? VOLUME XXV UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE. THURSDAY, MARCH o, 1924 NUMBER 113 FINAL DEBATES TO BE TONIGHT — Washington and Stanford Teams to Meet Varsity in Triangular Contest EVENT TO BE IN VILLARD Question on United States Entering World Court; Negative Starts South One of the biggest and most im portant contests in the forensic year, and the final event for the men’s varsity debata teams, comes tonight, when Oregon’s two teams meet Stanford university and the University of Washington in the an nual triangular debate staged among these institutions. The home debate is scheduled for ^ 8 o’clock tonight in Villard hall. The team debating on the campus is composed of Martin Moore and Ernest Hendrikson. They will up hold the affirmative of the ques tion, “Resolved, that the United States should enter the proposed world court,” against the Univer sity of Washington negative. Oregon Team Leaves The Oregon negative team, con sisting of Hersehel Brown and Glen wood Archer, left yesterday for Palo Alto to meet the Stanford affirmative. Judge John B. McCourt of the Oregon supreme court, Salem, and Charles Alexander of the editorial staff of the Albany Democrat, are two of the judges for tonight’s con test in Villard. The third judge is to be selected some timei to day. Dean E. C. Bobbins of the University school of business administration will act as chairman. Th& contest is one of long stand ing, and is considered a strong de bate by all three institutions. At the convention of the Pacific Coast Forensic league, held on the local campus last fall, there were repre sentatives from the three institu tions involved in the debate who urged that the event be held, acord ing to custom. The debate comes yearly on the second Thursday in March. Honor System Featured One of the outstanding and dis tinguishing features of thei annual debate is the honor system used in securing judges, each school having the privilege of selecting its own. Last year, Oregon lost the debate after having held the coast cham pionship for three years. Stanford was last year’s victor, having won both its meets. Martin Moore and Ernest .Hen drikson have both had experience in public speaking work, though this is the first year that either has participated on the varsity debate team. Moore represented Oregon in the extempore speaking contest held as a part of the program of the con vention of the coast forensic league last fall. Hendrikson has represented the University in several oratorical •events. The question for the debate is a timely one, and one which is of na tional and world interest. It is an outstanding example of the policy of the public speaking leaders to choose up-to-date subjects for de bate. Poets’ Guild Will Give Award for Poem on May Day Announcement has come to the English department of the Uni versity that the American Child Health association has placed at the disposal of the Poets’ Guild, located in New York city, the sum of $500 with which to purchase a poem written on the subject of May Day which best conveys the idea of glorious, healthful childhood. The most suitable poem will be read at the festivals held through out the country on May 1. The poem is limited to 48 lines, and must be typewritten. No signa- . tures are to appear on the manu script, but the name and address of the author should be enclosed in a sealed envelope to be sent to the Poets’ Guild by April 10. The Guild belives that in May Day there are certain symbols, ceremonies and teachings by which the people of America may be made more keenly aware of the child hood of the nation. FLORENCE BUCK MADE y. W. C. A. PRESIDENT Speakers at Annual Banquet Tell of Work Done Florence Buck is the new president of the University Young Women’s Christian association as a result of the election held yesterday. Other officers elected are: Mary Donaldson, vice-president; Marian Lowry, secre tary; Lois Easterbrooks, treasurer; Helen Andrews, undergraduate repre sentative. The big event ending the day yes terday was the annual banquet given at the College Side Tnn last evening. Approximately 175 University women and town mertibers of the Y. W. C. A. gathered at the affair. Following a violin and piano duet by Margaret and Katherine Inwood, Mrs. E. E. DeCoue gave a short talk on the reminiscences of the associa tion, in which she told of the history of the association, and the work it has done since it was first organized. A resume of the past year’s work was presented by Eloise Buck. In her talk Miss Buck named the various branches of work done by the cam pus Y. W. C. A., including employ ment, Girls’ Reserve, various discus sion groups, and the Seabeck confer ence, and the report on the year’s work in each branch of work. Mrs. Bruce J. Giffen spoke on the value of cooperation between the Uni versity association, and the town members who aid in sustaining the group. Dean Virginia Esterly gave a talk, “At the Crossroads,” in which she outlined some of the ideals to which such an association aspires and which it acomplishes, and the ideal of a university of Christian women. Another interesting speaker on the program was Mrs. L. W. Messer of Chicago, and a former member of the national board of the Y. W. C. A., who is visiting relatives in Eugene. Mrs. Messer’s message was for co operation of the Y. W. C. A. as a national group. Another musical number was a vocal solo given by Gwladvs Keeney. The final number on the program was the announcement of the new officers, by Mary Clerin, retiring [president. Ease Marks Concert Given __ by University Orchestra By Josephine Bice The University Symphony orches tra presented a very creditable concert last night to a large audi ence at the Methodist church. The playing was marked throughout by ease and relaxation that eomes from confidence, the obvious effort usual ly attending student productions was lacking. This absence of strain on the part of both leader and or chestra contributed to the pleasing smoothness of the evening’s concert. The program opened with the overture to “Fidelio,” by Beetho ven. “Fidelio” is the single opera tic work of this great master musi cian. and one of the finest in musi- 1 cal literature. While the overture, was played well, all that there is of 1 worth in Beethoven was not put forth in it. The intermezzo from “Jewels of the Madonna” was a charming number. Its playful mel ody, begun in the flute with pizzi cato violin accompaniment, was later taken up by the first violins. The bass viol pizzicato accompani ment gave a light touch to the char acter of the piece. The first group was closed by two English Folk Dances by Percy Grainger. “Mock Morris,” while played extremely well by the or chestra, seems a little heavy for orchestration. The “Shepherds Hey,” on the other hand, becomes very effective; it was played with spirit. The gradual approach to the fast and furious climax was particularly well done. The string orchestra may well be proud of their performance. Bach’s “Air for the G String,” with its (Continued on page three) FROSH NUMERAL AWARD FAVORED Student Council to Allow “Babes” to Give Jerseys to Successful Athletes STAG MIX TO BE HELD Assembly Hour Freed from Paddlings and Initiations; New Society Recognized Official awards to freshmen, who take part in inter-collegiate athletic contests were standardized, rules were passed keeping 11 o’clock Thursday free from paddling or in itiation events, a soplionyire inter fraternity society was recognized and it was decided that a stag mix will be staged on the same night as the April Frolic. These are the results of the meeting of the stu dent council, held yesterday after noon. The action keeping the assem bly hour free for assembly came as the result of complaints being filed that speakers were not receiving proper courtesy when a part of their already short time was taken by events that could have been staged on other days. The council sug gests that Friday be made the tra ditional day for such events as ha*re been taking place on the library steps at 11 o’clock Thursday. Stag Mix Planned The recognition of the new sophomore society was merely a matter of routine, as the council has no jurisdiction over the forma tion of such groups. The stag mix will be held to give the men of the University amusement on the night that the girls put up the “keep out” sign on the Woman’s build ing, where the April Frolic is held. Since the freshman class must purchase any awards that are given their athletes, the council did not pass a motion compelling the under classmen to make any awards. The motion which received a favorable vote simply ruled that any awards that are given freshman partici pants in athletic events must be made according to the following rules: 1. The official freshman class em blem, lemon-yellow class numerals, on a navy blue V-neck jersey, shall be awarded. 2. To any representative of the freshman football team who has played one full half in the first lineup or 30 minutes total in parts of three halves in the second line up in competition with a freshman team of any college or university which is a member of the Pacific Coast Inter-collegiate conference. Track Is Inc’uded 3. To any representative of the freshman track team winning one point or part of a point in compe tition with a freshman team repre senting any college or university which is a member of the Pacific Coast Inter-collegiate conference. 4. To any representative of the freshman basketball team playing three full halves in competition with a freshman team of any col lege or university which is a mem ber of the Pacific Coart Inter-col legiate conference. 5. To any Representative of the freshman baseball team playing in two games of baseball in competi tion with a freshman team repre senting any college or university which is a member of the Pacific Coast Inter-collegiate conference, excepting pitchers, who shall pitch nine inpings. 6. Awards shall be paid for by freshman class. 7. The award shall not be worn after the following varsity season in which the award was won. It is thought probable that this year’s freshmen will vote the awards according to the new ruling, but a small levy will have to be made on class members to finance the move, because of. the present lack of funds in the treasury. OREGON GRADUATES MARRY IN LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA Irene Compton, ’23, and Allen Carneross, ’22, were married at Long Beach California, on February 23. Miss Compton is a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority. Carneross on the campus was prominent in ' journalism and is a member of I Alpha Tau Omega. Since his gradu \ ation, he has been on the editorial 1 staff of the Long Beach Telegram. Bishop Shepard Is to Address Sunday Vespers Campus Visitor University vesper services will be held Sunday, March 9. in the Methodist Episcopal church at 4:30 p. m. Bishop William O. Shepard, of the Methodist church, with headquarters in Portland, will be the principal speaker. Bishop Shepard visits Eugene frequently and two years ago spoke at a vesper service. He is a graduate, of DePauw university, where he became affiliated with the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. He received the appointment of bishop in 1912 and a few years previous to that time, was a pas tor in Chicago, Illinois. The. anthem, “Angel Voices Ever Singing,” by Shelley, will be sung by the choir. The solo quartet for this service is com posed of Ruth Akers, soprano; Leona Gregory, contralto; Roy Bryson, tenor; and Aubrey Furry, basso. Prof. E. S. Dunn will preside at the service. is Frequent FOREIGN SOCIOLOGIST TO LECTURE FRIT Professor Jaszi to Discuss Hungarian Situation Prof. Oscar Jaszi, Hungarian sociologist; ' and formerly liberal statesman of Karolyi’s cabinet, is due in Eugene this afternoon and will be on the campus Friday. The committee in charge of Professor Jaszi’s appearance here has ar ranged a dinner for tonight at the Anchorage at 6 o’clock, to which faculty men are invited. Tomorrow at 10 o’clock in Villard hall, Professor Jaszi will give a lecture on “Red and White Bolshe vism in Hungary.” The public is invited to this lecture. At 2:15 Friday afternoon ip room 105, Com merce building, he will lecture to several classes on “The Present Crisis of European Marxist Social ism.” Visitors are also invited to this lecture. Professor Jaszi has been an exile in Vienna for the past five years, prior to his arrival in New York, where, he delivered a series of lec tures for the New School for Social Research. Since January 12, he has been making a lecture tour across the continent, speaking at the lead ing colleges and universities on the general subject of “The Cen tral European Crisis and Its Con sequences.” The lecturer was at first a pro fessor at the University of Transyl vania, and later professor of sociol ogy at Budapest university. He or ganized and conducted for 20 years the Sociological Society and Free School for Social Sciences of Hun gary- „ , The coming of Professor Jaszi to the University is under the auspices of the administration. Dean George Rebec, of the graduate school, and Professors James Barnett and Wal ter Barnes are in charge of his pro gram. Those wishing to make reser vations for the. dinner at the Anchorage this evening are asked to phone Walter Barnes at 1128 [ or ,9-16-J. DURNO, ’21, WINS AWARD Former Oregon Basketball Captain Gets Harvard Scholarship “Eddie” Durno, of the class of >21, who is attending tht Harvard medical school this year, has re cently been awarded a scholarship in that school. Out of a class of 125 students there were 11 awards and Durno was listed among them. He has been making an average of about 97 in the school. While attending school here, Durno was a star basketball man, making all-coast forward for two years. He was captain of the team when a senior. After graduating from the University, he coached athletics at Medford high school before going to the eastern school. He is a mem ber of Phi Delta Theta. PLEDGING ANNOUNCEMENTS Kappa Omicron announces the pledging of Ruth Ellison, of Port land, Oregon. Alpha Tau Omega announces the pledging of William Biggs and Hugh Biggs, of Ontario, Oregon. COUNCIL KILLS HOUSE SPORTS STUDENT BODY TOMEETTODAY Forensic Amendment to be Considered at Business Session in Villard Hall MUSIC TO BE FEATURE An amendment to the by-laws, framed by the forensic council to change the form of the debate award, will be the main considera tion before the student body, which will meet at the regular assembly hour today in Villard hall. Short talks will be given by the coaches on spring sports and the school of music will give a special program after thei short business meeting of the associated students. Amendment to be Discussed The amendment, which will bo brought up today, reads ar follows: “An amendment to Article IV, Section 2, Clause I, of the By-laws of the Associated Students of thei University of Oregon, which reads as follows: “Gold ‘O.’ A University repre sentative in intercollegiate oratory or debate shall be awarded by the Forensic council, the official debato and oratory emblem, a gold block ‘0 ’ 3-8x1-16x1-4 inches in dimen sion. No representative shall re ceive more than one such emblem in any one college year.” This is changed to read: “Gold ‘O’. A University repre sentative in intercollegiate oratory or debate shall be awarded by a gold block ‘O’ 1-2x1, 16x3-8 inches in dimension, with a curved bar run ning from the upper left-hand cor ner to the lower right-hand corner, upon which curved bar shall be en graved the word, ‘Forensics.’ Fur ther upon the right-hand perpendi cular side of such award shall bo engraved the year of the award and the previous years this person has won this same award, if any. No representative shall receive more than one such emblem in any one college year. Emblem to be Changed “To further amend Article IV, Section 2 of the By-laws of the Associated Students of the Univer sity of Oregon to include a clause 5, which shall read: “The Student Manager of the Forensics shall be given an official debate and oratory emblem of the same description and nature as the representatives with the addition of an ‘M’ being engraved upon the upper horizontal bar.” Campus sentiment seems to be greatly in favor of this change. Paul Patterson, four-year varsity debater, now a graduate and in structor in public speaking, chair man of the forensic committee, said: “The new award will be a good thing. The projrosed pin will meet the need of giving some added distinction to debaters who have served more than one year. This can bo shown in the award it self. The debate manager earns his award fully as much as the man ager of any other branch of stu dent activity.” Prof. C. I). Thorpe, for two years (Continued on page three) W. A. A. MEETS TODAY Election Amendment to be Voted on at 5 o’clock at Villard At the mass meeting of the Wo men’s Athletic association this after noon at 5 o’clock in Villard hall, an amendment to the constitution, pro viding that the date of the annual elections be held earlier than usual, will be made. Candidates for the offices will be announced at that time also. If the amendment passes, elections will be held next Tuesday. The rea son for this advance of date is to enable the new president to attend [the conference in Seattle during the first of April. All members are urged to attend the meeting this af ternoon, for only those who are in good standing in attendance will be able to vote. Freshmen to Vote on Special Levy for Sport Awards At a freshman meeting Friday at .1:15 at Villard, the class will decide whether or not a special levy is to bo made to finance giv ing jersey awards to freshman athletes. The student council has standardized the award, specify ing blue jerseys with class num erals in lemon-yellow. “The question is whether to liavo jerseys for awards for athletes or nothing at all,” said Lowoll Baker, president of the freshman class. A special assessment will bei necessary as the present amount in the class treasury will not be sufficient to purchase the number of jerseys necossary for the abil ities of the class. LARGE CAST TO APPEAR IN GUILD PLAY TONIGHT Air of Olden Days Pervades “School for Scandal” Richard Sheridan’s “School for Scandal,” which is being presented by the University company, will open for its first performance to night at Guild hall at 8:30 p. in. A. large cast of eampus stars are presenting this famous old comedy, under the direction of Fergus Rod die. Everyone is acquainted with this group of scandal mongers and repu tation breakers that make up the “School for Scandal.” Their avidity for tearing reputations to shreds is amusingly exaggerated, though not so far from true human nature but that its appeal is instantly recog nized. Its production as a classical com edy will bring much of that odd atmosphere of artificiality of thoso by-gone days. The costumes of the period, the simple stage settings and a quaint little dance with specially arranged lights will serve to com plete the picture. Bernard McPhillips is playing the irascible Sir Peter Teazle. Eliza beth Robinson takes the role of Lady Teazle, his young wife. Maria, his ward, will be portrayed by Bet ty Belle Wise. Sir Oliver'Surface, coming to England to test his two young nephews, will be played by Virgil Mulkey. Darrell Larsen and David Swanson will take the parts of these two young men, Joseph and Charles Surface, respectively. Lady j Sneerwell, leader in the School for j Scandal, will be played by Wenona Dyer. Katherinp Pinneo is taking Mrs. Candour, an extremely loqua cious member of the “School for Scandal.” Gordon Wilson is play ing Sir Benjamin Backbite, nephew of Crabtree, played by Wade Kerr. Others in the cast are Paul Krausse, Walter Malcolm, Lexro Prillaman, Boyd Homewood, Terva Hubbard, Portia Kidwell, Henry Sheldon and Clifford Zehrung. The Guild hall box office will be open today and the two last nights of the performance, Friday and Saturday. Tickets will sell at 50 cents and 75 cents. CONVENTION PLANS MADE Women’s League to Help Entertain Daughters of Revolution A state convention of the Daugh ters of the American Revolution will be held on the campus March 13, 14 and 15, and the University Women's league is to assist in the entertainment of the delegates. Freshman women are to act as pages during the conference, and a tea will be given in honor of the visitors, at which members of the Women's league will pour. MEN’S VOLLEYBALL TEAMS TO DEMONSTRATE GAME Two men’s volleyball teams will be sent over to the women’s gym nasium Friday afternoon by Harry A. Scott, director of men’s athletics. They will put on a demonstration of volleyball for the benefit of those girls who are interested in that sport. ACTION IS TAKEN TO RAISE GRADES Inter-fraternity Group Also Decides to Abolish All Cups and Other Awards CLASS GAMES PROBABLE New Puling Passed Last Night Becomes Effective Beginning Spring Term By Ken Cooper As a Tcsult of the action of the inter-fraternitv council, last night, the present program of intramural athletics is abolished. The main ob jection to the program in its pres ent state is that the benefits gain ed by 'the participating organiza tions and the varsity teams is not sufficient to warrant the time that is spent in carrying out the sche dule. The action of the council was not taken on the spur of the moment, but is the outcomo of a question that has been brewing for more than a year. Tho ruling of the ;ouncil will become effective at the beginning of the spring term. The question that brought mat ters to a head and resulted in the action of the council was that of the grade average that freshmen should maintain in order that they might be initiated in the fraternities. Freshmen Bear Burden The general opinion expressed in the council was that a great portion of the burden of intramural ath letics fell upon the freshmen of the organizations and that it was detri mental to their grades. As the spirit of the fraternities was toward a higher initiation requirement, the present system of inter-organization athletics was highly undesirable. At tl^e same time, it was decided by the council “that plaques, awards and other prizes be abol ished.” This does not mean that the cups and other awards that are now held as permanent possession of the organizations shall be scrap ped, but that the awards that are in circulation which are won on a yearly basis shall be returned to the donors. The action of the council does not necessarily mean that all inter-fra ternity contests in the future shall be abolished, but it does mean that the fraternities shall participate in the games of their own volition ani that no pressure will be brought to bear in the form of campus opinion as there will be no awards given to the winners. Benefits Are Stated In a statement to the Emerald last night, Dean John F. Bovard, of the school of physical education, said, “The school of physical edu cation does not wish to drive the fraternities. We sympathize with the problem of the fraternities and wish to cooperate with them. Intra mural athletics are a good thing, but they need not be inter-frater nity athletics. In the past, the. fra ternities have proved a means of getting large numbers of students engaged in intramural athletics, but if the fraternities have a better plan we are willing to cooperate with them.” The plan that is proposed by the council to take the place of the present doughnut schedule is of an (Continued on page three) MAT MEN TO MEET 0. A. C. Oregon Grapplers Work Hard for Mix at Corvallis Friday The varsity wrestling team will journey to Corvallis to meat the O. A. C. Grapplers on Friday night. The men have all been putting in strenuous workouts in order that they may hold their own with the husky Corvallis lads. It looks like Ford will wrestle at 125 pounds; Whitcomb, 135; Robertson, 145; probably Nygren at 158; and Wells at 175. This is a | return go between the two teams.