Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 17, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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    Orchestra Will Give First
Half of Program
Miss Lillian Stupp Directs
Portion of Affair
A dance drama under the super
vision of the University orchestra
and the women’s physical education
department will be given in the
armory on the night of February
14. The prgoram will be in two
divisions, the first half being given
by the orchestra, and the second
half by the dancing classes of Miss
Lillian Stupp.
The dancing classes’ program will
be divided into two groups, the
orchestra playing for both parts.
wedgewood china. When the cur
tain rises there will be nine dancers :
dressed in white to represent the
nine muses with a background of
blue. The whole effect will be the
nine muses in relief on a blue back
ground as on a piece of porcelin or
on a plaque. ,
Four Groups Planned
There will be four groups in- this
part of the program. In the firsf
group three girls will come for
ward, while the other six remain
in the background. In the next
group sict girls will come to the
front while the others will change
positions in the background to form
a different setting.
Two girls will come forward in
the third group, and in the last
all nine girls will come to the front.
All the art work on the stage will
be done by the art students in Miss
Maude Kerns’ art department.
The cycle of the hours will be
the subject for the second part of
the dancing class program. In the
prologue there will be three figures
in a niche in the background, one
of which will be holding the hour j
hand. The scene will be symbolical j
of the passing of the hours.
Various Lights Seen
The hours of dawn, noon andj
twilight will all He interpreted.
Girls coming in with gray scarfs
interpreting the dawn of light will
come in first. From then on it will
be a progression of morning light.
Following dawn there will be a
sudden burst of light, in which
girls will come in dressed in, *red
costumes for the call to the chase, j
Following this there will be seen i
the toilers going to the fields for j
work. Apollo driving the little
hours to work will then be in
The noon hours will be seen when
carriers take wine as refreshment
to the toilers. A side number will
be a scene of coquetry between a j
shepherd and shepherdness. Later in
the afternoon the toilers wifi be seen
bending over their sickles.'*
Epilogue Last Part
Twilight will be brought out by J
a lighting effect, in which will be
seen the toilers stopping for a
moment of prayer as the angelus
sounds. Then will come darkness
in which the will-o-the-wisps will
dart here and there. The chorus of
dreams will then be interpreted.
The closing part of the program
seen will be the epilogue which will i
be the same as the prologue.
(Continued from page 1)
for the ills of the world, unless it
be the somewhat intangible king
dom of Christ in the hearts of men,
a good enough remedy, but the |
question of how this reign is to be
a reality is almost as difficult a
problem as the original one. But
possibly it is for us, the students
of the present generation, the edu
cated men and women of the next,
to find the solution. If these men
have incited us to action their con
tribution has not been in vain.
Students Realize Problem
Students all over the world are
coming to realize the problem is
theirs to solve. Naturally opinions
should differ widely on internation
al issue and war. At the conven
tion a small group went so far as
to pledge themselves to take no
active part in any war.
In commenting on this attitude
the commander of the American j
Legion of Indianapolis scored it as
radicalism of a dangerous sort.
“It is worthy of note,” he said,j
“that half of the students who par
ticipated in this disgraceful meet
ing owe their allegiance to a foreign
flag. Some of them openly admit
they are followers of Lenine and
Trotsky. How mueh longer are we
going to open the gates of our uni
versities to these ‘crack-brained
Dick Wright, Procter Flanni
gan. Frank Joseph, Ralph Staley,
George Scheafers, Jerry Winters,
Lawrence Conley, Roland Park
er, Pat Hughes, Dml Clarke, Ken
Macintosh, Warren Stevens, Bill
Adams, Vic Adix. O’Henry Al
exander, Jerry Extra, Don
Templeton, Theodore Greenberg,
Herman Semenor, Elton Schroed
er, Don Cash, Heinie Hall, Bob
Neighbors and Frank Manning.
radicals and allow them to implant
their un-American doctrines in the
impressionable minds of our young
American students.”
The writer, himself a member of
the American Legion, sees no cause
for any alarm because of thiS^ ac
tion on the part of a few students,
though he does not agree with them
that absolute pacifism is the solu
tion. Some delegations are going
back to their campuses to take a
united stand against the E. O. T. C.
Whether this is the proper thing to
do is open for question. But it
does seem irrational to talk and
preach peace and the teachings of
Christ in the classroom nnd mili
tarism the next hour in the bar
racks or on the drill field.
Opportunity is Now
America has made a wonderful
contribution to material progress.
The opportunity is now hers to
contribute to a better international
order. She cannot afford to pass
up this opportunity.
What can the students at the
University of Oregon do? They can
initiate an aggressive educational
program that will study the causes
of war, and then seek some possible
and practicable way of eliminating
these causes. If race prejudice,
hatred, unsatisfactory social and
economic conditions, are causes of
war, l<jt us do away with them.
If love, based on the belief in
the brotherhood of man, an4 a
Christian life that is practiced
every day in the year, is a possible
solution to our international prob
lems, thqn by all m«ans let us see
to it that we are' informed as to
what Christian principles are and
learn to build our lives on them. We
dare not remain in ignorance of
world affairs, or dodge f.lie issue.
(Continued from page one)
until the regular A. S. U. O. elec
tion in the spring.
Since the adoption of the. resolu
tion made public yesterday by the
Co-operative sl'ore in which the
program outlined by the finance
committee was indorsed and a
willingness to make any necessary
change in the by-laws signified, the
matter has become a more vital
question than ever . It Is the
purpose of the student council to
bring the question directly before
the students in the shape of the
Oregon Songs Discussed
There has been persistent agita
tion regarding the adoption of more
representative Oregon songs for
several years, but so faT veTy little
has been done about it. While sev
eral new songs have been a iopted
recently; it is" the opinion of many
that more could be done toward
getting desirable songs for the
‘University. While it is not the in
tention to do away with any of
the songs in use at present, it is
.'nlirely possible that certain
changes may be introduced.
--- «
Those who admire the thrilling
dramatic suspense in “White
Tiger,” the Universal-Jewel under
world screen story at the Heilig
theater, may recall that the same
combination of Priscilla Dean as the
star and Tod Browning as author
and director was responsible for
one of the most thrilling under
world plays ever screened, “Out
side the Law.” The latter picture
exploited San Francisco’s China
town, while “White Tiger” is laid
in London and New \ork.
with a Smile
7th and Willamette
Shoe Repairing
W. T. Shoults, Prop.
31 E 9th Avenue
About 50 Latin and Greek
Scholars Members
The increasing interest in the
classics, which is shown by the
fact that beginning, Latin and
Greek classes have a larger en
rollment on the campus this year
than ever before, is the basis for
the formation of a new group of
students into a club for the pur- ;
pose of fostering the study of the
classics in the University.
About fifty members attended a
meeting called by Professor F. S.
Dunn, yesterday afternoon, in Ore- ’
gon ball, and under his leadership 1
appointed committees to draw up a '
constitution, nominate officers and '
select a name and a motto for the | 1
approval of the group at its next '
Professor Dunn said yesterday 1
that this gathering is merely a re- i 1
vival of a similiar organization
whlfch existed on the campus when 1
he first came to the University in
1898. This group was known as
the Soeietas Quirinalis and was the '
first scholastic, club of its kind in
the University. Its members dis
banded, however, about 1900, and ‘
although numerous other clubs in .
various departments of the Univer
sity have been formed since then,
this meeting yesterday was the first ]
among classical students here for .
over 20 years.
Members of the committee to
draw up a constitution are Alicia
Agnew, Kathryn McAyeal, Hugh
Biggs. Those who are to submit a
name for the club are Mary Crom
bie, Matilde Liebelt and Lois In- j
man. Nominations of officers is in
the hands of Elizabeth Honkanon,
Edyth Driver and Kenneth Ruth
and Miss Crombie and Mr. Ruth
are also on a committee to select
an appropriate name for the so
Membership in this group is open
to all students in Latin or Greek,
who are interested in the classics
andJ desire more research in this
branch of learning than is possible
within the limits of class periods.
A. C. Shives, ’01, Expresses His
Appreciation for Help Received
While Attending School
Every one knows that Dean Straub
always has and always will help his
“boys and girls” at the University,
but not every one knows of all the |
kindness he does. Just the other
day Dean Straub received a letter j
i from a formed student whom he had
1 helped during the time of his stay
h.ere, thanking the dean for what he
had done.
A. C. Shives, of Toledo, Washing
j ton, who entered with the class of
| 1901, wrote to the dean expressing
' his appreciation for the help that he
| received from him in making up
J back work.
In expressing his thanks, Shives
wrote, “How veTy much I now ap
preciate what you did for me years
ago when I came to the University
of Oregon and entered late in the
year. T had all my studies to make j
up and you had me at your house j
night after night and gave me your j
valuable time assisting me to catch j
up with my classes. T am only one j
of the many thousands you have as- j
sisted and who will carry a fond j
Life insurance is
the only existing
form of perma
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You may save for
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of the
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emembrance of you as long as they
Sliives is in the logging business
n Toledo, Washington, and is mar
led to Emma Rueter, a former
fudge Rossman and Department
Heads Contribute Work
to School Magazine
Filled with interesting material,
he February issue of the Oregon i
jaw Review, edited at the University ;
aw school, is soon to be off the
ress and will be ready for distri
lution by the first of the month. 1
I'lie issue is the second this year and
vill be number 2 of volume 3. j ,
Among most outstanding articles
n this issue is one written by Judge i (
leorge Rossman, of the Multnomah .
ounty circuit court, on the subject j
if the effect on the testimony of the j
iso of narcotics bv those who are j (
allied as witnesses in trial courts. ! ^
ludge Rossman was judge of the mu
licipal court of Portland before go-1 ^
ng on the county circuit court and
vhile there made personal study of
larcotics and effects.
S. B. Warner, professor in the
aw school, has contributed an article f
lealing with the subject of the pay- 1
•oil law. The information for this ; '
irticle grows out of Professor War- js
ler’s research work this summer for ] 1
he American Institute of Criminal j 1
aw. s
Dean William D. Hale of the law (’
i|hool and .Tames A. Miller, assistant 1
irofessor of law, have reviewed notes !1
n the editorial section of the maga- |
ape. 11
[solation, Watching and Care Are
Best Methods Used to
Avoid Sickness
A few cases of real grippe , are
reported the last day or two accord
ing to Dr. W. K. Livingston, head
af the health service. This is the
time for a winter epidemic if we
are to have one, he said. And it ,
can only be'avoided by constant
rare and watching and isolation if
one gets the grippe or a bad cold.
The infirmary will take care of
as many as its capacity will allow
and it always takes the worst cases,
but it will not hold many if there i
should be an epidemic, Dr. Living
ston continued. Those students
who have grippe and remain in their
houses should take care to isolate
themselves, to the best of their
ability, from contacts with other
students. Proper care in the early
stages of grippe means a shortened
illness, a less severe illness and an
earlier and mote complete recovery
as well as protection to others, said
the doctor.
Miss Charlotte Banfield, instruc-!
tor in the dramatics department^ I
who suffered from a nervous break-1
down last fall, is gradually regain
ing her health. Miss Banfield was
compelled to give up part of her
heavy work, but is improving rapid
ly and will probably be able to
take up her entire schedule again
| Delightful
,a clean, well pressed gar
ment is to put on. The
same delight as when you
bought it.
It (has that “new” ap
pearance and it’s even
cleaner than a new gar
ment because it comes j
direct to you from lour
sterlizing cleansing pro
If we clean it, its
Cleaners j
W. E. Naylor, Prop.
Phone 220
Plant 820 W. 8th Avenue
Office 44 W. 8th Avenue
Dlub to be Part of National
Party Organization
Final steps are being taken this
veek in the organization of a
lermanent Republican club on
Jniversity campus. This eofftes as
he outgrowth of the plan of the
iepublican national committee to
arry on a nation wide organization
f Republican college clubs.
John N. Hamlin, who has charge
f the college bureau of the Re
lublican National Committee, is on
he campus and the work of organiz
ug the Oregon club is being car
ied on under his direction. For
he past few days he has been con
erring with alumni and students
egarding the organization, and ho
eports that the results have been
ighly gratifying and that the suc
essful organization of the club is
“The important feature of this |
ociety,” said Mr. Hamlin, “is that i
t will be a permanent part of col- |
ege life and will not disband as j
oon as the excitement of election
s over. Alumni and former stu
lents will bo admitted to member
hip as well as those who are now
n the University, and thus the club
rill serve to tie up the students
vith the leaders in the state.”
Nationally known speakers will
le brought to the campus under the
luspices of the club and will dis
uss the more pressing issues of the
lay for the benefit of the student
)0dy in general, Mr. Hamlin an
lounced. The local organization 1
vill affiliate directly with the Re
rablican national committee, but
vill also co-operate with the state
According to an announcement
■ecently given out by -John T.
Vdams, chairman of the Republican
rational committee, the movement
las been developed from the in
lependent activities of some of toe
•olleges during the past year,
^niong the institutions at which
iepublican clubs have been recently
rrganized are: Williams College,
Amherst, Yale, Harvard, North
western university, University of
Ihicago, and Butler college.
Read the Classified Ad column.
Goodbye to Overcoats
Our 25 per ceut reduction is a
farewell i to our wintefr over
coats. We are showing them
the door—we don’t want them
around. When you look at
our overcoats you are looking
at a real piece of goods made
up into a very attractive gar
ment. Can you afford to let
this offer slip? They are
“stepping out” fast.
to supply you with
Phone 452
Bboth-Kelly Lumber Co.
10 Days of Startling Shoe Bargains
A Mighty Selling Event
Patent Pumps
Turn .sole—covered French heel
always good for a dress shoe
slight tongue style.
Men’s Hi Top Pacs
Silver Slippers
Delightful for evening wear—cloth
of silver pumps—turn sole, French
heel. Close out
hw? E
Id in. unlined leather pacs; solid
throughout—a shoe for out of doors
—work or sport.
Women’s Brogue Oxfords
Excellent shoes for service, yet
smart in style—Oxfords selling
from #6.00 to #9.00. Broken sizes,
disposed of at
Women’s Dress Pumps
tfatiri pumps; patent leather pumps;
kid and dull calf, turned solei—
French heels and baby French heels
in one group at
Women’s Wool Hose
Including all the season’s most pop
ular colors in $1.25 and $1.50 values.
Colors to match your suit or shoes
All shoes reduced in price displayed on racks