Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 09, 1924, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
In His Seven Years at Utah
Maddock Has Wins in 53
of 57 Games on Gridiron
Style of Playing Called
the ‘Hurry’ Habit Comes
from Yost of Michigan
By Ken Cooper
Now that the coach is all picked,
the campus dopsters are wondering
what sort of a record our new men
tor has hung up for himself during
the time he has been acting as
coach to the various institutions
since he left Michigan in 1904.
Since the announcement of Mad
dock’s election Thursday night
more dope has come to our attention
•eopcerning the coaching record of
the man who holds the reins of Ore
gon ’s football destiny in his hands.
It has developed that while Mad
lock was at the helm of the Uni
versity of Utah’s athletic steam.
roller ho hung up an imposing list
of victories and a surprisingly small
number of defeats.
Track Score Perfect
Here’s the dope. During seven
years of coaching at the Utah insti
tution, Utah played 57 games of
football, winning 53, and losing but
four. He coached basketball for
six years and his court teams played
a total of 60 games, winning 58
and losing two. In the same six
years, he put out baseball nines
that played 48 games, out of which
they lost four and won 44. In
track, Utah never lost a meet dur
ing his six-year satv.
At that institution, Maddoek
was the whole show as far as the
coaching staff went, as he had no
assitants in any sport and it is
pointed out that he had to develop
the majority of his men from
green material.
Paper Clipping Quoted
A clipping from the Salt Lake
Herald, October 17, 1907, proclaims
Maddoek as the Yost of the West,
and is voluminous in its praise of
the man who comes to Oregon in the
“Everybody has a habit of some
sort,” says the Herald, “and Mad
dock has the hurry habit. It wins
football games .... and comes
from Michigan, . where Yost has
copyrighted it for his exclusive |
use on eastern gridirons. Maddoek j
borrowed it from Yost and that is
why Utah now holds the inter
mountain championship in football.”
Taken all in all, Maddoek has a
record of which no coach should
be ashamed.
University of Michigan—Michigan
with ninety-six delegates had the
largest representation of all the uni
versities at the world student volun
teer convention at Indianapolis
House Averages
to be Announced
After Two Weeks
Two weeks more, or perhaps
a longer time than that* stili
separate the campus from the
knowledge of “Who’s Who” in
the matter of houle averages.
For some time the registrar’s
office has been working to get
the list ready to give to the vari
ous living organizations, but has
been interrupted through cheek
ing to see how many students
are registered in the University
this term.
House averages are listed each
term to inform the organizations
as to the relative standings of
the houses in grades. Each living
organization is supplied with a
copy of the averages by the regis
trar’s office. This copy also
gives the average of each mem
ber of the organization.
Varsity and Frosh Teams
Have Substitute Tilt
Owing to the fact that Reed col
lege failed to appear for its sched
uled match with the frosh swim
ming team, the tilt was held be
tween the varsity and* the first
year men. Displaying more confi
dence and drive than formerly, the
freshmen angled the varsity into a
tie meet, both squads rolling up 34
counters apieee. Leading tlfrough
out the match, the freshmen lost
the contest when they failed to
take the relay, thereby ending the
tilt in a tie. The contest was ex
citing due to the close score, but
also mediocre, as no exceptional
time was registered.
The mainstay of the freshmen
aggregation was Lombard, who
placed first in three events, mak
ing a total of 15 points. Stone of
the frosh squad was second in the
contest, winning two firsts, with a
total of 10 points. The varsity
tied the match by capturing the
majority of second and third places,
Sinclair being the only varsity
swimmer winning an event, outside
of the relay.
With a little more finish applied
to the frosh squad by Coach Parks,
they should be able to sail through
their aquatic schedule without any
upsets. Due to the fact that several
of the frosh “dash” men were out
of condition, the burden of scoring
was placed upon the shoulders of
only several of the squad.
The summary of the winners of
first places and time recorded is
as follows: 40-vard dash, Lom
bard, 34 4-5; 80-yard back
stroke, Lombard, 1:08 4-5; 60-yard
breaststroke, Sinclair, 59 3-5; 80
yard dash, Lombard, 53 4-5; div
ing, Stone; 180-yard dash, Lombard,
2:18 3-5; plunge, Alderman, 55 feet,
6 inches; relay, varsity.
Sigma Pi Tau announces the
election to membership of Ivan R.
Taylor, of Portland.
Hunchback of Notre Dame
Has Impressive Background
By Margaret Morrison
Whether exulting with fiendish
glee over the downfall!, of some
tyrant, submitting with savage pas
siveness to the lashes of the
leather thongs upon his own de
formed body, or weeping with genu
ine grief over the trials of
another Lon Chaney) Quasimodo in
“The Hunchback of Notre Dame,”
presents to the public the most
miraculous characterization that it
has ever been our pleasure to see.
For a background, there is a re
plica of the famous Notre Dame
cathedral, constructed with meti
culous care for details and result
ing in an almost perfect reproduc
tion of the structure and its sur
roundings. Since, it is said, the
French government prohibited pro
ducers from photographing the
cathedral for use in the picture,
the likeness which was attained is
all the more marvelous.
During the first few scenes of the
play one instinctively draws away
from the gruesomeness of the
Hunchback. The twisted face, with
one eye entirely obliterated, the
stooped and horribly deformed body;
but Chaney expresses so perfectly,
in these deformities, every emotion
that one soon forgets the horror
and remembers only the perfect
And, despite the twisted body,
Quasimodo has a soul, for he is
quick to see the sufferings of others
and to alleviate them, even to the
cost of his own life which he gives
to deliver Esmeralda into the arms
of her lover.
The part of Esmeralda, the child
from the gypsy camp, is notably
well portrayed by Patsy Ruth Mil
ler, as is also the part of Clopin,
foster father of Esmeralda.
The play as a whole is convincing
proof that the motoin picture art is
not steadily declining, as some
critics are leading us to imagine,
but that achievement along this line
is mounting to an artistic perfection
'which cannot be denied.
Special Courses Offered
University Students in
Support of Major Work
: Frequent Criticism from
Outsiders Is One Factor
In Shaping New Policy
The English department of the
University is busy this year per
fecting what is probably one of
the most comprehensive programs
in written and spoken English ever
adopted in any school in the Uni
ted States. This program, fostered
by Dean Dyment and other deans
and prominent department heads,
has been instituted in response to
the frequent criticism from out
siders that colleges are turning out
men and women who do not know
how to speak and write their own
language, who are, in fact,, to all
appearances, pflaetiea.l|y illiterate.
Under the new plan every student
' in the University must take at
I least one year of written English,
or written and spoken English, in
addition to English A, which all
entering freshman who fail to pass
the entrance examination must take
without credit.
Law Majors have Course
In accordance with this plan the
English department offers a vari
j etv of courses. Many of these are
| specially designed to meet the par
ticular needs of majors in the var
| ions departments and schools. The
policy of these in charge of the
work is to offer courses in whieh
students may learn with facility
along lines of their own special
Two unusual courses are pre-le
gal English and written and spo
ken English. Pre-legal English is
a course designed for law majors
in response to a need felt to be
| present in the training of law men.
No man, says Dean Hale, has great
er need for correct and effective
English than the lawyer. This
course includes training in writing
and speaking, the student using
material as far as possible from
the field of law. Written and spo
ken English is a course given in
answer to the demand of the school
of business administration and the
department of economics. It has
proved very successful in drilling
men who are intending to enter
the business world in ' the use of
practical speaking and writing.
One of the interesting courses the
English department offers is report
writing. This is designed for ma
jors in various departments who
wish to receive training in their
own particular fields. This course
offers perhaps the greatest variety
in subject-matter of any course in
the department. The students
write reports, reviews, arguments,
! sketches and reactions on a wide
! range of subjects.
Master of Style Studied
In elements of style, another
course of interest, a study is made
of the masters of style, such as
j Conrad and W. II. Hudson, with
! the idea of trying to catch some
i of their tricks without copying
1 them. Sketches, short stories, es
i says; all of these are written by
! class. The students choose that
form of writing which especially
j appeals to them. Several of them
j are seeing their work published.
| A feature of the class work last
term was writing “Mirrors of the
; Oregon Campus.”
Two courses in playwriting are j
j offered this year, elementary and
advanced, and exceptionally good
work is being done in both. It is
1 the intention of the department
| that the best plays be bound to
gether sometime in a volume of i
“Oregon Plays.” In addition to
these courses there is a new sec
tion in short story under Professor
i Thacher scheduled this year to
supplement the two other courses
already offered.
There are a number of other
courses in written and spoken Eng- |
lish with which the campus is j
Seniors Should
Fill Out Cards
to Get Degrees
Action Urged in Order
to Secure Diplomas
The registrar V office reports
that there are a number of per
sons who expect to get degrees
in June who have not filled out
applications for degree cards.
Every one who expects to get a
degree from the University must
fill out one of these cards before
a diploma can be given. This
applies to those who expect a
master’s degree, ns well as to
(The nedessfitv or filling ou^t
such a card is to give the regis
trar ’s office a knowledge of how
many diplomas to order. Last
year there were several who had
failed to do so—the result being
that at Commencement there were
no diplomas for these persons.
Every one who has not yet
filled out an application for de
gree card is urged to do so at
once so that the order for diplo
mas can be plaeed at once.
Seniors who expect to graduate
were supposed to have done this
last spring term.
University Choir Will Give
Several Selections
The Woodrow Wilson memorial
vespers will be belt in the Meth
odist Episcopal chinch at 4:80 to
morrow afternoon by the University
choir and churches of Eugene.
Tlie following numbers consti
tute the service:
Organ Prelude.
IvtfVioivsiv’e service—Minister and
Scripture, Twenty-third Psalm.
Rev. J. E. Haas.
Prayer—Response by choir .
Rev. Charles E. Dunham.
Anthem—“Sunset and Evening
Star” . Marsh
Address . Judge Skipworth
Organ interlude—Lamentation .
Address—Colonel Willjam S. Gil
bert, Astoria.
Solo—“Peace I Leave With You”
(Mine. Rose McGrow
Nunc Dimittis—Choir.
Benediction . ..Rev. P. G. Gennings.
Response by choir.
John Stark Evans—Organist and
Bishop William O. Shepard will
give the vesper address on March
9. The speaker on April 18 will
be President II. E. Swart/., of the
Pacific School of Religion, of
Virgil De Lap Takes Certified
Public Accountant Examination
Virgil De Lap, ’22, graduate of
the school of business administra
tion, recently passed the certified
public. accountants’ examination
given by the American 'institute of
accountants, according to word re
ceived at Dean E. C. Robbin’s of
fice. DeDap is now doing account
ing work in Portland.
The certified accountant exami
nation is similar to the state bar
association and medical examina
tions, and is one that all acount
ants must pass before using the
title of certified public accountant.
The examination is a very diffi
cult one to pass and there are al
ways many more failures than pass
ing grades.
House Mothers and Townspeople
Organize Group
Some of the house mothers on the
campus and interested townspeople
have formed a dancing club which
is being taught by Mrs. Lettic
Mowrey, head resident of Kappa
Kappa Gamma. The club met for
the first time last Friday evening
at the Tau Nu house, and plans
to meet every Friday hereafter at
the various houses.
Yearlings Show Up Strong
in Second Half; Snappy
Passing Marks Contest
The Oregon freshmen took the!
O. A. C. rooks into camp in a fast
and furious basketball game yester
day . afternoon, 25 to 15. The fresh
men came back strong in the second
half and fairly swept the visiting
aggregation off their feet. They en
tered the last period with a three
point handicap, and with a grand
old testimony of Oregon fight emerged
the victors by a ten point margin.
Tt was a good game, and one that
furnished the fans with a new thrill
every minute. It was replete with
snappy passes, sensational dribbling,
close checking and all the other ele
ments necessary to make a game
closely contested and hard-fought
Both sides missed a number of seem
ingly sure shots, and the frosh es
pecially shot time after time only to
have the ball roll around the hoop,
and off again
Frosh Forward Stars
Westergren, the scrappy little for
ward for the frosh went into the
game in the second period with a
bad foot that had kept him on crut
ches for the past week, and by some
excellent floor work started the year
lings on a rampage from which they
were never headed again. Chiles was
the high point man for the freshmen
With 8 points. The entire team woke
up in the second half and played some
real basketball. Tt checked well and
worked the ball down fast.
The Kooks had an excellent team,
of that there is no question. They
hand one of the neatest passing ag
gregations for a freshman team that
has been seen here for some time, and
mixed their passs up with some pretty
dribbling. Hartung and Bhlcom
showed up especially well for the
Aggies, and were consistent floor
Line-ups Given
The freshmen and Kooks will tan
gle again today at 2:30 in the men’s
gymnasium. From all indications it
will be one of the hotost freshman
contests yet played. For there is no
doubt of the fact that both possess
strong aggregations and will fight it
out to the final whistle.
Thb line-up was:
Freshman 25 Rooks 15
Westerman 2 .F. 5 Ward
Chiles 8 .F. 1 Hartung
Flynn 3 .C. 3 Balcom
Reinhart 5 .G. 2 Fvans
Kiminki 0 .G. 3 Banks
Substitutions: Rooks; Graap (1)
for Fvans; Freshman, Okerberg (1)
for Westergren, Westergren (6) for
Referee: Coleman.
“Le Foyer Francals” Will Present^
Play Next Tuesday
“Lea Surprises <1’Isidore,” a
French comedy, will be presented
before the Foyer Francois Tues
day evening, February 12, at the
Y. W. bungalow at seven-thirty. 1
All university people are invited.
The play is an innovation in cam
pus activities. Miss Cornier is di- :
renting the play, and the cast has |
been chosen from the members of !
the French club.
The student body dance, under j
the auspices of the Oregon Knights,
will begin immediately following i
the basketball game tonight. Music [
will be furnished by the Mid-.Vitc
Sons orchestra. It is requested by |
the Knights that all freshmen re
port on the floor immediately after
the game. Admission wijl be j
fifty cents.
Seniors Win in
Women’s Class
Basketball Tilt
Tho seniors, team 1, defeated
the sophomores, team 1, in the first
bit; game of the class basketball
series by a score of 31 to 13 yes
terday. It was a fast, exciting
game and was one of the best that !
has been played on the Woman’s j
gymnasium floor this year.
The seniors were fast and sure,
playing with their usual display of
team work. The forwards for the
sophomores, Mildred Onslow and
Betty Alexander, did some pretty
basket shooting.
This afternoon, at 2 o’clock, the
juniors, team 1, will meet the
freshman first team and this game
will decide who shall compete with
the seniors for the class basket
ball championship. Brom various
contests in which both squads have
participated, this promises to be
a well-matched game.
‘The Two Virtues,’ Comedy
Chosen for Showing
Tlu> dramatic department will
produce an extra play, not included
in tlie original plans nr this term
soon, Mr. Reddie, head of the de
partment, announced. Fustro’s
“The Two Virtues” is the play
chosen. The date of its perform
ance has not yet been definitely
decided upon. This will not inter
fere with the regular schedule.
“ ‘The Two Virtues’ is not a
problem play,” said, Mr. Reddie,
“rather it is a play of manners.”
The scene is set in London, the
time is the present. It. is a witty
comedy, with especially delightful
characterizations. The cast is small,
Hu/ /<<a<(i 'part .'.st’andfi put with
clearness. Thero is a background
of subtle irony throughout the whole
play, but it is never obvious nor
sustained enough to make it a
“problem” type of play. The plot
is well sketched, sustaining interest
to the end; and incidentally there
is a surprising twist at the end.
The cast is as follows:
Mrs. Guilford . Charlotte Banfield
Lady Milligan .... Katherine Pinneo
Mrs. Jervoise . Beth Fariss
Alice Exern . Ilelga McGrew
Betty . Gerda Brown
Jeffry Panton . Fergus Reddie
Claude Jervoise . Paul Krausse
Bayliss . Elmer Hardenburg
University Library Now Has
130,470 Volumes
In n recent estimate of library
business during 1923, it was dis
covered that a total of 8,710 vol
umes were added to the University
book shelves. Exactly 1,085 vol
umes were withdrdawn leaving the
number of volumes belonging to
the library at the end of the year
The total number of books issued
to readers during 1928 was 811,774.
Of these 57,892 were issued for
home use from the circulation and
reference desks while the number
issued from the reserve desk was
245,908. It is estimated that there
was a 20.8 per cent increase in the
total number of books issued, and
an increase of 80 per cent in the
number of reserve books issued.
Alpha Phi Plans Att'air to Raise j
Cash for House Fund
A jitney dance will be given by
the Oregon chapter of Alpha Phi this
afternoon from 2.30 to 5:30 in the
Collegiate Grille. A novel orches
tra is promised that will surprise all,
and several features are also planned.
Cash raised from the dance will be
placed in the house fund. The af
fair is either date or no-date.
SCORE OF 25-20
Reinhart’s Men With Two
Victories and No Defeats
Still Heads Conference
0. A. C. Team Uses Spread
Formation, Which Fails
Against Close Guarding
By Taylor Huston
Playing a swift breaking offen
sive game in direct contrast to the
more deliberate standing formation
of the O. A. C. five, Oregon tri
umphed over the Orange and Black
hoopers last night on the Armory
floor by the score of 25 to 20.
The game was fast, except for
the times when O. A. C., in spread
formation, held the ball awaiting a
man to break from the cover of
his guard. Then the ball was shot
to him fast as he rushed for the
basket. It was a system which did
not work overly well, however,
for the Oregon men guarded closely,
and time after time broke up the
plays. Most of the O. A. C. scores
came from well out on the floor.
Score Tied at Half
At half time the score was
eleven all, with the Aggies having
a slight advantage, due perhaps to
their peculiar style of play. Oregon
was having difficulty, too, in get
ting the ball after the tip-off. With
the beginning of the second half,
however, signals seemed to work
better for the Varsity and they
were coping more effectively with
the standing game of the Aggies.
O. A. C. scored first after the
half, but Oregon soon tied it up, 13
all. The Aggies converted a foul,
however, giving then a one-point
lead. From then on the score see
sawed back and forth and Oregon
went ahead at 21-20. Latham sent
two freo throws through the cen
ter of the hoop and with a few
seconds to go another Oregon field
goal ran the score to the final 25.
Varsity Style Aggressive
The quicker breaking, shorter
passing and more aggressive style
of the Oregon offensive in all proba
bility was responsible for the vic
tory, for it sent the Lemon and
Yellow hoopers down into Aggie
territory ' many times for short
throws at the basket and more than
once an Oregon man was given a
Russ Go wans was “on” and
chalked up 9 points for the varsity,
and only one of these points from
the foul line. And he played a
whale of a floor game, too, in many
instances pivoting the Oregon of
fensive. It can be said of Shafer
that he held Gill to three field
goals, and these the flash forward
made on long shots from near cen
ter. Latham hit his stride in the
second half and ran his total up to
8. Gillen waters, who looked good
in the last part of the Washington
game at Chapman’s guard position,
played through last night’s mix like
a veteran, holding the shifty Stod
dard to no baskets.
Gill was high point man of the
game with 10 markers, and the out
standing player on the Aggie team.
Oregon Heads List
This victory maintains Oregon at
the top of the list in the Northern
division of the Pacific coast con
ference, with two wins and no de
feats, and these two wins are over
the two most formidable quintets
in the Northwest, namely, O. A. C.
and the University of Washington.
The two teams meet again tonight
on the Armory floor at 7:15, and
although this second game does not
count in the conference, due to a
ruling of last year, fans may expect
a battle just as hard fought as the
one of iast night, for Oregon is
(Continued on page two.)