Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 26, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued
ffaOy except Monday, during the college year.
Managing Editor
Associate Editor
Don Woodward
John W. Piper
Editorial Board
Daily News Editors
Margaret Morrison Rosalia Keber
Marian Lowry Velma Famham
Leon Byrne Norma Wilson
Frances Simpson
Night Editors
Bnpert Bullivant Walter Coover
Ted Baker Douglas Wilson
Jack Burleson George Belknap
P. I. N. S. Editor-- Pauline Bondurant
Assistant..— Louis Dammasch
Sports Staff
Sports Editor . Kenneth Cooper
Sports Writers:
Monte Byers, Bill Akers, Ward Cook
Wilbur Wester
Upper News .Staff
Catherine Spall Mary Clerin
Leonard Lerwill Margaret Skavlan
Georgiana Gerlinger Kathrine Kressmann
Exchange Editor _ Norborne Berkeley
News Staff: Lyle Janz Ed Miller, Helen Reynolds, Lester Turnbaugh, Thelma
Xamrlck, Webster Jones, Margaret Vincent, Phyllis Coplan, Frances Sanford,
Knsrenia Strickland, Velma Meredith, Lilian Wilson, Margaret Kressmann, Ned
French, Ed Robbins, Josephine Rice, Clifford Zehrung, Pete Laurs, Lillian Baker,
liary West, Emily Houston, Beth Fariss, Alan Button, Ed Valitchka, Ben Maxwell.
Aisociate Manager
Business Staff
Lot Beatie
Foreign Advertising
Manager . James Leake
An’t Manager . Walter Pearson
Alva Vernon
Specialty Advertising
Velma Farnham William James
Manager . Kenneth Stephenson
Asa't Manager . James Manning
Upper Business Staff
Advertising Manager .... Maurice Warnock
Ass’t Adv. Manager .... Karl Hardenbergh
Advertising Salesmen
Sales Manager . Frank Loggan
Lester Wade Chester Coon
Edgar Wrightman Frank De Spain
. io . r *,ww,uce Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription
rates, 12.25 per year. By term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application.
I Manager
D»Hy Newt Editor This Issue Night Editor Thia Issue
Norma Wilson Rupert Bullivant
Assistant . Floyd Greeley
Mondays ana Meetings
When Monday is wash day for the good housewife, she sel
dom allows interference from any agency, whatever its import
ance. But when Monday night is house meeting night for cam
pus organizations, who is to stand guardian of this blessed pre
rogative but the organizations themselves? Tradition, courtesy,
and the organizations’ acknowledged importance have won for
them recognition of this one evening in the week for their very
own. Though bald infringements upon their rights have been
not infrequently committed, the houses may have become vexed,
but they have not seen fit to cry out against the violators. Thus
is created the need for some good Samaritan to remonstrate in
their behalf.
If citation of specific instances is pardoned by those who
will suifei the itch of discomfort, be it known there were no
less than four infractions of said immutable right committed on
Monday ol: last week. In the first place a university musical
organization found it necessary to hold its practice during the
time that organizations had set aside for their meetings. With
all respect to his aesthetic purpose, an art professor drew two
houses away from their meetings that they might enjoy the
sight ot his art collection. 1 he school of business administra
tion, with all the serious intent in the world, scheduled a lecture
in connection with the meeting of retail merchants on the re
stricted night. In addition to this, two campus musicians ap
peared in recital on that same night, bringing the regretted total
to four events, none of which should have been scheduled on an
evening reserved for the holding of house meetings.
There is no ordinance making transgression of the houses’
privilege a misdemeanor. Perhaps these organizations d0 com
prise but half the representative student body. And perhaps
none of these interfering agencies would admit that they were
violating the rights of anybody. Though their intentions were
in all probability the best, they must stand indictment of serving
to disrupt the integrity of the living organizations of the cam
Organizations meet weekly for an avowed purpose. Such
meetings are for all members of the particular living units in
question. It is for the best interests of member and organiza
tion alike that attendance at weekly meetings be one hundred
per cent. Persons responsible for scheduling other functions
must realize that there will be members of the houses who will
want to attend. .Seldom are they in position to be present at
both occasions. Even four campus events attract many mem
bers of organizations. Each organization wants its member
ship represented at campus functions, for such organizations
have a vital interest in campus affairs. But each organization
alike realizes that releasing members for such purposes is done
at its own expense.
Mutual agreement of the living organizations to refuse ex
cuses from meetings has proven to no avail. Infractions of
their monopoly on Monday nights seem to be on the increase.
And when outside agencies observe that Monday night func
tions are not hindered hy house meetings, Monday night func
tions will continue to be held to the detriment of the houses.
The houses should seek to prevent recurrence of such of
fenses. Something should be done even if it requires a Univer
sity regulation.
The Weaker Sex?
Miss Oregon, rather more collectively than singly, has just
finished a strenuous week-end. Starting last Thursday noon,
' she began to enjoy her Washington's birthday vacation with a
matinee. In the evening her week-end program of dances
| started with a -formal of an honorary underclass society. Fri
day morning a breakfast dance routed her out, sleepy-eyed but
game, for another three or four hours of pleasure. Friday after
noon found her at the Anchorage dancing or watching her sis
; ter funsters cavorting in or on the mill race. The evening saw
i her, of course, at ^another formal.
Saturday morning was quiet and perhaps a horseback ride,
a stroll up to Spencer's butte or a shopping tour downtown
! sufficed to keep Miss Oregon amused. She didn’t mind a quiet
! morning, however, because the prospect of a matinee dance in
the afternoon and another formal at night kept her in good
Yes, and the all-day picnic, Sunday, was also very nice, thank
“Lots of fun and lots of people killed,” is a favorite campus
saying. You understand, of course, that the group of men that
were necessary for this generous program of social life of each
young lady were not exactly killed—just worn to a nice frazzle.
. Monday morning found the girls looking forward to another
week-end with real zest. The men who had survived were, of
course, subject to the usual Monday-morning class room slum
And still they talk about the weaker sex!
! Campus Bulletin
I Notices will be ijpinted in this column
| for two issues only. Copy must b«
I in this office by 5:30 on the day
before it is to be published, and must
I be limited to 20 words.
Sigma Delta Chi—Meeting at the
Anchorage this noon.
Temenids— Meeting Wednesday
noon at Anchorage. Important.
Thespians—Meeting today at 5
o’clock in Dean Straub’s room.
Theta Sigma Phi — Luncheon
meeting, noon today, at the Anchor
Phi Lamba Theta—Meeting at
4:30 p. m. Thursday. Woman’s
Practice Teachers—Fall quarter
teachers may get plans by calling
at Mr. Hughes’ offiee_this week.
Craftmen Club—Meeting at the
Anchorage, 6 o ’clock tonight. All
Masons, E. A. and F. C., are urged
to attend.
1 Prospective Teachers—Nine posi
tions open for summer school work
in normal school. Call at appoint
I ment bureau, Education.
Philosophy Club—Meet Wednes
day evening at 7:30 in women’s
room of Woman’s building. Dr.
i Wheeler will give paper.
{ Some High Points in Oregon
j Emerald of February 26, 1923
“Those marvelous new discoveries
in the Valley of the Kings will un
doubtedly have a tremendous ef
fect on both our art and our litera
ture within the next generation or
two,” said Prof. Alfred H. Schroff,
artist and instructor in art at the
j University.
The Oregon varsity basketball
team went down to defeat last
night before the University of
Washington Huskies by a score of
l;t<) to 27, at Seattle. The Oregon
| players were in a decided slump as
compared with games earlier in the
j season.
* * •
Glen Morrow, senior in the school
of music, recently opened a studio
at 938 Willamette street, where lie
is giving instruction in voice. Mov
' row is specializing in voice and
organ in the school of music and
is a pupil of John Stark Evans and
iJohn B. Siefert.
A colored sorority. Alpha Kappa
Alpha, has granted a chapter to
Indiana university.
Heating System Being Constructed;
Plastering of Partitions
Almost Finished
Work on the construction of i
, steam-pipe conduits, partitions and
plastering is now well under way
in the new laboratory of the depart- i
ment of materials and astronomy, j
according to Prof. E. H. McAlis- I
tor, head of the department. The j
tearing down of the smoke stack
chimney of the old steam plant was j
completed several days ago. With
au optimistic smile, Professor Me- •
Atister said, "It will not be long!
now until my department will have
a new lab-home.”
"To lay the steam pipe conduits,
it will be necessary to rip up the
concrete flooring," ho said. “These
conduits are to convey the steam
into tin1 radiators to be used in
heating the laboratory.”
The 1,500 square feet of floor
i space is to be split up into three
rooms, each having about the same
amount of floor space. The plaster j
work and construction of the parti- ;
tions is now being carried on.
i Editorially Clipped |
I’ve always been sorry for Lot’s
vife. She’d never had a first-rate
hanee. Her neighbors weren’t what
hey should have been, and the town
is a whole was no place for a decent
voman. And now when it looked as
f she were going to have an oppor
uinity to make something of herself
ind redeem her past, she lost her
lerve, perhaps; the lure of the old
ife made her hesitate, and she
stopped and looked baek. Then it
vas too late. Her opportunity was
rone forever.
We were climbing Long’s Peak,
md Crosby was one of the most en
thusiastic members of the party at
the outset. It is a stiff steady pull
jf several miles over the long trail
ip to the bouIYler field, and then the
trail ends and the way leads across
irregular masses of sharp rock where
me must often pick his way cau
tiously and laboriously to the Key
Hole. The view is tremendous from
this point if the day is clear, a wide
vista of mountain ranges opening up
for a hundred miles or more, but the
summit of the mountain is still a
thousand feet above, and the more
hazardous part of the ascent is yet
to be traversed.
Crosby’s enthusiasm had begun to
wane, his courage ebbed as he looked
over the precipice to the yaw-ning
abyss below; his body was weary.
Like Lot’s wife, he hesitated and
looked back.
“I think I won’t try it any far
ther,” he said, “I don’t believe I
can make it, and I’m not sure it’s
worth the struggle.” He didn’t exactly
turn to a pillar of salt, but he sat
down and waited for our return, and
for want of a little effort and nerve
missed the most glorious view in the
I’ve seen many like him young and
old. They start upon a task with
interest and enthusiasm. Something
else attracts their attention, difficul
ties arise, the uninteresting or tho
unpleasant is to be met, and courage
fails them. They look back upon
the sordid and commonplace things
of the life which they have essayed
to leave, and opportunity vanishes;
they give up, and they miss some of
Coming Events
7:00 p. m.—Discussion groups.
Campus organizations.
8:00 p. m.—Renee Chemet, violin
concert. Methodist church.
4-6 p. m.—Women’s league tea.
Woman’s building.
7:30 p. m.—Oregon vs. W. S. C.
4-6 p. m.—Dean Esterly’s tea.
! 667 East 12th street.
Oregon vs. O. A. C. Corvallis.
■ 8:00 p. nj.—Oregon vs. U. of
California, debate. Radio.
! .
i—i -
the most wonderful and beautiful
things in life.—Daily Illini, Feb. 17.
Intramural Tournament to Begin
Next Monday Evening
The first wrestling matches Of
the intramural tournament will
commence next Monday evening.
The'men will be weighed up before
going on the mat. The men will be
matched by drawing their oppon
ent’s name from a hat.
More than 60 men have signed
up for the meet. Each house, ac
cording to Hank Foster, director of
the program, may enter two men J
*inchley: “What made the customer
walkout? Did you insult him?”
Salesman: “ I don’t know. He said he
wanted a hat to suit his head, and I
showed him a soft hat. ”
Remember the carefree days when
as a barefoot boy you went fishing 2
You will be able to live them all over
again in the leisure of a secure old
age if you have an Equitable policy
for a goodly sum maturing when you
are, say, 55 or 60. Now is the time
to begin saving. Many a man of 50
or older, who would really enjoy fish
ing, cannot go because he must keep
his nose to the grindstone. A matur
ing Equitable policy will give you this
means to buy leisure—and fishing
tackle—in your old age.
of the
united states
District Mgr. Phone 1197-Y
New Sporting
Goods Store
Saturday, March 1
# # #
Complete Line for Indoor and
Outdoor Sportsmen
* # #
Official Spalding Dealer
# * #
77 East Ninth Phone 1711-J
Next to I. 0. 0. F. Buliding
in each weight. If any team has
an extra man to enter in any
weight, they should do so at once.
This ruling has been changed so
as to give some "teams who have
several good wrestlers at . one
weight and none' in another, a
chance to compete. All first and
second places will be given ratings.
If any man loses in the open
ing round, he has a right to chal
lenge anyone in the finals.
3l J
t[ ^
We Tell It with Values
COATS—Latest styles and materials, $18.75 and up.
DRESSES—Dame Style’s latest, in sport or dress models,
priced $10.75 and up.
SKIRTS— Fifth Avenue’s gayest, $7.50 and up.
SWEATERS—Very smartest, both sleeved and sleev
less, priced $3.75 and up.
BLOUSES—Many to select from, pongee, crepes and
silk. Priced to please you.
EXTRA SPECIAL—Radio Checks 58 inch, all wool ma
terial, per yard $2.98.
Men’s athletic union suits 79c.
Students and others who ride horseback not for credits,
please observe the following rules:
Do not ride on the campus.
Do not ride on private premises without permission.
Do not ride faster than a walk over bridges or on the .
Do not ride fast around corners or up and down hill.
Horse racing is not permitted.
Bangs Riding Academy
T^otice the hats that still look
fresh and new. Inside you
will see the word Stetson.
Styled for young men
Basketball Game
(Champions of Lower Willamette Valley.)
(Champions of Upper Willamette)
Eugene Armory
Game starts at 7:30 Admission 50c