Competent leaders will be
chosen to put this thing over. And
over it will go, in spite of all dif
ficulties or any mean opposition.
The students want a Union, and
’ they shall have it. The Gift cam
paign must be started at home, and
it will be launched with the great
est din that has ever been heard
on the Oregon campus. I am sure
! that the students of the University
of Oregon will assist me and my
staff to assure and insure the ab
solute success of this big and
worthy undertaking.”
The staff assistants to Roekhey
are now being selected and will be
announced early next week. Ac
: cording to Claude Robinson, stu
' dent body president, every leader
and all interested and enthusiastic
men and women will be called upon
to render some assistance in the
four-day drive which will bo replete
with excitement, and full of un
precedented energy and vigor.
' Beta Gamma Sigma, national
honorary commerce fraternity, an
nouncea the election of Arthur B
Stilman. Jack Rogers, Harry Hulac
Robert D. Huntress, John R. Lowe
1 and Clyde Zollars. They will be in
I itiated next week.
House Averages
to Be Given Out
in Three Weeks
Throe weeks or a month more
will bo required before the house
averages will be completed, ac
cording to information given out
by tlio registrar’s office. This
is a longer timo than heretofore,
due to the fact that the averages
are being compiled under the new
Instead of the old system of
compiling averages in which the
average was determined by the
grado and the number of hours
carried, the new system an
nounced last torm is being used.
This system gives credit to thoso
who carry more hours and who
get good grades. Under the new
system, the person who gets good
grades while carrying moro hours
will receive more crodit than the
one who, though ho gets good
grades, doos not carry as many
Man’s Idea of Himself Is
Most Elusive, He Says
“Personality is the sum of what
a person is,” said Dr. Edmund 8.
Conklin, head of the department of
psychology, in his addross on “Mak
ing of a Personality” at the as
sembly in Yillard hall, yesterday.
“A man’s success or failure in
life is duo in a largo part to per
sonality, and it is the foremost con
sideration to be inquired about
wlion peoplo write to me for recom
mendations in regard to prospective
teachers,” he continued.
Dr. Conklin stated that there are
different kinds of personality, the
strong and the weak, the magnetic,
repellent, elusive, or charming, as
well as variations in the personality
of an individual. He explained that
those things which have the great
est influence on the personality of
an individual are health, muscular
control, that is, posture; the hand
shake and voice, which are related
to higher brain development; intel
ligence, the range of knowledge and
scholarship; and a person’s idea of
hub last is me most elusive 01
all,” said the speaker, “and rev
quires a study of yourself. Most
persons are afflicted with an in
ferior idea of themselves.
“Habits of thinking aro also in
fluential in making personality,” ho
continued. “There is the objective
thinker, who deals with the facts
and material considerations of lifo,
the philosophic thinker, who the
orizes apart from the practicalities
of life, and the intuitive thinker.”
Dr. Conklin said that he had
often been asked if it were possible
to remake personalities, and his
only answer was that, just so far
as these various considerations are
amenable to discipline or control,
so far is it possible to remake per
Dick Adams gavo two vocal
selections, and Jeanne Gay an
nounced the “Dime Crawl.” to be
held next Wednesday night from
6:30 to 7:30 at the women’s houses.
Due to the large number of on
lookers always present at April Frolic,
the committee has decided to reserve
a section in the balcony, for faculty
women, house mothers, and town
women who want to see the perform
ance but do not like to come early
in order to get a seat. About 75
seats will bo reserved and will be
sold at 50 cents each.
These reserved seats will be on
salo at the Rainbow and in the dean
of women’s office for the remainder
of the week.
Rev. Bruce Giffen is back or
the campus after having attended
a session of the presbytery of the
Oregon branch of tho Presbyteriar
church, hevld recently at Indepen
dence, Oregon. Ho said that the
session dealt mostly with tho prob
lem of raising funds for the new
$200,000 drive launched recentlj
for the state institutions of highei
learning in Oregon.
Young Musician Is Found
in Car at Hendricks Park
After Search by Friends
Search of 24 Hours for
Missing Instructor Ends
in Tragic Discovery
Ronald Baltimore Reid, 22 yean
old, piano instructor in the Univer
sity school of music, died at 8:48
last night in the Eugene hospital as
a result of a revolver wound in the
head, which, authorities believe, was
Reid had been missing for 24 hours
when two friends found him in his
automobile, a small closed car, in
Hendricks park, at 4:30 o’clock yes
terday afternoon. He was taken to
the hospital in the ambulance, where
surgeons oporatod at once, but held
out no hope for his recovery. The
wound, in the opinino of Dr. C. D.
Donahue, had been inflicted many
hours before.
Absence Arouses Alarm
Reid, who was one of the best
known men on the campus, had been
subject to fita of despondency, during
which ho confided to friends his fear
that his mind was breaking down.
This, his friends say, is the only ex
planation they can offer for his act.
Reid was popular among his friends,
had no financial difficulties, and no
love disappointment.
The disappearance was first noted
at 5 o’clock Wednesday afternoon,
when the young musician failed to
appear at n rehearsal of the Univer
sity vesper choir, of which he waa
assistant director. He had been last
seen an hour and a half before in the
business section of Eugene. His
friends became alarmed when he did
not appear, at 7:30, at the practice
of tho Presbyterian church choir, of
which he was director. Thereupon
several of his intimate friends started
a search in which, during the morn
ing, more than fifty persons joined.
Thorough Search Made
Finally, two members of his fra
ternity came upon his automobile in
tho park. Reid was lying back in
the seat at the right side of tho
car, a bullet-wound through his head
and a .32 automatic lying by his
side. He was still alive.
The sheriff’s and coroner’s of
fices wero notified, and Coroner W.
W. Branstetter took personal charge,
assisted by Deputy Sheriffs Rodney
Roach and Earl Humphrey. The of
ficers picked up a box of shells for
the automatic, one shell was missing.
The bullet had been fired from the
left side, ranging upward and com
ing out the top of the head. Tho
coroner expressed the opinion that
the wound had been self-inflicted,
despite the awkward position from
which the shot had been fired.
From the time when Reid was seen
at 3:30 Wednesday afternoon, his
movements have not been learned,
though tho cooperation of the sher
iff’s office was obtained in the ef
fort to trace him and several auto
mobiles scoured the roads in all
directions from Eugeno.
Scholastic Standing High
The sole explanation of tho young
man’s despondency was his fear of
mental collapse, coupled with tho
(Continued on page three)
Saturday, April 5, is the last day
that material for tho humorous
columns of “Old Oregon” will be ac
cepted. There should be much cam
pus humor that can be written up for
the pages of the comic section. Cam
pus artists are urged to look around
: them at the funny people and inci
dents that will mako comie illustra
Considerable favorable comment has
come to “Old Oregon” on the comic
section, and one alumnus living in
Iowa, in an effort to help the section,
forwarded a goodly number of jokes
along with his comment.
A prize of $2.50 will be given to
tho five people that hand in the most
usable comic material for the next
issue. Material may be handed in to
Eugene Short or" Grace Edgington,
alumni secretary.