Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 17, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued
dally except Monday, during the college year._
Editorial Board
Managing Editor . Don Woodward
Associate Editor ... John W. Piper
Associate Managing Editor ______Taylor Huston
Daily News Editors
Margaret Morrison Rosalia Keber
Junior Seton Velma Farnham
Night Editors
fcliisrt Bulllvant Walter Coover
Douglas Wilson
Jack Burleson George Belknap
f. L N. 8. Editor-Pauline Bondurant
Assistant —... Louis Dammasch
Sports Staff
Sports Editor_Kenneth Cooper
Sports Writers:
Monte Byera, Bill Akers, Ward Cook,
Upper News Staff
Catherine Spall Norma Wilson
Trances Simpson Mary Clcrin
Marian Lowry Kathrine Kressmann
Katherine Watson Margaret Skavlan
Exchange Editor ... Norbome Berkeley
Newt Staff: Henryetta Lawrence, Helen Reynolds, Lester Turnbaugh, Georgians
Gcrlinger, Webster Jones, Margaret Vincent, Phyllis Coplan, Frances Sanford,
Eugenia Strickland, Velma Meredith, Lilian Wilson, Margaret Kressmann, Ned
French, Ed Robbins, Josephine Rice, Clifford Zehrung, Pete Laura, Leonard Lerwill.
Mary West, Emily Houston, Beth Farisa, Lyle Janz, Ben Maxwell,
Business Staff
AMoeiate Manager ..... Lot Beatie !
Foreign Advertising Manager__ James Leake [
Assistant Foreign Advertising Manager . Walter Pearson '
Advertising Manager ..._________________ Maurice Waraock
Assistant Advertising Manager . Karl Hardenbergti !
Circulation Manager ------- Kenneth Stephenson :
Assistant Circulation Manager __—__—______Alan Woolley j
(Specialty Advertising __—___ Gladys Noren j
Advertising Assistants: Frank Loggan, Chester Coon, Edgar Wrightman, Lester Wade, ]
Frank De Spain.
Entered in the poetoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription |
12.26 per year. By term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application.
MOitor _
... vox i
Daily New» Editor This Issue
Norma Wilson
Night Editor This Issue
Jack Burleson
How About junior Week-End?
Junior Week-end, the “tyrant” which has driven many a
junior class to distraction with its multitudinous cares and
worries and which often resulted finally in bringing to the
campus as students only a few of those entertained, is due for
a “run-in”. The student council has a committee already
working on an investigation of the matter.
Dean Dyment points out in another place in this issue of
the Emerald that high school officials are complaining of the
interruption which it occasions in the high schools of the state.
He voices the opinion of higher education standards committee
when he points out that Junior Week-end visitors get a wrong
impression of the University through the over-emphasis on so
cial life. He brings back the definite resolution from the com
mittee that Junior Week-end be modified or changed somehow
to eliminate some of the evils.
The issue is now squarely before the student body. If is
generally recognized that many of those who come to the Junior
Week-end festivities are not of the type which make the most
desirable students. A great evil which lias grown up is the
“professional junior-week-ender,” who comes year after year
to be entertained without an idea of ever entering an institu
tion of higher learning.
Those who were closest in touch with the recent high school
student-body officials’ conference believe that the type of ac
tivity carried out then is more worthwhile than the frivolous
kind of program. Others would go so far as to elminate Junior
Week-end entirely.
On the other side of the question are those who feel that
Junior Week-end is an advertising asset and a valuable addi
tion to the social calendar of the year. The Junior class has
its committee already appointed to take care of this year’s
events. They would doubtless deplore any far-reaching inter
ference with present plans.
Yet the question is with us. The Emerald feels, as the
standards committee felt, that a middle course might be taken.
There is some value in Junior Week-end; but it has been car
riied too far. It isn’t worth the effort now, in view of the fact
that the visitors, no matter how worth-while they may be,
have no chance really to see the University as it is.
This paper is a medium of expressing student opinion. The
Emerald welcomes opinions on the subject. Those really in
terested in the best interests of the Oregon of the future should
Dean Straub Speaks
l)r. John 8traul>, Dragon's Grand Old Man, spoke at a
banquet the other night, lie told the high school delegates
what they should do when the time comes to get their higher
education. He talked to them just as forcefully as he used to
talk to the Oregon freshman. In truth Dean Straub is with us
It was a glorious sight to see the man Oregon loves and
admires standing before the youth of the state and delivering
aueh a spirited message.
It will be some time before Dean Straub can partake in our
activities as fully as in former years, but his demonstration of
his ever-present youth a few nights ago proves that the Oregon
fight as typified in our Dean can never be downed.
Oregon Stickers
With track season looming in the distance we are reminded
of Bill Hayward's old saying. “The man who sticks is bound
to win out.” As Bill says, “Track men are usually made; very
few are born stars.” It is the long months of training and
work-out that finally produces the men who write Oregon’s
name on the annals of Pacific coast sport history.
Such athletes as Walkley have been produced under careful
training. That famous distance man didn’t know what a pair
of track shoes looked like before he entered the University.
It is tfie same in all lines of student activity and in the
world at large. The plugger is more likely to succeed in most
instances than the flash. Oregon needs more “stickers.”
•<> ----—. . 4>
Campus Bulletin
Notices will be printed in this cohunn
for two issues only. Copy most be
in this office by 5 :S0 on the day
before it iB to be published, and must
be limited to 20 words. I
Ad Club—Luncheon today noon
at the Anchorage. Be there.
Allied Art League — Meeting in
courtyard Thursday afternoon at 2
o ’clock.
Junior Directorate—Meeting to
night in editorial hall of Journal
ism building at 7 p. m.
Wesley Club—Social hour, 5:30,
open forum, 6:30, Sunday evening.
Topic, “Race Problem and Christ
ianity. James Stewart, leader, M.
E. church.
Letters to the EMERALD from stu
dents and faculty members are
welcomed, but must be signed and
worded concisely. If it is desired, the
writer’s name will be kept out of
print. It must be understood that the
editor reserves the right to reject
To the. Emerald:
The writer, noting in today’s
Emerald a letter signed “Senior”
which makes asperations upon certain
features of junior week-end, and
which uses as its “news excuse” the
fact that the higher education stand
irds committee recently passed a re
solution concerning junior week-ends
in general, will now set down for the
Emerald the circumstances and con
tent of that resolution, since the
type of junior week-end in the Uni
versity is obviously becoming some
thing of an issue among the students.
The higher education standards
committee consists of one representa
tive from each of the principal de
gree-granting institutions of Oregon,
and in its meetings there are dis
cussed many items of common inter
est in undergraduate education. The
at which the resolution was
passed was held at the Portland
Hotel last Saturday mornig.
The item of junior week-end was
not in the program, but came up ac- !
eidenllj. It was the representative!
of Oregon Agricultural College who I
raised the point. The committee,!
which seeks to keep higher education
co-ordinated with high school educa
tion as far as it can, was discussing
(he relationship of the higher educa
tional staffs with the high school ex
ecutives, and as many high school
executives wore said to be discontent
ed with the dofnands that junior
week-ends made upon their students,
a general discussion of junior week
ends then seemed in order. The
various representatives present were
inclined to indite junior week-end oc
casions on a number of scotbs.
As nearly ns I can remember they
made the following points:
That the purpose of the original
junior week-end was to interest high
school students in higher education,
but that the original idea had been
taken up by so many institutions that
high school principals justly com
plained of the interruption in senior
and oven junior classes.
That whereas in the original junior
week-end high school visitors were
able to see the institution at work,
now the occasions have perhaps be
come intense social functions during
which the academic life and work are
not seen at nil.
That as a result parents of high
school visitors often get an inaeeu
rate impression of the extent of so
cial activity in university and col
lege life.
Also that students are frequently
driven away from an institution by
.junior week-end, with the result that
the original purpose of the event is
defeated altogether.
I think the various representatives
also felt that fraternities and soror
ities did not find junior week-end of
such benefit to them as a “rush oc
casion” as the expense and effort
would seem to justify. However, as
that factor was none of the com
mittee’s business it did not enter into
the discussion.
There were other points in the case
against junior weekends as now
conducted, but the resolution actual
ly passed was very brief. It simply
suggested that junior week-end might
be modified or changed somehow to
eliminate most of the evils cited; or
possibly that it might be abolished
I personally agreed substantially
with the indictment as made by the
committee, but have long been reluc
tant to cry out against the growing
evils of this traditional spring term
event because I have regarded it as
an event that was wholly run by the
students, and have felt that any
move for reform should come from
the students themselves. Since the
issue is made by the students them
selves, however, I now feel freer to j
address the Emerald upon this sub
January 16, 1924.
The senior class of twenty-four
ain’t what it used to be before Ox
forditis hit this dump and busts and
hoedowns took a slump. Exponents
of the festive brawl, wdio used to
W’reck the hall; purveyors of the
merry bust, you’re shot to pieces and
the rust has gotten into all your hin
ges. Rheumatism and painful twin- j
ges may have caused your late deci
sion, but you’ll have to face derision j
from the bunch from twenty-three '
who came back again—like me.
Where’s the rompin’ rowdy gang
that yelled and danced and whooped
and sang and raised the roof of Hen
drick’s hall, or raided Springfield in
the fall?
You poor misguided formal
hounds—your inertia knows no !
bounds. Honest now, just what’s j
the joke? When did you get parlor
broke? Who evolved that sad idee, j
and brought about such misery? j
Perhaps some tux posessing guy saw
the formals flitting by, and thought
he’d have no other chance to wear
his silk-faced coat and pants. Some
female’s curiosity may have made
her. want to see if prexy Sayre in
soup and fish would look like a flan
per’s wish. Perhaps the laundry
needed kale and thought dress shirts
would fill the pail. Whatever reason
brought it on, it looks like all your
pep is gone.
The cowboy’s gone, the Indian j
died—and now the roughneck stands |
outside to watch the social lions snake
about the floor in suits that make
the owner look like a convention of
pall bearers. T hate to mention the :
effect on underclassmen—all this dog !
will leave them gaspin’.
You’ve done it now so see it
7th and Willamette
It’s Not Altogether
a Matter of Price
Deciding to buy a certain article just be
cause the price is little, is not necessarily
saving money.
The standard of our goods is uniformly re
liable and it is because of this fact that our
low prices afFord you savings that are ex
tremely difficult to match.
through, but take a tip or two. I’ll
bet my shirt when you’re there you’ll
sneak outside and softly swear that
cords are better than the tux and
formal hops don’t rate for shucks.
! Some High Points in Oregon !
| Emerald of January 17, 1923 |
o— -^
The University symphony or
chestra, consisting of 27 members,
will tour the Coos Bay Tegion dur
ing the spring vacation.
• • •
The romance language depart
ment ranks first on the campus
in the number of registered hours
carried by the students.
• mm
Ralph D. Casey, who has return
ed from Astoria, reports that the
University department of social ser
vice has taken charge of the relief
work in the burned city.
Phil Janney, assistant professor
of accounting in the school of busi
ness administration, has been no
tified that he has successfully
passed the examination given to
those who aspire to be certified pub
lic accountants, and that his cer
tificate as such is now available.
Varsity wrestlers will meet North
Pacific Dental College team in
Portland on Saturday.
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Eugene High School
Dramatic Club
Under direction of Mrs. Ellen Uhl Evens, presents the
three act comedy
“A Pair of Sixes”
Friday, Jan. 18th, 8 o’Clock
Basket Ball Game—Eugene School vs. University High
School, Saturday, January 19th, at 7:30 P. M.f
in High School Auditorium
and profit during the winter months.
Where Sentiment Prompts a Personal
Gift, Send Your Photograph
Phone 1697 Today
for an Appointment
Hampton Building
for 3 Days
Showing at
Usual Prices
2 0—Cents—2 0
Matinee and Evening
P a I S^C, I L L A
“A Thrilling
Drama That
You’ll Remember
for Many
a Day.”
Magnificent sets, beauti
ful exteriors, the foggy
atmosphere of London’s
limehouse, the splendor
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exhibition of primitive
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against the background
of super-perfect society.
With a Cast
A powerful and pictur
esque romance of the un
derworld — a glittering
presentation of society
life — Priscilla Dean’s
most effective role.