Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 19, 1924, Image 1

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Varsity Players Excel in
Passing and Shooting
Throughout Fast Game
Frosh Win Contest From
the Jefferson Aggregation
With Score of 51 to 22
The Oregon Varsity offensive got
started last night and ran up a 62
to 24 score on the North Pacific
Dental college five of Portland in
the first of a two-game series. The
Webfooters outplayed the opposing
team and managed to retain posses
sion of the ball during the greater
part of the game.
The starting combination for Ore
gon, Hobson, Gowans, Latham,
Chapman and Shafer worked well to
gether and formed a fast, smooth
working aggregation. King went in
after about five minutes of play and
the lemon-yellow steam roller swung
into action and had amassed a total
of 35 points at the end of the first
period, holding their opponents to
12 counters.
The dentists showed up well at
times but could not seem to main
tain a pace in the face of the close
checking of the webfooters. Bus
Douglas, former Oregon freshman
star, was pivot man of the visitors
offense. He looped a total of 10
points and played an exceptional
floor game as well.
Varsity Offensive Improved
The Oregon players showed signs
of beginning to round into a form
that it is hoped will make them a
factor in the conference race this
year. The five man defense that
Reinhart is using promises to become
strong although it must be improved
a great deal yet, he said after last
night’s game. Shafer and Chapman
are both going great on the offen
sive and caging baskets regularly.
Shafer made 13 points in the game
■and Chapman 6. “Hunk” Latham
carried off high point honors of the
Evening with a total of 21.
Tomorrow evening the two fives
will meet again on the armory floor
-at 7:15.
Summary is Given
North Pacific (24) (62) Oregon
"Webster (4) .F. (4) Hobson
Douglas (10) .F. (10) Gowans
Lawrence (4) ....C. (21) Latham
Erickson .G.(6) Chapman
Tiogaway (2) .G. (13) Shafer
Substitutions: North Pacific, Ras
sier (4) for Webster, Mikkelson for
Rassier, Rogawav for Lawrence; Ore
gon, King (10) for Hobson, Hobson
for Gowans, .Tost for Latham. Ref
-eree: Coleman.
Frosh Win Game
The Oregon freshmen went through
their first game last night in good
shape, against the strong .Jefferson
high team of Portland, and walked
away with the long end of a 51 to 22
- The game was sluggish in the first
period. The babes could not get
started and the .Tefferson five held
them nearly even. However, the
freshmen started finding the basket
(Continued on page four.)
j Guard, Who Plays j
Strong Defense
>— -«*
Hal Chapman
Alleged Tradition Breakers
Punished 'by Sayre
Yesterday morning the members j
of the law school walked forth from ;
their homes with bright and shiny1
canes. Discussion on the school con- j
'cerning a distinguishing mode for j
themselves had previously led the i
students in that school to pass re-1
solutions adopting the cane as a con
ventional part of their equipment.
Yesterday at noon the senior men
of the University held an indignation
meeting in front of the library, at
which the action of the law school
members was discussed. The male
members of ’24 held that cane carry
ing was traditionally permissible on
ly to seniorhood, and consequently
the first cane carrying junior from
the law school to appear was hailed
up before the gathering to hear
charges of tradition breaking brought
against him.
That section of the Oregon
“Hello” book pertaining to canes
and seniorhood was read to him, and
a verdict of guilty meted out by
the wearers of the sombrero. A pad
dle figured intensively in the sen
tence passed by Prexy Paul Sayre of
the seniors.
Before the afternoon was over
j'more than one junior found that the
I purchase of a new cane had been a
1 useless expenditure, and more pun
ishment was handed out to the al
leged tradition breakers.
In one instance, a new and shiny
; walking piece, just secured from a
i junior by members of the class of
j ’24, was given to Prof. .T. H. Gil
bert by them—he accepted very gra
ciously the gift from the senior
i class and proved more than adept at
i the art of cane twirling as he walked
1 away.
Hear Ye! Power and 'Authority
of Barristers Is Questioned
Ilear Ye. .
Hear Ye.
Those self-asserting men of law
of the University of Oregon, those
whose mandates CAN be question
ed; to wit, the assuming and un
assuming persons of both sexes, in
cluding men, women, and children,
students, professors, instructors,
deans, bolsheviks, janitors, librar
ians, freshmen, sophomores, juniors
and seniors; that is, the conglom
erate body, the respective names of
which are, or might be affixed to
the roster of the aforesaid school
of law, or the established branch
of said University which goes by
that nomenclature, has empowered
the sundry representatives of its
compact membership to carry, con
vey, transport, drag, flourish, whirl
! or twist a cane, prop, or staff.
Be it further known that the
august and mighty body of stu
dents 6f the University of Oregon,
comprising the class of 1924, de
i cries the above mentioned legisla
tion of said barristers, notaries
j public, solicitors, shysters and
| would-be-attorneys who seek to de
clare public law in the name of
their own body; namely, the afore
I said school of law, FOR—
FIRST—Lawyers, whatever the
| degree of incubation they may have
attained, have been declared by
policy and custom, to be interpre
(Continued on page three)
Special Press Problems
Will be Considered by
State Newspaper Men
Oregon Ben Franklin Club
Plans to Take Part in
Program of Convention
The sixth annual conference of
Oregon newspaper men will be
held at the University under the
auspices of the school of journalism
on Friday and Saturday, February
15 and 16. The meetings this year
will consider professional journal
ism problems, business office and
print shop problems, advertising
problems and business problems.
The program is not yet complete
but will include an address by Dean
Eric W. Allen of the school of
journalism on *Some Experiences
in European Newspaper Offices.”
Heretofore the faculty of the school
of journalism has not been especial
ly active on the conference pro
grams, but in response to a number
of requests from persons interested
in the conference, part of the pro
gram this year will be given by
faculty members. Dean Colin V.
Dyment, of the college of litera
ture, science and the arts, is org
anizing a short course in newspaper
writing in which a number of the
editors of the state will take part.
First Meeting is Friday
The gathering will take up its
first official work on Friday morn
ing, when professional journalistic
problems of the newspapers of the
afternoon will be given over to a
state will be considered. Friday
discussion of print shop manag
ment. The annual banquet for
newspaper men will take place at
the Osburn hotel Friday night.
The Ad club of the University
will give a breakfast Saturday
morning for a number of advertis
ing men who will attend the con
vention. The sessions of the con
ference Saturday forenoon will be
given over to the discussion of ad
vertising problems.
a luncneon win De lieia at
Hendricks hall Saturday, at which
students will play an important
part in the program. It has al
ways been the custom for some
woman in the school of journalism
to speak at the editors ’ t banquet,
which takes place Friday evening,
and this is considered one of the
chief drawing cards of the occasion.
It has not yet been decided who
will give this talk.
Printing Problems Saturday
The Ben Franklin club, of Ore
gon, will meet with the conference
and wrill play an important part in
the discussion of print shop prob
lems on Saturday afternoon and
evening. A get together at the
College Side Inn has been planned
by this group for Saturday evening.
The Oregon writers’ conference,
which has been held in conjunction
with the newspaper conference in
the past will be held later in the
spring this year. It is thought,
however, that the two are likely to
be consolidated again in the future.
Among the officials of the org
anizations who are expected to at
tend the conference, are: George P.
Cheney, editor of the Record Cliief
tan, president of the newspaper
conference: Nate Elliott, of Salem,
president of the Ben Franklin club
of Oregon; and Hal E. Hogs, of the
Oregon City Enterprise, president
of the State Editorial association.
Two days and the time for pay
ing registration and laboratory fees
will be here. The week from Jan
uary 21 to 26 has been allotted for
that purpose, and all students should
see that their fees are paid prompt
ly. The penalty imposed on those
that fail to pay their fees within
the prescribed time is quite severe.
One is automatically dropped from
the University. To re-enter it is
necessary to petition the faculty
for reinstatement. If allowed to
re-enter, one has to pay an extra
$3 in addition to the regular fees.
Mining Mimickers
Cook Crisp Cakes
for Faint Folks
Gay Garbed Gophers
Shuffle Skillets
“Aw, go out to the back alley
and practise some more.”
“Gimme one, I didn’t have any
breakfast.” “What’s in these
things anyway ” Such remarks
that floated up from the crowd
that surrounded the Condon club
neophytes on Kincaid field yes
terday morning. The scene re
sembled an animated Alber’s
flapjack flour ad, and attracted a
great mob. One member of the
club was eventually compelled to
assume unwonted dignity and
| shout in stentorian tones, “Don’t
j crowd, folks, don’t crowd; every
body back to the sidewalk to
give those on the outside a
chance to see.”
The miners were, as one per
son called them, rough-looking
customers. The consensus of
campus opinion was that they
“did their stuff” well. They kept
their garb on all day, giving the
campus a wild west look; a bit of
“local color.” The seven young
miners are Don Johnson, Don
Fraser, Ollie Mercer, Si Muller,
Manuel Souza, Mac McLean, and
Wilbur Godlove.
‘Echoes From Indianapolis’
on Program Tomorrow
The January vesper service of
the University choir will be held
tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 p. m.
in the Methodist Epsicopal church.
This service will afford the first
opportunity for the public to hear
from the University students who
attended the Indianapolis conven
tion. Among those speaking will
be Mary Bartholomew, secretary of
the Women’s league and Lester
Special music during the service
will include a vocal duet by Ruth
Akers, soprano, and Aubrey Furry,
bass, “Hark, Hark, My Soul,” by
Shelley. “Crossing the Bar,” by
Charles H. Marsh will be sung by
the choir. This version of “Cross
ing the Bar” is considered by
critics the most beautiful ever writ
ten. “Gloria,” by Buzzi-Peccia
will be sung by Roy Bryson, tenor.
Following is the program for to
morrow’s service:
Organ Prelude
Responsive Service—Minister and
... Choir
j Hymn
Invocation (Response by the choir)
.Rev. Bruce J. Giffen
; Anthem—“Hark, Hark, My Soul”
. Shelley
Miss Akers, Mr. Furry and
University Choir
Organ Offertory
; Solo “Gloria”.Buzzi-Peccia
Mr. Bryson
Echoes from the Indianapolis Con
! “General Aspects of the Conven
i tion,” Mary Bartholomew.
! “International Relationships and
the Christian Ideal,” Lester Turn
1 “Christianity and the Economic
and Industrial Problems,”- Or
lando Hollis.
! “The Spiritual Challenge to Ameri
can Students,” Edwin Kirtley.
Organ Interlude
Nunc Dimittis. Choir
Yersicles . Choir
Benediction—Rev. Henry W. Davis
Doctor Philip A. Parsons, head of
the school of social work in Port
I land, and a well-known sociologist,
! will lecture to the Philosophy club
Monday night. His subject will be
; “The Social Infuonce of the Need
fo a New Deity.” The lecture
will be given at eight p. m. in the
'men’s room of the Woman’s build
ing. The meeting will be open to
; everyone and there will be a dis
1 cussion after the lecture,
i __
Alpha Chi Omega announces the
pledging of Barbara Page, of Leeds,
North Dakota.
O---- -o
H. E. Rosson
John G. Neikardt, Lecturer
and Poet, to Give Program
from His Poetry Tonight
John G. Neihardt, nationally known
poet and lecturer, will appear to
night at 8:15 in Yillard hall in a
program of readings from some of
his lyric and dramatic poems.
Dr. Neihardt has appeared exten
sively' in colleges and universities all
'over the country and has been en
thusiastically received everywhere, in
some instances appearing the second
and third time. He is not only a
poet, but a scholar, and a speaker of
exceptional ability, as well.
He has received recognition every
where for his lyric poems and for
some years has been considered a
leading writer of the present age.
Universities have sought to bestow
honors and recognition upon him and
his works have been very much in
This ’ appearance of Dr. Neihardt,
marks the first of a lecture series
sponsored by the Associated students
for the year. Tt was the policy last
year to bring men of rare achieve
ment to the campus at a low cost
to the attending students, and such
men as Vacliel Lindsay and Oarl
Sandburg were heard.
As last year, the price of admis
sion to tonight’s lecture will be 25
cents, with which the committee
merely wishes to cover expenses.
Tickets will be on sale all day at the
Co-op and downtown at Kuykendall’s
drug store. Representatives in liv
ing organisations also have tickets to
T>r. Neihardt will arrive this af
ternoon at 1:47 from Portland and
will be shown about the Oregon cam
pus. Last night he spoke in Port
land under the auspices of the Port
land Library association.
Means of Raising Funds for Seabeck
is Problem Considered
A discussion group of the Uni
versity women on the Seabeck com
mittee .is meeting once every two
weeks to talk over means of rais
ing funds for the Seabeck confer
ence to be held from June 25 to
July 5.
It is hoped that by the latter
part of March or the first of April
definite action may be taken to
arouse interest in the conference.
The committee is headed by Flor
ence Buck.
Seabeck conference is an annual
event held at Seabeck, Washing
ton, for the student associations of
the Y. W. C. A. in the northwest.
Oregon was represented by a large
delegation last year, and it is
hoped by the committee that as
many or more women will be in
terested in going this year.
Establishment of a Social Hour
to be Discussed Sunday
A meeting of all Lutheran stu
dents on the campus, to be held at
the Trinity Lutheran church, Sun
day evening, January 27, at 5:30,
was decided upon by the Lutheran
Students’ club committee at its
meeting Wednesday. All students
who have given the Lutheran
denomination as their church pre
ference will be asked to attend
either personally or by letter.
The meeting on January 27 will
include an hour of discussion and
a social hour, when it is expected
that the students will become bet
ter acquainted with one another.
The committee has a plan to hold
such meetings regularly, but this
will not be adopted until the opin
ions of the other students have
been ascertained. Ernest Henrik
son will be chairman of the first
- meeting.
Oregon Professor to Aid in Forming
New Scientific Tables
Or. A. K. Caswell has been
honored recently by receiving a re
quest from the international re
search council to contribute data in
tho field of thermal electricity to
be published in the international
critical tables which are being com
piled by this group of leading
scientists of the world.
Experts in the fields of physics,
chemistry and technology have been
selected in France, Great Britain
and the United States to work on
these tables with the object of col
lecting all available authentic, data
into tables which will be the source
of fundamental accepted values in
i these sciences. The work is to be
, done this year and - will involve
the efforts of some of the most
j noted scientists in this country.
Bailey and Frazer Put Up
Winning Speeches; Both
Contests Judged 2 to 1
Bv a two to one decision over
tiie British Columbia negative, the
Oregon affirmative team, com
posed of Ralph Bailey and Joe
Frazer, were victors in the Eugene
branch of the Oregon-Idaho-British
Columbia debate, held last night.
The question was, “Resolved, that
the United Statos should immedi
ately recognize the present Soviet
government of Russia.”
British Columbia was represented
by Alexander Zoondt and Percy M.
Barr. All the speakers, in the
opinion of judges, put up very good
arguments, and delivered them ef
Frazer, the first speaker for the
affirmative, sketched the conditions
in Russia which had led up to the
presont situation. He attributed
the causes rather to the old regime
of monarchs who ruled the country
with an iron hand, at the same
time keeping the masses in abject
ignorance, and to the war and post
war conditions brought about by
the influence of such men as Ker
ensky in Russian politics.
He traced this development up
to the present time, and declared
that recently there had been a vast
improvement in affairs in Russia,
and that Russia had progressed so
materially that, with the help and
encouragement which the United
States might give her, she would
be able to hold her head up and
take her place among the nations
of the world.
Russia is Improved
The banking and currency sys
tems of the new Russia have, ac
cording to Frazer, been, receiving
favorable comment from bankers
and financiers everywhere. Pro
perty holding lias come under the
guidance of laws passed to regulate
it. In fact, the speaker pointed
out, conditions in this war-ravished
and revolution-torn land are being
brought to a sound business baBia
with all possible speed and dis
The first speaker for the Canad
ian team was Mr. Zoondt. lie placed
the blame for Russia’s present con
dition upon the present ruling
population of Russia—the Soviet,
and portrayed her as unable and un
willing to fullfill international
obigations such as the recognition
of her government would involve.
He reminded his audience of Am
erica’s rightful position as a stabili
zer and peacemaker among nations,
and urged that she not lose this
position by a false move such as
the recognition of a country which
(Continued on page three)
Industrialism Threatens
Soul of America, Is Claim
(Editor's note. This is tho third
of ;i series of articles written by Mr.
I Tur.nbaugh, discussing problems which
| were presented at the recent student
I conference at Indianapolis, which he
I attended as one of the delegates
from Orergon.)
By Lester Turnbaugh
University men, could you by any
strength of your imagination picture
yourself as standing in a huge meat
packing establishment in Chicago,
stunning beeves with a huge sledge
hammer, all day long, day after day,
month after month, year after year;
and could you under circumstances
like that, have the same philosophy
of life, or the naive attitude toward
industrial questions as you now
have ?
University women, frivolous or
serious-minded, what would be your
conception of life, of human toil, of
recreation, of a huge industrial ma
chine that grinds your very soul into
1ho dust and dulls your intellect, if
it were your lot to raise and lower
a lever that punched eyelets in shoes,
six days a week, in a small unattrac
tive town in Pennsylvania?
We, on the Pacific coast, know but
little of the conditions under which
thousands of young men and women
eke out a scanty and colorless exis
tence iu the iron grasp of industrial
ism that will not let them go; and
being ignorant of these conditions,
cannot understand or sympathize or
help such persons solve their prob
“The problem is not ours?” you
say. The problem is ours. We are
(Continued on page three)