Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 18, 1924, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Northern School Reputed
to be Strong Opponent;
Idaho Also in Triangle
Contest is Set For 7:15;
Bailey and Frazer Take
Affirmative on Question
Tonight at 7:15 in Villard hall
the Oregon debaters are coming up
against a stiff team, a team which
has made a rather enviable record
in debate within the last few
years. But despite this fact debate
fans are promised a contest which
will be far from one-sided, for
Ralph Bailey and Joe Frazer, the
Oregon men, are going to puf up a
good fight to add another name to
Oregon’s string of debate victories.
British Columbia, the opponent,
last year met the University of
California in a dual debate, and
won both ends of the contest
on audience decisions. When they
met California at Berkeley, an
audience of 1,200, composed, mostly
of -California students, gave the
decision to the Canadians by a sub
stantial majority.
Team is Experienced
On the other hand, Bailey and
Frazer are both experienced men
who have worked long and faith
fully on the question. H. E. Ros
son, Oregon coach, says of them:
Frazer received valuable experi
ence in the O. A. C.-Reed debate.
Although his work in that contest
was satisfactory, the experience
gained and confidence acquired as
a result of participation in this
debate have proven valuable train
ing for the meet tonight.
“Bailey is the hardest worker in
debate that I have ever known. He
has worked incessantly since the
beginning of the year in acquiring
information on the Russian ques
tion, and his natural ability and
previous training and experience as
a varsity debater in past years
make him most valuable as a repre
sentative of the University of Ore
Question is Stated
Characterizing the debate as a
whole, Mr. Rosson said:
“This event represents the estab
lishment of a most desirable relation
with the institutions of the north
west which have been noted for
years for their interest in foren
sics and for their standards of
work. Friday night there will be
offered the opportunity of seeing
what is probably one of the strong
est debate teams in Canada in con
test with our own team, which is
holder of this year’s state cham
British Columbia will take the
negative and Oregon the affirma
tive of the question: “Resolved,
that the United States should im
(Continued on page four.)
Debater, to Defend
University TonigKt
Ralph Bailey
Slight Increase in Number
of Courses Offered
Plans are maturing for the sum
mer sessions both in Eugene and
Portland. This is the report of Pro
fessor ' F. L. Stetson, of the school
of education, who is in charge of the
Eugene session.
“The summer school will begin
June 23 this year, allowing one week
between the end of the regular school
year and the summer work,” said
“The general plan is similar to that
of last year. The Portland division
is offering, in the main, undergrad
uate courses, including a large num
ber of special and popular features.
“On the campus, graduate and up
per-division courses will be featured
and special efforts will be made to
take care of the needs of the large
group of superintendents, principals,
i and teachers who come every year
from Orergon and other parts of the
northwest. The departments repre
sented will be practically the same
as last year with a slight increase
in the number of courses.”
The faculty on the campus will be
chosen largely from the regular fac
ulty staff of the university but will
include several instructors from other
parts of the country. Dr. J. Duncan
Spaeth will be one of the visitors.
He will come from Princeton and will
teach literature. Dr. S. B. Harding,
who will teach history, comes from
the University of Minnesota. A new
course in education will be offered
by Superintendent C. W. Washburn
of Winnetka. Illinois. He is nation
ally known for his system of indi
vidual instruction developed in his
school system.
The Portland faculty includes var
ious campus teachers and some from
the extension division, with the ad
dition of several visiting professors.
Professor Cardinal Goodwin of Mills
College will teach American history;
Professor Bernard Ewer of Pomona
College, Clairmont, California, w-ill
teach psychology, and Professor
Christian Gauss will teach literature.
Students are allowed to take nine
hours of work. The fee for entrance
I will be $12.50.
Greetings: Know All Men
by These Presents, That
WHEREAS, it has long been no
ticed and observed at many and var
ious times and in sundry and divers
places and locations both private and
public that due and proper respect
and deference has not been paid to
the honorable and highly respectable
students and devotees of the law of
many vulgar and undiscerning per
son and people, more particularly to
be described as students of arts and
sciences at the University of Oregon,
WHEREAS, said’disrespectful at
titude and unbecoming conduct to
ward these most distinguished and
dignified members of society, name
ly the students in the school of law,
has had its origin, not in malice pre
pense nor in a criminal mind, but is
rather owing to inherent lack of dis
cernment and perception, and an in
ability and incapacity to appreciate
or detect true merit and worth with
out some physical or material mark
or token, and
WHEREAS, the recognition of
merit and superiority is greatly to
be desired and is to a people or
group.which is best to serve its pur
pose or survive, imperative, essential
and supremely necessary.
THEREFORE, be it ordered and
decreed that from this date on, for
each and every year, month and day
forever hereafter that every student
regularly enrolled in the school of
Law at the Eniversity of Oregon is
empowered to and hereafter shall, at
all times and upon all occasions on
the campus of the said Eniversity of
Oregon, or in Eugene, County of
Lane, State of Oregon, carry, convey,
transport, drag, flourish, twirl* or
(Continued on page three)
Campus to Hear Epic Poet
of West Read Verses and
“Precious Saga-Stuff”
Popular Lecture Series is
First of Year Sponsored
by Associated Students
Arrangements are being com
pleted for the reception of John C.
Neihardt, nationally known poet,
who is to give a reading of some
of his lyric and dramatic poems in
Villard hall tomorrow night at
8:15. Mr. Neihardt speaks under
the auspices of the Portland Lib
rary association in the Woman’s
Club building in Portland this
evening, and will arrive in Eugene
on the 1:47 train from Portland
tomorrow afternoon. This is the
first of the lecture series sponsored
by the. Associated (.Students this
Price is a Quarter
One notable fact is that the
A. S. U. O. offers this lecture at
exactly one-third the price of the
Portland one. The policy of ob
taining really distinguished men
in the field of letters, whose lec
tures may be attended for the
nominal fee of twenty-five cents, is
to be maintained again this year.
The idea from the first has been
to put the lecture series within the
reach of all, and the hope of the
committee is only to clear expenses.
I Tickets are now on sale in all
| campus living organizations, at the
j Co-op, and in the downtown district
at Kuykendall’s drug store.
Emotions Shown
To those who heard the negro
spirituales of Vaehel Lindsay, the
echo of tom-toms, and the talking
animals, and to those who listened
to Carl Sandburg’s poems of last
year with their breath of cities, the
sound of the elevated, and the bit
terness of those men who toil blind
ly and drip sweat and blood, tho
songs of Neihardt wi31 come as
something new, and not less inter
His early poems plumb the
depths of the erotic emotion, now
proud and harsh,
“My love is like the snarl of
haughty drums,
And blare of trumpets—” again he
is doubting and engrossed.
“Can this be sin?
This ecstacy of arms and eyes and
This thrilling of caressing finger
Or gently,
i “Come back and bring the summer
in your eyes—”
These moods of his poetry pass
into something deeper and with a
(Continued on page three)
Moscow Art Theater and Imperial
Ballet Slowing Fading
University of Idaho—(By P. I.
N. S.)—The Moscow art theater
, and the Imperial Russian ballet are
i dying a slow death, according to
; a statement made by Dr. Frank A.
Golder, a nationally known Russian
historian now in charge of the
Hoover war library at Stanford
university, in a special interview
to the University of Idaho Argon
The old drama and music that
distinguished Russia and placed her
high in the art circles of the world
are gradually disappearing, accord
ing to Dr. Golder, because of lack
of financial support from the Soviet
1 government.
“Naturally such undertakings as
the ballet must be highly subsidized
by the government. But since the
majority of the Russian operas and
plays deal with the life of the
aristocracy, it is not surprising that
the communists do not desire to
give them their support aside from
the fact that the government is in
( no position to do so should they
' desire.”
Night Watch
Gives Coat to
Cold Neophyte
Scantily Clad Youth
Out at 3:30 a. m.
The man who parts with his
shirt for a friend is celebrated
in fiction and proverb. This
being the case the University’s
night watchman, familiarly known
as “Dad” or ”Jim,” deserves no
less mention for parting with his
overcoat at 3:30 in the morning.
A pre-initiate was hurrying
past the Co-op without—well,
anyway, very scantily clad, at
that hour of the morning.
“What’s up?” asked “Dad.”
“Oh, just a little fun, but I’m
awful darned cold,” replied the
shivering one.
“If my overcoat will do you
any, good you can have it,” was
the prompt offer.
“But what if I couldn’t return
it? If they find it I’ll be ducked
again, and there’s no telling what
will become of the coat.”
The argument went on, with
“Dad” winning out, and the
shorn lamb departing with the
I wind tempered by the warm folds i
, of the coat. Spectator, behind a ]
| tree, was felt to wonder what fate i
the coat would suffer.
Irving Vining Urges Service
as Means of Success
That a large proportion of the
grief which meets college students
when they step out into the busi
ness world for the first time is
due to maladjustment and un
willingness or failure on the part
of the business neophyte to realize
that he must start at the bottom
and prove his w’orth, was the state
ment of Irving E. Yining, of Ash
land, Oregon, president of the State
Chamber of Commerce, who spoke
to the University assembly yester
day morning.
“Let your voice speak not
through words but through ser
vice,” was Mr. Vining’s preach
ment. “Take a piece of paper,”
he said, “and draw zones upon it.
In the center zone place content
ment, and next it, on the downward
scale, place maladjustment, and be
low that in the depths, put crimin
ality, typified by the men behind
the bars in our nation today.
“Upon the rising scale above the
zone of contentment, put the zone
of achievement, and above that the
highest zone of all, that of genius.
(Continued on page three)
Margaret Seymour and Marion
Lowry Receive Appointments
At a meeting of the University
j Y. W. C. A. council, Margaret Sey- j
I mour was appointed to the position j
j of finance head of that group, and
Marian Lowry was appointed as
publicity head. Miss Seymour, who
| has been active in the Y. W. C. A.
i for some time is at present as
1 sistant finance head of the cabi
net, and succeeds Luella Hausler
who has resigned.
Henryetta Lawrence has resigned |
as head of publicity because of ‘
other duties. Her place is being
taken by Marian Lowry, at present
reporter on the council.
“Applied Psychology” Subject
Chosen for Yoncalla Meeting
A lecture by Professor C. L.
Hughes, of the school of education
on “Applied Psychology” and based
on two books, “Psychology in tho
Schools,” by Cameron, and “Edu
cational Tests and Measurements,”
by Professor 0. A. Gregory, will be
a feature of the zone meeting of
Douglas county teachers, to be held
! at Yoncalla Saturday, January 19.
The book by Professor Gregory,
also of the school of education, is
being used as a basis of study in
psychology by the teachers in the
I Douglas county schools this year.
Cast, Scenery and Orchestra
to be Transported by Rail
For Portland Performance
Mrs. Beck and Managers
Leave for Rose City to
Arrange For Production
A special train has been granted
by the Southern Pacific company
for the conveyance of the cast, or
chestra and scenery of “Tho Hour
Hand,” to Portland, where a spe
cial production of the opera will be
given Wednesday evening, Febru
ary 6 at the Heilig theater, is tho
announcement made by Ted Gillcn
waters, manager.
Tho train will leavo Eugene Tues
day, February 5, at 5:30 p. m., and
on Wednesday morning a light re
hearsal will be held. The return
train leaves Portland at 1:00 a. m.
Thursday, bringing tho students
back in time for their 8:00 o’clocks
on that morning. Because of this
service there will bo no classes
missed, by the students except on
Wednesday and arrangements are
being made with the faculty iu re
gard to the classes missed on that
Clubs Bax:k Opera
Mrs. Anne Landsbury Beck, com
poser of the opera, Ted Gillen
waters, manager, and Robert Love,
assistant manager, are leaving for
Portland tomorrow to make further
arrangements for the production in
that city.
Among the several organizations
backing “The Hour Hand” in
Portland is the Swiss club, which
is composed of over two thousand
members. Some very good publicity
is being extended by this group be
cause of its profound interest in
the only Swiss folk-opera ever be
fore produced in that city.
The tickets for the production,
both iu Eugene and Portland, are
going very well, says Ted Gillen
waters. It is of utmost importance
to those planning to attend the
Eugene production that they re
serve their seats early. This may
be done by writing to the manager
of the Eugene Heilig theater, in
closing return postage. No war tax
will be charged.
Ticket Price Listed
The price of tickets ranges from
50 cents to one dollar. Tho first 10
rows downstairs are selling at one
dollar, and the last eight rows are
75 cents. The first three rows in
the balcony are one dollar and the
last three rows are 75 cents. The
entire gallery is semng at, an cuius.
All seats, even tlioso in the gal
lery have to bo reserved, and for
that reason it is important to pur
chase tickets early.
There is a student in each house
on the campus in charge of selling
tickets, but these representatives
do not have to confine their selling
to the house, for they are supposed
to make the rounds of th0 faculty
and everybody else they think
might be interested.
Vaudeville Head Asks That Students
Submit Possible Acts
Any students who have acts
available for the junior vaudeville
are urged by David Swanson, di
rector of the affair, to let him
know of them at once. Several
acts have already been offered and
Dave hopes that others will be
proffered voluntarily so that a
house to-house solicitation will not
be necessary.
If a large number of acts are
available for the affair, a finer se
lection and a better program wil)
be possible.
State College, Pennsylvania—
Penn State has a strong array of
grid games for the 19114 season. The
schedule includes contests with
practically all of the teams played
last year, and in addition, games
with Mariette and Carnegie Tech.
Flap-Jack Fryers
Furnishing Fun for
Frivolous Friends
The paleolithic elam-diggers
have come to town today. Seven
in number, ' the big toughs may
tear up things a bit before they
leave. But while they are here
they are going to give the campus
hicks some entertainment.
These sour-doughs of ’49 will be
camped at the northeast corner of
Kincaid field behind the nicotine
bush between the ten and eleven
o’clock classes this morning, and
while the college kids gaze in won
der, these hardened rock-diggers
will flip their flap-jacks about.
In other words, the neophytes
of Condon club, Don Johnson, Don
Fraser, Ollie Mercer, Si Muller,
Manuel Souza, Mac McLean, and
Wilbur Godlove, are being initia
ted. These miners will meander a
round all day garbed in the clothes
of their calling.
Subject of War Taken Up
at Mass Gathering
A mass meeting of the Young
Women’s Christian Association and
Women’s league was held in Guild
hall yesterday afternoon at 5 o’clock,
for the purpose of hearing reports
of delegates to the Students’ Volun
teer convention held at Indianapolis
during the Christmas vacation.
Mary Bartholomew, who attended
the conference as a representative of
Women’s league, tho Young Women’s
Christian Association, and tho fac
ulty women, talked on “General As
pects, Industrialism and Devotion.”
She told of the 6,000 studonts who
attended the convention, representing
universities from various parts of
the world. She put special emphasis
on the part young people are play
ing in the political, moral and social
trend of the world, and the necessity
of finding a way to meet social and
industrial conditions.
“The Race Question” was the sub
ject of Mary Donaldson’s talk. Sho
quoted from Dr. Willis King, negro
professor from Alabama, who stressed
particularly the need of brotherhood
to solve the race problem. Dr. King
declares that home problems must be
solved before a solution can be of
fered the rest of the world. Dr.
Shu, professor of sociology in Shang
hai, China, was present also and dis
cussed the race question. He believes
that tho attitude of tho pooplo of
America is due to ignorance of con
ditions. Miss Donaldson declared
that the problem as stated at tho con
ference, which was not solved there
nor here, and which will not be solved
for some time to come, is; Shall ne
groes, Jews, and others be admitted
on the basis of equality in class
rooms, eating places, social affairs,
fraternities and athletics?
Edith Howe’s subject was the
question of war, and she discussed
the two types of war, international
strife and civic unrest. She said
that the four viewpoints for meeting
war, which were presented at the
convention, were; first, preparation
(Continued on page three)
Game Set for 7:15 Tonight;
Does Not Affect Varsity
Standing in Conference
Jefferson High Quintet to
Play Frosh After Game
With Embryo Dentists
Due to a forced change of the
plans of the Jefferson high school
quintet, which was billed to meet
the frosh this afternoon, tonight’s
varsity clash with tho North Pacific
Dental college will be a double
header. The varsity will tangle
with the Dentists in the first en
gagement of the evening, which
starts at 7:15 sharp. After the
varsity teams have settled their
difficulties, the babes will then take
the floor and have it out with Port
land high aggregation. It is prob
ablo that the second scrimmage of
the evening will start about 8:15.
Dentists Have Veterans
Although tonight’s game has no
boaring on the conference standing,
it should see the varsity offense in
better shape than in the preceding
games. Reinhart will use the same
starting combination that he has
used in both of last week’s games.
Let there be no mistake, however,
about the fact that the molar grind
ers have a fast combination, as it
is composed, for the most part, of
veterans at the hoop sport.
Jefferson high was slated to meet
the frosh this afternoon in the men’s
gym, but the preppers could not
break away from their studies in
time to make Eugene by that time,
so the Frosh-Jeff go will be shoved
up till tonight. The Jefferson lads
will arrive on the Oregon electric
this evening at 6:45.
Lineups are Given
The varsity game tomorrow night
will start at 7:30 and the freshman
game will be in the afternoon when
the babes tangle with Franklin
high at 3:00.
Following are the tentative line
ups for tonight’s varsity game.
Oregon Pos. North Pacific
Gowans .F. Webster
ITobson .F. Rassier
Latham .C. Rogoway
Chapman .G. Mikleson
Shafer .G. Erickson
Work on an entrance to the
rooms used as offices for the in
! structors. in tho psychology depart
! merit was started yesterday. Three
moil ar(. working on the third floor
of McClure hall in Doctor E. S.
(Conklin’s office, and are dividing
it into a hall that will .join the one
that leads to the other rooms. When
j this is finished it will enable peo
: pie to reach members in the depart
ment without passing through the
‘ laboratory rooms.
Babes Plan Class Festivity
to Keep Up to Pace of Elders
It is to dance! ! I
Even ttie babes have caught the
spirit of the times anil are gather
ing together tonight in the men’s
gym for a frolic. Date, or no-date,
according to your own feelings
about the matter. Some frosh al
ready have dates, and a demand
for a no-date affair came from a
large group of underclassmen who
claimed they did not know any
girls to ask.
Shieks and shiekesses, Spanish
dancers from Seville, bold, bad pir
ates, and highwaymen, will haunt
the Woman’s building, where the
sophomores are to gather together.
Strictly n.t-date, say the class of
’26, and any couple “Pigging” will
be handled in a far from kindly
manner. .
“Juniors” and “lottery” are
xynonomous just now since the third
year men and women have plunged
whole-heartedly into the affair. It
was absolutely square, though there
are those who profess to doubt it.
The results can only be termed
freaks o’ nature, for in some cases
Miss Tall was paired off with Mr.
Short, two room mates at the D. G.
house drew brothers, and in one
case a young gentleman, a confirm
ed piffger at a certain house—until
he had a fight with his lady friend
drew that identical lady friend,
and whats more, is planning to go
with her.
Owing to the fact that the wo
men outnumber the men by a large
i number, several junior women did
not draw dates for tonight, but the
committee wishes to state that these
women will still be expected to
The seniors are busy shaking out
the moth balls, and perhaps shed
ding a few tears in the meantime,
(Continued on page three)