The Student MIRROR We notice that the jolly boys of the law school were carrying canes. We wonder if they are lame physic ally or mentally. Allow us to sug gest spats for the dramatic school and picks for the doughty boys of B. A. • * # We have a certain school here which is trying to work out a sys tem. It is a guess, a supposition, and five hours of torture. It is a field for theorists who make ditch diggers think they can run a busi ness by just being present. We wonder which our modern girl admires the most, the man of the “great open spaces” with an “O” on his chest, or a nice little flat-cliested dancing man. Ever notice that the Oregon stu dents are always in back of the athletic teams while the faculty is in front? Now that the Republicans have organized a club for college stu dents, who will organize the faculty into a democratic body. Read that over twice. * • *■ We have just finished “Town and Gown” and “Grey Towers.” Wo found old friends in both. The moon casts mysterious shad dows over the campus. A book CLASSIFIED ADS Minimum chartre, 1 time, 26c : 2 time*, 46c; 8 times, 60c; 1 week, $1.20. Must be limited to 6 lines; over this limit 6c per line. Phene 961, or leave copy with Business office of Emerald, in University Press. Office houra, 1 to 4 p. m. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ONLY FOR RENT — Furnished apart ments for students; over Catypa Shoppe. Inquire Campa Shoppe. / J-6 tf. LOST—Barrel of gold Wahl pen, with engraving “D. I. X.” Finder please phone Margaret Jamieson, 1317.. J-20 How Delightful a clean, well pressed gar ment is to put on. The same delight as when you ij bought it. It has that “new” ap pearance and it’s even cleaner than a new gar ment because it comes direct to you from our sterlizing cleansing pro cess. If we clean it, its CLEAN City Cleaners W. E. Naylor, Prop. Phone 220 Plant 820 W. 8th Avenue Office 44 W. 8th Avenue laden girl scurries along. She pauses to consult wrist watch with worried mein. Increases speed. Dashes madly up library steps as though in pursuit of something education, perhaps. She pauses and then casually saunters up stairs in dustriously powdering her nose. We wonder is the tryst with knowl edge or experience. • * * » Now that it is open season for the men to rate the formals, have 3rou ever said, “Why in the shades of Erebus did she ask him!” If students were allowed to pick their instructors for our institution of higher yearning, who would make a tour of U. S. looking up the thousands who would apply? Your mirror is your best friend, because it always tells the truth. B. E. o. Dollars and Sense Versus High Ideals (Continued from page one) acclimated shelter to adjourn to when the day’s toil is complete. When the time arrives that Plato’s philosophers are ruling the world, and the intellectual lifo has subordinated the sensual existence, then, university men will be able to go out into the world, probably, and have no fears of collection agencies and returned checks. Plato, however, finally decided that this would come only in some form of heaven, and we decide, person ally, that until this heaven is reached it is just as well to store things away in the First National, as it is to mako deposits in the Higher Intellectual. Get the Classified Ad habit. Varsity Victorious Over Tooth-Pullers (Continued from page 1) of play and it affects the team work. Westerman, although not in the game the full time, was high point man with seven goals from the field and one from the foul line for a total of 15 points. Clair Scallon, the sorrel thatched Franklin forward, was the out standing factor in the visitor’s of fense and looped 11 counters. The lineups: Frosh (40) Pos (19) Franklin Westergren (7) F. (11) Scallon Westerman (15) F. (3) Pope Okerberg (4) ....C. (2) Foster Kiminki (7) .G. (1) Douglas Hughes (4) .G. (2) Epps Adams .S. Hart Reinhart .8 Flynn (3) .8 Referee, Edlunds, Oregon. Scorer, Mautz, Oregon. Timer, Hobson, Oregon. EASTMAN KODAKS and FILMS BAKER - BUTTON 7th and Willamette Emery Insurance Agency Representative for OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION 37 9th Avenue West Phone 667 Eugene Square Deal Radio Shop It is our desire that every radio fan in Eugene and Lane County know our high quality goods, our fair prices, and our service. Come up, we will be glad to show you our apparatus whether you buy or not. Service and a guar antee of satisfaction go with every sale. We make a specialty of high grade radio repairing. Eugene Radio Laboratories 860 Willamette Street J. M. Morris, Manager MATLOCK’S Groceries Dry Goods Phone 60 Quality and Service 149 liirkey Dinner for $1.00 Such a dinner as you enjoyed Christmas anci New Years will be served at the Rain bow today. Roast turkey . . . savory dress ing . . . crisp celery . . . potatoes with brown gravy. A dinner that will start your week right. The Rainbow DERM BURGOYNE, Proprietor For 4 Days of Superb Entertainment, Starting MONDAY Prices for This Picture Only Matinee .20c Evening—Floor .30c Evening—Balcony .-20c JUDGE LINDSEY SAYS— “Marriage is a failure.” Is the time coming when the Common Law will 9 govern our marriage? Bober t "^2 Chambers* I Produced by Myron Selznickj> i Corinne Griffith Conway Tearle Elliott Dexter Doris May Harry My erj MissDupont Bryant Washburn Phyllis Haver HobartBosworth Wally Van I Robert W. Chambers’ startling story of New York’s famous Greenwich vil lage picturized in one of the year’s greatest sensations, enacted by the |i most brilliant constellation of stars that has ever shown in a single photo- . J | play, and set amid all the beauty and j | magnificence of the motion picture fe art. It Answers the Cry of the“Moderns" Is Marriage Essential?” Your Spine may have a vertaberal lesion as shown, which may be the cause of your ailments. The Chiropractor corrects these subluxations— lib Icrates the nerve impulses —Health returns. DR. GEO. A. SIMON 916 Willamette Street i EXPERT SHOE SHINING For a number of years we have been the students’ headquarters for shoe shining. We clean, dye and shine any color shoes. Or * urfs for repairing taken. REX SHOE SHINING PARLOR (Next Rex Theatre)