A BOK PEACE PLAN LEADS, 4 T01 Campus Vote is 376 For anc 89 Against, With Nine Houses Yet to Repor TWO GROUPS OPPOSED Completed Returns to be Sent East Monday, Pari of Nation-wide Sentimenl r The vote of the Bok Peace Plar among the housing organizations oi University students, shows a four to-one prrj/oailerence of opinion iu 'ts favor, with ■ 7C voting yes, and SO nos, out of 465 ballots cast. The balloting has progressed very slowly and returns had been re ceived, from only 29 organizations up to a late hour last night. Nine of the houses have failed thus far to make any returns. It is hoped that a complete check may be made today and the returns from the University sent east as a part of the national vote. The representa tives have been notified to turn iu the written ballots today, without fail, either at the Emerald office or at the office of Claude Robinson. Pamphlets Explain Question In order that there might be no doubt as to the method of balloting, pamphlets explaining the plan were distributed to all the organizations on the campus. Enclosed in these pamphlets are ballots, to be filled out in full, and the ballots from each house turned in to the com mittee in charge at the places specified. The idea of.thus selecting a plan to promote world peace originated in the mind of Edward W. Bok, former editor of the Ladies Home V* Journal and prominent writer. He decided, in the effort to bring about at least thought of a perm anent peace, to offer a prize of fifty thousand dollars to the person who should submit the most prac tical plan toward such an end. The person submitting the plan was not allowed to sign his name to the article, but was known to the jury of award only by a certain number. It has been decided to announce publicly, on February 4, the name of the author of the plan. It was provided as a further stipulation that ,if the plan selected did prove practical and could be carried out, then the winner was to receive an added prize of $50,000. Would Enter World Court The ever-multiplying number of inventions and improvements, it is pointed out, are making it increas ingly difficult for the nited States to maintain its aloof distance from the problems of the world, outside its own boundaries. By the plan suggested here the L nited States would enter a permanent court of international justice, but at the same time would safeguard the Monroe Doctrine and other Ameri , can rights, as the acceptance and 1 regardance of the various prin ciples of international law. The provisions in the plan submitted by the winner of the Bok contest are (Continued on page three) Sorority Sisters Give Bargain Hop for Scholarship Speaking of bargains. D ’ja ever hear of forty-five minutes of dancing for five cents? No, j honest, no spoofing. Mid-week, t too. This is how it happens. On Wednesday, February 13, each of the women’s houses will give a dance from 6:45 to 7:30 . o’clock, and men will be invited to attend I and pay five cents. It is not like open house—men will go to the ■ house they chose and stay there the full time, under this plan. The dances will be most in formal, the music being provided by some girl in the organization in order to make' expenses as low as possible. The money thus col lected will be added to the for eign scholarship fund, raised by the Women’s league, which will bring a foreign student to the campus. HE. ROSE MEW TO DIRECT PRODUCTION Swiss Consul Expresses Interest in Opera Madame Bose McGrew, head of the voice department at the Univer sity of Oregon school of .music, is now directing the staging of “The Hour Hand,” Swiss folk opera, which will be presented ou the campus next Thursday evening, January 31, and in Portland on February 1. “Madame McGrew is an artist,” said Mrs. Beek, composer of the opera, “and will give the produc tion an artistic finish which only one of Madame’s skill and experi ence can provide.” Madame McGrew’s musical edu cation was obtained largely in Eur ope, where she became a grand opera singer. In Wagnerian roles as well as in the opera field generally, she made for herself a place of distinction. Madame McGrew is much inter ested in “The Hour Hand,” and is giving much of her time to re hearsals. A complete dress re hearsal will be stayed Sunday at the Heilig theater. During one of Mrs. Beck’s recent visits to Portland she talked' with Mr. Brandenberger, the Swiss con sul, who expressed his profound in terest in the opera. At the Port land production, with several of his friends, he ■will occupy a box, which will decorated in Swfiss and Ameri can flags. Mr. Brandenberger is lending Mrs. Beck a very rare Swiss cuckoo clock for the Portland production. PSYCHOLOGY LECTURE IS ARRANGED FOR SIGMA XI “Mental Tests for Emigrant Sex Groups,” is the title of a lecutre to be given by Professor Kimball Young of the i>sychology depart ment to members of Sigma Xi in the regular February meeting, ac cording to a statement given by President A. E. Caswell, of the or ganization. The meeting is to be held February 19, the third Tues day in the month. “Expectations are that this will prove of special interest because of the present emi gration problem,” said Dr. Caswell. Smoking Furnace at Y. W. Drives Sisters Into Street All the campus world seems to be a cheerful place, most of the time. Of course when it is time to pay fees, or the week of final exams, one expects to find the place sub merged in grief. But these times are short, and of a very temporary duration. But there is one building on this campus, the occupants of which have been extremely sad for a month. And it has not been exam time, being the first of the term; and it is a place where the mere matter of paying fees is not to be considered. But the keepers of the place have greeted their guests with tears streaming down their cheeks, their voices choking with some kind of emotion, and the longer the guests stayed, the more depressed and uncomfortable they would feel. They soon begin to weep, to sniffle and to cough. But things reached a climax yes terday. It is thought now that the spell of sorrow is over. The building is the Y. W. C. A. bungalow-. Every day when the fire in the furnace has been started, the room has filled with smoke, un til the,persons who stay around very long, have had to run outside ever so often to get a breath of fresh air The expression around there has been, “excuse me, please,” as the person saying the words con tinues to sneeze, cough, and rub smoke-filled eyes. Yesterday things took a turn— some say for the best—others say for the worst. It is safe to say the majority had the latter opin (Continued on page three) DISTANCE MEN PERFORM TODAY First Track Competition Will Start at 2 p. m.; ! , Held on Hayward Field OVER 30 MEN LISTED Athletes From the Varsity and Frosh Squads to Work at Same Time This afternoon at 2 o’clock Track Coach Bill Hayward will start the first of a series of track meets which are to be run every Saturday until examinations and spring vacation breaks the mono tony and gives the men a short rest before the final grind that will fit them for the big tournaments of spring. This . first competition will only include the distance men. “This is not an elimination con test,” insisted Bill, “but is devised to give the men practice under competitive conditions.” Bill has also devised a chart on which he plans to mark the results of these contests. Doing this will give him at all times a graphic picture of each man’s progress. These charts will be so arranged so that the men themselves will have access to them and be able to judge their train ing efforts accordingly. Men For Meet Listed The freshmen and the varsity distance men will work out together, this afternoon. The following is a list of the men who will enter in either the 880 or the mile events: Varsity — Keating, Stephenson, Web Jones, Tetz, McCellan, Gilbert, Read, Grary, Humphrey, Houston, McKenna, Mauney, Gerke, McCune, Muller, Walker, McColl, Everett Jones and Robson. The following freshmen will make their initial ap pearance in competition on Hay ward field: Waite, Button, Man ning, Conley, Jomlmson, Gray, Runk Griffith, Michell, Jeffries, Swank, Gurnea, Hartwell and Cash. Bill has also made arrangements for placing a light in the football men’s dressing room under the grandstand, so that he will be able to project action pictures. Pictures to be used “I intend to take pictures of each individual in the different events,” Bill explained, “then gather and explain their different faults as caught by the camera. This method should help them to develop faster.” Work on the new javalin runway and the jumping pits is nearing completion. Once these are instal led it will give Oregon one of the most complete courses on the coast. The 220-yard straightaway is also under construction. This will be constructed on the east side of the field and will give the inhabitants of the bleachers an opportunity to see the finish of this sprint. FORMER STUDENT DIES Funeral of Ellenora Campbell Will Be This Morning The funeral of Ellenora Campbell will be held in Salem this morning at eleven o ’cock. Miss Campbell died Thursday night of heart trouble after illness of a month. Miss Campbell entered the Uni versity last fall as a sophomore in the school of journalism. In the early part of the winter term, she left college because of illness. While on the campus, Miss Campbell was a resident of Hendricks hall. GERMAN VOLUMES HERE Many Periodicals Purchased in Europe Complete Files Three new sets of German periodicals, purchased in Europe this summer by Mr. Smith, librar ian uf the University of Washing ton, for the library, arrived recent ly and are being catalogued for circulation. Consisting of 93 volumes, “The Deutsche Rundschau,” set is the largest. The other two are “Psy chologische Studien,” in 12 volumes, and “Kunstwart,” a set of 25 books. j Jaded Workers Gamble Nickels on Moustache* Library Force Plays “Drop the Coin” I - “Zitz!” the cry conies from one of the circulation desk force in the library on seeing a well-known pro fessor with a beard enter the room. “Zitz!” was echoed by another but one minute too late. Five cents more clinked in the box where the Zitz fund is kept. The word is not one of a set of j symbols in a secret code, but is j the name of a little game devised for the amusement of the jaded ones whose task is is to collect fines from tardy readers, seek dus ! ty and musty volumes from the ! stacks, and watch the same cain j pus cases day after day. j On seing a man with a beard or mustaches one must cry “Zitz!” before anyone else does, or pay to the fund. If, however, it is a wo man with a mustache, those who fail to say the word first must pay not a nickle, as in the case of a man, but a dollar! floats come a little lower, at seventy-five cents. Although the little game only began about a month ago, the fund is already reaching tremen dous proportions. It will soon be possible to have enough saved up from the fund to celebrate with a picnic or other festivity. STUDENTS MUST PUT TERM’S PEES TODAY Delinquents Will be Fined $3.00 For Delay „ Only four hours remain in which to pay this term’s fees! Four more hours before it is too late, and there is put into effect the inflexible rul ing that students whose fees are not paid on or before January 26 shall pay an additional tax of three dol lars, and shall petition the facutly for credit in such courses as require fee’s. The business office will open at 8 this morning, and will remain open until 12 noon. When the windows go up again Monday morning, it will be too late. So it’s a toss-up between this morning or next week and extra fees and extra procedure. E. P. Lyon, cashier, reports* that up to Thursday evening 1,452 stu dents had squared themselves with the university. Many more visited the business office yesterday. But there are still some laggards, and it is these to whom the office issues a special warning. Owing to the new system of en rollment for the entire year, the cash ier has no figures on how many there are who have not as yet paid, for some students who registered in the fall are not on the campus this term, and similarly, there are others who are new here this term. Until the complete class enrollment lists are sent in by all the professors, figures for this term’s attendance are largely conjectural, and consequently cannot be used as a basis for checking up on unpaid fees. MUSIC PRIZE AWARDED John Stark Evans’ Scholarship Won by Esther Church — Esther Church, sophomore in the University, and a major in the school j of music, was awarded John Stark Evans’ scholarship of fifty dolars, T)r. John Landsbury, dean of the school of music, announced yesterday. “The scholarship was awarded j chiefly on the basis of general prom ise in the field of piano work,” said the dean, “and also for good student ship, both as to diligence and musical gift. Her playing exemplifies the i unlimited purpose she puts forth in I her work, and her touch and tech nique are very noticeable features.” There were several applicants for the scholarships which entitles the : winner to two terms of piano in struction under John Stark Evans. Esther Church has been a pupil of Mr. Evans since her entrance to the University. PLEDGING ANNOUNCEMENT Sigma Pi Tau announces the pledging of Robert Greene ' of Ithaca, New York. BEZDEK NOTTO COACH WUSIH Contract Holds Penn State Man at Eastern School For an Eight Year Period NO OFFER CONSIDERED Earl Will Interview Other Prominent Applicants Before Returning Home Hugo Bezdek, Pennsylvania State football mentor, and former Oregon coach, is at present in no position to accept an offer from local Uni versity -authorities, had that offer been made by the representatives, \ irgil Earl and Ralph Cake, who, while in the east, went to soe the Pennsylvania State mentor and dis cover his status at that institution. It was not the intention of the Oregon representatives to make a definite offer, but to see how Bez dek stood. Bezdek, it became known has an eight year contract at home of the Nittany Lions and that is the reason he is satisfied and also unable to consider other offers. Coaches to be Interviewed Athletic Director Earl had an other end in view when he visited Bezdek and that was to get the Pennsylvania State coach’s opinion on a couple of ex-Pennsylvania State players, who are among the applicants for the Oregon job. Earl will not be back at the local school for several days, as he is planning on remaining in the east and seeing several of the applicants for the coaching job. At a recent banquet in Harris burg, Bezdek expressed himself as being entirely satisfied with his position at Pennsylvania State col lege and expected to stay there. Friends are Disappointed Friends of Bezdek, both in Eu gene and Portland, have expressed a general feeling of disappointment that the possibility of obtaining the great coach seems to be out of the question. Feeling for “Bez,” as he was usually called, has been quite general. That who ever is finally selected will receive whole-Jioarted support is predicted now that the Bezdek incident is apparently closed. DISCUSSIONS DELAYED Women’s Weekly Groups Held Up by Lack of Books The weekly discussion groups ( scheduled to begin Monday in the women’s living organizations have been postponed until a later date. The important reason for tho de ■ lay is that the books to be used in the discussion have not arrived. The fact that many of the girls and the leaders asked to lead the discussions were taken up with the work for the Stuart Walker plays, was another cause. Edna Largent and Ruth Scnsenich compose the committee which is supervising the i work of the groups. DR. SHELDON TO SPEAK First of Series of Open Forum Meetings to be Sunday Dr. II. D. Sheldon will speak Sun day night at the Congregational church at the first of a series of open forum meetings. The meeting will take place at 7:30. Dr. Sheldon’s subject is to bo “The Place of Education in the Commonwealth of the Future.” The next rveek, a similar meeting will be held on Sunday night, at which Professor Mary Watson Barnes will talk on the “Teachings of Morality in Literature.” GRACE EDGINGTON ABLE TO MEET CLASS AGAIN Miss Grace Edgington’s class in report writing, which has not been meeting during the past week be cause of Miss Edgington’s illness, j will meet as usual Monday. PLEDGING ANNOUNCEMENT Hermian club, honorary physical ; education organization, announces the pledging of Margaret Mylue, i Hilda Chase and Grace Sullivan. Oregon Wins from Pacific; Score 41-18 FOREST GROVE, Jan. 25.— (Special to the Emerald)—The University of Oregon basketball squad won an easy victory over Pacific university tonight, 41 to 18. Hobson, forward for Ore gon was high point man of the game, with 19 markers, while Blackman, guard for Pacific, lead his team with 9. Pacific played a good defensive game the first half, holding the Lemon Yellow to 12 6, but weakened in the second period, when the Badger guards were unable to stop the Oregon scoring machine. Oregon’s guard combination of Chapman and Shafer was respon sible for the low score of Pacific. Hunk Latham, lanky center, did not play his usual game, failing to equal his performance when the local team played in Eugene. The team lineups were as fol lows—Oregon: Forwards, Go wans and Hobson; center, Latham; guards, Chapman and Shafer. Pacific—Forwards, Jesse and Hol loway; center, Snyder; guards, Blackman and Adams. SWIMMING TEflMWILL COMPETE JANUARY 30 Frosh and Varsity Squads Ready For Contest A big swimming meot will be liel(l on January 30 between the freshman and varsity aquatic teams in the Woman’s building tank. Both squads have been practising regularly and are beginning to shape into competitive form. Coach Rudy Fahl of the varsity team has not announced his regu lar team as yet, but it is oxpected to place a fast, well balanced line up in the race. ^With Palmer, Hors fall, Yoran, Heidor and Angel back from last year’s varsity to form the nucleus for this year’s squad, and with tho addition of some promis ing new material, the prospects point to a fast aggregation. The freshman squad, as it is composed at present, according to Coach Don Parks, is made up of 10 men. Stone has shown up especial ly well in the 50, backstroke, and dives. He is the most versatile man on the squad. Lombard, who formerly swam tor the Multnomah club, is displaying good form in the 50, 100 and 220 yard dashes. Alderman, a fast swimmer from California, is another man of promise in the 100 and 220. Hoyden and Hyns are otlior men showing up to good advantage in the 100, and 220. Marshall is a fast swimmer in the 50 and 100. Bonbright is specializing in the 220, and Hills, and Kingman in the 50-yard dashes. Loo is showing great promise in the dives. The freshman relay team will probably bo chosen from Stone, Alderman, Lombard and Ilyns. Parks announces that a final tryout will bo held on this coming Monday, and the men who show up to best advantage in the races at that time will, in all probability, form the team to oppose the var I sity in the coming meet. FISH CAPTURE TWO CONTESTS Lincoln High Beaten 41-20; Medford Loses 43-20 in Evening Tussle in Gym GAMES TIRE HOOPERS ' First Tilt is Fast While Second is Slower and Rougher; Reinhart Stars The University freshmen basket ball team had a hard day yoster day when they played two high school fives, winning from both by big scores. In the afternoon Lin coln high school of Portland took tho small end of a 41-20 score, when the frosh played probably their best game of the season, and in tho evening Medford high was defeated 43 to 20. Tho first game was fast and clean throughout, with tho freshmen soomingly not having tho edge to any great extent except that they wero more accurate in basket shooting. Reinhart, freshman guard, played a stellar game, hooping baskets from all angles. He was high point man with five field goals and one free throw, making a total of 11 poits. Tho Lincoln team put up good ball, but wero unablo to score very heavily against their more experi enced and older opponents. Tho guarding combination of Marks and Lewis worked hard and was re sponsible for holding down what might have been a much larger score. ,Price, forward fo(r tho visitors, played well throughout, scoring six points and helping his team mates by good passing. Second Game Slow The second game, played in the ovening, against Medford, was con siderably slower and rougher than the one against the railsplitters a few hours before. Though the fresh men were ablo to run up about the same score, 43-20, the strain of having played the previous- contest was evident. Wcstermnn, speedy frosh forward, seemed as if he had saved some of his onorgy for tho second game, as he succeeded in being high point man with 10 markers. His running mate, Westergren, played ono of his best passing and offensive games, taking tho ball from his opponents many times to assist in making goals. Ivnips, Medford forward, was the moat consistent performer for the southern team, his total in points being seven. Allen, center for the visitors, though not able to out jump his opponent Flynn, played a fast floor game. Coach Evans, in both games, started the same lineups, with the exception of the center position. In the first contest, Okerberg was the favorite, while Flynn was listed in the second for the pivot position. Westcrgron and Westcrman, for wards, proved a good combination. They were relieved for short periods by Chiles and Dallas, who kept up (Continued on page four) Cogitation on Rat’s Heredity May Solve All Race Problems jl ■s—» A now angle was thrown on the raco question today when one of the inmates of the rattery of the zoology department, over by the men’s gym, permitted herself to be .interviewed. The person in ques tion is Mrs. White Eat No. 23, who, with her 10-day old family of six young, is for the present conferring with the zoology people, assisting them in certain timely scientific in vestigations. “You know,” said Mrs. White Rat No. 23, “I’ve been so interested in reading these accounts of the In dianapolis student conference and their attempts to solve the great racial question. You see, for a great part of my life I have been devoted to this subject, striving to discover through the laws of here dity some means whereby rats may become one great family. It's won derful the work these young people are doing.” Hero Mrs. White Rat paused to sniff and to wipe her long pink nose on a piece of sawdust. “You will have to pardon me,’* she said, brushing slightly through her white fur. “One of my assist ants connected with the zoology de partment forgot to close the door the other night and several of us took violent colds. Yes, thank you, we’re much better now. We gave one of my children a bath of eucalyptus oil, which helped it ma terially.” Although there are some 150 rats in this particular group, Mrs. White Rat No. 23 is the proud possessor of the only family circle. “I am using my children as a basis of study,” she said, “for the --—i (Continued on page three)